Fixed problems with code style etc
This commit is contained in:
@ -44,8 +44,12 @@ extern bool g_BlockIsSolid[256];
/// Can torches be placed on this block?
extern bool g_BlockIsTorchPlaceable[256];
/// Max Erperience that possible to be incremented at once
#define MAX_EXPERIENCE_ORB_SIZE 2000 //ie from a ender dragon
/// Experience Orb setup
//open to suggestion on naming convention here :)
} ;
@ -66,10 +66,7 @@ cPlayer::cPlayer(cClientHandle* a_Client, const AString & a_PlayerName)
, m_EatingFinishTick(-1)
, m_IsChargingBow(false)
, m_BowCharge(0)
, m_XpLevel(0)
, m_XpP(0.f)
, m_XpTotal(0)
, m_XpNextLevelTotal(0)
LOGD("Created a player object for \"%s\" @ \"%s\" at %p, ID %d",
a_PlayerName.c_str(), a_Client->GetIPString().c_str(),
@ -265,6 +262,70 @@ void cPlayer::Tick(float a_Dt, cChunk & a_Chunk)
int cPlayer::CalcLevelFromXp(int a_XpTotal)
//level 0 to 15
if(a_XpTotal <= XP_TO_LEVEL15)
return (int) a_XpTotal / XP_PER_LEVEL_TO15;
//level 30+
if(a_XpTotal > XP_TO_LEVEL30)
return (int) (151.5 + sqrt( 22952.25 - (14 * (2220 - a_XpTotal)))) / 7;
//level 16 to 30
return (int) ( 29.5 + sqrt( 870.25 - (6 * ( 360 - a_XpTotal )))) / 3;
int cPlayer::XpAtLevel(int a_Level)
//level 0 to 15
if(a_Level <= 15)
return a_Level * XP_PER_LEVEL_TO15;
//level 30+
if(a_Level >= 31)
return (int) ( (3.5 * a_Level * a_Level) - (151.5 * a_Level) + 2220 );
//level 16 to 30
return (int) ( (1.5 * a_Level * a_Level) - (29.5 * a_Level) + 360 );
int cPlayer::GetExperienceLevel()
return CalcLevelFromXp(m_XpTotal);
float cPlayer::GetExperiencePercentage()
int currentLevel = CalcLevelFromXp(m_XpTotal);
return (float)m_XpTotal / (float)XpAtLevel(1+currentLevel);
bool cPlayer::SetExperience(int a_XpTotal)
if(!(a_XpTotal >= 0) || (a_XpTotal > (INT_MAX - m_XpTotal)))
@ -273,53 +334,30 @@ bool cPlayer::SetExperience(int a_XpTotal)
return false; //oops, they gave us a dodgey number
m_XpTotal = a_XpTotal;
//now calculate XpP and XpLevel
//First Calc current level using quadratic eqn
m_XpLevel = CalcLevelFromXp(m_XpTotal);
//calculate total Xp for next level
m_XpNextLevelTotal = XpAtLevel(m_XpLevel+1);
//calulate Xp Percentage
m_XpP = (float)m_XpLevel / (float)m_XpNextLevelTotal;
return true;//aka happy :)
return true;
bool cPlayer::AddExperience(int a_Xp_delta)
int cPlayer::AddExperience(int a_Xp_delta)
if(a_Xp_delta > MAX_EXPERIENCE_ORB_SIZE || a_Xp_delta < 0)
//value was too large or negative, abort and report
LOGWARNING("Attempt was made to increment Xp by %d, max is %d and must be positive",
return false;
return -1; //should we instead just return the current Xp?
LOGD("Player \"%s\" earnt %d experience", m_PlayerName.c_str(), a_Xp_delta);
//update Xp, note there is no min
m_XpTotal += a_Xp_delta;
//update Xp percentage
if(m_XpTotal >= m_XpNextLevelTotal)
//oh actually, update their level first
m_XpNextLevelTotal = XpAtLevel(m_XpLevel+1);
m_XpP = (float)m_XpLevel / (float)m_XpNextLevelTotal;
return true;
return m_XpTotal;
@ -64,26 +64,25 @@ public:
/// Returns the currently equipped boots; empty item if none
virtual cItem GetEquippedBoots(void) const override { return m_Inventory.GetEquippedBoots(); }
/** Sets the experience total - XpTotal, updates XpLevel and XpP as appropriate
/** Sets the experience total
Returns true on success
should really only be called at init or player death
bool SetExperience(int a_XpTotal);
/* Adds Xp, will not inc more than MAX_EXPERIENCE_ORB_SIZE!
Returns true on success
Updates XpLevel and XpP appropriately
Returns the new total experience, -1 on error
bool AddExperience(int a_Xp_delta);
int AddExperience(int a_Xp_delta);
/// Gets the experience total - XpTotal
inline int GetExperienceTotal(void) { return m_XpTotal; }
/// Gets the current level - XpLevel
inline int GetExperienceLevel(void) { return m_XpLevel; }
int GetExperienceLevel(void);
/// Gets the experience bar percentage - XpP
inline float GetExperiencePercentage(void) { return m_XpP; }
float GetExperiencePercentage(void);
/// Starts charging the equipped bow
void StartChargingBow(void);
@ -329,6 +328,14 @@ protected:
std::string m_PlayerName;
std::string m_LoadedWorldName;
/// Xp Level stuff
XP_TO_LEVEL15 = 255,
XP_TO_LEVEL30 = 825
} ;
/// Player's air level (for swimming)
int m_AirLevel;
@ -400,26 +407,14 @@ protected:
/// The world tick in which eating will be finished. -1 if not eating
Int64 m_EatingFinishTick;
/// Player Xp levels etc
int m_XpLevel; //store this and m_XpP to save calculating each time
float m_XpP; //between 0 & 1
/// Player Xp level
int m_XpTotal;
int m_XpNextLevelTotal; //save calculating this often
//Xp level defines
#define XP_TO_LEVEL15 255
#define XP_PER_LEVEL_TO15 17
#define XP_TO_LEVEL30 825
/// Caculates the Xp at a given level, ref:
inline int XpAtLevel(int level) { return (int) ((level <= 15)? (15*level) :
((level <= 31)? (1.5*level*level - 29.5*level + 360) :
(3.5*level*level - 151.5*level + 2220))); }
static int XpAtLevel(int a_Level);
/// inverse of XpAtLevel, ref: values are as per this with pre-calculations
inline int CalcLevelFromXp(int XpTotal) { return (int) ((XpTotal <= XP_TO_LEVEL15)? XpTotal / XP_PER_LEVEL_TO15 : //level 0-15 or...
(XpTotal <= XP_TO_LEVEL30)? ( 29.5 + sqrt( 870.25 - (6 * ( 360 - XpTotal )))) / 3 : //level 15-30
(151.5 + sqrt( 22952.25 - (14 * (2220 - XpTotal)))) / 7); }//level 30+
static int CalcLevelFromXp(int a_XpTotal);
bool m_IsChargingBow;
int m_BowCharge;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user