archshift 7915c4ca7c Entity.cpp: On portal check, use if-else for current dimension
If current dimension corresponds with the portal (nether portal in the nether) send to the overworld, else send to the portal dimension. No need to switch on the dimension and exclude potential others.
2014-08-02 21:44:02 -07:00

1802 lines
37 KiB

#include "Globals.h" // NOTE: MSVC stupidness requires this to be the same across all modules
#include "Entity.h"
#include "../World.h"
#include "../Server.h"
#include "../Root.h"
#include "../Matrix4.h"
#include "../ClientHandle.h"
#include "../Chunk.h"
#include "../Simulator/FluidSimulator.h"
#include "../Bindings/PluginManager.h"
#include "../Tracer.h"
#include "Player.h"
#include "Items/ItemHandler.h"
int cEntity::m_EntityCount = 0;
cCriticalSection cEntity::m_CSCount;
cEntity::cEntity(eEntityType a_EntityType, double a_X, double a_Y, double a_Z, double a_Width, double a_Height)
: m_UniqueID(0)
, m_Health(1)
, m_MaxHealth(1)
, m_AttachedTo(NULL)
, m_Attachee(NULL)
, m_bDirtyHead(true)
, m_bDirtyOrientation(true)
, m_bHasSentNoSpeed(true)
, m_bOnGround(false)
, m_Gravity(-9.81f)
, m_LastPos(a_X, a_Y, a_Z)
, m_IsInitialized(false)
, m_WorldTravellingFrom(NULL)
, m_EntityType(a_EntityType)
, m_World(NULL)
, m_IsFireproof(false)
, m_TicksSinceLastBurnDamage(0)
, m_TicksSinceLastLavaDamage(0)
, m_TicksSinceLastFireDamage(0)
, m_TicksLeftBurning(0)
, m_TicksSinceLastVoidDamage(0)
, m_IsSwimming(false)
, m_IsSubmerged(false)
, m_AirLevel(0)
, m_AirTickTimer(0)
, m_TicksAlive(0)
, m_HeadYaw(0.0)
, m_Rot(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
, m_Pos(a_X, a_Y, a_Z)
, m_WaterSpeed(0, 0, 0)
, m_Mass (0.001) // Default 1g
, m_Width(a_Width)
, m_Height(a_Height)
, m_InvulnerableTicks(0)
cCSLock Lock(m_CSCount);
m_UniqueID = m_EntityCount;
// Before deleting, the entity needs to have been removed from the world, if ever added
ASSERT((m_World == NULL) || !m_World->HasEntity(m_UniqueID));
LOGD("Deleting entity %d at pos {%.2f, %.2f, %.2f} ~ [%d, %d]; ptr %p",
m_Pos.x, m_Pos.y, m_Pos.z,
(int)(m_Pos.x / cChunkDef::Width), (int)(m_Pos.z / cChunkDef::Width),
if (m_AttachedTo != NULL)
if (m_Attachee != NULL)
if (m_IsInitialized)
LOGWARNING("ERROR: Entity deallocated without being destroyed");
ASSERT(!"Entity deallocated without being destroyed or unlinked");
const char * cEntity::GetClass(void) const
return "cEntity";
const char * cEntity::GetClassStatic(void)
return "cEntity";
const char * cEntity::GetParentClass(void) const
return "";
bool cEntity::Initialize(cWorld & a_World)
if (cPluginManager::Get()->CallHookSpawningEntity(a_World, *this))
return false;
LOGD("Initializing entity #%d (%s) at {%.02f, %.02f, %.02f}",
m_UniqueID, GetClass(), m_Pos.x, m_Pos.y, m_Pos.z
m_IsInitialized = true;
m_World = &a_World;
cPluginManager::Get()->CallHookSpawnedEntity(a_World, *this);
// Spawn the entity on the clients:
return true;
void cEntity::WrapHeadYaw(void)
m_HeadYaw = NormalizeAngleDegrees(m_HeadYaw);
void cEntity::WrapRotation(void)
m_Rot.x = NormalizeAngleDegrees(m_Rot.x);
m_Rot.y = NormalizeAngleDegrees(m_Rot.y);
void cEntity::WrapSpeed(void)
m_Speed.x = Clamp(m_Speed.x, -78.0, 78.0);
m_Speed.y = Clamp(m_Speed.y, -78.0, 78.0);
m_Speed.z = Clamp(m_Speed.z, -78.0, 78.0);
void cEntity::Destroy(bool a_ShouldBroadcast)
if (!m_IsInitialized)
if (a_ShouldBroadcast)
m_IsInitialized = false;
void cEntity::TakeDamage(cEntity & a_Attacker)
int RawDamage = a_Attacker.GetRawDamageAgainst(*this);
TakeDamage(dtAttack, &a_Attacker, RawDamage, a_Attacker.GetKnockbackAmountAgainst(*this));
void cEntity::TakeDamage(eDamageType a_DamageType, cEntity * a_Attacker, int a_RawDamage, double a_KnockbackAmount)
int FinalDamage = a_RawDamage - GetArmorCoverAgainst(a_Attacker, a_DamageType, a_RawDamage);
cEntity::TakeDamage(a_DamageType, a_Attacker, a_RawDamage, FinalDamage, a_KnockbackAmount);
void cEntity::TakeDamage(eDamageType a_DamageType, cEntity * a_Attacker, int a_RawDamage, int a_FinalDamage, double a_KnockbackAmount)
TakeDamageInfo TDI;
TDI.DamageType = a_DamageType;
TDI.Attacker = a_Attacker;
TDI.RawDamage = a_RawDamage;
TDI.FinalDamage = a_FinalDamage;
Vector3d Heading(0, 0, 0);
if (a_Attacker != NULL)
Heading = a_Attacker->GetLookVector() * (a_Attacker->IsSprinting() ? 10 : 8);
Heading.y = 2;
TDI.Knockback = Heading * a_KnockbackAmount;
void cEntity::SetYawFromSpeed(void)
const double EPS = 0.0000001;
if ((abs(m_Speed.x) < EPS) && (abs(m_Speed.z) < EPS))
// atan2() may overflow or is undefined, pick any number
SetYaw(atan2(m_Speed.x, m_Speed.z) * 180 / PI);
void cEntity::SetPitchFromSpeed(void)
const double EPS = 0.0000001;
double xz = sqrt(m_Speed.x * m_Speed.x + m_Speed.z * m_Speed.z); // Speed XZ-plane component
if ((abs(xz) < EPS) && (abs(m_Speed.y) < EPS))
// atan2() may overflow or is undefined, pick any number
SetPitch(atan2(m_Speed.y, xz) * 180 / PI);
bool cEntity::DoTakeDamage(TakeDamageInfo & a_TDI)
if (m_Health <= 0)
// Can't take damage if already dead
return false;
if (m_InvulnerableTicks > 0)
// Entity is invulnerable
return false;
if (cRoot::Get()->GetPluginManager()->CallHookTakeDamage(*this, a_TDI))
return false;
if ((a_TDI.Attacker != NULL) && (a_TDI.Attacker->IsPlayer()))
cPlayer * Player = (cPlayer *)a_TDI.Attacker;
Player->GetEquippedItem().GetHandler()->OnEntityAttack(Player, this);
// IsOnGround() only is false if the player is moving downwards
// TODO: Better damage increase, and check for enchantments (and use magic critical instead of plain)
if (!Player->IsOnGround())
if ((a_TDI.DamageType == dtAttack) || (a_TDI.DamageType == dtArrowAttack))
a_TDI.FinalDamage += 2;
m_World->BroadcastEntityAnimation(*this, 4); // Critical hit
Player->GetStatManager().AddValue(statDamageDealt, (StatValue)floor(a_TDI.FinalDamage * 10 + 0.5));
m_Health -= (short)a_TDI.FinalDamage;
// TODO: Apply damage to armor
m_Health = std::max(m_Health, 0);
if ((IsMob() || IsPlayer()) && (a_TDI.Attacker != NULL)) // Knockback for only players and mobs
int KnockbackLevel = a_TDI.Attacker->GetEquippedWeapon().m_Enchantments.GetLevel(cEnchantments::enchKnockback); // More common enchantment
if (KnockbackLevel < 1)
// We support punch on swords and vice versa! :)
KnockbackLevel = a_TDI.Attacker->GetEquippedWeapon().m_Enchantments.GetLevel(cEnchantments::enchPunch);
Vector3d AdditionalSpeed(0, 0, 0);
switch (KnockbackLevel)
case 1: AdditionalSpeed.Set(5, 0.3, 5); break;
case 2: AdditionalSpeed.Set(8, 0.3, 8); break;
default: break;
AddSpeed(a_TDI.Knockback + AdditionalSpeed);
m_World->BroadcastEntityStatus(*this, esGenericHurt);
m_InvulnerableTicks = 10;
if (m_Health <= 0)
if (a_TDI.Attacker != NULL)
return true;
int cEntity::GetRawDamageAgainst(const cEntity & a_Receiver)
// Returns the hitpoints that this pawn can deal to a_Receiver using its equipped items
// Ref: http://www.minecraftwiki.net/wiki/Damage#Dealing_damage as of 2012_12_20
switch (this->GetEquippedWeapon().m_ItemType)
case E_ITEM_WOODEN_SWORD: return 4;
case E_ITEM_GOLD_SWORD: return 4;
case E_ITEM_STONE_SWORD: return 5;
case E_ITEM_IRON_SWORD: return 6;
case E_ITEM_DIAMOND_SWORD: return 7;
case E_ITEM_WOODEN_AXE: return 3;
case E_ITEM_GOLD_AXE: return 3;
case E_ITEM_STONE_AXE: return 4;
case E_ITEM_IRON_AXE: return 5;
case E_ITEM_DIAMOND_AXE: return 6;
case E_ITEM_WOODEN_PICKAXE: return 2;
case E_ITEM_GOLD_PICKAXE: return 2;
case E_ITEM_STONE_PICKAXE: return 3;
case E_ITEM_IRON_PICKAXE: return 4;
case E_ITEM_DIAMOND_PICKAXE: return 5;
case E_ITEM_WOODEN_SHOVEL: return 1;
case E_ITEM_GOLD_SHOVEL: return 1;
case E_ITEM_STONE_SHOVEL: return 2;
case E_ITEM_IRON_SHOVEL: return 3;
case E_ITEM_DIAMOND_SHOVEL: return 4;
// All other equipped items give a damage of 1:
return 1;
bool cEntity::ArmorCoversAgainst(eDamageType a_DamageType)
// Ref.: http://www.minecraftwiki.net/wiki/Armor#Effects as of 2012_12_20
switch (a_DamageType)
case dtOnFire:
case dtSuffocating:
case dtDrowning: // TODO: This one could be a special case - in various MC versions (PC vs XBox) it is and isn't armor-protected
case dtStarving:
case dtInVoid:
case dtPoisoning:
case dtWithering:
case dtPotionOfHarming:
case dtFalling:
case dtLightning:
case dtPlugin:
return false;
case dtAttack:
case dtArrowAttack:
case dtCactusContact:
case dtLavaContact:
case dtFireContact:
case dtEnderPearl:
case dtExplosion:
return true;
ASSERT(!"Invalid damage type!");
return false;
int cEntity::GetArmorCoverAgainst(const cEntity * a_Attacker, eDamageType a_DamageType, int a_Damage)
// Returns the hitpoints out of a_RawDamage that the currently equipped armor would cover
// Filter out damage types that are not protected by armor:
if (!ArmorCoversAgainst(a_DamageType)) return 0;
// Add up all armor points:
// Ref.: http://www.minecraftwiki.net/wiki/Armor#Defense_points as of 2012_12_20
int ArmorValue = 0;
switch (GetEquippedHelmet().m_ItemType)
case E_ITEM_LEATHER_CAP: ArmorValue += 1; break;
case E_ITEM_GOLD_HELMET: ArmorValue += 2; break;
case E_ITEM_CHAIN_HELMET: ArmorValue += 2; break;
case E_ITEM_IRON_HELMET: ArmorValue += 2; break;
case E_ITEM_DIAMOND_HELMET: ArmorValue += 3; break;
switch (GetEquippedChestplate().m_ItemType)
case E_ITEM_LEATHER_TUNIC: ArmorValue += 3; break;
case E_ITEM_GOLD_CHESTPLATE: ArmorValue += 5; break;
case E_ITEM_CHAIN_CHESTPLATE: ArmorValue += 5; break;
case E_ITEM_IRON_CHESTPLATE: ArmorValue += 6; break;
case E_ITEM_DIAMOND_CHESTPLATE: ArmorValue += 8; break;
switch (GetEquippedLeggings().m_ItemType)
case E_ITEM_LEATHER_PANTS: ArmorValue += 2; break;
case E_ITEM_GOLD_LEGGINGS: ArmorValue += 3; break;
case E_ITEM_CHAIN_LEGGINGS: ArmorValue += 4; break;
case E_ITEM_IRON_LEGGINGS: ArmorValue += 5; break;
case E_ITEM_DIAMOND_LEGGINGS: ArmorValue += 6; break;
switch (GetEquippedBoots().m_ItemType)
case E_ITEM_LEATHER_BOOTS: ArmorValue += 1; break;
case E_ITEM_GOLD_BOOTS: ArmorValue += 1; break;
case E_ITEM_CHAIN_BOOTS: ArmorValue += 1; break;
case E_ITEM_IRON_BOOTS: ArmorValue += 2; break;
case E_ITEM_DIAMOND_BOOTS: ArmorValue += 3; break;
// TODO: Special armor cases, such as wool, saddles, dog's collar
// Ref.: http://www.minecraftwiki.net/wiki/Armor#Mob_armor as of 2012_12_20
// Now ArmorValue is in [0, 20] range, which corresponds to [0, 80%] protection. Calculate the hitpoints from that:
return a_Damage * (ArmorValue * 4) / 100;
double cEntity::GetKnockbackAmountAgainst(const cEntity & a_Receiver)
// Returns the knockback amount that the currently equipped items would cause to a_Receiver on a hit
// TODO: Enchantments
return 1;
void cEntity::KilledBy(TakeDamageInfo & a_TDI)
m_Health = 0;
cRoot::Get()->GetPluginManager()->CallHookKilling(*this, a_TDI.Attacker, a_TDI);
if (m_Health > 0)
// Plugin wants to 'unkill' the pawn. Abort
// Drop loot:
cItems Drops;
GetDrops(Drops, a_TDI.Attacker);
m_World->SpawnItemPickups(Drops, GetPosX(), GetPosY(), GetPosZ());
m_World->BroadcastEntityStatus(*this, esGenericDead);
void cEntity::Heal(int a_HitPoints)
m_Health += a_HitPoints;
if (m_Health > m_MaxHealth)
m_Health = m_MaxHealth;
void cEntity::SetHealth(int a_Health)
m_Health = std::max(0, std::min(m_MaxHealth, a_Health));
void cEntity::Tick(float a_Dt, cChunk & a_Chunk)
if (m_InvulnerableTicks > 0)
if (m_AttachedTo != NULL)
Vector3d DeltaPos = m_Pos - m_AttachedTo->GetPosition();
if (DeltaPos.Length() > 0.5)
if (IsPlayer())
cPlayer * Player = (cPlayer *)this;
if (!a_Chunk.IsValid())
// Position changed -> super::Tick() called
if (GetPosY() < VOID_BOUNDARY)
m_TicksSinceLastVoidDamage = 0;
if (IsMob() || IsPlayer() || IsPickup() || IsExpOrb())
if (IsMob() || IsPlayer())
// Set swimming state
// Handle drowning
if (!DetectPortal()) // Our chunk is invalid if we have moved to another world
// None of the above functions changed position, we remain in the chunk of NextChunk
HandlePhysics(a_Dt, *NextChunk);
void cEntity::HandlePhysics(float a_Dt, cChunk & a_Chunk)
int BlockX = POSX_TOINT;
int BlockY = POSY_TOINT;
int BlockZ = POSZ_TOINT;
// Position changed -> super::HandlePhysics() called
// TODO Add collision detection with entities.
a_Dt /= 1000; // Convert from msec to sec
Vector3d NextPos = Vector3d(GetPosX(), GetPosY(), GetPosZ());
Vector3d NextSpeed = Vector3d(GetSpeedX(), GetSpeedY(), GetSpeedZ());
if ((BlockY >= cChunkDef::Height) || (BlockY < 0))
// Outside of the world
AddSpeedY(m_Gravity * a_Dt);
AddPosition(GetSpeed() * a_Dt);
int RelBlockX = BlockX - (NextChunk->GetPosX() * cChunkDef::Width);
int RelBlockZ = BlockZ - (NextChunk->GetPosZ() * cChunkDef::Width);
BLOCKTYPE BlockIn = NextChunk->GetBlock( RelBlockX, BlockY, RelBlockZ);
BLOCKTYPE BlockBelow = (BlockY > 0) ? NextChunk->GetBlock(RelBlockX, BlockY - 1, RelBlockZ) : E_BLOCK_AIR;
if (!cBlockInfo::IsSolid(BlockIn)) // Making sure we are not inside a solid block
if (m_bOnGround) // check if it's still on the ground
if (!cBlockInfo::IsSolid(BlockBelow)) // Check if block below is air or water.
m_bOnGround = false;
// Push out entity.
static const struct
int x, y, z;
} gCrossCoords[] =
{ 1, 0, 0},
{-1, 0, 0},
{ 0, 0, 1},
{ 0, 0, -1},
} ;
bool IsNoAirSurrounding = true;
for (size_t i = 0; i < ARRAYCOUNT(gCrossCoords); i++)
if (!NextChunk->UnboundedRelGetBlockType(RelBlockX + gCrossCoords[i].x, BlockY, RelBlockZ + gCrossCoords[i].z, GotBlock))
// The pickup is too close to an unloaded chunk, bail out of any physics handling
if (!cBlockInfo::IsSolid(GotBlock))
NextPos.x += gCrossCoords[i].x;
NextPos.z += gCrossCoords[i].z;
IsNoAirSurrounding = false;
} // for i - gCrossCoords[]
if (IsNoAirSurrounding)
NextPos.y += 0.5;
m_bOnGround = true;
LOGD("Entity #%d (%s) is inside a block at {%d, %d, %d}",
m_UniqueID, GetClass(), BlockX, BlockY, BlockZ
if (!m_bOnGround)
float fallspeed;
if (IsBlockWater(BlockIn))
fallspeed = m_Gravity * a_Dt / 3; // Fall 3x slower in water.
else if (BlockIn == E_BLOCK_COBWEB)
NextSpeed.y *= 0.05; // Reduce overall falling speed
fallspeed = 0; // No falling.
// Normal gravity
fallspeed = m_Gravity * a_Dt;
NextSpeed.y += fallspeed;
// Friction
if (NextSpeed.SqrLength() > 0.0004f)
NextSpeed.x *= 0.7f / (1 + a_Dt);
if (fabs(NextSpeed.x) < 0.05)
NextSpeed.x = 0;
NextSpeed.z *= 0.7f / (1 + a_Dt);
if (fabs(NextSpeed.z) < 0.05)
NextSpeed.z = 0;
// Adjust X and Z speed for COBWEB temporary. This speed modification should be handled inside block handlers since we
// might have different speed modifiers according to terrain.
if (BlockIn == E_BLOCK_COBWEB)
NextSpeed.x *= 0.25;
NextSpeed.z *= 0.25;
// Get water direction
Direction WaterDir = m_World->GetWaterSimulator()->GetFlowingDirection(BlockX, BlockY, BlockZ);
m_WaterSpeed *= 0.9f; // Reduce speed each tick
switch (WaterDir)
case X_PLUS:
m_WaterSpeed.x = 0.2f;
m_bOnGround = false;
case X_MINUS:
m_WaterSpeed.x = -0.2f;
m_bOnGround = false;
case Z_PLUS:
m_WaterSpeed.z = 0.2f;
m_bOnGround = false;
case Z_MINUS:
m_WaterSpeed.z = -0.2f;
m_bOnGround = false;
if (fabs(m_WaterSpeed.x) < 0.05)
m_WaterSpeed.x = 0;
if (fabs(m_WaterSpeed.z) < 0.05)
m_WaterSpeed.z = 0;
NextSpeed += m_WaterSpeed;
if (NextSpeed.SqrLength() > 0.f)
cTracer Tracer(GetWorld());
// Distance traced is an integer, so we round up from the distance we should go (Speed * Delta), else we will encounter collision detection failurse
int DistanceToTrace = (int)(ceil((NextSpeed * a_Dt).SqrLength()) * 2);
bool HasHit = Tracer.Trace(NextPos, NextSpeed, DistanceToTrace);
if (HasHit)
// Oh noez! We hit something: verify that the (hit position - current) was smaller or equal to the (position that we should travel without obstacles - current)
// This is because previously, we traced with a length that was rounded up (due to integer limitations), and in the case that something was hit, we don't want to overshoot our projected movement
if ((Tracer.RealHit - NextPos).SqrLength() <= (NextSpeed * a_Dt).SqrLength())
// Block hit was within our projected path
// Begin by stopping movement in the direction that we hit something. The Normal is the line perpendicular to a 2D face and in this case, stores what block face was hit through either -1 or 1.
// For example: HitNormal.y = -1 : BLOCK_FACE_YM; HitNormal.y = 1 : BLOCK_FACE_YP
if (Tracer.HitNormal.x != 0.f) NextSpeed.x = 0.f;
if (Tracer.HitNormal.y != 0.f) NextSpeed.y = 0.f;
if (Tracer.HitNormal.z != 0.f) NextSpeed.z = 0.f;
if (Tracer.HitNormal.y == 1) // Hit BLOCK_FACE_YP, we are on the ground
m_bOnGround = true;
// Now, set our position to the hit block (i.e. move part way along our intended trajectory)
NextPos.Set(Tracer.RealHit.x, Tracer.RealHit.y, Tracer.RealHit.z);
NextPos.x += Tracer.HitNormal.x * 0.1;
NextPos.y += Tracer.HitNormal.y * 0.05;
NextPos.z += Tracer.HitNormal.z * 0.1;
// We have hit a block but overshot our intended trajectory, move normally, safe in the warm cocoon of knowledge that we won't appear to teleport forwards on clients,
// and that this piece of software will come to be hailed as the epitome of performance and functionality in C++, never before seen, and of such a like that will never
// be henceforth seen again in the time of programmers and man alike
// </&sensationalist>
NextPos += (NextSpeed * a_Dt);
// We didn't hit anything, so move =]
NextPos += (NextSpeed * a_Dt);
void cEntity::TickBurning(cChunk & a_Chunk)
// Remember the current burning state:
bool HasBeenBurning = (m_TicksLeftBurning > 0);
if (GetWorld()->IsWeatherWetAt(POSX_TOINT, POSZ_TOINT))
if (POSY_TOINT > m_World->GetHeight(POSX_TOINT, POSZ_TOINT))
m_TicksLeftBurning = 0;
// Do the burning damage:
if (m_TicksLeftBurning > 0)
if (m_TicksSinceLastBurnDamage >= BURN_TICKS_PER_DAMAGE)
if (!m_IsFireproof)
TakeDamage(dtOnFire, NULL, BURN_DAMAGE, 0);
m_TicksSinceLastBurnDamage = 0;
// Update the burning times, based on surroundings:
int MinRelX = (int)floor(GetPosX() - m_Width / 2) - a_Chunk.GetPosX() * cChunkDef::Width;
int MaxRelX = (int)floor(GetPosX() + m_Width / 2) - a_Chunk.GetPosX() * cChunkDef::Width;
int MinRelZ = (int)floor(GetPosZ() - m_Width / 2) - a_Chunk.GetPosZ() * cChunkDef::Width;
int MaxRelZ = (int)floor(GetPosZ() + m_Width / 2) - a_Chunk.GetPosZ() * cChunkDef::Width;
int MinY = std::max(0, std::min(cChunkDef::Height - 1, POSY_TOINT));
int MaxY = std::max(0, std::min(cChunkDef::Height - 1, (int)ceil (GetPosY() + m_Height)));
bool HasWater = false;
bool HasLava = false;
bool HasFire = false;
for (int x = MinRelX; x <= MaxRelX; x++)
for (int z = MinRelZ; z <= MaxRelZ; z++)
int RelX = x;
int RelZ = z;
for (int y = MinY; y <= MaxY; y++)
a_Chunk.UnboundedRelGetBlockType(RelX, y, RelZ, Block);
switch (Block)
HasFire = true;
HasLava = true;
HasWater = true;
} // switch (BlockType)
} // for y
} // for z
} // for x
if (HasWater)
// Extinguish the fire
m_TicksLeftBurning = 0;
if (HasLava)
// Burn:
m_TicksLeftBurning = BURN_TICKS;
// Periodically damage:
if (m_TicksSinceLastLavaDamage >= LAVA_TICKS_PER_DAMAGE)
if (!m_IsFireproof)
TakeDamage(dtLavaContact, NULL, LAVA_DAMAGE, 0);
m_TicksSinceLastLavaDamage = 0;
m_TicksSinceLastLavaDamage = 0;
if (HasFire)
// Burn:
m_TicksLeftBurning = BURN_TICKS;
// Periodically damage:
if (m_TicksSinceLastFireDamage >= FIRE_TICKS_PER_DAMAGE)
if (!m_IsFireproof)
TakeDamage(dtFireContact, NULL, FIRE_DAMAGE, 0);
m_TicksSinceLastFireDamage = 0;
m_TicksSinceLastFireDamage = 0;
// If just started / finished burning, notify descendants:
if ((m_TicksLeftBurning > 0) && !HasBeenBurning)
else if ((m_TicksLeftBurning <= 0) && HasBeenBurning)
void cEntity::TickInVoid(cChunk & a_Chunk)
if (m_TicksSinceLastVoidDamage == 20)
TakeDamage(dtInVoid, NULL, 2, 0);
m_TicksSinceLastVoidDamage = 0;
void cEntity::DetectCacti(void)
double w = m_Width / 2;
if (
((Y > 0) && (Y < cChunkDef::Height)) &&
((((X + 1) - GetPosX() < w) && (GetWorld()->GetBlock(X + 1, Y, Z) == E_BLOCK_CACTUS)) ||
((GetPosX() - X < w) && (GetWorld()->GetBlock(X - 1, Y, Z) == E_BLOCK_CACTUS)) ||
(((Z + 1) - GetPosZ() < w) && (GetWorld()->GetBlock(X, Y, Z + 1) == E_BLOCK_CACTUS)) ||
((GetPosZ() - Z < w) && (GetWorld()->GetBlock(X, Y, Z - 1) == E_BLOCK_CACTUS)) ||
(((GetPosY() - Y < 1) && (GetWorld()->GetBlock(X, Y, Z) == E_BLOCK_CACTUS))))
TakeDamage(dtCactusContact, NULL, 1, 0);
bool cEntity::DetectPortal()
if (GetWorld()->GetDimension() == dimOverworld)
if (GetWorld()->GetNetherWorldName().empty() && GetWorld()->GetEndWorldName().empty())
// Teleportation to either dimension not enabled, don't bother proceeding
return false;
else if (GetWorld()->GetLinkedOverworldName().empty())
// Overworld teleportation disabled, abort
return false;
if ((Y > 0) && (Y < cChunkDef::Height))
switch (GetWorld()->GetBlock(X, Y, Z))
if (m_PortalCooldownData.m_ShouldPreventTeleportation)
// Just exited a portal, don't teleport again
return false;
if (IsPlayer() && !((cPlayer *)this)->IsGameModeCreative() && m_PortalCooldownData.m_TicksDelayed != 80)
// Delay teleportation for four seconds if the entity is a non-creative player
return false;
m_PortalCooldownData.m_TicksDelayed = 0;
if (GetWorld()->GetDimension() == dimNether)
if (GetWorld()->GetLinkedOverworldName().empty())
return false;
m_PortalCooldownData.m_ShouldPreventTeleportation = true; // Stop portals from working on respawn
if (IsPlayer())
((cPlayer *)this)->GetClientHandle()->SendRespawn(dimOverworld); // Send a respawn packet before world is loaded/generated so the client isn't left in limbo
return MoveToWorld(cRoot::Get()->CreateAndInitializeWorld(GetWorld()->GetLinkedOverworldName()), false);
if (GetWorld()->GetNetherWorldName().empty())
return false;
m_PortalCooldownData.m_ShouldPreventTeleportation = true;
if (IsPlayer())
((cPlayer *)this)->AwardAchievement(achEnterPortal);
((cPlayer *)this)->GetClientHandle()->SendRespawn(dimNether);
return MoveToWorld(cRoot::Get()->CreateAndInitializeWorld(GetWorld()->GetNetherWorldName(), dimNether, GetWorld()->GetName()), false);
if (m_PortalCooldownData.m_ShouldPreventTeleportation)
return false;
if (GetWorld()->GetDimension() == dimEnd)
if (GetWorld()->GetLinkedOverworldName().empty())
return false;
m_PortalCooldownData.m_ShouldPreventTeleportation = true;
if (IsPlayer())
cPlayer * Player = (cPlayer *)this;
Player->TeleportToCoords(Player->GetLastBedPos().x, Player->GetLastBedPos().y, Player->GetLastBedPos().z);
return MoveToWorld(cRoot::Get()->CreateAndInitializeWorld(GetWorld()->GetLinkedOverworldName()), false);
if (GetWorld()->GetEndWorldName().empty())
return false;
m_PortalCooldownData.m_ShouldPreventTeleportation = true;
if (IsPlayer())
((cPlayer *)this)->AwardAchievement(achEnterTheEnd);
((cPlayer *)this)->GetClientHandle()->SendRespawn(dimEnd);
return MoveToWorld(cRoot::Get()->CreateAndInitializeWorld(GetWorld()->GetEndWorldName(), dimEnd, GetWorld()->GetName()), false);
default: break;
// Allow portals to work again
m_PortalCooldownData.m_ShouldPreventTeleportation = false;
m_PortalCooldownData.m_TicksDelayed = 0;
return false;
bool cEntity::DoMoveToWorld(cWorld * a_World, bool a_ShouldSendRespawn)
ASSERT(a_World != NULL);
if (GetWorld() == a_World)
// Don't move to same world
return false;
// Remove all links to the old world
SetWorldTravellingFrom(GetWorld()); // cChunk::Tick() handles entity removal
// Queue add to new world
return true;
bool cEntity::MoveToWorld(const AString & a_WorldName, bool a_ShouldSendRespawn)
cWorld * World = cRoot::Get()->GetWorld(a_WorldName);
if (World == NULL)
LOG("%s: Couldn't find world \"%s\".", __FUNCTION__, a_WorldName.c_str());
return false;
return DoMoveToWorld(World, a_ShouldSendRespawn);
void cEntity::SetSwimState(cChunk & a_Chunk)
int RelY = (int)floor(GetPosY() + 0.1);
if ((RelY < 0) || (RelY >= cChunkDef::Height - 1))
m_IsSwimming = false;
m_IsSubmerged = false;
int RelX = POSX_TOINT - a_Chunk.GetPosX() * cChunkDef::Width;
int RelZ = POSZ_TOINT - a_Chunk.GetPosZ() * cChunkDef::Width;
// Check if the player is swimming:
if (!a_Chunk.UnboundedRelGetBlockType(RelX, RelY, RelZ, BlockIn))
// This sometimes happens on Linux machines
// Ref.: http://forum.mc-server.org/showthread.php?tid=1244
LOGD("SetSwimState failure: RelX = %d, RelZ = %d, Pos = %.02f, %.02f}",
RelX, RelY, GetPosX(), GetPosZ()
m_IsSwimming = false;
m_IsSubmerged = false;
m_IsSwimming = IsBlockWater(BlockIn);
// Check if the player is submerged:
VERIFY(a_Chunk.UnboundedRelGetBlockType(RelX, RelY + 1, RelZ, BlockIn));
m_IsSubmerged = IsBlockWater(BlockIn);
void cEntity::DoSetSpeed(double a_SpeedX, double a_SpeedY, double a_SpeedZ)
m_Speed.Set(a_SpeedX, a_SpeedY, a_SpeedZ);
void cEntity::HandleAir(void)
// Ref.: http://www.minecraftwiki.net/wiki/Chunk_format
// See if the entity is /submerged/ water (block above is water)
// Get the type of block the entity is standing in:
if (IsSubmerged())
if (!IsPlayer()) // Players control themselves
SetSpeedY(1); // Float in the water
// Either reduce air level or damage player
if (m_AirLevel < 1)
if (m_AirTickTimer < 1)
// Damage player
TakeDamage(dtDrowning, NULL, 1, 1, 0);
// Reset timer
m_AirTickTimer = DROWNING_TICKS;
// Reduce air supply
// Set the air back to maximum
m_AirLevel = MAX_AIR_LEVEL;
m_AirTickTimer = DROWNING_TICKS;
/// Called when the entity starts burning
void cEntity::OnStartedBurning(void)
// Broadcast the change:
/// Called when the entity finishes burning
void cEntity::OnFinishedBurning(void)
// Broadcast the change:
/// Sets the maximum value for the health
void cEntity::SetMaxHealth(int a_MaxHealth)
m_MaxHealth = a_MaxHealth;
// Reset health, if too high:
m_Health = std::min(m_Health, a_MaxHealth);
/// Sets whether the entity is fireproof
void cEntity::SetIsFireproof(bool a_IsFireproof)
m_IsFireproof = a_IsFireproof;
/// Puts the entity on fire for the specified amount of ticks
void cEntity::StartBurning(int a_TicksLeftBurning)
if (m_TicksLeftBurning > 0)
// Already burning, top up the ticks left burning and bail out:
m_TicksLeftBurning = std::max(m_TicksLeftBurning, a_TicksLeftBurning);
m_TicksLeftBurning = a_TicksLeftBurning;
/// Stops the entity from burning, resets all burning timers
void cEntity::StopBurning(void)
bool HasBeenBurning = (m_TicksLeftBurning > 0);
m_TicksLeftBurning = 0;
m_TicksSinceLastBurnDamage = 0;
m_TicksSinceLastFireDamage = 0;
m_TicksSinceLastLavaDamage = 0;
// Notify if the entity has stopped burning
if (HasBeenBurning)
void cEntity::TeleportToEntity(cEntity & a_Entity)
TeleportToCoords(a_Entity.GetPosX(), a_Entity.GetPosY(), a_Entity.GetPosZ());
void cEntity::TeleportToCoords(double a_PosX, double a_PosY, double a_PosZ)
SetPosition(a_PosX, a_PosY, a_PosZ);
void cEntity::BroadcastMovementUpdate(const cClientHandle * a_Exclude)
// Process packet sending every two ticks
if (GetWorld()->GetWorldAge() % 2 == 0)
double SpeedSqr = GetSpeed().SqrLength();
if (SpeedSqr == 0.0)
// Speed is zero, send this to clients once only as well as an absolute position
if (!m_bHasSentNoSpeed)
m_World->BroadcastEntityVelocity(*this, a_Exclude);
m_World->BroadcastTeleportEntity(*this, a_Exclude);
m_bHasSentNoSpeed = true;
// Movin'
m_World->BroadcastEntityVelocity(*this, a_Exclude);
m_bHasSentNoSpeed = false;
// TODO: Pickups move disgracefully if relative move packets are sent as opposed to just velocity. Have a system to send relmove only when SetPosXXX() is called with a large difference in position
int DiffX = (int)(floor(GetPosX() * 32.0) - floor(m_LastPos.x * 32.0));
int DiffY = (int)(floor(GetPosY() * 32.0) - floor(m_LastPos.y * 32.0));
int DiffZ = (int)(floor(GetPosZ() * 32.0) - floor(m_LastPos.z * 32.0));
if ((DiffX != 0) || (DiffY != 0) || (DiffZ != 0)) // Have we moved?
if ((abs(DiffX) <= 127) && (abs(DiffY) <= 127) && (abs(DiffZ) <= 127)) // Limitations of a Byte
// Difference within Byte limitations, use a relative move packet
if (m_bDirtyOrientation)
m_World->BroadcastEntityRelMoveLook(*this, (char)DiffX, (char)DiffY, (char)DiffZ, a_Exclude);
m_bDirtyOrientation = false;
m_World->BroadcastEntityRelMove(*this, (char)DiffX, (char)DiffY, (char)DiffZ, a_Exclude);
// Clients seem to store two positions, one for the velocity packet and one for the teleport/relmove packet
// The latter is only changed with a relmove/teleport, and m_LastPos stores this position
m_LastPos = GetPosition();
// Too big a movement, do a teleport
m_World->BroadcastTeleportEntity(*this, a_Exclude);
m_LastPos = GetPosition(); // See above
m_bDirtyOrientation = false;
if (m_bDirtyHead)
m_World->BroadcastEntityHeadLook(*this, a_Exclude);
m_bDirtyHead = false;
if (m_bDirtyOrientation)
// Send individual update in case above (sending with rel-move packet) wasn't done
GetWorld()->BroadcastEntityLook(*this, a_Exclude);
m_bDirtyOrientation = false;
void cEntity::AttachTo(cEntity * a_AttachTo)
if (m_AttachedTo == a_AttachTo)
// Already attached to that entity, nothing to do here
if (m_AttachedTo != NULL)
// Detach from any previous entity:
// Attach to the new entity:
m_AttachedTo = a_AttachTo;
a_AttachTo->m_Attachee = this;
m_World->BroadcastAttachEntity(*this, a_AttachTo);
void cEntity::Detach(void)
if (m_AttachedTo == NULL)
// Attached to no entity, our work is done
m_AttachedTo->m_Attachee = NULL;
m_AttachedTo = NULL;
m_World->BroadcastAttachEntity(*this, NULL);
bool cEntity::IsA(const char * a_ClassName) const
return (strcmp(a_ClassName, "cEntity") == 0);
void cEntity::SetRot(const Vector3f & a_Rot)
m_Rot = a_Rot;
m_bDirtyOrientation = true;
void cEntity::SetHeadYaw(double a_HeadYaw)
m_HeadYaw = a_HeadYaw;
m_bDirtyHead = true;
void cEntity::SetHeight(double a_Height)
m_Height = a_Height;
void cEntity::SetMass(double a_Mass)
if (a_Mass > 0)
m_Mass = a_Mass;
// Make sure that mass is not zero. 1g is the default because we
// have to choose a number. It's perfectly legal to have a mass
// less than 1g as long as is NOT equal or less than zero.
m_Mass = 0.001;
void cEntity::SetYaw(double a_Yaw)
m_Rot.x = a_Yaw;
m_bDirtyOrientation = true;
void cEntity::SetPitch(double a_Pitch)
m_Rot.y = a_Pitch;
m_bDirtyOrientation = true;
void cEntity::SetRoll(double a_Roll)
m_Rot.z = a_Roll;
m_bDirtyOrientation = true;
void cEntity::SetSpeed(double a_SpeedX, double a_SpeedY, double a_SpeedZ)
DoSetSpeed(a_SpeedX, a_SpeedY, a_SpeedZ);
void cEntity::SetSpeedX(double a_SpeedX)
SetSpeed(a_SpeedX, m_Speed.y, m_Speed.z);
void cEntity::SetSpeedY(double a_SpeedY)
SetSpeed(m_Speed.x, a_SpeedY, m_Speed.z);
void cEntity::SetSpeedZ(double a_SpeedZ)
SetSpeed(m_Speed.x, m_Speed.y, a_SpeedZ);
void cEntity::SetWidth(double a_Width)
m_Width = a_Width;
void cEntity::AddPosX(double a_AddPosX)
m_Pos.x += a_AddPosX;
void cEntity::AddPosY(double a_AddPosY)
m_Pos.y += a_AddPosY;
void cEntity::AddPosZ(double a_AddPosZ)
m_Pos.z += a_AddPosZ;
void cEntity::AddPosition(double a_AddPosX, double a_AddPosY, double a_AddPosZ)
m_Pos.x += a_AddPosX;
m_Pos.y += a_AddPosY;
m_Pos.z += a_AddPosZ;
void cEntity::AddSpeed(double a_AddSpeedX, double a_AddSpeedY, double a_AddSpeedZ)
m_Speed.x += a_AddSpeedX;
m_Speed.y += a_AddSpeedY;
m_Speed.z += a_AddSpeedZ;
void cEntity::AddSpeedX(double a_AddSpeedX)
m_Speed.x += a_AddSpeedX;
void cEntity::AddSpeedY(double a_AddSpeedY)
m_Speed.y += a_AddSpeedY;
void cEntity::AddSpeedZ(double a_AddSpeedZ)
m_Speed.z += a_AddSpeedZ;
void cEntity::HandleSpeedFromAttachee(float a_Forward, float a_Sideways)
Vector3d LookVector = m_Attachee->GetLookVector();
double AddSpeedX = LookVector.x * a_Forward + LookVector.z * a_Sideways;
double AddSpeedZ = LookVector.z * a_Forward - LookVector.x * a_Sideways;
SetSpeed(AddSpeedX, 0, AddSpeedZ);
void cEntity::SteerVehicle(float a_Forward, float a_Sideways)
if (m_AttachedTo == NULL)
if ((a_Forward != 0) || (a_Sideways != 0))
m_AttachedTo->HandleSpeedFromAttachee(a_Forward, a_Sideways);
// Get look vector (this is NOT a rotation!)
Vector3d cEntity::GetLookVector(void) const
Matrix4d m;
m.Init(Vector3d(), 0, m_Rot.x, -m_Rot.y);
Vector3d Look = m.Transform(Vector3d(0, 0, 1));
return Look;
// Set position
void cEntity::SetPosition(double a_PosX, double a_PosY, double a_PosZ)
m_Pos.Set(a_PosX, a_PosY, a_PosZ);
void cEntity::SetPosX(double a_PosX)
m_Pos.x = a_PosX;
void cEntity::SetPosY(double a_PosY)
m_Pos.y = a_PosY;
void cEntity::SetPosZ(double a_PosZ)
m_Pos.z = a_PosZ;