In order to build SuperTuxKart from source, you'll need both the code and the assets (See <> for more information):
To build the in-game recorder for STK, you have to install
libopenglrecorder from your distribution, or compile it yourself from [here](
Compilation instruction is explained there. If you don't need this feature, pass `-DBUILD_RECORDER=off` to cmake.
### Compiling
To compile SuperTuxKart, run the following commands inside `stk-code` directory:
mkdir cmake_build
cd cmake_build
cmake ..
make -j4
STK can then be run from the build directory with `bin/supertuxkart`
#### Keeping your build up to date
To recompile the latest code without redownloading the entire source, first run the ```svn up``` command inside the 'stk-assets' directory, then run the following commands inside the 'stk-code' directory:
git pull
cd cmake_build
cmake ..
make -j4
##### Build Speed Optimization
"-j4" is an example, for a faster build, use "-jx" instead, where "x" is the amount of CPU threads you have, minus one. "-j$(nproc)" usually works.
### Further options
To create a debug version of STK, run:
cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug
You can install your build system-wide:
sudo make install
The default install location is `/usr/local`, i.e. the data files will
be written to `/usr/local/share/games/supertuxkart`, the executable
will be copied to `/usr/local/bin`. To change the default installation
location, specify `CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX` when running cmake, e.g.:
`cmake .. -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/opt/stk`
## Building SuperTuxKart on Windows
To Build SuperTuxKart on Windows, follow these instructions:
1. Download and install Visual Studio from here: [Visual Studio - Download]( The free Visual Studio Community edition works fine.
2. Download the SuperTuxKart source package from either [SuperTuxKart download area -]( or [ - Source Control](, and unpack it.
*Note: If you downloaded the source package from here: [ - Source Control](, then both `stk-code` and `stk-assets`**must** be in the same directory, otherwise the build can result in failure*
3. Download the Windows dependencies package from either [SuperTuxKart download area: Dependencies -](
or [SuperTuxKart on GitHub - Dependencies](, and unpack it; then, copy the `dependencies` directory from either the `windows` or the `windows_64bit` directories into the `stk-code` directory, rename it to `dependencies-64bit` if you want to compile a 64bit build.
4. Download CMake from here: [CMake - download page](, install it; once CMake is installed, double click on the CMake icon on your desktop, and point it towards your `stk-code` directory in the 'Where is the source code' field, and point it to a directory called `build` or `bld` inside the stk-code directory.
5. Press 'Configure'; CMake will ask you if it is OK to create the aforementioned directory, press `Yes`. CMake will then ask you about your version of Visual Studio.
Confirm your selection; *Please look at the table below to avoid confusion between version numbers and releases of Visual Studio*;
CMake will begin creating the required files for the build in the directory.
6. Navigate to your build directory and open the `SuperTuxKart.sln` file; Visual Studio will now load the solution.
7. In the 'Solution Explorer', right click on the `supertuxkart` project and select "Set as StartUp project"
8. Open the 'Build' menu and select 'Build Solution'; or, press the default keyboard shortcut: `CTRL + SHIFT + B` to build the solution.
*Note: To avoid confusion between releases and versions, refer to this table:*
Visual Studio Release | Version
Visual Studio 2017| 15
Visual Studio 2015| 14
Visual Studio 2013| 13
## Building SuperTuxKart on Windows (from PowerShell/Command line)
1. Download and install Visual Studio from here: [Visual Studio - Download](, the free Visual Studio Community edition works fine.
2. Download a source package from either [SuperTuxKart 0.9.2 download area -]( or [ - Source Control](
NOTE: the `stk-code` and `stk-assets` directories **must** be in the same directory
3. Download the Windows dependencies package from either [SuperTuxKart download area -](
or [SuperTuxKart on GitHub - Dependencies](
and unpack the archive; once unpacked, copy the `dependencies` directory from either the `windows` or the `windows_64bit` directories into the `stk-code` directory
4. Download CMake from here: [CMake - download page](; and install it. Navigate to the `stk-code` directory; and create an directory called "build":
mkdir build
cd build
5. Once inside the build directory; run CMake to start the compilation process:
cmake ..
6. Now that CMake finished configuring and creating the necessary files for the build, run the build command in the same directory:
msbuild.exe SuperTuxKart.sln
SuperTuxKart can now be run as `bin\Debug\supertuxkart.exe` or `bin\Release\supertuxkart.exe`
## Building SuperTuxKart on macOS
### Getting Started
Install the developer tools, either from the OS X Install DVD or from Apple's website.
If you have never built anything before, you have create `/usr/local/include/` first:
sudo mkdir -p /usr/local/include/
Symlink the `include`-folder of OpenGL framework to `/usr/local/include/GL` (Unix programs have an easier time finding it this way):
then copy the datafiles into /
### STK 0.9.3 or earlier
Download pre-built dependencies from [here]( and put the frameworks in [hard disk root]/Library/Frameworks