
105 lines
2.4 KiB

package d2datadict
import (
// PetTypeRecord represents a single line in PetType.txt
// The information has been gathered from [https://]
type PetTypeRecord struct {
// Name of the pet type, refferred by "pettype" in skills.txt
Name string
// Name text under the pet icon
IconName string
// .dc6 file for the pet's icon, located in /data/global/ui/hireables
BaseIcon string
// Alternative pet icon .dc6 file
MIcon1 string
MIcon2 string
MIcon3 string
MIcon4 string
// ID number of the pet type
ID int
// GroupID number of the group this pet belongs to
GroupID int
// BaseMax unknown what this does...
BaseMax int
// Pet icon type
IconType int
// Alternative pet index from monstats.txt
MClass1 int
MClass2 int
MClass3 int
MClass4 int
// Warp warps with the player, otherwise it dies
Warp bool
// Range the pet only die if the distance between the player and the pet exceeds 41 sub-tiles.
Range bool
// Unknown
PartySend bool
// Unsummon whether the pet can be unsummoned
Unsummon bool
// Automap whether the pet is displayed on the automap
Automap bool
// If true, the pet's HP will be displayed under the icon
DrawHP bool
// PetTypes stores the PetTypeRecords
var PetTypes map[string]*PetTypeRecord // nolint:gochecknoglobals // Currently global by design
// LoadPetTypes loads PetTypeRecords into PetTypes
func LoadPetTypes(file []byte) {
PetTypes = make(map[string]*PetTypeRecord)
d := d2txt.LoadDataDictionary(file)
for d.Next() {
record := &PetTypeRecord{
Name: d.String("pet type"),
ID: d.Number("idx"),
GroupID: d.Number("group"),
BaseMax: d.Number("basemax"),
Warp: d.Bool("warp"),
Range: d.Bool("range"),
PartySend: d.Bool("partysend"),
Unsummon: d.Bool("unsummon"),
Automap: d.Bool("automap"),
IconName: d.String("name"),
DrawHP: d.Bool("drawhp"),
IconType: d.Number("icontype"),
BaseIcon: d.String("baseicon"),
MClass1: d.Number("mclass1"),
MIcon1: d.String("micon1"),
MClass2: d.Number("mclass2"),
MIcon2: d.String("micon2"),
MClass3: d.Number("mclass3"),
MIcon3: d.String("micon3"),
MClass4: d.Number("mclass4"),
MIcon4: d.String("micon4"),
PetTypes[record.Name] = record
if d.Err != nil {
log.Printf("Loaded %d PetType records", len(PetTypes))