IRMC stands for Internet Relay Morse Code. It implements the [CWCom protocol]( as adopted by [MorseKOB]( You can try out the software in a [browser]( using Java.
Why not? A number of different approaches for CW over IP exist. An early implementation has been the CWCom protocol,
which has been the basis for Morse KOB, a ready-to-use software. Both chat programs have been written for CW exclusively and are compatible. An alternative implementation in C exists as well as a port to the ATMEL AVR Microcontroller.
Besides a variety of other approaches exist, for example an IRC plugin ([CWirc](, a [JavaScript implementation](, a [bandwidth-eating UDP implementation](, a [chat for iOS]( or a modulated CW over IP using Mumble ([iCW](
For the USB serial devices you need a PL2303 driver (i.e. [PL2303_Serial-USB_on_OSX_Lion.pkg](
for Java (i.e. [librxtxSerial.jnilib]( on OSX) it is even possible to connect to external hardware.
A current list of servers if provided on the [MorseKOB Website](
## Hardware interface options
A good description on how to build differnt interfaces (telegraph key, sounder or both) is given on the [MorseKOB Website]( Landline telegraphs use "closed circuits" for communications; if you have built one at home, you may also use the [loop interface](
> I have been using cwcom to practice sending morsecode, unfortunately my main computer at home is running openbsd and it has gotten harder to gain access to a reliable MS Windows machine. So I wrote my own client that works on openbsd.
> This is written in C and although not tested it should compile under other OS. If any one wants to try it and send me feedback. you can download version 0.01 here
> Les Kerr of has been very patient in answering my questions regarding the cwcom protocol and setting up a test server during debugging.
> There are few difference between this and the official cwcom client
> 1. It is a command line tool
> 2. It does not send the characters of the message to the receivers screen.
> 3. It does not translate CW for you. You can try fldigi if you just want see the transmission.
> 4. Tone pitch is currently hard coded to 650Hz
> 5. It does not have a way to show you who is listening.
> Bugs:
> There are a few that I am working on right now, but feel free to send me feedback if you get a chance to try it out.