* Check relationships. * Follow & unfollow actions. * Don't display follow button to ourselves. * Profile view follow button. * Added follow/unfollow button to viewed account profile.
This commit is contained in:
@ -100,21 +100,39 @@ body {
.follow-entry {
min-height: 38px;
display: flex;
flex-direction: row;
flex-wrap: nowrap;
justify-content: space-between;
align-content: stretch;
align-items: flex-start;
.follow-entry .avatar {
order: 0;
flex: 0 1 auto;
align-self: auto;
width: 38px;
height: 38px;
margin-right: 10px;
.follow-entry .username {
font-weight: normal;
font-size: 97%;
margin-left: 50px;
.follow-entry .userinfo {
order: 0;
flex: 10 1 auto;
align-self: auto;
overflow: hidden;
text-overflow: ellipsis;
.follow-entry button {
order: 0;
flex: 0 1 auto;
align-self: auto;
width: 40px;
height: 40px;
.acct {
font-size: 97%;
font-weight: normal;
@ -317,8 +335,10 @@ body {
/* Account rules */
.account-detail {
position: relative;
text-align: center;
.account-detail .opacity-layer{
background: rgba(49,53,67,0.9);
@ -330,6 +350,14 @@ body {
margin:0 auto 0;
.account-detail .btn {
position: absolute;
top: 1em;
left: 1em;
width: 50px;
height: 50px;
opacity: .8;
.account-detail .account-display-name {
display: block;
@ -8,7 +8,10 @@ module Command
, loadNotifications
, loadUserAccount
, loadAccount
, loadAccountInfo
, loadAccountTimeline
, loadAccountFollowers
, loadAccountFollowing
, loadRelationships
, loadThread
, loadTimelines
, postStatus
@ -17,6 +20,8 @@ module Command
, unreblogStatus
, favouriteStatus
, unfavouriteStatus
, follow
, unfollow
import Json.Encode as Encode
@ -112,25 +117,56 @@ loadAccount : Maybe Client -> Int -> Cmd Msg
loadAccount client accountId =
case client of
Just client ->
Mastodon.Http.fetchAccount client accountId
|> Mastodon.Http.send (MastodonEvent << AccountReceived)
[ Mastodon.Http.fetchAccount client accountId
|> Mastodon.Http.send (MastodonEvent << AccountReceived)
, Mastodon.Http.fetchRelationships client [ accountId ]
|> Mastodon.Http.send (MastodonEvent << AccountRelationship)
Nothing ->
loadAccountInfo : Maybe Client -> Int -> Cmd Msg
loadAccountInfo client accountId =
loadAccountTimeline : Maybe Client -> Int -> Cmd Msg
loadAccountTimeline client accountId =
case client of
Just client ->
[ Mastodon.Http.fetchAccountTimeline client accountId
|> Mastodon.Http.send (MastodonEvent << AccountTimeline)
, Mastodon.Http.fetchAccountFollowers client accountId
|> Mastodon.Http.send (MastodonEvent << AccountFollowers)
, Mastodon.Http.fetchAccountFollowing client accountId
|> Mastodon.Http.send (MastodonEvent << AccountFollowing)
Mastodon.Http.fetchAccountTimeline client accountId
|> Mastodon.Http.send (MastodonEvent << AccountTimeline)
Nothing ->
loadAccountFollowers : Maybe Client -> Int -> Cmd Msg
loadAccountFollowers client accountId =
case client of
Just client ->
Mastodon.Http.fetchAccountFollowers client accountId
|> Mastodon.Http.send (MastodonEvent << AccountFollowers)
Nothing ->
loadAccountFollowing : Maybe Client -> Int -> Cmd Msg
loadAccountFollowing client accountId =
case client of
Just client ->
Mastodon.Http.fetchAccountFollowing client accountId
|> Mastodon.Http.send (MastodonEvent << AccountFollowing)
Nothing ->
loadRelationships : Maybe Client -> List Int -> Cmd Msg
loadRelationships client accountIds =
case client of
Just client ->
Mastodon.Http.fetchRelationships client accountIds
|> Mastodon.Http.send (MastodonEvent << AccountRelationships)
Nothing ->
@ -229,3 +265,25 @@ unfavouriteStatus client statusId =
Nothing ->
follow : Maybe Client -> Int -> Cmd Msg
follow client id =
case client of
Just client ->
Mastodon.Http.follow client id
|> Mastodon.Http.send (MastodonEvent << AccountFollowed)
Nothing ->
unfollow : Maybe Client -> Int -> Cmd Msg
unfollow client id =
case client of
Just client ->
Mastodon.Http.unfollow client id
|> Mastodon.Http.send (MastodonEvent << AccountUnfollowed)
Nothing ->
@ -12,12 +12,15 @@ module Mastodon.ApiUrl
, homeTimeline
, publicTimeline
, notifications
, relationships
, statuses
, context
, reblog
, unreblog
, favourite
, unfavourite
, follow
, unfollow
, streaming
@ -51,11 +54,32 @@ account id =
accounts ++ (toString id)
follow : Server -> Int -> String
follow server id =
server ++ accounts ++ (toString id) ++ "/follow"
unfollow : Server -> Int -> String
unfollow server id =
server ++ accounts ++ (toString id) ++ "/unfollow"
userAccount : Server -> String
userAccount server =
server ++ accounts ++ "verify_credentials"
relationships : List Int -> String
relationships ids =
qs =
|> List.map (\id -> "id[]=" ++ (toString id))
|> String.join "&"
accounts ++ "relationships?" ++ qs
followers : Int -> String
followers id =
(account id) ++ "/followers"
@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ module Mastodon.Decoder
, notificationDecoder
, tagDecoder
, reblogDecoder
, relationshipDecoder
, statusDecoder
, webSocketPayloadDecoder
, webSocketEventDecoder
@ -100,6 +101,17 @@ notificationDecoder =
|> Pipe.optional "status" (Decode.nullable statusDecoder) Nothing
relationshipDecoder : Decode.Decoder Relationship
relationshipDecoder =
Pipe.decode Relationship
|> Pipe.required "id" Decode.int
|> Pipe.required "blocking" Decode.bool
|> Pipe.required "followed_by" Decode.bool
|> Pipe.required "following" Decode.bool
|> Pipe.required "muting" Decode.bool
|> Pipe.required "requested" Decode.bool
tagDecoder : Decode.Decoder Tag
tagDecoder =
Pipe.decode Tag
@ -6,6 +6,8 @@ module Mastodon.Http
, unreblog
, favourite
, unfavourite
, follow
, unfollow
, register
, getAuthorizationUrl
, getAccessToken
@ -17,6 +19,7 @@ module Mastodon.Http
, fetchNotifications
, fetchGlobalTimeline
, fetchUserTimeline
, fetchRelationships
, postStatus
, deleteStatus
, userAccount
@ -116,6 +119,11 @@ fetchUserTimeline client =
fetch client ApiUrl.homeTimeline <| Decode.list statusDecoder
fetchRelationships : Client -> List Int -> Request (List Relationship)
fetchRelationships client ids =
fetch client (ApiUrl.relationships ids) <| Decode.list relationshipDecoder
fetchLocalTimeline : Client -> Request (List Status)
fetchLocalTimeline client =
fetch client (ApiUrl.publicTimeline (Just "public")) <| Decode.list statusDecoder
@ -201,3 +209,17 @@ unfavourite client id =
HttpBuilder.post (ApiUrl.unfavourite client.server id)
|> HttpBuilder.withHeader "Authorization" ("Bearer " ++ client.token)
|> HttpBuilder.withExpect (Http.expectJson statusDecoder)
follow : Client -> Int -> Request Relationship
follow client id =
HttpBuilder.post (ApiUrl.follow client.server id)
|> HttpBuilder.withHeader "Authorization" ("Bearer " ++ client.token)
|> HttpBuilder.withExpect (Http.expectJson relationshipDecoder)
unfollow : Client -> Int -> Request Relationship
unfollow client id =
HttpBuilder.post (ApiUrl.unfollow client.server id)
|> HttpBuilder.withHeader "Authorization" ("Bearer " ++ client.token)
|> HttpBuilder.withExpect (Http.expectJson relationshipDecoder)
@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ module Mastodon.Model
, Notification
, NotificationAggregate
, Reblog(..)
, Relationship
, Tag
, Status
, StatusRequestBody
@ -148,6 +149,16 @@ type Reblog
= Reblog Status
type alias Relationship =
{ id : Int
, blocking : Bool
, followed_by : Bool
, following : Bool
, muting : Bool
, requested : Bool
type alias Status =
{ account : Account
, content : String
@ -53,6 +53,8 @@ init flags location =
, accountTimeline = []
, accountFollowers = []
, accountFollowing = []
, accountRelationships = []
, accountRelationship = Nothing
, notifications = []
, draft = defaultDraft
, errors = []
@ -150,6 +152,38 @@ deleteStatusFromTimeline statusId timeline =
{-| Update viewed account relationships as well as the relationship with the
current connected user, both according to the "following" status provided.
processFollowEvent : Relationship -> Bool -> Model -> Model
processFollowEvent relationship flag model =
updateRelationship r =
if r.id == relationship.id then
{ r | following = flag }
accountRelationships =
model.accountRelationships |> List.map updateRelationship
accountRelationship =
case model.accountRelationship of
Just accountRelationship ->
if accountRelationship.id == relationship.id then
Just { relationship | following = flag }
Nothing ->
{ model
| accountRelationships = accountRelationships
, accountRelationship = accountRelationship
updateDraft : DraftMsg -> Account -> Draft -> ( Draft, Cmd Msg )
updateDraft draftMsg currentUser draft =
case draftMsg of
@ -222,6 +256,22 @@ processMastodonEvent msg model =
Err error ->
{ model | errors = (errorText error) :: model.errors } ! []
AccountFollowed result ->
case result of
Ok relationship ->
processFollowEvent relationship True model ! []
Err error ->
{ model | errors = (errorText error) :: model.errors } ! []
AccountUnfollowed result ->
case result of
Ok relationship ->
processFollowEvent relationship False model ! []
Err error ->
{ model | errors = (errorText error) :: model.errors } ! []
AppRegistered result ->
case result of
Ok registration ->
@ -329,7 +379,7 @@ processMastodonEvent msg model =
case result of
Ok account ->
{ model | currentView = AccountView account }
! [ Command.loadAccountInfo model.client account.id ]
! [ Command.loadAccountTimeline model.client account.id ]
Err error ->
{ model
@ -348,16 +398,37 @@ processMastodonEvent msg model =
AccountFollowers result ->
case result of
Ok statuses ->
{ model | accountFollowers = statuses } ! []
Ok followers ->
{ model | accountFollowers = followers }
! [ Command.loadRelationships model.client <| List.map .id followers ]
Err error ->
{ model | errors = (errorText error) :: model.errors } ! []
AccountFollowing result ->
case result of
Ok statuses ->
{ model | accountFollowing = statuses } ! []
Ok following ->
{ model | accountFollowing = following }
! [ Command.loadRelationships model.client <| List.map .id following ]
Err error ->
{ model | errors = (errorText error) :: model.errors } ! []
AccountRelationship result ->
case result of
Ok [ relationship ] ->
{ model | accountRelationship = Just relationship } ! []
Ok _ ->
model ! []
Err error ->
{ model | errors = (errorText error) :: model.errors } ! []
AccountRelationships result ->
case result of
Ok relationships ->
{ model | accountRelationships = relationships } ! []
Err error ->
{ model | errors = (errorText error) :: model.errors } ! []
@ -493,6 +564,12 @@ update msg model =
CloseThread ->
{ model | currentView = preferredTimeline model } ! []
FollowAccount id ->
model ! [ Command.follow model.client id ]
UnfollowAccount id ->
model ! [ Command.unfollow model.client id ]
DeleteStatus id ->
model ! [ Command.deleteStatus model.client id ]
@ -531,14 +608,22 @@ update msg model =
model ! [ Command.postStatus model.client <| toStatusRequestBody model.draft ]
LoadAccount accountId ->
{ model | currentView = preferredTimeline model }
{ model
| accountTimeline = []
, accountFollowers = []
, accountFollowing = []
, accountRelationships = []
, accountRelationship = Nothing
! [ Command.loadAccount model.client accountId ]
ViewAccountFollowers account ->
{ model | currentView = AccountFollowersView account model.accountFollowers } ! []
{ model | currentView = AccountFollowersView account model.accountFollowers }
! [ Command.loadAccountFollowers model.client account.id ]
ViewAccountFollowing account ->
{ model | currentView = AccountFollowingView account model.accountFollowing } ! []
{ model | currentView = AccountFollowingView account model.accountFollowing }
! [ Command.loadAccountFollowing model.client account.id ]
ViewAccountStatuses account ->
{ model | currentView = AccountView account } ! []
@ -27,10 +27,14 @@ type ViewerMsg
type MastodonMsg
= AccessToken (Result Error AccessTokenResult)
| AccountFollowed (Result Error Relationship)
| AccountFollowers (Result Error (List Account))
| AccountFollowing (Result Error (List Account))
| AccountReceived (Result Error Account)
| AccountRelationship (Result Error (List Relationship))
| AccountRelationships (Result Error (List Relationship))
| AccountTimeline (Result Error (List Status))
| AccountUnfollowed (Result Error Relationship)
| AppRegistered (Result Error AppRegistration)
| ContextLoaded Status (Result Error Context)
| CurrentUser (Result Error Account)
@ -58,6 +62,7 @@ type Msg
| CloseThread
| DeleteStatus Int
| DraftEvent DraftMsg
| FollowAccount Int
| LoadAccount Int
| MastodonEvent MastodonMsg
| NoOp
@ -68,6 +73,7 @@ type Msg
| ScrollColumn String
| ServerChange String
| SubmitDraft
| UnfollowAccount Int
| UrlChange Navigation.Location
| UseGlobalTimeline Bool
| UnreblogStatus Int
@ -127,6 +133,8 @@ type alias Model =
, accountTimeline : List Status
, accountFollowers : List Account
, accountFollowing : List Account
, accountRelationships : List Relationship
, accountRelationship : Maybe Relationship
, notifications : List NotificationAggregate
, draft : Draft
, errors : List String
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ import Dict
import Html exposing (..)
import Html.Attributes exposing (..)
import Html.Events exposing (..)
import List.Extra exposing (elemIndex, getAt)
import List.Extra exposing (find, elemIndex, getAt)
import Mastodon.Helper
import Mastodon.Model exposing (..)
import Types exposing (..)
@ -14,6 +14,14 @@ import Date.Extra.Config.Config_en_au as DateEn
import Date.Extra.Format as DateFormat
type alias CurrentUser =
type alias CurrentUserRelation =
Maybe Relationship
visibilities : Dict.Dict String String
visibilities =
@ -202,21 +210,60 @@ statusView context ({ account, content, media_attachments, reblog, mentions } as
followView : Account -> Html Msg
followView account =
followButton : CurrentUser -> CurrentUserRelation -> Account -> Html Msg
followButton currentUser relationship account =
if Mastodon.Helper.sameAccount account currentUser then
text ""
( followEvent, btnClasses, iconName, tooltip ) =
case relationship of
Nothing ->
( NoOp
, "btn btn-default btn-disabled"
, "question-sign"
, "Unknown relationship"
Just relationship ->
if relationship.following then
( UnfollowAccount account.id
, "btn btn-default btn-primary"
, "eye-close"
, "Unfollow"
( FollowAccount account.id
, "btn btn-default"
, "eye-open"
, "Follow"
button [ class btnClasses, title tooltip, onClick followEvent ]
[ icon iconName ]
followView : CurrentUser -> Maybe Relationship -> Account -> Html Msg
followView currentUser relationship account =
div [ class "follow-entry" ]
[ accountAvatarLink account
, div [ class "username" ]
, div [ class "userinfo" ]
[ strong []
[ text <|
if account.display_name /= "" then
[ a
[ href account.url
, onClickWithPreventAndStop <| LoadAccount account.id
[ text <|
if account.display_name /= "" then
, br [] []
, text <| "@" ++ account.acct
, followButton currentUser relationship account
@ -233,22 +280,23 @@ accountCounterLink label count tagger account =
accountView : String -> String -> Account -> Html Msg -> Html Msg
accountView label iconName account panelContent =
accountView : CurrentUser -> Account -> CurrentUserRelation -> Html Msg -> Html Msg
accountView currentUser account relationship panelContent =
{ statuses_count, following_count, followers_count } =
div [ class "col-md-3 column" ]
[ div [ class "panel panel-default" ]
[ closeablePanelheading iconName label CloseAccount
[ closeablePanelheading "user" "Account" CloseAccount
, div [ class "timeline" ]
[ div
[ class "account-detail"
, style [ ( "background-image", "url('" ++ account.header ++ "')" ) ]
[ div [ class "opacity-layer" ]
[ img [ src account.avatar ] []
[ followButton currentUser relationship account
, img [ src account.avatar ] []
, span [ class "account-display-name" ] [ text account.display_name ]
, span [ class "account-username" ] [ text ("@" ++ account.username) ]
, span [ class "account-note" ] (formatContent account.note [])
@ -265,9 +313,9 @@ accountView label iconName account panelContent =
accountTimelineView : String -> List Status -> Account -> Html Msg
accountTimelineView label statuses account =
accountView label "user" account <|
accountTimelineView : CurrentUser -> List Status -> CurrentUserRelation -> Account -> Html Msg
accountTimelineView currentUser statuses relationship account =
accountView currentUser account relationship <|
ul [ class "list-group" ] <|
(\s ->
@ -277,19 +325,29 @@ accountTimelineView label statuses account =
accountFollowView : String -> List Account -> Account -> Html Msg
accountFollowView label accounts account =
accountView label "user" account <|
accountFollowView :
-> List Account
-> List Relationship
-> CurrentUserRelation
-> Account
-> Html Msg
accountFollowView currentUser accounts relationships relationship account =
accountView currentUser account relationship <|
ul [ class "list-group" ] <|
(\account ->
li [ class "list-group-item status" ]
[ followView account ]
[ followView
(find (\r -> r.id == account.id) relationships)
statusActionsView : Status -> Account -> Html Msg
statusActionsView : Status -> CurrentUser -> Html Msg
statusActionsView status currentUser =
sourceStatus =
@ -353,7 +411,7 @@ statusActionsView status currentUser =
statusEntryView : String -> String -> Account -> Status -> Html Msg
statusEntryView : String -> String -> CurrentUser -> Status -> Html Msg
statusEntryView context className currentUser status =
nsfwClass =
@ -370,7 +428,7 @@ statusEntryView context className currentUser status =
timelineView : String -> String -> String -> Account -> List Status -> Html Msg
timelineView : String -> String -> String -> CurrentUser -> List Status -> Html Msg
timelineView label iconName context currentUser statuses =
div [ class "col-md-3 column" ]
[ div [ class "panel panel-default" ]
@ -396,7 +454,7 @@ notificationHeading accounts str iconType =
notificationStatusView : String -> Account -> Status -> NotificationAggregate -> Html Msg
notificationStatusView : String -> CurrentUser -> Status -> NotificationAggregate -> Html Msg
notificationStatusView context currentUser status { type_, accounts } =
div [ class <| "notification " ++ type_ ]
[ case type_ of
@ -413,7 +471,7 @@ notificationStatusView context currentUser status { type_, accounts } =
notificationFollowView : Account -> NotificationAggregate -> Html Msg
notificationFollowView : CurrentUser -> NotificationAggregate -> Html Msg
notificationFollowView currentUser { accounts } =
profileView account =
@ -434,7 +492,7 @@ notificationFollowView currentUser { accounts } =
notificationEntryView : Account -> NotificationAggregate -> Html Msg
notificationEntryView : CurrentUser -> NotificationAggregate -> Html Msg
notificationEntryView currentUser notification =
li [ class "list-group-item" ]
[ case notification.status of
@ -446,7 +504,7 @@ notificationEntryView currentUser notification =
notificationListView : Account -> List NotificationAggregate -> Html Msg
notificationListView : CurrentUser -> List NotificationAggregate -> Html Msg
notificationListView currentUser notifications =
div [ class "col-md-3 column" ]
[ div [ class "panel panel-default" ]
@ -482,7 +540,7 @@ draftReplyToView draft =
text ""
currentUserView : Maybe Account -> Html Msg
currentUserView : Maybe CurrentUser -> Html Msg
currentUserView currentUser =
case currentUser of
Just currentUser ->
@ -611,7 +669,7 @@ draftView { draft, currentUser } =
threadView : Account -> Thread -> Html Msg
threadView : CurrentUser -> Thread -> Html Msg
threadView currentUser thread =
statuses =
@ -697,13 +755,27 @@ homepageView model =
AccountView account ->
accountTimelineView "Account" model.accountTimeline account
AccountFollowersView account followers ->
accountFollowView "Account followers" model.accountFollowers account
AccountFollowingView account following ->
accountFollowView "Account following" model.accountFollowing account
ThreadView thread ->
threadView currentUser thread
Reference in New Issue
Block a user