2014-10-27 18:43:09 -04:00
AngelCode Scripting Library
2015-05-11 19:40:43 -04:00
Copyright ( c ) 2003 - 2015 Andreas Jonsson
2014-10-27 18:43:09 -04:00
This software is provided ' as - is ' , without any express or implied
warranty . In no event will the authors be held liable for any
damages arising from the use of this software .
Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any
purpose , including commercial applications , and to alter it and
redistribute it freely , subject to the following restrictions :
1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented ; you
must not claim that you wrote the original software . If you use
this software in a product , an acknowledgment in the product
documentation would be appreciated but is not required .
2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such , and
must not be misrepresented as being the original software .
3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source
distribution .
The original version of this library can be located at :
http : //www.angelcode.com/angelscript/
Andreas Jonsson
andreas @ angelcode . com
// as_scriptengine.h
// The implementation of the script engine interface
# include "as_config.h"
# include "as_atomic.h"
# include "as_scriptfunction.h"
# include "as_array.h"
# include "as_datatype.h"
# include "as_objecttype.h"
# include "as_module.h"
# include "as_callfunc.h"
# include "as_configgroup.h"
# include "as_memory.h"
# include "as_gc.h"
# include "as_tokenizer.h"
class asCBuilder ;
class asCContext ;
// TODO: import: Remove this when import is removed
struct sBindInfo ;
class asCScriptEngine : public asIScriptEngine
// From asIScriptEngine
public :
// Memory management
virtual int AddRef ( ) const ;
virtual int Release ( ) const ;
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virtual int ShutDownAndRelease ( ) ;
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// Engine properties
virtual int SetEngineProperty ( asEEngineProp property , asPWORD value ) ;
virtual asPWORD GetEngineProperty ( asEEngineProp property ) const ;
// Compiler messages
virtual int SetMessageCallback ( const asSFuncPtr & callback , void * obj , asDWORD callConv ) ;
virtual int ClearMessageCallback ( ) ;
virtual int WriteMessage ( const char * section , int row , int col , asEMsgType type , const char * message ) ;
// JIT Compiler
virtual int SetJITCompiler ( asIJITCompiler * compiler ) ;
virtual asIJITCompiler * GetJITCompiler ( ) const ;
// Global functions
virtual int RegisterGlobalFunction ( const char * declaration , const asSFuncPtr & funcPointer , asDWORD callConv , void * objForThiscall = 0 ) ;
virtual asUINT GetGlobalFunctionCount ( ) const ;
virtual asIScriptFunction * GetGlobalFunctionByIndex ( asUINT index ) const ;
virtual asIScriptFunction * GetGlobalFunctionByDecl ( const char * declaration ) const ;
// Global properties
virtual int RegisterGlobalProperty ( const char * declaration , void * pointer ) ;
virtual asUINT GetGlobalPropertyCount ( ) const ;
virtual int GetGlobalPropertyByIndex ( asUINT index , const char * * name , const char * * nameSpace = 0 , int * typeId = 0 , bool * isConst = 0 , const char * * configGroup = 0 , void * * pointer = 0 , asDWORD * accessMask = 0 ) const ;
virtual int GetGlobalPropertyIndexByName ( const char * name ) const ;
virtual int GetGlobalPropertyIndexByDecl ( const char * decl ) const ;
// Type registration
virtual int RegisterObjectType ( const char * obj , int byteSize , asDWORD flags ) ;
virtual int RegisterObjectProperty ( const char * obj , const char * declaration , int byteOffset ) ;
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virtual int RegisterObjectMethod ( const char * obj , const char * declaration , const asSFuncPtr & funcPointer , asDWORD callConv , void * objForThiscall = 0 ) ;
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virtual int RegisterObjectBehaviour ( const char * obj , asEBehaviours behaviour , const char * declaration , const asSFuncPtr & funcPointer , asDWORD callConv , void * objForThiscall = 0 ) ;
virtual int RegisterInterface ( const char * name ) ;
virtual int RegisterInterfaceMethod ( const char * intf , const char * declaration ) ;
virtual asUINT GetObjectTypeCount ( ) const ;
virtual asIObjectType * GetObjectTypeByIndex ( asUINT index ) const ;
virtual asIObjectType * GetObjectTypeByName ( const char * name ) const ;
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virtual asIObjectType * GetObjectTypeByDecl ( const char * decl ) const ;
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// String factory
virtual int RegisterStringFactory ( const char * datatype , const asSFuncPtr & factoryFunc , asDWORD callConv , void * objForThiscall = 0 ) ;
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virtual int GetStringFactoryReturnTypeId ( asDWORD * flags ) const ;
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// Default array type
virtual int RegisterDefaultArrayType ( const char * type ) ;
virtual int GetDefaultArrayTypeId ( ) const ;
// Enums
virtual int RegisterEnum ( const char * type ) ;
virtual int RegisterEnumValue ( const char * type , const char * name , int value ) ;
virtual asUINT GetEnumCount ( ) const ;
virtual const char * GetEnumByIndex ( asUINT index , int * enumTypeId , const char * * nameSpace , const char * * configGroup = 0 , asDWORD * accessMask = 0 ) const ;
virtual int GetEnumValueCount ( int enumTypeId ) const ;
virtual const char * GetEnumValueByIndex ( int enumTypeId , asUINT index , int * outValue ) const ;
// Funcdefs
virtual int RegisterFuncdef ( const char * decl ) ;
virtual asUINT GetFuncdefCount ( ) const ;
virtual asIScriptFunction * GetFuncdefByIndex ( asUINT index ) const ;
// Typedefs
// TODO: interface: Should perhaps rename this to Alias, since it doesn't really create a new type
virtual int RegisterTypedef ( const char * type , const char * decl ) ;
virtual asUINT GetTypedefCount ( ) const ;
virtual const char * GetTypedefByIndex ( asUINT index , int * typeId , const char * * nameSpace , const char * * configGroup = 0 , asDWORD * accessMask = 0 ) const ;
// Configuration groups
virtual int BeginConfigGroup ( const char * groupName ) ;
virtual int EndConfigGroup ( ) ;
virtual int RemoveConfigGroup ( const char * groupName ) ;
virtual asDWORD SetDefaultAccessMask ( asDWORD defaultMask ) ;
virtual int SetDefaultNamespace ( const char * nameSpace ) ;
virtual const char * GetDefaultNamespace ( ) const ;
// Script modules
virtual asIScriptModule * GetModule ( const char * module , asEGMFlags flag ) ;
virtual int DiscardModule ( const char * module ) ;
virtual asUINT GetModuleCount ( ) const ;
virtual asIScriptModule * GetModuleByIndex ( asUINT index ) const ;
// Script functions
virtual asIScriptFunction * GetFunctionById ( int funcId ) const ;
virtual asIScriptFunction * GetFuncDefFromTypeId ( int typeId ) const ;
// Type identification
virtual asIObjectType * GetObjectTypeById ( int typeId ) const ;
virtual int GetTypeIdByDecl ( const char * decl ) const ;
virtual const char * GetTypeDeclaration ( int typeId , bool includeNamespace = false ) const ;
virtual int GetSizeOfPrimitiveType ( int typeId ) const ;
// Script execution
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virtual asIScriptContext * CreateContext ( ) ;
virtual void * CreateScriptObject ( const asIObjectType * type ) ;
virtual void * CreateScriptObjectCopy ( void * obj , const asIObjectType * type ) ;
virtual void * CreateUninitializedScriptObject ( const asIObjectType * type ) ;
virtual asIScriptFunction * CreateDelegate ( asIScriptFunction * func , void * obj ) ;
virtual int AssignScriptObject ( void * dstObj , void * srcObj , const asIObjectType * type ) ;
virtual void ReleaseScriptObject ( void * obj , const asIObjectType * type ) ;
virtual void AddRefScriptObject ( void * obj , const asIObjectType * type ) ;
virtual int RefCastObject ( void * obj , asIObjectType * fromType , asIObjectType * toType , void * * newPtr , bool useOnlyImplicitCast = false ) ;
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2015-05-11 19:40:43 -04:00
// Deprecated since 2.30.0, 2014-11-04
virtual bool IsHandleCompatibleWithObject ( void * obj , int objTypeId , int handleTypeId ) const ;
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# endif
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virtual asILockableSharedBool * GetWeakRefFlagOfScriptObject ( void * obj , const asIObjectType * type ) const ;
// Context pooling
virtual asIScriptContext * RequestContext ( ) ;
virtual void ReturnContext ( asIScriptContext * ctx ) ;
virtual int SetContextCallbacks ( asREQUESTCONTEXTFUNC_t requestCtx , asRETURNCONTEXTFUNC_t returnCtx , void * param = 0 ) ;
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// String interpretation
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virtual asETokenClass ParseToken ( const char * string , size_t stringLength = 0 , asUINT * tokenLength = 0 ) const ;
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// Garbage collection
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virtual int GarbageCollect ( asDWORD flags = asGC_FULL_CYCLE , asUINT numIterations = 1 ) ;
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virtual void GetGCStatistics ( asUINT * currentSize , asUINT * totalDestroyed , asUINT * totalDetected , asUINT * newObjects , asUINT * totalNewDestroyed ) const ;
virtual int NotifyGarbageCollectorOfNewObject ( void * obj , asIObjectType * type ) ;
virtual int GetObjectInGC ( asUINT idx , asUINT * seqNbr , void * * obj = 0 , asIObjectType * * type = 0 ) ;
virtual void GCEnumCallback ( void * reference ) ;
// User data
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virtual void * SetUserData ( void * data , asPWORD type ) ;
virtual void * GetUserData ( asPWORD type ) const ;
virtual void SetEngineUserDataCleanupCallback ( asCLEANENGINEFUNC_t callback , asPWORD type ) ;
virtual void SetModuleUserDataCleanupCallback ( asCLEANMODULEFUNC_t callback , asPWORD type ) ;
virtual void SetContextUserDataCleanupCallback ( asCLEANCONTEXTFUNC_t callback , asPWORD type ) ;
virtual void SetFunctionUserDataCleanupCallback ( asCLEANFUNCTIONFUNC_t callback , asPWORD type ) ;
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virtual void SetObjectTypeUserDataCleanupCallback ( asCLEANOBJECTTYPEFUNC_t callback , asPWORD type ) ;
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virtual void SetScriptObjectUserDataCleanupCallback ( asCLEANSCRIPTOBJECTFUNC_t callback , asPWORD type ) ;
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// internal methods
public :
asCScriptEngine ( ) ;
virtual ~ asCScriptEngine ( ) ;
friend class asCBuilder ;
friend class asCCompiler ;
friend class asCContext ;
friend class asCDataType ;
friend class asCModule ;
friend class asCRestore ;
friend class asCByteCode ;
friend int PrepareSystemFunction ( asCScriptFunction * func , asSSystemFunctionInterface * internal , asCScriptEngine * engine ) ;
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int RegisterMethodToObjectType ( asCObjectType * objectType , const char * declaration , const asSFuncPtr & funcPointer , asDWORD callConv , void * objForThiscall = 0 ) ;
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int RegisterBehaviourToObjectType ( asCObjectType * objectType , asEBehaviours behaviour , const char * decl , const asSFuncPtr & funcPointer , asDWORD callConv , void * objForThiscall ) ;
int VerifyVarTypeNotInFunction ( asCScriptFunction * func ) ;
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void * CallAlloc ( const asCObjectType * objType ) const ;
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void CallFree ( void * obj ) const ;
void * CallGlobalFunctionRetPtr ( int func ) const ;
void * CallGlobalFunctionRetPtr ( int func , void * param1 ) const ;
void * CallGlobalFunctionRetPtr ( asSSystemFunctionInterface * func , asCScriptFunction * desc ) const ;
void * CallGlobalFunctionRetPtr ( asSSystemFunctionInterface * i , asCScriptFunction * s , void * param1 ) const ;
void CallObjectMethod ( void * obj , int func ) const ;
void CallObjectMethod ( void * obj , void * param , int func ) const ;
void CallObjectMethod ( void * obj , asSSystemFunctionInterface * func , asCScriptFunction * desc ) const ;
void CallObjectMethod ( void * obj , void * param , asSSystemFunctionInterface * func , asCScriptFunction * desc ) const ;
bool CallObjectMethodRetBool ( void * obj , int func ) const ;
int CallObjectMethodRetInt ( void * obj , int func ) const ;
void * CallObjectMethodRetPtr ( void * obj , int func ) const ;
void CallGlobalFunction ( void * param1 , void * param2 , asSSystemFunctionInterface * func , asCScriptFunction * desc ) const ;
bool CallGlobalFunctionRetBool ( void * param1 , void * param2 , asSSystemFunctionInterface * func , asCScriptFunction * desc ) const ;
void ConstructScriptObjectCopy ( void * mem , void * obj , asCObjectType * type ) ;
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void DeleteDiscardedModules ( ) ;
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void RemoveTemplateInstanceType ( asCObjectType * t ) ;
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void RemoveTypeAndRelatedFromList ( asCMap < asCObjectType * , char > & types , asCObjectType * ot ) ;
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asCConfigGroup * FindConfigGroupForFunction ( int funcId ) const ;
asCConfigGroup * FindConfigGroupForGlobalVar ( int gvarId ) const ;
asCConfigGroup * FindConfigGroupForObjectType ( const asCObjectType * type ) const ;
asCConfigGroup * FindConfigGroupForFuncDef ( const asCScriptFunction * funcDef ) const ;
int RequestBuild ( ) ;
void BuildCompleted ( ) ;
void PrepareEngine ( ) ;
bool isPrepared ;
int CreateContext ( asIScriptContext * * context , bool isInternal ) ;
asCObjectType * GetRegisteredObjectType ( const asCString & name , asSNameSpace * ns ) const ;
asCObjectType * GetListPatternType ( int listPatternFuncId ) ;
void DestroyList ( asBYTE * buffer , const asCObjectType * listPatternType ) ;
void DestroySubList ( asBYTE * & buffer , asSListPatternNode * & patternNode ) ;
int AddBehaviourFunction ( asCScriptFunction & func , asSSystemFunctionInterface & internal ) ;
asCString GetFunctionDeclaration ( int funcId ) ;
asCScriptFunction * GetScriptFunction ( int funcId ) const ;
asCModule * GetModule ( const char * name , bool create ) ;
asCModule * GetModuleFromFuncId ( int funcId ) ;
int GetMethodIdByDecl ( const asCObjectType * ot , const char * decl , asCModule * mod ) ;
int GetFactoryIdByDecl ( const asCObjectType * ot , const char * decl ) ;
int GetNextScriptFunctionId ( ) ;
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void AddScriptFunction ( asCScriptFunction * func ) ;
void RemoveScriptFunction ( asCScriptFunction * func ) ;
void RemoveFuncdef ( asCScriptFunction * func ) ;
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int ConfigError ( int err , const char * funcName , const char * arg1 , const char * arg2 ) ;
int GetTypeIdFromDataType ( const asCDataType & dt ) const ;
asCDataType GetDataTypeFromTypeId ( int typeId ) const ;
asCObjectType * GetObjectTypeFromTypeId ( int typeId ) const ;
void RemoveFromTypeIdMap ( asCObjectType * type ) ;
bool IsTemplateType ( const char * name ) const ;
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asCObjectType * GetTemplateInstanceType ( asCObjectType * templateType , asCArray < asCDataType > & subTypes , asCModule * requestingModule ) ;
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asCScriptFunction * GenerateTemplateFactoryStub ( asCObjectType * templateType , asCObjectType * templateInstanceType , int origFactoryId ) ;
bool GenerateNewTemplateFunction ( asCObjectType * templateType , asCObjectType * templateInstanceType , asCScriptFunction * templateFunc , asCScriptFunction * * newFunc ) ;
asCDataType DetermineTypeForTemplate ( const asCDataType & orig , asCObjectType * tmpl , asCObjectType * ot ) ;
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bool RequireTypeReplacement ( asCDataType & type , asCObjectType * templateType ) ;
asCModule * FindNewOwnerForSharedType ( asCObjectType * type , asCModule * mod ) ;
asCModule * FindNewOwnerForSharedFunc ( asCScriptFunction * func , asCModule * mod ) ;
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// String constants
// TODO: Must free unused string constants, thus the ref count for each must be tracked
int AddConstantString ( const char * str , size_t length ) ;
const asCString & GetConstantString ( int id ) ;
// Global property management
asCGlobalProperty * AllocateGlobalProperty ( ) ;
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void RemoveGlobalProperty ( asCGlobalProperty * prop ) ;
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int GetScriptSectionNameIndex ( const char * name ) ;
// Namespace management
asSNameSpace * AddNameSpace ( const char * name ) ;
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asSNameSpace * FindNameSpace ( const char * name ) const ;
asSNameSpace * GetParentNameSpace ( asSNameSpace * ns ) const ;
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// internal properties
asCMemoryMgr memoryMgr ;
asUINT initialContextStackSize ;
asCObjectType * defaultArrayObjectType ;
asCObjectType scriptTypeBehaviours ;
asCObjectType functionBehaviours ;
// Registered interface
asCArray < asCObjectType * > registeredObjTypes ;
asCArray < asCObjectType * > registeredTypeDefs ;
asCArray < asCObjectType * > registeredEnums ;
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asCSymbolTable < asCGlobalProperty > registeredGlobalProps ; // increases ref count // TODO: memory savings: Since there can be only one property with the same name a simpler symbol table should be used
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asCSymbolTable < asCScriptFunction > registeredGlobalFuncs ;
asCArray < asCScriptFunction * > registeredFuncDefs ;
asCArray < asCObjectType * > registeredTemplateTypes ;
asCScriptFunction * stringFactory ;
bool configFailed ;
// Stores all registered types except funcdefs
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asCMap < asSNameSpaceNamePair , asCObjectType * > allRegisteredTypes ; // increases ref count
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// Dummy types used to name the subtypes in the template objects
asCArray < asCObjectType * > templateSubTypes ;
// Store information about template types
// This list will contain all instances of templates, both registered specialized
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// types and those automacially instantiated from scripts
asCArray < asCObjectType * > templateInstanceTypes ; // increases ref count
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// Store information about list patterns
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asCArray < asCObjectType * > listPatternTypes ; // increases ref count
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// Stores all global properties, both those registered by application, and those declared by scripts.
// The id of a global property is the index in this array.
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asCArray < asCGlobalProperty * > globalProperties ; // increases ref count
asCArray < int > freeGlobalPropertyIds ;
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// This map is used to quickly find a property by its memory address
// It is used principally during building, cleanup, and garbage detection for script functions
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asCMap < void * , asCGlobalProperty * > varAddressMap ; // doesn't increase ref count
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// Stores all functions, i.e. registered functions, script functions, class methods, behaviours, etc.
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asCArray < asCScriptFunction * > scriptFunctions ; // doesn't increase ref count
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asCArray < int > freeScriptFunctionIds ;
asCArray < asCScriptFunction * > signatureIds ;
// An array with all module imported functions
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asCArray < sBindInfo * > importedFunctions ; // doesn't increase ref count
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asCArray < int > freeImportedFunctionIdxs ;
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// Synchronized
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mutable asCAtomic refCount ;
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// Synchronized with engineRWLock
// This array holds all live script modules
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asCArray < asCModule * > scriptModules ;
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// Synchronized with engineRWLock
// This is a pointer to the last module that was requested. It is used for performance
// improvement, since it is common that the same module is accessed many times in a row
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asCModule * lastModule ;
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// Synchronized with engineRWLock
// This flag is true if a script is currently being compiled. It is used to prevent multiple
// threads from requesting builds at the same time (without blocking)
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bool isBuilding ;
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// Synchronized with engineRWLock
// This array holds modules that have been discard (thus are no longer visible to the application)
// but cannot yet be deleted due to having external references to some of the entities in them
asCArray < asCModule * > discardedModules ;
// This flag is set to true during compilations of scripts (or loading pre-compiled scripts)
// to delay the validation of template types until the subtypes have been fully declared
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bool deferValidationOfTemplateTypes ;
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// Tokenizer is instantiated once to share resources
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asCTokenizer tok ;
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// Stores shared script declared types (classes, interfaces, enums)
asCArray < asCObjectType * > sharedScriptTypes ; // increases ref count
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// This array stores the template instances types that have been automatically generated from template types
asCArray < asCObjectType * > generatedTemplateTypes ;
// Stores the funcdefs
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// TODO: 2.30.0: redesign: Only shared funcdefs should be stored here
// a funcdef becomes shared if all arguments and the return type are shared (or application registered)
asCArray < asCScriptFunction * > funcDefs ; // doesn't increase ref count
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// Stores the names of the script sections for debugging purposes
asCArray < asCString * > scriptSectionNames ;
// Type identifiers
mutable int typeIdSeqNbr ;
mutable asCMap < int , asCDataType * > mapTypeIdToDataType ;
// Garbage collector
asCGarbageCollector gc ;
// Dynamic groups
asCConfigGroup defaultGroup ;
asCArray < asCConfigGroup * > configGroups ;
asCConfigGroup * currentGroup ;
asDWORD defaultAccessMask ;
asSNameSpace * defaultNamespace ;
// Message callback
bool msgCallback ;
asSSystemFunctionInterface msgCallbackFunc ;
void * msgCallbackObj ;
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struct preMessage_t
preMessage_t ( ) { isSet = false ; }
bool isSet ;
asCString message ;
asCString scriptname ;
int r ;
int c ;
} preMessage ;
// JIt compilation
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asIJITCompiler * jitCompiler ;
// Namespaces
// These are shared between all entities and are
// only deleted once the engine is destroyed
asCArray < asSNameSpace * > nameSpaces ;
// String constants
// These are shared between all scripts and are
// only deleted once the engine is destroyed
asCArray < asCString * > stringConstants ;
asCMap < asCStringPointer , int > stringToIdMap ;
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// Callbacks for context pooling
void * ctxCallbackParam ;
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// User data
asCArray < asPWORD > userData ;
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struct SEngineClean { asPWORD type ; asCLEANENGINEFUNC_t cleanFunc ; } ;
asCArray < SEngineClean > cleanEngineFuncs ;
struct SModuleClean { asPWORD type ; asCLEANMODULEFUNC_t cleanFunc ; } ;
asCArray < SModuleClean > cleanModuleFuncs ;
struct SContextClean { asPWORD type ; asCLEANCONTEXTFUNC_t cleanFunc ; } ;
asCArray < SContextClean > cleanContextFuncs ;
struct SFunctionClean { asPWORD type ; asCLEANFUNCTIONFUNC_t cleanFunc ; } ;
asCArray < SFunctionClean > cleanFunctionFuncs ;
struct SObjTypeClean { asPWORD type ; asCLEANOBJECTTYPEFUNC_t cleanFunc ; } ;
asCArray < SObjTypeClean > cleanObjectTypeFuncs ;
struct SScriptObjClean { asPWORD type ; asCLEANSCRIPTOBJECTFUNC_t cleanFunc ; } ;
asCArray < SScriptObjClean > cleanScriptObjectFuncs ;
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// Synchronization for threads
// Engine properties
bool allowUnsafeReferences ;
bool optimizeByteCode ;
bool copyScriptSections ;
asUINT maximumContextStackSize ;
bool useCharacterLiterals ;
bool allowMultilineStrings ;
bool allowImplicitHandleTypes ;
bool buildWithoutLineCues ;
bool initGlobalVarsAfterBuild ;
bool requireEnumScope ;
int scanner ;
bool includeJitInstructions ;
int stringEncoding ;
int propertyAccessorMode ;
bool expandDefaultArrayToTemplate ;
bool autoGarbageCollect ;
bool disallowGlobalVars ;
bool alwaysImplDefaultConstruct ;
int compilerWarnings ;
bool disallowValueAssignForRefType ;
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// TODO: 3.0.0: Remove the alterSyntaxNamedArgs
int alterSyntaxNamedArgs ;
bool disableIntegerDivision ;
bool disallowEmptyListElements ;
// TODO: 3.0.0: Remove the privatePropAsProtected
bool privatePropAsProtected ;
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} ep ;
// This flag is to allow a quicker shutdown when releasing the engine
bool shuttingDown ;
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// This flag is set when the engine's destructor is called, this is to
// avoid recursive calls if an object happens to increment/decrement
// the ref counter during shutdown
bool inDestructor ;
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} ;
# endif