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AngelCode Scripting Library
Copyright (c) 2003-2021 Andreas Jonsson
This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any
damages arising from the use of this software.
Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any
purpose, including commercial applications, and to alter it and
redistribute it freely, subject to the following restrictions:
1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you
must not claim that you wrote the original software. If you use
this software in a product, an acknowledgment in the product
documentation would be appreciated but is not required.
2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and
must not be misrepresented as being the original software.
3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source
The original version of this library can be located at:
Andreas Jonsson
// as_scriptfunction.cpp
// A container for a compiled script function
#include "as_config.h"
#include "as_scriptfunction.h"
#include "as_tokendef.h"
#include "as_scriptengine.h"
#include "as_callfunc.h"
#include "as_bytecode.h"
#include "as_texts.h"
#include "as_scriptnode.h"
#include "as_builder.h"
#include "as_scriptcode.h"
#include <cstdlib> // qsort
static void ScriptFunction_AddRef_Generic(asIScriptGeneric *gen)
asCScriptFunction *self = (asCScriptFunction*)gen->GetObject();
static void ScriptFunction_Release_Generic(asIScriptGeneric *gen)
asCScriptFunction *self = (asCScriptFunction*)gen->GetObject();
static void ScriptFunction_GetRefCount_Generic(asIScriptGeneric *gen)
asCScriptFunction *self = (asCScriptFunction*)gen->GetObject();
*(int*)gen->GetAddressOfReturnLocation() = self->GetRefCount();
static void ScriptFunction_SetFlag_Generic(asIScriptGeneric *gen)
asCScriptFunction *self = (asCScriptFunction*)gen->GetObject();
static void ScriptFunction_GetFlag_Generic(asIScriptGeneric *gen)
asCScriptFunction *self = (asCScriptFunction*)gen->GetObject();
*(bool*)gen->GetAddressOfReturnLocation() = self->GetFlag();
static void ScriptFunction_EnumReferences_Generic(asIScriptGeneric *gen)
asCScriptFunction *self = (asCScriptFunction*)gen->GetObject();
asIScriptEngine *engine = *(asIScriptEngine**)gen->GetAddressOfArg(0);
static void ScriptFunction_ReleaseAllHandles_Generic(asIScriptGeneric *gen)
asCScriptFunction *self = (asCScriptFunction*)gen->GetObject();
asIScriptEngine *engine = *(asIScriptEngine**)gen->GetAddressOfArg(0);
static void ScriptFunction_CreateDelegate_Generic(asIScriptGeneric *gen)
asCScriptFunction *func = (asCScriptFunction*)gen->GetArgAddress(0);
void *obj = gen->GetArgAddress(1);
gen->SetReturnAddress(CreateDelegate(func, obj));
2016-02-17 22:07:55 -06:00
// TODO: operator==
2015-05-11 19:40:43 -04:00
/*static void ScriptFunction_opEquals_Generic(asIScriptGeneric *gen)
asCScriptFunction *funcSelf = (asCScriptFunction*)gen->GetObject();
asCScriptFunction *funcOther = (asCScriptFunction*)gen->GetArgAddress(0);
*(bool*)gen->GetAddressOfReturnLocation() = *funcSelf == *funcOther;
void RegisterScriptFunction(asCScriptEngine *engine)
// Register the gc behaviours for the script functions
int r = 0;
UNUSED_VAR(r); // It is only used in debug mode
engine->functionBehaviours.engine = engine;
engine->functionBehaviours.flags = asOBJ_REF | asOBJ_GC;
2016-02-17 22:07:55 -06:00
engine-> = "$func";
r = engine->RegisterBehaviourToObjectType(&engine->functionBehaviours, asBEHAVE_ADDREF, "void f()", asMETHOD(asCScriptFunction,AddRef), asCALL_THISCALL, 0); asASSERT( r >= 0 );
r = engine->RegisterBehaviourToObjectType(&engine->functionBehaviours, asBEHAVE_RELEASE, "void f()", asMETHOD(asCScriptFunction,Release), asCALL_THISCALL, 0); asASSERT( r >= 0 );
r = engine->RegisterBehaviourToObjectType(&engine->functionBehaviours, asBEHAVE_GETREFCOUNT, "int f()", asMETHOD(asCScriptFunction,GetRefCount), asCALL_THISCALL, 0); asASSERT( r >= 0 );
r = engine->RegisterBehaviourToObjectType(&engine->functionBehaviours, asBEHAVE_SETGCFLAG, "void f()", asMETHOD(asCScriptFunction,SetFlag), asCALL_THISCALL, 0); asASSERT( r >= 0 );
r = engine->RegisterBehaviourToObjectType(&engine->functionBehaviours, asBEHAVE_GETGCFLAG, "bool f()", asMETHOD(asCScriptFunction,GetFlag), asCALL_THISCALL, 0); asASSERT( r >= 0 );
r = engine->RegisterBehaviourToObjectType(&engine->functionBehaviours, asBEHAVE_ENUMREFS, "void f(int&in)", asMETHOD(asCScriptFunction,EnumReferences), asCALL_THISCALL, 0); asASSERT( r >= 0 );
r = engine->RegisterBehaviourToObjectType(&engine->functionBehaviours, asBEHAVE_RELEASEREFS, "void f(int&in)", asMETHOD(asCScriptFunction,ReleaseAllHandles), asCALL_THISCALL, 0); asASSERT( r >= 0 );
2016-02-17 22:07:55 -06:00
// TODO: Need some way to allow the arg type to adapt when the funcdefs are instantiated
2015-05-11 19:40:43 -04:00
// r = engine->RegisterMethodToObjectType(&engine->functionBehaviours, "bool opEquals(const int &in)", asMETHOD(asCScriptFunction,operator==), asCALL_THISCALL); asASSERT( r >= 0 );
r = engine->RegisterBehaviourToObjectType(&engine->functionBehaviours, asBEHAVE_ADDREF, "void f()", asFUNCTION(ScriptFunction_AddRef_Generic), asCALL_GENERIC, 0); asASSERT( r >= 0 );
r = engine->RegisterBehaviourToObjectType(&engine->functionBehaviours, asBEHAVE_RELEASE, "void f()", asFUNCTION(ScriptFunction_Release_Generic), asCALL_GENERIC, 0); asASSERT( r >= 0 );
r = engine->RegisterBehaviourToObjectType(&engine->functionBehaviours, asBEHAVE_GETREFCOUNT, "int f()", asFUNCTION(ScriptFunction_GetRefCount_Generic), asCALL_GENERIC, 0); asASSERT( r >= 0 );
r = engine->RegisterBehaviourToObjectType(&engine->functionBehaviours, asBEHAVE_SETGCFLAG, "void f()", asFUNCTION(ScriptFunction_SetFlag_Generic), asCALL_GENERIC, 0); asASSERT( r >= 0 );
r = engine->RegisterBehaviourToObjectType(&engine->functionBehaviours, asBEHAVE_GETGCFLAG, "bool f()", asFUNCTION(ScriptFunction_GetFlag_Generic), asCALL_GENERIC, 0); asASSERT( r >= 0 );
r = engine->RegisterBehaviourToObjectType(&engine->functionBehaviours, asBEHAVE_ENUMREFS, "void f(int&in)", asFUNCTION(ScriptFunction_EnumReferences_Generic), asCALL_GENERIC, 0); asASSERT( r >= 0 );
r = engine->RegisterBehaviourToObjectType(&engine->functionBehaviours, asBEHAVE_RELEASEREFS, "void f(int&in)", asFUNCTION(ScriptFunction_ReleaseAllHandles_Generic), asCALL_GENERIC, 0); asASSERT( r >= 0 );
2015-05-11 19:40:43 -04:00
// r = engine->RegisterMethodToObjectType(&engine->functionBehaviours, "bool opEquals(const int &in)", asFUNCTION(ScriptFunction_opEquals_Generic), asCALL_GENERIC); asASSERT( r >= 0 );
// Register the builtin function for creating delegates
// This function returns a handle to the delegate, but since the type is not known at this time it is
// registered to return a void then the return type is changed manually to the builtin function type
// The name of the function is an invalid identifier so it cannot be invoked accidentally from the script
r = engine->RegisterGlobalFunction("void f(int &in, int &in)", asFUNCTION(CreateDelegate), asCALL_CDECL); asASSERT( r >= 0 );
r = engine->RegisterGlobalFunction("void f(int &in, int &in)", asFUNCTION(ScriptFunction_CreateDelegate_Generic), asCALL_GENERIC); asASSERT( r >= 0 );
// Rename the function so that it cannot be called manually by the script
int idx = engine->registeredGlobalFuncs.GetIndex(engine->scriptFunctions[r]);
engine->scriptFunctions[r]->name = DELEGATE_FACTORY;
// Change the return type so the VM will know the function really returns a handle
engine->scriptFunctions[r]->returnType = asCDataType::CreateType(&engine->functionBehaviours, false);
asCScriptFunction *CreateDelegate(asCScriptFunction *func, void *obj)
if( func == 0 || obj == 0 )
// TODO: delegate: Should set script exception
return 0;
// Create an instance of a asCScriptFunction with the type asFUNC_DELEGATE
// The delegate shouldn't have a function id and is not added to the engine->scriptFunctions
asCScriptFunction *delegate = asNEW(asCScriptFunction)(static_cast<asCScriptEngine*>(func->GetEngine()), 0, asFUNC_DELEGATE);
if( delegate )
delegate->MakeDelegate(func, obj);
return delegate;
// internal
void asCScriptFunction::MakeDelegate(asCScriptFunction *func, void *obj)
// Increase the reference of the function and object
funcForDelegate = func;
func->GetEngine()->AddRefScriptObject(obj, func->GetObjectType());
objForDelegate = obj;
// The return type and parameters are copied from the delegated method to this object
// TODO: optimize: Do we really need to copy? Whenever requested the delegate can simply return the delegated methods' info directly
parameterTypes = func->parameterTypes;
returnType = func->returnType;
inOutFlags = func->inOutFlags;
// The delegate doesn't own the parameters as it will only forward them to the real method
// so the exception handler must not clean up the parameters for the delegate
dontCleanUpOnException = true;
// interface
void *asCScriptFunction::GetAuxiliary() const
if (sysFuncIntf)
return sysFuncIntf->auxiliary;
return 0;
// interface
void *asCScriptFunction::GetDelegateObject() const
return objForDelegate;
// interface
asITypeInfo *asCScriptFunction::GetDelegateObjectType() const
if( objForDelegate == 0 || funcForDelegate == 0 )
return 0;
return funcForDelegate->objectType;
// interface
asIScriptFunction *asCScriptFunction::GetDelegateFunction() const
return funcForDelegate;
2016-02-17 22:07:55 -06:00
// TODO: operator==
2015-05-11 19:40:43 -04:00
// internal
bool asCScriptFunction::operator==(const asCScriptFunction &other) const
if( this == &other ) return true;
if( this->funcType == asFUNC_DELEGATE && other.funcType == asFUNC_DELEGATE )
if( this->objForDelegate == other.objForDelegate &&
this->funcForDelegate == other.funcForDelegate )
return true;
return false;
// internal
int asCScriptFunction::RegisterListPattern(const char *decl, asCScriptNode *listNodes)
if( listNodes == 0 )
return asINVALID_ARG;
// Build the representation of the list pattern from the script nodes
asSListPatternNode *node;
listPattern = asNEW(asSListPatternNode)(asLPT_START);
node = listPattern;
// Recursively parse the child
int r = ParseListPattern(node, decl, listNodes);
node->next = asNEW(asSListPatternNode)(asLPT_END);
return r;
// internal
int asCScriptFunction::ParseListPattern(asSListPatternNode *&target, const char *decl, asCScriptNode *listNodes)
asSListPatternNode *node = target;
listNodes = listNodes->firstChild;
while( listNodes )
if( listNodes->nodeType == snIdentifier )
2015-05-11 19:40:43 -04:00
asCString token(&decl[listNodes->tokenPos], listNodes->tokenLength);
if( token == "repeat" )
node->next = asNEW(asSListPatternNode)(asLPT_REPEAT);
node = node->next;
else if( token == "repeat_same" )
// TODO: list: Should make sure this is a sub-list
node->next = asNEW(asSListPatternNode)(asLPT_REPEAT_SAME);
node = node->next;
// Shouldn't happen as the parser already reported the error
else if( listNodes->nodeType == snDataType )
asCDataType dt;
asCBuilder builder(engine, 0);
asCScriptCode code;
code.SetCode("", decl, 0, false);
// For list factory we get the object type from the return type, for list constructor we get it from the object type directly
dt = builder.CreateDataTypeFromNode(listNodes, &code, engine->defaultNamespace, false, objectType ? objectType : CastToObjectType(returnType.GetTypeInfo()));
node->next = asNEW(asSListPatternDataTypeNode)(dt);
node = node->next;
else if( listNodes->nodeType == snListPattern )
node->next = asNEW(asSListPatternNode)(asLPT_START);
node = node->next;
// Recursively parse the child
int r = ParseListPattern(node, decl, listNodes);
if( r < 0 )
return r;
node->next = asNEW(asSListPatternNode)(asLPT_END);
node = node->next;
// Unexpected token in the list, the parser shouldn't have allowed
asASSERT( false );
return -1;
listNodes = listNodes->next;
target = node;
return 0;
// internal
asCScriptFunction::asCScriptFunction(asCScriptEngine *engine, asCModule *mod, asEFuncType _funcType)
2015-05-11 19:40:43 -04:00
funcType = _funcType;
if( funcType == asFUNC_DELEGATE )
// Delegates behave like object instances, rather than script code
this->engine = engine;
this->scriptData = 0;
module = mod;
objectType = 0;
name = "";
sysFuncIntf = 0;
signatureId = 0;
dontCleanUpOnException = false;
vfTableIdx = -1;
gcFlag = false;
userData = 0;
id = 0;
accessMask = 0xFFFFFFFF;
nameSpace = engine->nameSpaces[0];
objForDelegate = 0;
funcForDelegate = 0;
listPattern = 0;
funcdefType = 0;
if( funcType == asFUNC_SCRIPT )
2015-05-11 19:40:43 -04:00
// Notify the GC of delegates
if( funcType == asFUNC_DELEGATE )
engine->gc.AddScriptObjectToGC(this, &engine->functionBehaviours);
void asCScriptFunction::AllocateScriptFunctionData()
if( scriptData ) return;
scriptData = asNEW(ScriptFunctionData);
scriptData->stackNeeded = 0;
scriptData->variableSpace = 0;
scriptData->scriptSectionIdx = -1;
scriptData->declaredAt = 0;
scriptData->jitFunction = 0;
void asCScriptFunction::DeallocateScriptFunctionData()
if( !scriptData ) return;
for( asUINT n = 0; n < scriptData->variables.GetLength(); n++ )
asDELETE(scriptData, ScriptFunctionData);
scriptData = 0;
// internal
2015-05-11 19:40:43 -04:00
// Dummy functions that are allocated on the stack are not reference counted
asASSERT( funcType == asFUNC_DUMMY ||
2015-05-11 19:40:43 -04:00
(externalRefCount.get() == 0 && internalRefCount.get() == 0) );
// Remove the script function from the engine's scriptFunctions array here
// Don't remove it before, because there may still be functions referring to it
// by index until now. If it was removed in DestroyInternal, those would not
// be able to release the refcount, thus causing memory leak.
if( engine && id != 0 && funcType != asFUNC_DUMMY )
// If the engine pointer is 0, then DestroyInternal has already been called and there is nothing more to do
if( engine == 0 ) return;
// Finally set the engine pointer to 0 because it must not be accessed again
engine = 0;
2015-05-11 19:40:43 -04:00
// internal
void asCScriptFunction::DestroyHalfCreated()
asASSERT( externalRefCount.get() == 0 && internalRefCount.get() == 1 );
// Set the funcType to dummy so the destructor won't complain
funcType = asFUNC_DUMMY;
// If the bytecode exist remove it before destroying, otherwise it
// will fail when the destructor releases the references as the bytecode
// is not fully constructed.
if( scriptData )
asDELETE(this, asCScriptFunction);
// internal
void asCScriptFunction::DestroyInternal()
// Clean up user data
2015-05-11 19:40:43 -04:00
for( asUINT n = 0; n < userData.GetLength(); n += 2 )
if( userData[n+1] )
for( asUINT c = 0; c < engine->cleanFunctionFuncs.GetLength(); c++ )
if( engine->cleanFunctionFuncs[c].type == userData[n] )
// Release all references the function holds to other objects
returnType = asCDataType::CreatePrimitive(ttVoid, false);
for( asUINT p = 0; p < defaultArgs.GetLength(); p++ )
if( defaultArgs[p] )
asDELETE(defaultArgs[p], asCString);
if( sysFuncIntf )
sysFuncIntf = 0;
2015-05-11 19:40:43 -04:00
if( objectType )
objectType = 0;
// Deallocate list pattern data
while( listPattern )
asSListPatternNode *n = listPattern->next;
asDELETE(listPattern, asSListPatternNode);
listPattern = n;
// interface
int asCScriptFunction::GetId() const
return id;
// interface
int asCScriptFunction::AddRef() const
gcFlag = false;
2015-05-11 19:40:43 -04:00
return externalRefCount.atomicInc();
// interface
int asCScriptFunction::Release() const
gcFlag = false;
2015-05-11 19:40:43 -04:00
int r = externalRefCount.atomicDec();
if( r == 0 &&
funcType != asFUNC_DUMMY ) // Dummy functions are allocated on the stack and cannot be deleted
2015-05-11 19:40:43 -04:00
// There are no more external references, if there are also no
// internal references then it is time to delete the function
if( internalRefCount.get() == 0 )
// If there are no internal references, then no module is owning the function
// For example if the function was dynamically compiled without adding it to the scope of the module
asASSERT( module == 0 );
return r;
// internal
2015-05-11 19:40:43 -04:00
int asCScriptFunction::AddRefInternal()
return internalRefCount.atomicInc();
// internal
int asCScriptFunction::ReleaseInternal()
2015-05-11 19:40:43 -04:00
int r = internalRefCount.atomicDec();
if( r == 0 &&
funcType != asFUNC_DUMMY )
2015-05-11 19:40:43 -04:00
// There are no more internal references, if there are also no
// external references then it is time to delete the function
if( externalRefCount.get() == 0 )
2015-05-11 19:40:43 -04:00
2015-05-11 19:40:43 -04:00
return r;
// interface
int asCScriptFunction::GetTypeId() const
// This const cast is ok, the object won't be modified
asCDataType dt = asCDataType::CreateType(engine->FindMatchingFuncdef(const_cast<asCScriptFunction*>(this), 0), false);
return engine->GetTypeIdFromDataType(dt);
// interface
bool asCScriptFunction::IsCompatibleWithTypeId(int typeId) const
asCDataType dt = engine->GetDataTypeFromTypeId(typeId);
// Make sure the type is a function
if (!dt.IsFuncdef())
return false;
asCScriptFunction *func = CastToFuncdefType(dt.GetTypeInfo())->funcdef;
if( !IsSignatureExceptNameEqual(func) )
return false;
// If this is a class method, then only return true if the object type is the same
if( objectType != func->objectType )
return false;
return true;
// interface
const char *asCScriptFunction::GetModuleName() const
if( module )
return module->GetName();
return 0;
// interface
asIScriptModule *asCScriptFunction::GetModule() const
return module;
// interface
asITypeInfo *asCScriptFunction::GetObjectType() const
return objectType;
// interface
const char *asCScriptFunction::GetObjectName() const
if( objectType )
return objectType->GetName();
return 0;
// interface
const char *asCScriptFunction::GetName() const
return name.AddressOf();
// interface
const char *asCScriptFunction::GetNamespace() const
if (nameSpace)
return nameSpace->name.AddressOf();
return 0;
// interface
bool asCScriptFunction::IsReadOnly() const
return traits.GetTrait(asTRAIT_CONST);
// interface
bool asCScriptFunction::IsPrivate() const
return traits.GetTrait(asTRAIT_PRIVATE);
2015-05-11 19:40:43 -04:00
// interface
bool asCScriptFunction::IsProtected() const
return traits.GetTrait(asTRAIT_PROTECTED);
2015-05-11 19:40:43 -04:00
// internal
int asCScriptFunction::GetSpaceNeededForArguments()
// We need to check the size for each type
int s = 0;
for( asUINT n = 0; n < parameterTypes.GetLength(); n++ )
s += parameterTypes[n].GetSizeOnStackDWords();
return s;
// internal
int asCScriptFunction::GetSpaceNeededForReturnValue()
return returnType.GetSizeOnStackDWords();
// internal
bool asCScriptFunction::DoesReturnOnStack() const
if( returnType.GetTypeInfo() &&
(returnType.GetTypeInfo()->flags & asOBJ_VALUE) &&
!returnType.IsReference() )
return true;
return false;
// internal
2015-05-11 19:40:43 -04:00
asCString asCScriptFunction::GetDeclarationStr(bool includeObjectName, bool includeNamespace, bool includeParamNames) const
asCString str;
// TODO: default arg: Make the declaration with the default args an option
// Don't add the return type for constructors and destructors
if( !(returnType.GetTokenType() == ttVoid &&
objectType &&
(name == objectType->name || (name.GetLength() > 0 && name[0] == '~') ||
2016-02-17 22:07:55 -06:00
name == "$beh0" || name == "$beh2")) )
2015-05-11 19:40:43 -04:00
str = returnType.Format(nameSpace, includeNamespace);
str += " ";
if( objectType && includeObjectName )
2015-05-11 19:40:43 -04:00
if( includeNamespace && objectType->nameSpace->name != "" )
str += objectType->nameSpace->name + "::";
if( objectType->name != "" )
str += objectType->name + "::";
str += "_unnamed_type_::";
else if (funcdefType && funcdefType->parentClass && includeObjectName)
if (includeNamespace && funcdefType->parentClass->nameSpace->name != "")
str += funcdefType->parentClass->nameSpace->name + "::";
if (funcdefType->parentClass->name != "")
str += funcdefType->parentClass->name + "::";
str += "_unnamed_type_::";
else if( includeNamespace && nameSpace->name != "" && !objectType )
str += nameSpace->name + "::";
if( name == "" )
str += "_unnamed_function_(";
2016-02-17 22:07:55 -06:00
else if( name.SubString(0,4) == "$beh" && name.GetLength() == 5 )
2016-02-17 22:07:55 -06:00
if( name[4] == '0' + asBEHAVE_CONSTRUCT )
str += objectType->name + "(";
2016-02-17 22:07:55 -06:00
else if( name[4] == '0' + asBEHAVE_FACTORY )
str += returnType.GetTypeInfo()->name + "(";
2016-02-17 22:07:55 -06:00
else if( name[4] == '0' + asBEHAVE_DESTRUCT )
str += "~" + objectType->name + "(";
str += name + "(";
str += name + "(";
if( parameterTypes.GetLength() > 0 )
asUINT n;
for( n = 0; n < parameterTypes.GetLength() - 1; n++ )
2015-05-11 19:40:43 -04:00
str += parameterTypes[n].Format(nameSpace, includeNamespace);
if( parameterTypes[n].IsReference() && inOutFlags.GetLength() > n )
if( inOutFlags[n] == asTM_INREF ) str += "in";
else if( inOutFlags[n] == asTM_OUTREF ) str += "out";
else if( inOutFlags[n] == asTM_INOUTREF ) str += "inout";
2015-05-11 19:40:43 -04:00
if( includeParamNames && n < parameterNames.GetLength() && parameterNames[n].GetLength() != 0 )
str += " ";
str += parameterNames[n];
if( defaultArgs.GetLength() > n && defaultArgs[n] )
asCString tmp;
tmp.Format(" = %s", defaultArgs[n]->AddressOf());
str += tmp;
str += ", ";
// Add the last parameter
2015-05-11 19:40:43 -04:00
str += parameterTypes[n].Format(nameSpace, includeNamespace);
if( parameterTypes[n].IsReference() && inOutFlags.GetLength() > n )
if( inOutFlags[n] == asTM_INREF ) str += "in";
else if( inOutFlags[n] == asTM_OUTREF ) str += "out";
else if( inOutFlags[n] == asTM_INOUTREF ) str += "inout";
2015-05-11 19:40:43 -04:00
if( includeParamNames && n < parameterNames.GetLength() && parameterNames[n].GetLength() != 0 )
str += " ";
str += parameterNames[n];
if( defaultArgs.GetLength() > n && defaultArgs[n] )
asCString tmp;
tmp.Format(" = %s", defaultArgs[n]->AddressOf());
str += tmp;
str += ")";
if( IsReadOnly() )
str += " const";
// Add the declaration of the list pattern
if( listPattern )
asSListPatternNode *n = listPattern;
2015-05-11 19:40:43 -04:00
bool first = true;
while( n )
if( n->type == asLPT_START )
2015-05-11 19:40:43 -04:00
str += " {";
2015-05-11 19:40:43 -04:00
first = true;
else if( n->type == asLPT_END )
2015-05-11 19:40:43 -04:00
str += " }";
2015-05-11 19:40:43 -04:00
first = false;
else if( n->type == asLPT_REPEAT )
str += " repeat";
2015-05-11 19:40:43 -04:00
else if( n->type == asLPT_REPEAT_SAME )
str += " repeat_same";
else if( n->type == asLPT_TYPE )
2015-05-11 19:40:43 -04:00
if( first )
str += " ";
first = false;
str += ", ";
str += reinterpret_cast<asSListPatternDataTypeNode*>(n)->dataType.Format(nameSpace, includeNamespace);
n = n->next;
return str;
// interface
int asCScriptFunction::FindNextLineWithCode(int line) const
if( scriptData == 0 ) return -1;
if( scriptData->lineNumbers.GetLength() == 0 ) return -1;
// The line numbers for constructors are not in order due to the way
// class members can be initialized directly in the declaration
if( objectType && objectType->name == name )
// Sort all line numbers before looking for the next
asCArray<int> lineNbrs;
for( asUINT n = 1; n < scriptData->lineNumbers.GetLength(); n += 2 )
struct C
static int cmp(const void *a, const void *b) { return *(int*)a - *(int*)b; }
2015-05-11 19:40:43 -04:00
std::qsort(&lineNbrs[0], lineNbrs.GetLength(), sizeof(int), C::cmp);
if( line < lineNbrs[0] && line < (scriptData->declaredAt&0xFFFFF)) return -1;
if( line > lineNbrs[lineNbrs.GetLength()-1] ) return -1;
// Find the line with code on or right after the input line
// TODO: optimize: Do binary search
for( asUINT n = 0; n < lineNbrs.GetLength(); n++ )
if( line <= lineNbrs[n] )
return lineNbrs[n];
// Check if given line is outside function
if( line < (scriptData->declaredAt&0xFFFFF) ) return -1;
if( line > (scriptData->lineNumbers[scriptData->lineNumbers.GetLength()-1]&0xFFFFF) ) return -1;
// Find the line with code on or right after the input line
// TODO: optimize: Do binary search instead
for( asUINT n = 1; n < scriptData->lineNumbers.GetLength(); n += 2 )
if( line <= (scriptData->lineNumbers[n]&0xFFFFF) )
return (scriptData->lineNumbers[n]&0xFFFFF);
return -1;
// internal
int asCScriptFunction::GetLineNumber(int programPosition, int *sectionIdx)
asASSERT( scriptData );
if( sectionIdx ) *sectionIdx = scriptData->scriptSectionIdx;
if( scriptData->lineNumbers.GetLength() == 0 ) return 0;
if( sectionIdx )
// Find the correct section index if the function is compiled from multiple sections
// This array will be empty most of the time so we don't need a sofisticated algorithm to search it
for( asUINT n = 0; n < scriptData->sectionIdxs.GetLength(); n += 2 )
if( scriptData->sectionIdxs[n] <= programPosition )
*sectionIdx = scriptData->sectionIdxs[n+1];
// Do a binary search in the buffer
int max = (int)scriptData->lineNumbers.GetLength()/2 - 1;
int min = 0;
int i = max/2;
if( scriptData->lineNumbers[i*2] < programPosition )
// Have we found the largest number < programPosition?
if( max == i ) return scriptData->lineNumbers[i*2+1];
if( scriptData->lineNumbers[i*2+2] > programPosition ) return scriptData->lineNumbers[i*2+1];
min = i + 1;
i = (max + min)/2;
else if( scriptData->lineNumbers[i*2] > programPosition )
// Have we found the smallest number > programPosition?
if( min == i ) return scriptData->lineNumbers[i*2+1];
max = i - 1;
i = (max + min)/2;
// We found the exact position
return scriptData->lineNumbers[i*2+1];
// interface
asEFuncType asCScriptFunction::GetFuncType() const
return funcType;
// interface
asUINT asCScriptFunction::GetVarCount() const
if( scriptData )
return asUINT(scriptData->variables.GetLength());
return 0;
// interface
int asCScriptFunction::GetVar(asUINT index, const char **out_name, int *out_typeId) const
if( scriptData == 0 )
if( index >= scriptData->variables.GetLength() )
return asINVALID_ARG;
if( out_name )
*out_name = scriptData->variables[index]->name.AddressOf();
if( out_typeId )
*out_typeId = engine->GetTypeIdFromDataType(scriptData->variables[index]->type);
return asSUCCESS;
// interface
const char *asCScriptFunction::GetVarDecl(asUINT index, bool includeNamespace) const
if( scriptData == 0 || index >= scriptData->variables.GetLength() )
return 0;
asCString *tempString = &asCThreadManager::GetLocalData()->string;
2015-05-11 19:40:43 -04:00
*tempString = scriptData->variables[index]->type.Format(nameSpace, includeNamespace);
*tempString += " " + scriptData->variables[index]->name;
return tempString->AddressOf();
// internal
void asCScriptFunction::AddVariable(asCString &in_name, asCDataType &in_type, int in_stackOffset)
asASSERT( scriptData );
asSScriptVariable *var = asNEW(asSScriptVariable);
if( var == 0 )
// Out of memory
var->name = in_name;
var->type = in_type;
var->stackOffset = in_stackOffset;
var->declaredAtProgramPos = 0;
// internal
asCTypeInfo *asCScriptFunction::GetTypeInfoOfLocalVar(short varOffset)
asASSERT( scriptData );
for( asUINT n = 0; n < scriptData->objVariablePos.GetLength(); n++ )
if( scriptData->objVariablePos[n] == varOffset )
return scriptData->objVariableTypes[n];
return 0;
// internal
void asCScriptFunction::ComputeSignatureId()
// This function will compute the signatureId based on the
// function name, return type, and parameter types. The object
// type for methods is not used, so that class methods and
// interface methods match each other.
for( asUINT n = 0; n < engine->signatureIds.GetLength(); n++ )
if( !IsSignatureEqual(engine->signatureIds[n]) ) continue;
// We don't need to increment the reference counter here, because
// asCScriptEngine::FreeScriptFunctionId will maintain the signature
// id as the function is freed.
signatureId = engine->signatureIds[n]->signatureId;
signatureId = id;
// internal
bool asCScriptFunction::IsSignatureEqual(const asCScriptFunction *func) const
2016-02-17 22:07:55 -06:00
if( name != func->name || !IsSignatureExceptNameEqual(func) ) return false;
return true;
// internal
bool asCScriptFunction::IsSignatureExceptNameEqual(const asCScriptFunction *func) const
return IsSignatureExceptNameEqual(func->returnType, func->parameterTypes, func->inOutFlags, func->objectType, func->IsReadOnly());
// internal
bool asCScriptFunction::IsSignatureExceptNameEqual(const asCDataType &retType, const asCArray<asCDataType> &paramTypes, const asCArray<asETypeModifiers> &paramInOut, const asCObjectType *objType, bool readOnly) const
if( this->returnType != retType ) return false;
return IsSignatureExceptNameAndReturnTypeEqual(paramTypes, paramInOut, objType, readOnly);
// internal
bool asCScriptFunction::IsSignatureExceptNameAndObjectTypeEqual(const asCScriptFunction *func) const
return IsSignatureExceptNameEqual(func->returnType, func->parameterTypes, func->inOutFlags, objectType, IsReadOnly());
// internal
bool asCScriptFunction::IsSignatureExceptNameAndReturnTypeEqual(const asCScriptFunction *func) const
return IsSignatureExceptNameAndReturnTypeEqual(func->parameterTypes, func->inOutFlags, func->objectType, func->IsReadOnly());
// internal
bool asCScriptFunction::IsSignatureExceptNameAndReturnTypeEqual(const asCArray<asCDataType> &paramTypes, const asCArray<asETypeModifiers> &paramInOut, const asCObjectType *objType, bool readOnly) const
if( this->IsReadOnly() != readOnly ) return false;
2016-02-17 22:07:55 -06:00
if( (this->objectType != 0) != (objType != 0) ) return false;
if( this->inOutFlags != paramInOut ) return false;
if( this->parameterTypes != paramTypes ) return false;
return true;
// internal
void asCScriptFunction::AddReferences()
// This array will be used to make sure we only add the reference to the same resource once
// This is especially important for global variables, as it expects the initialization function
// to hold only one reference to the variable. However, if the variable is initialized through
// the default constructor followed by the assignment operator we will have two references to
// the variable in the function.
asCArray<void*> ptrs;
// Only count references if there is any bytecode
if( scriptData && scriptData->byteCode.GetLength() )
if( returnType.GetTypeInfo() )
2015-05-11 19:40:43 -04:00
2015-05-11 19:40:43 -04:00
asCConfigGroup *group = engine->FindConfigGroupForTypeInfo(returnType.GetTypeInfo());
2015-05-11 19:40:43 -04:00
if( group != 0 ) group->AddRef();
for( asUINT p = 0; p < parameterTypes.GetLength(); p++ )
if( parameterTypes[p].GetTypeInfo() )
2015-05-11 19:40:43 -04:00
2015-05-11 19:40:43 -04:00
asCConfigGroup *group = engine->FindConfigGroupForTypeInfo(parameterTypes[p].GetTypeInfo());
2015-05-11 19:40:43 -04:00
if( group != 0 ) group->AddRef();
for( asUINT v = 0; v < scriptData->objVariableTypes.GetLength(); v++ )
2015-05-11 19:40:43 -04:00
if( scriptData->objVariableTypes[v] ) // The null handle is also stored, but it doesn't have an object type
asCConfigGroup *group = engine->FindConfigGroupForTypeInfo(scriptData->objVariableTypes[v]);
2015-05-11 19:40:43 -04:00
if( group != 0 ) group->AddRef();
// Go through the byte code and add references to all resources used by the function
asCArray<asDWORD> &bc = scriptData->byteCode;
for( asUINT n = 0; n < bc.GetLength(); n += asBCTypeSize[asBCInfo[*(asBYTE*)&bc[n]].type] )
switch( *(asBYTE*)&bc[n] )
// Object types
case asBC_OBJTYPE:
case asBC_FREE:
case asBC_REFCPY:
case asBC_RefCpyV:
asCObjectType *objType = (asCObjectType*)asBC_PTRARG(&bc[n]);
2015-05-11 19:40:43 -04:00
asASSERT( objType );
if( objType )
// Object type and function
case asBC_ALLOC:
asCObjectType *objType = (asCObjectType*)asBC_PTRARG(&bc[n]);
2015-05-11 19:40:43 -04:00
asASSERT( objType );
if( objType )
2015-05-11 19:40:43 -04:00
int funcId = asBC_INTARG(&bc[n]+AS_PTR_SIZE);
if( funcId )
// Global variables
case asBC_PGA:
case asBC_PshGPtr:
case asBC_LDG:
case asBC_PshG4:
case asBC_LdGRdR4:
case asBC_CpyGtoV4:
case asBC_CpyVtoG4:
case asBC_SetG4:
// Need to increase the reference for each global variable
void *gvarPtr = (void*)asBC_PTRARG(&bc[n]);
if( !gvarPtr ) break;
asCGlobalProperty *prop = GetPropertyByGlobalVarPtr(gvarPtr);
if (!prop)
// The pointer is a string constant. In order to make sure the correct resource
// management is maintained we request a new string constant here, so the compiler
// or bytecode loader can release its copy afterwards.
asCString str;
asUINT length;
int r = engine->stringFactory->GetRawStringData(gvarPtr, 0, &length);
if (r >= 0)
engine->stringFactory->GetRawStringData(gvarPtr, str.AddressOf(), &length);
// Get a new pointer (depending on the string factory implementation it may actually be the same)
gvarPtr = const_cast<void*>(engine->stringFactory->GetStringConstant(str.AddressOf(), length));
asBC_PTRARG(&bc[n]) = (asPWORD)gvarPtr;
// If we get an error from the string factory there is not
// anything we can do about it, except report a message.
// TODO: NEWSTRING: Write a message and then exit gracefully
asASSERT(r >= 0);
// Only addref the properties once
if( !ptrs.Exists(gvarPtr) )
asCConfigGroup *group = engine->FindConfigGroupForGlobalVar(prop->id);
if( group != 0 ) group->AddRef();
// System functions
case asBC_CALLSYS:
int funcId = asBC_INTARG(&bc[n]);
asCConfigGroup *group = engine->FindConfigGroupForFunction(funcId);
if( group != 0 ) group->AddRef();
2015-05-11 19:40:43 -04:00
asASSERT( funcId > 0 );
if( funcId > 0 )
// Functions
case asBC_CALL:
2015-05-11 19:40:43 -04:00
int funcId = asBC_INTARG(&bc[n]);
asASSERT( funcId > 0 );
if( funcId > 0 )
// Function pointers
case asBC_FuncPtr:
asCScriptFunction *func = (asCScriptFunction*)asBC_PTRARG(&bc[n]);
2015-05-11 19:40:43 -04:00
asASSERT( func );
if( func )
// internal
void asCScriptFunction::ReleaseReferences()
asCArray<void*> ptrs;
// Only count references if there is any bytecode
if( scriptData && scriptData->byteCode.GetLength() )
if( returnType.GetTypeInfo() )
2015-05-11 19:40:43 -04:00
2015-05-11 19:40:43 -04:00
asCConfigGroup *group = engine->FindConfigGroupForTypeInfo(returnType.GetTypeInfo());
2015-05-11 19:40:43 -04:00
if( group != 0 ) group->Release();
for( asUINT p = 0; p < parameterTypes.GetLength(); p++ )
if( parameterTypes[p].GetTypeInfo() )
2015-05-11 19:40:43 -04:00
2015-05-11 19:40:43 -04:00
asCConfigGroup *group = engine->FindConfigGroupForTypeInfo(parameterTypes[p].GetTypeInfo());
2015-05-11 19:40:43 -04:00
if( group != 0 ) group->Release();
for( asUINT v = 0; v < scriptData->objVariableTypes.GetLength(); v++ )
2015-05-11 19:40:43 -04:00
if( scriptData->objVariableTypes[v] ) // The null handle is also stored, but it doesn't have an object type
asCConfigGroup *group = engine->FindConfigGroupForTypeInfo(scriptData->objVariableTypes[v]);
2015-05-11 19:40:43 -04:00
if( group != 0 ) group->Release();
// Go through the byte code and release references to all resources used by the function
asCArray<asDWORD> &bc = scriptData->byteCode;
for( asUINT n = 0; n < bc.GetLength(); n += asBCTypeSize[asBCInfo[*(asBYTE*)&bc[n]].type] )
switch( *(asBYTE*)&bc[n] )
// Object types
case asBC_OBJTYPE:
case asBC_FREE:
case asBC_REFCPY:
case asBC_RefCpyV:
asCObjectType *objType = (asCObjectType*)asBC_PTRARG(&bc[n]);
if( objType )
2015-05-11 19:40:43 -04:00
// Object type and function
case asBC_ALLOC:
asCObjectType *objType = (asCObjectType*)asBC_PTRARG(&bc[n]);
if( objType )
2015-05-11 19:40:43 -04:00
2015-05-11 19:40:43 -04:00
int funcId = asBC_INTARG(&bc[n]+AS_PTR_SIZE);
if( funcId > 0 )
2015-05-11 19:40:43 -04:00
asCScriptFunction *fptr = engine->scriptFunctions[funcId];
if( fptr )
2015-05-11 19:40:43 -04:00
// The engine may have been forced to destroy the function internals early
// and this may will make it impossible to find the function by id anymore.
// This should only happen if the engine is released while the application
// is still keeping functions alive.
// TODO: Fix this possible memory leak
// Global variables
case asBC_PGA:
case asBC_PshGPtr:
case asBC_LDG:
case asBC_PshG4:
case asBC_LdGRdR4:
case asBC_CpyGtoV4:
case asBC_CpyVtoG4:
case asBC_SetG4:
// Need to increase the reference for each global variable
void *gvarPtr = (void*)asBC_PTRARG(&bc[n]);
if( !gvarPtr ) break;
asCGlobalProperty *prop = GetPropertyByGlobalVarPtr(gvarPtr);
if (!prop)
// The pointer is a string constant, so it needs to be released by the string factory
int r = engine->stringFactory->ReleaseStringConstant(gvarPtr);
// If we get an error from the string factory there is not
// anything we can do about it, except report a message.
// TODO: Write a message showing that the string couldn't be
// released. Include the first 10 characters and the length
// to make it easier to identify which string it was
asASSERT(r >= 0);
// Only release the properties once
if( !ptrs.Exists(gvarPtr) )
asCConfigGroup *group = engine->FindConfigGroupForGlobalVar(prop->id);
if( group != 0 ) group->Release();
// System functions
case asBC_CALLSYS:
int funcId = asBC_INTARG(&bc[n]);
asCConfigGroup *group = engine->FindConfigGroupForFunction(funcId);
if( group != 0 ) group->Release();
if( funcId )
2016-02-17 22:07:55 -06:00
asCScriptFunction *fptr = engine->scriptFunctions[funcId];
if( fptr )
// Functions
case asBC_CALL:
2015-05-11 19:40:43 -04:00
int funcId = asBC_INTARG(&bc[n]);
if( funcId )
2015-05-11 19:40:43 -04:00
asCScriptFunction *fptr = engine->scriptFunctions[funcId];
if( fptr )
2015-05-11 19:40:43 -04:00
// The engine may have been forced to destroy the function internals early
// and this may will make it impossible to find the function by id anymore.
// This should only happen if the engine is released while the application
// is still keeping functions alive.
// TODO: Fix this possible memory leak
// Function pointers
case asBC_FuncPtr:
asCScriptFunction *func = (asCScriptFunction*)asBC_PTRARG(&bc[n]);
if( func )
2015-05-11 19:40:43 -04:00
// Release the jit compiled function
if( scriptData->jitFunction )
scriptData->jitFunction = 0;
// Delegate
if( objForDelegate )
engine->ReleaseScriptObject(objForDelegate, funcForDelegate->GetObjectType());
objForDelegate = 0;
if( funcForDelegate )
funcForDelegate = 0;
// interface
int asCScriptFunction::GetReturnTypeId(asDWORD *flags) const
if( flags )
if( returnType.IsReference() )
*flags = asTM_INOUTREF;
*flags |= returnType.IsReadOnly() ? asTM_CONST : 0;
*flags = asTM_NONE;
return engine->GetTypeIdFromDataType(returnType);
// interface
asUINT asCScriptFunction::GetParamCount() const
return (asUINT)parameterTypes.GetLength();
// interface
int asCScriptFunction::GetParam(asUINT index, int *out_typeId, asDWORD *out_flags, const char **out_name, const char **out_defaultArg) const
2015-05-11 19:40:43 -04:00
if( index >= parameterTypes.GetLength() )
return asINVALID_ARG;
if( out_typeId )
*out_typeId = engine->GetTypeIdFromDataType(parameterTypes[index]);
2015-05-11 19:40:43 -04:00
if( out_flags )
2015-05-11 19:40:43 -04:00
*out_flags = inOutFlags[index];
*out_flags |= parameterTypes[index].IsReadOnly() ? asTM_CONST : 0;
2015-05-11 19:40:43 -04:00
if( out_name )
2015-05-11 19:40:43 -04:00
// The parameter names are not stored if loading from bytecode without debug information
if( index < parameterNames.GetLength() )
*out_name = parameterNames[index].AddressOf();
2015-05-11 19:40:43 -04:00
*out_name = 0;
2015-05-11 19:40:43 -04:00
if( out_defaultArg )
2015-05-11 19:40:43 -04:00
if( index < defaultArgs.GetLength() && defaultArgs[index] )
*out_defaultArg = defaultArgs[index]->AddressOf();
2015-05-11 19:40:43 -04:00
*out_defaultArg = 0;
2015-05-11 19:40:43 -04:00
return asSUCCESS;
// interface
asIScriptEngine *asCScriptFunction::GetEngine() const
return engine;
// interface
2015-05-11 19:40:43 -04:00
const char *asCScriptFunction::GetDeclaration(bool includeObjectName, bool includeNamespace, bool includeParamNames) const
asCString *tempString = &asCThreadManager::GetLocalData()->string;
2015-05-11 19:40:43 -04:00
*tempString = GetDeclarationStr(includeObjectName, includeNamespace, includeParamNames);
return tempString->AddressOf();
// interface
const char *asCScriptFunction::GetScriptSectionName() const
if( scriptData && scriptData->scriptSectionIdx >= 0 )
return engine->scriptSectionNames[scriptData->scriptSectionIdx]->AddressOf();
return 0;
// interface
const char *asCScriptFunction::GetConfigGroup() const
asCConfigGroup *group = 0;
if( funcType != asFUNC_FUNCDEF )
group = engine->FindConfigGroupForFunction(id);
group = engine->FindConfigGroupForFuncDef(this->funcdefType);
if( group == 0 )
return 0;
return group->groupName.AddressOf();
// interface
asDWORD asCScriptFunction::GetAccessMask() const
return accessMask;
// internal
void asCScriptFunction::JITCompile()
if( funcType != asFUNC_SCRIPT )
asASSERT( scriptData );
asIJITCompiler *jit = engine->GetJITCompiler();
if( !jit )
2015-05-11 19:40:43 -04:00
// Make sure the function has been compiled with JitEntry instructions
// For functions that has JitEntry this will be a quick test
asUINT length;
asDWORD *byteCode = GetByteCode(&length);
asDWORD *end = byteCode + length;
bool foundJitEntry = false;
while( byteCode < end )
// Determine the instruction
asEBCInstr op = asEBCInstr(*(asBYTE*)byteCode);
if( op == asBC_JitEntry )
foundJitEntry = true;
// Move to next instruction
byteCode += asBCTypeSize[asBCInfo[op].type];
if( !foundJitEntry )
asCString msg;
msg.Format(TXT_NO_JIT_IN_FUNC_s, GetDeclaration());
engine->WriteMessage("", 0, 0, asMSGTYPE_WARNING, msg.AddressOf());
// Release the previous function, if any
if( scriptData->jitFunction )
scriptData->jitFunction = 0;
// Compile for native system
int r = jit->CompileFunction(this, &scriptData->jitFunction);
if( r < 0 )
asASSERT( scriptData->jitFunction == 0 );
// interface
asDWORD *asCScriptFunction::GetByteCode(asUINT *length)
if( scriptData == 0 ) return 0;
if( length )
*length = (asUINT)scriptData->byteCode.GetLength();
if( scriptData->byteCode.GetLength() )
return scriptData->byteCode.AddressOf();
return 0;
// interface
2015-05-11 19:40:43 -04:00
void *asCScriptFunction::SetUserData(void *data, asPWORD type)
2015-05-11 19:40:43 -04:00
// As a thread might add a new new user data at the same time as another
// it is necessary to protect both read and write access to the userData member
// It is not intended to store a lot of different types of userdata,
// so a more complex structure like a associative map would just have
// more overhead than a simple array.
for( asUINT n = 0; n < userData.GetLength(); n += 2 )
if( userData[n] == type )
void *oldData = reinterpret_cast<void*>(userData[n+1]);
userData[n+1] = reinterpret_cast<asPWORD>(data);
return oldData;
return 0;
// interface
2015-05-11 19:40:43 -04:00
void *asCScriptFunction::GetUserData(asPWORD type) const
2015-05-11 19:40:43 -04:00
// There may be multiple threads reading, but when
// setting the user data nobody must be reading.
for( asUINT n = 0; n < userData.GetLength(); n += 2 )
if( userData[n] == type )
return reinterpret_cast<void*>(userData[n+1]);
return 0;
// internal
// TODO: cleanup: This method should probably be a member of the engine
asCGlobalProperty *asCScriptFunction::GetPropertyByGlobalVarPtr(void *gvarPtr)
asSMapNode<void*, asCGlobalProperty*> *node;
if( engine->varAddressMap.MoveTo(&node, gvarPtr) )
asASSERT(gvarPtr == node->value->GetAddressOfValue());
return node->value;
return 0;
// internal
int asCScriptFunction::GetRefCount()
2015-05-11 19:40:43 -04:00
asASSERT( funcType == asFUNC_DELEGATE );
return externalRefCount.get();
// internal
void asCScriptFunction::SetFlag()
gcFlag = true;
// internal
bool asCScriptFunction::GetFlag()
return gcFlag;
// internal
void asCScriptFunction::EnumReferences(asIScriptEngine *)
2015-05-11 19:40:43 -04:00
asASSERT( funcType == asFUNC_DELEGATE );
// Delegate
if( objForDelegate )
// internal
void asCScriptFunction::ReleaseAllHandles(asIScriptEngine *)
2015-05-11 19:40:43 -04:00
asASSERT( funcType == asFUNC_DELEGATE );
2015-05-11 19:40:43 -04:00
// Release paramaters
// Delegate
if( objForDelegate )
engine->ReleaseScriptObject(objForDelegate, funcForDelegate->GetObjectType());
objForDelegate = 0;
// interface
bool asCScriptFunction::IsShared() const
// All system functions are shared
if( funcType == asFUNC_SYSTEM ) return true;
// All class methods for shared classes are also shared
2015-05-11 19:40:43 -04:00
asASSERT( objectType == 0 || objectType->engine == engine || objectType->engine == 0 );
if( objectType && (objectType->flags & asOBJ_SHARED) ) return true;
// funcdefs that are registered by the application are shared
if (funcType == asFUNC_FUNCDEF && module == 0) return true;
// Functions that have been specifically marked as shared are shared
return traits.GetTrait(asTRAIT_SHARED);
// interface
bool asCScriptFunction::IsFinal() const
return traits.GetTrait(asTRAIT_FINAL);
// interface
bool asCScriptFunction::IsOverride() const
return traits.GetTrait(asTRAIT_OVERRIDE);
// interface
bool asCScriptFunction::IsExplicit() const
return traits.GetTrait(asTRAIT_EXPLICIT);
// interface
bool asCScriptFunction::IsProperty() const
return traits.GetTrait(asTRAIT_PROPERTY);
// internal
bool asCScriptFunction::IsFactory() const
if (objectType) return false;
asCObjectType* type = CastToObjectType(returnType.GetTypeInfo());
if (type == 0) return false;
if (type->name != name) return false;
if (type->nameSpace != nameSpace) return false;
return true;