2018-11-26 12:58:53 -05:00
# - Find the Windows SDK aka Platform SDK
# Relevant Wikipedia article: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Microsoft_Windows_SDK
# Pass "COMPONENTS tools" to ignore Visual Studio version checks: in case
# you just want the tool binaries to run, rather than the libraries and headers
# for compiling.
# Variables:
# WINDOWSSDK_FOUND - if any version of the windows or platform SDK was found that is usable with the current version of visual studio
# WINDOWSSDK_FOUND_PREFERENCE - if we found an entry indicating a "preferred" SDK listed for this visual studio version
# WINDOWSSDK_DIRS - contains no duplicates, ordered most recent first.
# WINDOWSSDK_PREFERRED_FIRST_DIRS - contains no duplicates, ordered with preferred first, followed by the rest in descending recency
# Functions:
# windowssdk_name_lookup(<directory> <output variable>) - Find the name corresponding with the SDK directory you pass in, or
# NOTFOUND if not recognized. Your directory must be one of WINDOWSSDK_DIRS for this to work.
# windowssdk_build_lookup(<directory> <output variable>) - Find the build version number corresponding with the SDK directory you pass in, or
# NOTFOUND if not recognized. Your directory must be one of WINDOWSSDK_DIRS for this to work.
# get_windowssdk_from_component(<file or dir> <output variable>) - Given a library or include dir,
# find the Windows SDK root dir corresponding to it, or NOTFOUND if unrecognized.
# get_windowssdk_library_dirs(<directory> <output variable>) - Find the architecture-appropriate
# library directories corresponding to the SDK directory you pass in (or NOTFOUND if none)
# get_windowssdk_library_dirs_multiple(<output variable> <directory> ...) - Find the architecture-appropriate
# library directories corresponding to the SDK directories you pass in, in order, skipping those not found. NOTFOUND if none at all.
# Good for passing WINDOWSSDK_DIRS or WINDOWSSDK_DIRS to if you really just want a file and don't care where from.
# get_windowssdk_include_dirs(<directory> <output variable>) - Find the
# include directories corresponding to the SDK directory you pass in (or NOTFOUND if none)
# get_windowssdk_include_dirs_multiple(<output variable> <directory> ...) - Find the
# include directories corresponding to the SDK directories you pass in, in order, skipping those not found. NOTFOUND if none at all.
# Good for passing WINDOWSSDK_DIRS or WINDOWSSDK_DIRS to if you really just want a file and don't care where from.
# Requires these CMake modules:
# FindPackageHandleStandardArgs (known included with CMake >=2.6.2)
# Original Author:
# 2012 Ryan Pavlik <rpavlik@iastate.edu> <abiryan@ryand.net>
# http://academic.cleardefinition.com
# Iowa State University HCI Graduate Program/VRAC
# Copyright Iowa State University 2012.
# Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
# (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
# http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
set ( _preferred_sdk_dirs ) # pre-output
set ( _win_sdk_dirs ) # pre-output
set ( _win_sdk_versanddirs ) # pre-output
set ( _win_sdk_buildsanddirs ) # pre-output
set ( _winsdk_vistaonly ) # search parameters
set ( _winsdk_kits ) # search parameters
endif ( )
macro ( _winsdk_announce )
message ( STATUS ${ ARGN } )
endif ( )
endmacro ( )
set ( _winsdk_win10vers
2018-11-28 14:18:32 -05:00
1 0 . 0 . 1 7 7 6 3 . 0 # Redstone 5 aka Win10 1810 "October 2018 Update"
1 0 . 0 . 1 7 1 3 3 . 0 # Redstone 4 aka Win10 1803 "April 2018 Update"
2018-11-26 12:58:53 -05:00
1 0 . 0 . 1 6 2 9 9 . 0 # Redstone 3 aka Win10 1709 "Fall Creators Update"
1 0 . 0 . 1 5 0 6 3 . 0 # Redstone 2 aka Win10 1703 "Creators Update"
1 0 . 0 . 1 4 3 9 3 . 0 # Redstone aka Win10 1607 "Anniversary Update"
1 0 . 0 . 1 0 5 8 6 . 0 # TH2 aka Win10 1511
1 0 . 0 . 1 0 2 4 0 . 0 # Win10 RTM
1 0 . 0 . 1 0 1 5 0 . 0 # just ucrt
1 0 . 0 . 1 0 0 5 6 . 0
_winsdk_announce ( "Checking for tools from Windows/Platform SDKs..." )
else ( )
_winsdk_announce ( "Checking for Windows/Platform SDKs..." )
endif ( )
# Appends to the three main pre-output lists used only if the path exists
# and is not already in the list.
function ( _winsdk_conditional_append _vername _build _path )
if ( ( "${_path}" MATCHES "registry" ) OR ( NOT EXISTS "${_path}" ) )
# Path invalid - do not add
return ( )
endif ( )
list ( FIND _win_sdk_dirs "${_path}" _win_sdk_idx )
if ( _win_sdk_idx GREATER -1 )
# Path already in list - do not add
return ( )
endif ( )
_winsdk_announce ( " - ${_vername}, Build ${_build} @ ${_path}" )
# Not yet in the list, so we'll add it
list ( APPEND _win_sdk_dirs "${_path}" )
set ( _win_sdk_dirs "${_win_sdk_dirs}" CACHE INTERNAL "" FORCE )
list ( APPEND
_ w i n _ s d k _ v e r s a n d d i r s
" $ { _ v e r n a m e } "
" $ { _ p a t h } " )
set ( _win_sdk_versanddirs "${_win_sdk_versanddirs}" CACHE INTERNAL "" FORCE )
list ( APPEND
_ w i n _ s d k _ b u i l d s a n d d i r s
" $ { _ b u i l d } "
" $ { _ p a t h } " )
set ( _win_sdk_buildsanddirs "${_win_sdk_buildsanddirs}" CACHE INTERNAL "" FORCE )
endfunction ( )
# Appends to the "preferred SDK" lists only if the path exists
function ( _winsdk_conditional_append_preferred _info _path )
if ( ( "${_path}" MATCHES "registry" ) OR ( NOT EXISTS "${_path}" ) )
# Path invalid - do not add
return ( )
endif ( )
get_filename_component ( _path "${_path}" ABSOLUTE )
list ( FIND _win_sdk_preferred_sdk_dirs "${_path}" _win_sdk_idx )
if ( _win_sdk_idx GREATER -1 )
# Path already in list - do not add
return ( )
endif ( )
_winsdk_announce ( " - Found \" preferred\ " SDK ${_info} @ ${_path}" )
# Not yet in the list, so we'll add it
list ( APPEND _win_sdk_preferred_sdk_dirs "${_path}" )
set ( _win_sdk_preferred_sdk_dirs "${_win_sdk_dirs}" CACHE INTERNAL "" FORCE )
# Just in case we somehow missed it:
_winsdk_conditional_append ( "${_info}" "" "${_path}" )
endfunction ( )
# Given a version like v7.0A, looks for an SDK in the registry under "Microsoft SDKs".
# If the given version might be in both HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Microsoft SDKs\\Windows
# and HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows Kits\\Installed Roots aka "Windows Kits",
# use this macro first, since these registry keys usually have more information.
# Pass a "default" build number as an extra argument in case we can't find it.
function ( _winsdk_check_microsoft_sdks_registry _winsdkver )
set ( SDKKEY "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Microsoft SDKs\\Windows\\${_winsdkver}" )
get_filename_component ( _sdkdir
" [ $ { S D K K E Y } ; I n s t a l l a t i o n F o l d e r ] "
A B S O L U T E )
set ( _sdkname "Windows SDK ${_winsdkver}" )
# Default build number passed as extra argument
set ( _build ${ ARGN } )
# See if the registry holds a Microsoft-mutilated, err, designated, product name
# (just using get_filename_component to execute the registry lookup)
get_filename_component ( _sdkproductname
" [ $ { S D K K E Y } ; P r o d u c t N a m e ] "
N A M E )
if ( NOT "${_sdkproductname}" MATCHES "registry" )
# Got a product name
set ( _sdkname "${_sdkname} (${_sdkproductname})" )
endif ( )
# try for a version to augment our name
# (just using get_filename_component to execute the registry lookup)
get_filename_component ( _sdkver
" [ $ { S D K K E Y } ; P r o d u c t V e r s i o n ] "
N A M E )
if ( NOT "${_sdkver}" MATCHES "registry" AND NOT MATCHES )
# Got a version
if ( NOT "${_sdkver}" MATCHES "\\.\\." )
# and it's not an invalid one with two dots in it:
# use to override the default build
set ( _build ${ _sdkver } )
if ( NOT "${_sdkname}" MATCHES "${_sdkver}" )
# Got a version that's not already in the name, let's use it to improve our name.
set ( _sdkname "${_sdkname} (${_sdkver})" )
endif ( )
endif ( )
endif ( )
_winsdk_conditional_append ( "${_sdkname}" "${_build}" "${_sdkdir}" )
endfunction ( )
# Given a name for identification purposes, the build number, and a key (technically a "value name")
# corresponding to a Windows SDK packaged as a "Windows Kit", look for it
# in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows Kits\\Installed Roots
# Note that the key or "value name" tends to be something weird like KitsRoot81 -
# no easy way to predict, just have to observe them in the wild.
# Doesn't hurt to also try _winsdk_check_microsoft_sdks_registry for these:
# sometimes you get keys in both parts of the registry (in the wow64 portion especially),
# and the non-"Windows Kits" location is often more descriptive.
function ( _winsdk_check_windows_kits_registry _winkit_name _winkit_build _winkit_key )
get_filename_component ( _sdkdir
" [ H K E Y _ L O C A L _ M A C H I N E \ \ S O F T W A R E \ \ M i c r o s o f t \ \ W i n d o w s K i t s \ \ I n s t a l l e d R o o t s ; $ { _ w i n k i t _ k e y } ] "
A B S O L U T E )
_winsdk_conditional_append ( "${_winkit_name}" "${_winkit_build}" "${_sdkdir}" )
endfunction ( )
# Given a name for identification purposes and the build number
# corresponding to a Windows 10 SDK packaged as a "Windows Kit", look for it
# in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows Kits\\Installed Roots
# Doesn't hurt to also try _winsdk_check_microsoft_sdks_registry for these:
# sometimes you get keys in both parts of the registry (in the wow64 portion especially),
# and the non-"Windows Kits" location is often more descriptive.
function ( _winsdk_check_win10_kits _winkit_build )
get_filename_component ( _sdkdir
" [ H K E Y _ L O C A L _ M A C H I N E \ \ S O F T W A R E \ \ M i c r o s o f t \ \ W i n d o w s K i t s \ \ I n s t a l l e d R o o t s ; K i t s R o o t 1 0 ] "
A B S O L U T E )
if ( ( "${_sdkdir}" MATCHES "registry" ) OR ( NOT EXISTS "${_sdkdir}" ) )
return ( ) # not found
endif ( )
if ( EXISTS "${_sdkdir}/Include/${_winkit_build}/um" )
_winsdk_conditional_append ( "Windows Kits 10 (Build ${_winkit_build})" "${_winkit_build}" "${_sdkdir}" )
endif ( )
endfunction ( )
# Given a name for indentification purposes, the build number, and the associated package GUID,
# look in the registry under both HKLM and HKCU in \\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\MicrosoftSDK\\InstalledSDKs\\
# for that guid and the SDK it points to.
function ( _winsdk_check_platformsdk_registry _platformsdkname _build _platformsdkguid )
get_filename_component ( _sdkdir
" [ $ { _ w i n s d k _ h i v e } \ \ S O F T W A R E \ \ M i c r o s o f t \ \ M i c r o s o f t S D K \ \ I n s t a l l e d S D K s \ \ $ { _ p l a t f o r m s d k g u i d } ; I n s t a l l D i r ] "
A B S O L U T E )
_winsdk_conditional_append ( "${_platformsdkname} (${_build})" "${_build}" "${_sdkdir}" )
endforeach ( )
endfunction ( )
# Detect toolchain information: to know whether it's OK to use Vista+ only SDKs
set ( _winsdk_vistaonly_ok OFF )
# VC 10 and older has broad target support
# VC 11 by default targets Vista and later only, so we can add a few more SDKs that (might?) only work on vista+
# This is the XP-compatible v110+ toolset
# This is the VS2010/VS2008 toolset
else ( )
# OK, we're VC11 or newer and not using a backlevel or XP-compatible toolset.
# These versions have no XP (and possibly Vista pre-SP1) support
set ( _winsdk_vistaonly_ok ON )
message ( STATUS "FindWindowsSDK: Detected Visual Studio 2012 or newer, not using the _xp toolset variant: including SDK versions that drop XP support in search!" )
endif ( )
endif ( )
endif ( )
set ( _winsdk_vistaonly_ok ON )
endif ( )
# MSVC version checks - keeps messy conditionals in one place
# (messy because of _WINDOWSSDK_IGNOREMSVC)
set ( _winsdk_msvc_greater_1200 OFF )
set ( _winsdk_msvc_greater_1200 ON )
endif ( )
# Newer than VS .NET/VS Toolkit 2003
set ( _winsdk_msvc_greater_1310 OFF )
set ( _winsdk_msvc_greater_1310 ON )
endif ( )
# VS2005/2008
set ( _winsdk_msvc_less_1600 OFF )
set ( _winsdk_msvc_less_1600 ON )
endif ( )
# VS2013+
set ( _winsdk_msvc_not_less_1800 OFF )
set ( _winsdk_msvc_not_less_1800 ON )
endif ( )
# START body of find module
if ( _winsdk_msvc_greater_1310 ) # Newer than VS .NET/VS Toolkit 2003
# Look for "preferred" SDKs
# Environment variable for SDK dir
if ( EXISTS "$ENV{WindowsSDKDir}" AND ( NOT "$ENV{WindowsSDKDir}" STREQUAL "" ) )
_winsdk_conditional_append_preferred ( "WindowsSDKDir environment variable" "$ENV{WindowsSDKDir}" )
endif ( )
if ( _winsdk_msvc_less_1600 )
# Per-user current Windows SDK for VS2005/2008
get_filename_component ( _sdkdir
" [ H K E Y _ C U R R E N T _ U S E R \ \ S o f t w a r e \ \ M i c r o s o f t \ \ M i c r o s o f t S D K s \ \ W i n d o w s ; C u r r e n t I n s t a l l F o l d e r ] "
A B S O L U T E )
_winsdk_conditional_append_preferred ( "Per-user current Windows SDK" "${_sdkdir}" )
# System-wide current Windows SDK for VS2005/2008
get_filename_component ( _sdkdir
" [ H K E Y _ L O C A L _ M A C H I N E \ \ S O F T W A R E \ \ M i c r o s o f t \ \ M i c r o s o f t S D K s \ \ W i n d o w s ; C u r r e n t I n s t a l l F o l d e r ] "
A B S O L U T E )
_winsdk_conditional_append_preferred ( "System-wide current Windows SDK" "${_sdkdir}" )
endif ( )
# Begin the massive list of SDK searching!
if ( _winsdk_vistaonly_ok AND _winsdk_msvc_not_less_1800 )
# These require at least Visual Studio 2013 (VC12)
_winsdk_check_microsoft_sdks_registry ( v10.0A )
# Windows Software Development Kit (SDK) for Windows 10
# Several different versions living in the same directory - if nothing else we can assume RTM (10240)
_winsdk_check_microsoft_sdks_registry ( v10.0 10.0.10240.0 )
foreach ( _win10build ${ _winsdk_win10vers } )
_winsdk_check_win10_kits ( ${ _win10build } )
endforeach ( )
endif ( ) # vista-only and 2013+
# Included in Visual Studio 2013
# Includes the v120_xp toolset
_winsdk_check_microsoft_sdks_registry ( v8.1A 8.1.51636 )
if ( _winsdk_vistaonly_ok AND _winsdk_msvc_not_less_1800 )
# Windows Software Development Kit (SDK) for Windows 8.1
# http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-gb/windows/desktop/bg162891
_winsdk_check_microsoft_sdks_registry ( v8.1 8.1.25984.0 )
_winsdk_check_windows_kits_registry ( "Windows Kits 8.1" 8.1.25984.0 KitsRoot81 )
endif ( ) # vista-only and 2013+
if ( _winsdk_vistaonly_ok )
# Included in Visual Studio 2012
_winsdk_check_microsoft_sdks_registry ( v8.0A 8.0.50727 )
# Microsoft Windows SDK for Windows 8 and .NET Framework 4.5
# This is the first version to also include the DirectX SDK
# http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-US/windows/desktop/hh852363.aspx
_winsdk_check_microsoft_sdks_registry ( v8.0 6.2.9200.16384 )
_winsdk_check_windows_kits_registry ( "Windows Kits 8.0" 6.2.9200.16384 KitsRoot )
endif ( ) # vista-only
# Included with VS 2012 Update 1 or later
# Introduces v110_xp toolset
_winsdk_check_microsoft_sdks_registry ( v7.1A 7.1.51106 )
if ( _winsdk_vistaonly_ok )
# Microsoft Windows SDK for Windows 7 and .NET Framework 4
# http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/en/details.aspx?FamilyID=6b6c21d2-2006-4afa-9702-529fa782d63b
_winsdk_check_microsoft_sdks_registry ( v7.1 7.1.7600.0.30514 )
endif ( ) # vista-only
# Included with VS 2010
_winsdk_check_microsoft_sdks_registry ( v7.0A 6.1.7600.16385 )
# Windows SDK for Windows 7 and .NET Framework 3.5 SP1
# Works with VC9
# http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=18950
_winsdk_check_microsoft_sdks_registry ( v7.0 6.1.7600.16385 )
# Two versions call themselves "v6.1":
# Older:
# Windows Vista Update & .NET 3.0 SDK
# http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=14477
# Newer:
# Windows Server 2008 & .NET 3.5 SDK
# may have broken VS9SP1? they recommend v7.0 instead, or a KB...
# http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=24826
_winsdk_check_microsoft_sdks_registry ( v6.1 6.1.6000.16384.10 )
# Included in VS 2008
_winsdk_check_microsoft_sdks_registry ( v6.0A 6.1.6723.1 )
# Microsoft Windows Software Development Kit for Windows Vista and .NET Framework 3.0 Runtime Components
# http://blogs.msdn.com/b/stanley/archive/2006/11/08/microsoft-windows-software-development-kit-for-windows-vista-and-net-framework-3-0-runtime-components.aspx
_winsdk_check_microsoft_sdks_registry ( v6.0 6.0.6000.16384 )
endif ( )
# Let's not forget the Platform SDKs, which sometimes are useful!
if ( _winsdk_msvc_greater_1200 )
_winsdk_check_platformsdk_registry ( "Microsoft Platform SDK for Windows Server 2003 R2" "5.2.3790.2075.51" "D2FF9F89-8AA2-4373-8A31-C838BF4DBBE1" )
_winsdk_check_platformsdk_registry ( "Microsoft Platform SDK for Windows Server 2003 SP1" "5.2.3790.1830.15" "8F9E5EF3-A9A5-491B-A889-C58EFFECE8B3" )
endif ( )
# Finally, look for "preferred" SDKs
if ( _winsdk_msvc_greater_1310 ) # Newer than VS .NET/VS Toolkit 2003
# Environment variable for SDK dir
if ( EXISTS "$ENV{WindowsSDKDir}" AND ( NOT "$ENV{WindowsSDKDir}" STREQUAL "" ) )
_winsdk_conditional_append_preferred ( "WindowsSDKDir environment variable" "$ENV{WindowsSDKDir}" )
endif ( )
if ( _winsdk_msvc_less_1600 )
# Per-user current Windows SDK for VS2005/2008
get_filename_component ( _sdkdir
" [ H K E Y _ C U R R E N T _ U S E R \ \ S o f t w a r e \ \ M i c r o s o f t \ \ M i c r o s o f t S D K s \ \ W i n d o w s ; C u r r e n t I n s t a l l F o l d e r ] "
A B S O L U T E )
_winsdk_conditional_append_preferred ( "Per-user current Windows SDK" "${_sdkdir}" )
# System-wide current Windows SDK for VS2005/2008
get_filename_component ( _sdkdir
" [ H K E Y _ L O C A L _ M A C H I N E \ \ S O F T W A R E \ \ M i c r o s o f t \ \ M i c r o s o f t S D K s \ \ W i n d o w s ; C u r r e n t I n s t a l l F o l d e r ] "
A B S O L U T E )
_winsdk_conditional_append_preferred ( "System-wide current Windows SDK" "${_sdkdir}" )
endif ( )
endif ( )
function ( windowssdk_name_lookup _dir _outvar )
list ( FIND _win_sdk_versanddirs "${_dir}" _diridx )
math ( EXPR _idx "${_diridx} - 1" )
if ( ${ _idx } GREATER -1 )
list ( GET _win_sdk_versanddirs ${ _idx } _ret )
else ( )
set ( _ret "NOTFOUND" )
endif ( )
set ( ${ _outvar } "${_ret}" PARENT_SCOPE )
endfunction ( )
function ( windowssdk_build_lookup _dir _outvar )
list ( FIND _win_sdk_buildsanddirs "${_dir}" _diridx )
math ( EXPR _idx "${_diridx} - 1" )
if ( ${ _idx } GREATER -1 )
list ( GET _win_sdk_buildsanddirs ${ _idx } _ret )
else ( )
set ( _ret "NOTFOUND" )
endif ( )
set ( ${ _outvar } "${_ret}" PARENT_SCOPE )
endfunction ( )
# If we found something...
if ( _win_sdk_dirs )
list ( GET _win_sdk_dirs 0 WINDOWSSDK_LATEST_DIR )
windowssdk_name_lookup ( "${WINDOWSSDK_LATEST_DIR}"
W I N D O W S S D K _ L A T E S T _ N A M E )
set ( WINDOWSSDK_DIRS ${ _win_sdk_dirs } )
# Fallback, in case no preference found.
endif ( )
# If we found indications of a user preference...
if ( _win_sdk_preferred_sdk_dirs )
list ( GET _win_sdk_preferred_sdk_dirs 0 WINDOWSSDK_PREFERRED_DIR )
windowssdk_name_lookup ( "${WINDOWSSDK_PREFERRED_DIR}"
W I N D O W S S D K _ P R E F E R R E D _ N A M E )
$ { _ w i n _ s d k _ p r e f e r r e d _ s d k _ d i r s }
$ { _ w i n _ s d k _ d i r s } )
endif ( )
include ( FindPackageHandleStandardArgs )
find_package_handle_standard_args ( WindowsSDK
" N o c o m p a t i b l e v e r s i o n o f t h e W i n d o w s S D K o r P l a t f o r m S D K f o u n d . "
W I N D O W S S D K _ D I R S )
# Internal: Architecture-appropriate library directory names.
# Only supported in Win10 SDK and up.
set ( _winsdk_arch8 arm64 ) # what the WDK for Win8+ calls this architecture
else ( )
set ( _winsdk_archbare /arm ) # what the architecture used to be called in oldest SDKs
set ( _winsdk_arch arm ) # what the architecture used to be called
set ( _winsdk_arch8 arm ) # what the WDK for Win8+ calls this architecture
endif ( )
else ( )
set ( _winsdk_archbare /x64 ) # what the architecture used to be called in oldest SDKs
set ( _winsdk_arch amd64 ) # what the architecture used to be called
set ( _winsdk_arch8 x64 ) # what the WDK for Win8+ calls this architecture
else ( )
set ( _winsdk_archbare ) # what the architecture used to be called in oldest SDKs
set ( _winsdk_arch i386 ) # what the architecture used to be called
set ( _winsdk_arch8 x86 ) # what the WDK for Win8+ calls this architecture
endif ( )
endif ( )
function ( get_windowssdk_from_component _component _var )
get_filename_component ( _component "${_component}" ABSOLUTE )
file ( TO_CMAKE_PATH "${_component}" _component )
foreach ( _sdkdir ${ WINDOWSSDK_DIRS } )
get_filename_component ( _sdkdir "${_sdkdir}" ABSOLUTE )
string ( LENGTH "${_sdkdir}" _sdklen )
file ( RELATIVE_PATH _rel "${_sdkdir}" "${_component}" )
# If we don't have any "parent directory" items...
if ( NOT "${_rel}" MATCHES "[.][.]" )
set ( ${ _var } "${_sdkdir}" PARENT_SCOPE )
return ( )
endif ( )
endforeach ( )
# Fail.
set ( ${ _var } "NOTFOUND" PARENT_SCOPE )
endfunction ( )
function ( get_windowssdk_library_dirs _winsdk_dir _var )
set ( _dirs )
set ( _suffixes
" l i b $ { _ w i n s d k _ a r c h b a r e } " # SDKs like 7.1A
" l i b / $ { _ w i n s d k _ a r c h } " # just because some SDKs have x86 dir and root dir
" l i b / w 2 k / $ { _ w i n s d k _ a r c h } " # Win2k min requirement
" l i b / w x p / $ { _ w i n s d k _ a r c h } " # WinXP min requirement
" l i b / w n e t / $ { _ w i n s d k _ a r c h } " # Win Server 2003 min requirement
" l i b / w l h / $ { _ w i n s d k _ a r c h } "
" l i b / w l h / u m / $ { _ w i n s d k _ a r c h 8 } " # Win Vista ("Long Horn") min requirement
" l i b / w i n 7 / $ { _ w i n s d k _ a r c h } "
" l i b / w i n 7 / u m / $ { _ w i n s d k _ a r c h 8 } " # Win 7 min requirement
foreach ( _ver
w l h # Win Vista ("Long Horn") min requirement
w i n 7 # Win 7 min requirement
w i n 8 # Win 8 min requirement
w i n v 6 . 3 # Win 8.1 min requirement
list ( APPEND _suffixes
" l i b / $ { _ v e r } / $ { _ w i n s d k _ a r c h } "
" l i b / $ { _ v e r } / u m / $ { _ w i n s d k _ a r c h 8 } "
" l i b / $ { _ v e r } / k m / $ { _ w i n s d k _ a r c h 8 } "
endforeach ( )
# Look for WDF libraries in Win10+ SDK
foreach ( _mode umdf kmdf )
file ( GLOB _wdfdirs RELATIVE "${_winsdk_dir}" "${_winsdk_dir}/lib/wdf/${_mode}/${_winsdk_arch8}/*" )
if ( _wdfdirs )
list ( APPEND _suffixes ${ _wdfdirs } )
endif ( )
endforeach ( )
# Look in each Win10+ SDK version for the components
foreach ( _win10ver ${ _winsdk_win10vers } )
foreach ( _component um km ucrt mmos )
list ( APPEND _suffixes "lib/${_win10ver}/${_component}/${_winsdk_arch8}" )
endforeach ( )
endforeach ( )
foreach ( _suffix ${ _suffixes } )
# Check to see if a library actually exists here.
file ( GLOB _libs "${_winsdk_dir}/${_suffix}/*.lib" )
if ( _libs )
list ( APPEND _dirs "${_winsdk_dir}/${_suffix}" )
endif ( )
endforeach ( )
if ( "${_dirs}" STREQUAL "" )
set ( _dirs NOTFOUND )
else ( )
list ( REMOVE_DUPLICATES _dirs )
endif ( )
set ( ${ _var } ${ _dirs } PARENT_SCOPE )
endfunction ( )
function ( get_windowssdk_include_dirs _winsdk_dir _var )
set ( _dirs )
set ( _subdirs shared um winrt km wdf mmos ucrt )
set ( _suffixes Include )
foreach ( _dir ${ _subdirs } )
list ( APPEND _suffixes "Include/${_dir}" )
endforeach ( )
foreach ( _ver ${ _winsdk_win10vers } )
foreach ( _dir ${ _subdirs } )
list ( APPEND _suffixes "Include/${_ver}/${_dir}" )
endforeach ( )
endforeach ( )
foreach ( _suffix ${ _suffixes } )
# Check to see if a header file actually exists here.
file ( GLOB _headers "${_winsdk_dir}/${_suffix}/*.h" )
if ( _headers )
list ( APPEND _dirs "${_winsdk_dir}/${_suffix}" )
endif ( )
endforeach ( )
if ( "${_dirs}" STREQUAL "" )
set ( _dirs NOTFOUND )
else ( )
list ( REMOVE_DUPLICATES _dirs )
endif ( )
set ( ${ _var } ${ _dirs } PARENT_SCOPE )
endfunction ( )
function ( get_windowssdk_library_dirs_multiple _var )
set ( _dirs )
foreach ( _sdkdir ${ ARGN } )
get_windowssdk_library_dirs ( "${_sdkdir}" _current_sdk_libdirs )
if ( _current_sdk_libdirs )
list ( APPEND _dirs ${ _current_sdk_libdirs } )
endif ( )
endforeach ( )
if ( "${_dirs}" STREQUAL "" )
set ( _dirs NOTFOUND )
else ( )
list ( REMOVE_DUPLICATES _dirs )
endif ( )
set ( ${ _var } ${ _dirs } PARENT_SCOPE )
endfunction ( )
function ( get_windowssdk_include_dirs_multiple _var )
set ( _dirs )
foreach ( _sdkdir ${ ARGN } )
get_windowssdk_include_dirs ( "${_sdkdir}" _current_sdk_incdirs )
if ( _current_sdk_libdirs )
list ( APPEND _dirs ${ _current_sdk_incdirs } )
endif ( )
endforeach ( )
if ( "${_dirs}" STREQUAL "" )
set ( _dirs NOTFOUND )
else ( )
list ( REMOVE_DUPLICATES _dirs )
endif ( )
set ( ${ _var } ${ _dirs } PARENT_SCOPE )
endfunction ( )
endif ( )