
204 lines
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Raw Normal View History

module Types exposing (..)
import Autocomplete
import Mastodon.Http exposing (Response, Links)
import Mastodon.Model exposing (..)
import Navigation
import Time exposing (Time)
type alias Flags =
{ clients : List Client
, registration : Maybe AppRegistration
type DraftMsg
= ClearDraft
| UpdateSensitive Bool
| UpdateSpoiler String
| UpdateVisibility String
| UpdateReplyTo Status
| SelectAccount String
| ToggleSpoiler Bool
| UpdateInputInformation InputInformation
| ResetAutocomplete Bool
| CloseAutocomplete
| SetAutoState Autocomplete.Msg
type ViewerMsg
= CloseViewer
| OpenViewer (List Attachment) Attachment
type alias MastodonResult a =
Result Error (Response a)
type MastodonMsg
= AccessToken (MastodonResult AccessTokenResult)
| AccountFollowed (MastodonResult Relationship)
| AccountFollowers Bool (MastodonResult (List Account))
| AccountFollowing Bool (MastodonResult (List Account))
| AccountReceived (MastodonResult Account)
| AccountRelationship (MastodonResult (List Relationship))
| AccountRelationships (MastodonResult (List Relationship))
| AccountTimeline Bool (MastodonResult (List Status))
| AccountUnfollowed (MastodonResult Relationship)
| AppRegistered (MastodonResult AppRegistration)
| AutoSearch (MastodonResult (List Account))
| ContextLoaded Status (MastodonResult Context)
| CurrentUser (MastodonResult Account)
| FavoriteAdded (MastodonResult Status)
| FavoriteRemoved (MastodonResult Status)
| GlobalTimeline Bool (MastodonResult (List Status))
| LocalTimeline Bool (MastodonResult (List Status))
| Notifications Bool (MastodonResult (List Notification))
| Reblogged (MastodonResult Status)
| StatusDeleted (MastodonResult Int)
| StatusPosted (MastodonResult Status)
| Unreblogged (MastodonResult Status)
2017-05-06 05:15:52 -04:00
| HomeTimeline Bool (MastodonResult (List Status))
type WebSocketMsg
= NewWebsocketGlobalMessage String
| NewWebsocketLocalMessage String
| NewWebsocketUserMessage String
type Msg
= AddFavorite Int
| ClearError Int
| CloseAccount
| CloseAccountSelector
| CloseThread
| DeleteStatus Int
| DraftEvent DraftMsg
2017-04-30 06:15:33 -04:00
| FilterNotifications NotificationFilter
| FollowAccount Int
| LoadAccount Int
| TimelineLoadNext String String
| MastodonEvent MastodonMsg
| NoOp
| OpenThread Status
| OpenAccountSelector
| ReblogStatus Int
| Register
| RemoveFavorite Int
| ScrollColumn ScrollDirection String
| ServerChange String
| SubmitDraft
| SwitchClient Client
| Tick Time
| UnfollowAccount Int
| UrlChange Navigation.Location
| UseGlobalTimeline Bool
| UnreblogStatus Int
| ViewAccountFollowing Account
| ViewAccountFollowers Account
| ViewAccountStatuses Account
| ViewerEvent ViewerMsg
| WebSocketEvent WebSocketMsg
type CurrentView
= -- Basically, what we should be displaying in the fourth column
AccountFollowersView Account (Timeline Account)
| AccountFollowingView Account (Timeline Account)
| AccountView Account
| AccountSelectorView
| GlobalTimelineView
| LocalTimelineView
| ThreadView Thread
type alias Draft =
{ status : String
, inReplyTo : Maybe Status
, spoilerText : Maybe String
, sensitive : Bool
, visibility : String
, statusLength : Int
-- Autocomplete values
, autoState : Autocomplete.State
, autoCursorPosition : Int
, autoAtPosition : Maybe Int
, autoQuery : String
, autoMaxResults : Int
, autoAccounts : List Account
, showAutoMenu : Bool
2017-04-30 05:46:51 -04:00
type NotificationFilter
= NotificationAll
| NotificationOnlyMentions
| NotificationOnlyBoosts
| NotificationOnlyFavourites
| NotificationOnlyFollows
type ScrollDirection
= ScrollTop
| ScrollBottom
type alias Thread =
{ status : Status
, context : Context
type alias Viewer =
{ attachments : List Attachment
, attachment : Attachment
type alias Timeline a =
{ id : String
, entries : List a
, links : Links
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, loading : Bool
type alias ErrorNotification =
{ message : String
, time : Time
type alias Model =
{ server : String
, currentTime : Time
, registration : Maybe AppRegistration
, clients : List Client
2017-05-06 05:15:52 -04:00
, homeTimeline : Timeline Status
, localTimeline : Timeline Status
, globalTimeline : Timeline Status
, accountTimeline : Timeline Status
, accountFollowers : Timeline Account
, accountFollowing : Timeline Account
, accountRelationships : List Relationship
, accountRelationship : Maybe Relationship
, notifications : Timeline NotificationAggregate
, draft : Draft
, errors : List ErrorNotification
, location : Navigation.Location
, useGlobalTimeline : Bool
, viewer : Maybe Viewer
, currentUser : Maybe Account
, currentView : CurrentView
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, notificationFilter : NotificationFilter
type alias InputInformation =
{ status : String
, selectionStart : Int