Lighting now generally consistent with vanilla (#3988)
* Lighting now generally consistent with vanilla Skylight is now dispersed by some blocks, instead of passing through unimpeded. Some blocks which were not marked as transparent are now marked as such. Water and other such blocks now attenuate light with the correct intensity. Generally changes were based on documentation in the Minecraft Wiki: , however during play-testing on vanilla lava was found not to attenuate sky or block-light so the attenuation was removed. This fixes #3849 * Add API documentation for IsSkylightDispersant * Rename m_SkylightDispersant to m_IsSkylightDispersant * Update comment for m_Transparent property of Blocks
This commit is contained in:
@ -294,6 +294,24 @@ return
Notes = "Returns whether the specified block type is solid.",
IsSkylightDispersant =
IsStatic = true,
Params =
Name = "BlockType",
Type = "number",
Returns =
Type = "boolean",
Notes = "Returns true if skylight is impeded by passage through a block of the specified type.",
IsTransparent =
IsStatic = true,
@ -100,7 +100,6 @@ cBlockInfo::cBlockInfoArray::cBlockInfoArray()
Info[E_BLOCK_HEAD ].m_SpreadLightFalloff = 1;
Info[E_BLOCK_HOPPER ].m_SpreadLightFalloff = 1;
Info[E_BLOCK_ICE ].m_SpreadLightFalloff = 1;
Info[E_BLOCK_INACTIVE_COMPARATOR ].m_SpreadLightFalloff = 1;
Info[E_BLOCK_INVERTED_DAYLIGHT_SENSOR ].m_SpreadLightFalloff = 1;
Info[E_BLOCK_IRON_BARS ].m_SpreadLightFalloff = 1;
@ -161,17 +160,42 @@ cBlockInfo::cBlockInfoArray::cBlockInfoArray()
Info[E_BLOCK_WOODEN_PRESSURE_PLATE ].m_SpreadLightFalloff = 1;
Info[E_BLOCK_WOODEN_SLAB ].m_SpreadLightFalloff = 1;
// Light in water and lava dissapears faster:
Info[E_BLOCK_LAVA ].m_SpreadLightFalloff = 3;
Info[E_BLOCK_STATIONARY_LAVA ].m_SpreadLightFalloff = 3;
// Light in ice and water dissapears faster:
Info[E_BLOCK_ICE ].m_SpreadLightFalloff = 3;
Info[E_BLOCK_STATIONARY_WATER ].m_SpreadLightFalloff = 3;
Info[E_BLOCK_WATER ].m_SpreadLightFalloff = 3;
// Light does not pass through these blocks at all:
Info[E_BLOCK_ACACIA_WOOD_STAIRS ].m_SpreadLightFalloff = 15;
Info[E_BLOCK_BIRCH_WOOD_STAIRS ].m_SpreadLightFalloff = 15;
Info[E_BLOCK_BRICK_STAIRS ].m_SpreadLightFalloff = 15;
Info[E_BLOCK_COBBLESTONE_STAIRS ].m_SpreadLightFalloff = 15;
Info[E_BLOCK_DARK_OAK_WOOD_STAIRS ].m_SpreadLightFalloff = 15;
Info[E_BLOCK_DOUBLE_RED_SANDSTONE_SLAB ].m_SpreadLightFalloff = 15;
Info[E_BLOCK_DOUBLE_STONE_SLAB ].m_SpreadLightFalloff = 15;
Info[E_BLOCK_DOUBLE_WOODEN_SLAB ].m_SpreadLightFalloff = 15;
Info[E_BLOCK_FARMLAND ].m_SpreadLightFalloff = 15;
Info[E_BLOCK_JUNGLE_WOOD_STAIRS ].m_SpreadLightFalloff = 15;
Info[E_BLOCK_NETHER_BRICK_STAIRS ].m_SpreadLightFalloff = 15;
Info[E_BLOCK_OAK_WOOD_STAIRS ].m_SpreadLightFalloff = 15;
Info[E_BLOCK_PURPUR_DOUBLE_SLAB ].m_SpreadLightFalloff = 15;
Info[E_BLOCK_PURPUR_SLAB ].m_SpreadLightFalloff = 15;
Info[E_BLOCK_PURPUR_STAIRS ].m_SpreadLightFalloff = 15;
Info[E_BLOCK_QUARTZ_STAIRS ].m_SpreadLightFalloff = 15;
Info[E_BLOCK_RED_SANDSTONE_SLAB ].m_SpreadLightFalloff = 15;
Info[E_BLOCK_RED_SANDSTONE_STAIRS ].m_SpreadLightFalloff = 15;
Info[E_BLOCK_SANDSTONE_STAIRS ].m_SpreadLightFalloff = 15;
Info[E_BLOCK_SPRUCE_WOOD_STAIRS ].m_SpreadLightFalloff = 15;
Info[E_BLOCK_STONE_BRICK_STAIRS ].m_SpreadLightFalloff = 15;
Info[E_BLOCK_STONE_SLAB ].m_SpreadLightFalloff = 15;
Info[E_BLOCK_WOODEN_SLAB ].m_SpreadLightFalloff = 15;
// Transparent blocks
Info[E_BLOCK_ACACIA_DOOR ].m_Transparent = true;
Info[E_BLOCK_ACACIA_FENCE ].m_Transparent = true;
Info[E_BLOCK_ACACIA_FENCE_GATE ].m_Transparent = true;
Info[E_BLOCK_ACACIA_WOOD_STAIRS ].m_Transparent = true;
Info[E_BLOCK_ACTIVATOR_RAIL ].m_Transparent = true;
Info[E_BLOCK_ACTIVE_COMPARATOR ].m_Transparent = true;
Info[E_BLOCK_AIR ].m_Transparent = true;
@ -183,38 +207,44 @@ cBlockInfo::cBlockInfoArray::cBlockInfoArray()
Info[E_BLOCK_BIRCH_DOOR ].m_Transparent = true;
Info[E_BLOCK_BIRCH_FENCE ].m_Transparent = true;
Info[E_BLOCK_BIRCH_FENCE_GATE ].m_Transparent = true;
Info[E_BLOCK_BIRCH_WOOD_STAIRS ].m_Transparent = true;
Info[E_BLOCK_BLACK_SHULKER_BOX ].m_Transparent = true;
Info[E_BLOCK_BLOCK_OF_REDSTONE ].m_Transparent = true;
Info[E_BLOCK_BLUE_SHULKER_BOX ].m_Transparent = true;
Info[E_BLOCK_BREWING_STAND ].m_Transparent = true;
Info[E_BLOCK_BRICK_STAIRS ].m_Transparent = true;
Info[E_BLOCK_BROWN_MUSHROOM ].m_Transparent = true;
Info[E_BLOCK_BROWN_SHULKER_BOX ].m_Transparent = true;
Info[E_BLOCK_BREWING_STAND ].m_Transparent = true;
Info[E_BLOCK_CACTUS ].m_Transparent = true;
Info[E_BLOCK_CAKE ].m_Transparent = true;
Info[E_BLOCK_CARPET ].m_Transparent = true;
Info[E_BLOCK_CARROTS ].m_Transparent = true;
Info[E_BLOCK_CAULDRON ].m_Transparent = true;
Info[E_BLOCK_CHEST ].m_Transparent = true;
Info[E_BLOCK_COBBLESTONE_STAIRS ].m_Transparent = true;
Info[E_BLOCK_COBBLESTONE_WALL ].m_Transparent = true;
Info[E_BLOCK_COCOA_POD ].m_Transparent = true;
Info[E_BLOCK_COBWEB ].m_Transparent = true;
Info[E_BLOCK_COCOA_POD ].m_Transparent = true;
Info[E_BLOCK_CROPS ].m_Transparent = true;
Info[E_BLOCK_CYAN_SHULKER_BOX ].m_Transparent = true;
Info[E_BLOCK_DANDELION ].m_Transparent = true;
Info[E_BLOCK_DARK_OAK_DOOR ].m_Transparent = true;
Info[E_BLOCK_DARK_OAK_FENCE ].m_Transparent = true;
Info[E_BLOCK_DARK_OAK_FENCE_GATE ].m_Transparent = true;
Info[E_BLOCK_DARK_OAK_WOOD_STAIRS ].m_Transparent = true;
Info[E_BLOCK_DAYLIGHT_SENSOR ].m_Transparent = true;
Info[E_BLOCK_DEAD_BUSH ].m_Transparent = true;
Info[E_BLOCK_DETECTOR_RAIL ].m_Transparent = true;
Info[E_BLOCK_DOUBLE_RED_SANDSTONE_SLAB ].m_Transparent = true;
Info[E_BLOCK_DOUBLE_STONE_SLAB ].m_Transparent = true;
Info[E_BLOCK_DOUBLE_WOODEN_SLAB ].m_Transparent = true;
Info[E_BLOCK_DRAGON_EGG ].m_Transparent = true;
Info[E_BLOCK_ENCHANTMENT_TABLE ].m_Transparent = true;
Info[E_BLOCK_ENDER_CHEST ].m_Transparent = true;
Info[E_BLOCK_END_PORTAL ].m_Transparent = true;
Info[E_BLOCK_END_PORTAL_FRAME ].m_Transparent = true;
Info[E_BLOCK_ENDER_CHEST ].m_Transparent = true;
Info[E_BLOCK_FARMLAND ].m_Transparent = true;
Info[E_BLOCK_FENCE ].m_Transparent = true;
Info[E_BLOCK_OAK_FENCE_GATE ].m_Transparent = true;
Info[E_BLOCK_FIRE ].m_Transparent = true;
Info[E_BLOCK_FLOWER ].m_Transparent = true;
Info[E_BLOCK_FLOWER_POT ].m_Transparent = true;
@ -234,23 +264,28 @@ cBlockInfo::cBlockInfoArray::cBlockInfoArray()
Info[E_BLOCK_JUNGLE_DOOR ].m_Transparent = true;
Info[E_BLOCK_JUNGLE_FENCE ].m_Transparent = true;
Info[E_BLOCK_JUNGLE_FENCE_GATE ].m_Transparent = true;
Info[E_BLOCK_JUNGLE_WOOD_STAIRS ].m_Transparent = true;
Info[E_BLOCK_LADDER ].m_Transparent = true;
Info[E_BLOCK_LAVA ].m_Transparent = true;
Info[E_BLOCK_LEAVES ].m_Transparent = true;
Info[E_BLOCK_LEVER ].m_Transparent = true;
Info[E_BLOCK_LILY_PAD ].m_Transparent = true;
Info[E_BLOCK_LIGHT_BLUE_SHULKER_BOX ].m_Transparent = true;
Info[E_BLOCK_LIGHT_GRAY_SHULKER_BOX ].m_Transparent = true;
Info[E_BLOCK_LILY_PAD ].m_Transparent = true;
Info[E_BLOCK_LIME_SHULKER_BOX ].m_Transparent = true;
Info[E_BLOCK_LIT_FURNACE ].m_Transparent = true;
Info[E_BLOCK_MAGENTA_SHULKER_BOX ].m_Transparent = true;
Info[E_BLOCK_MELON_STEM ].m_Transparent = true;
Info[E_BLOCK_MOB_SPAWNER ].m_Transparent = true;
Info[E_BLOCK_NETHER_BRICK_FENCE ].m_Transparent = true;
Info[E_BLOCK_NETHER_BRICK_STAIRS ].m_Transparent = true;
Info[E_BLOCK_NETHER_PORTAL ].m_Transparent = true;
Info[E_BLOCK_NETHER_WART ].m_Transparent = true;
Info[E_BLOCK_NEW_LEAVES ].m_Transparent = true;
Info[E_BLOCK_OAK_DOOR ].m_Transparent = true;
Info[E_BLOCK_OAK_FENCE_GATE ].m_Transparent = true;
Info[E_BLOCK_OAK_WOOD_STAIRS ].m_Transparent = true;
Info[E_BLOCK_ORANGE_SHULKER_BOX ].m_Transparent = true;
Info[E_BLOCK_PINK_SHULKER_BOX ].m_Transparent = true;
Info[E_BLOCK_PISTON ].m_Transparent = true;
@ -260,10 +295,14 @@ cBlockInfo::cBlockInfoArray::cBlockInfoArray()
Info[E_BLOCK_POWERED_RAIL ].m_Transparent = true;
Info[E_BLOCK_PUMPKIN_STEM ].m_Transparent = true;
Info[E_BLOCK_PURPLE_SHULKER_BOX ].m_Transparent = true;
Info[E_BLOCK_PURPUR_DOUBLE_SLAB ].m_Transparent = true;
Info[E_BLOCK_PURPUR_SLAB ].m_Transparent = true;
Info[E_BLOCK_PURPUR_STAIRS ].m_Transparent = true;
Info[E_BLOCK_QUARTZ_STAIRS ].m_Transparent = true;
Info[E_BLOCK_RAIL ].m_Transparent = true;
Info[E_BLOCK_RED_MUSHROOM ].m_Transparent = true;
Info[E_BLOCK_RED_SANDSTONE_SLAB ].m_Transparent = true;
Info[E_BLOCK_RED_SANDSTONE_STAIRS ].m_Transparent = true;
Info[E_BLOCK_RED_SHULKER_BOX ].m_Transparent = true;
Info[E_BLOCK_REDSTONE_ORE_GLOWING ].m_Transparent = true;
Info[E_BLOCK_REDSTONE_REPEATER_OFF ].m_Transparent = true;
@ -271,20 +310,22 @@ cBlockInfo::cBlockInfoArray::cBlockInfoArray()
Info[E_BLOCK_REDSTONE_TORCH_OFF ].m_Transparent = true;
Info[E_BLOCK_REDSTONE_TORCH_ON ].m_Transparent = true;
Info[E_BLOCK_REDSTONE_WIRE ].m_Transparent = true;
Info[E_BLOCK_SANDSTONE_STAIRS ].m_Transparent = true;
Info[E_BLOCK_SAPLING ].m_Transparent = true;
Info[E_BLOCK_SIGN_POST ].m_Transparent = true;
Info[E_BLOCK_SPRUCE_DOOR ].m_Transparent = true;
Info[E_BLOCK_SPRUCE_FENCE ].m_Transparent = true;
Info[E_BLOCK_SPRUCE_FENCE_GATE ].m_Transparent = true;
Info[E_BLOCK_SPRUCE_WOOD_STAIRS ].m_Transparent = true;
Info[E_BLOCK_STAINED_GLASS ].m_Transparent = true;
Info[E_BLOCK_STAINED_GLASS_PANE ].m_Transparent = true;
Info[E_BLOCK_STANDING_BANNER ].m_Transparent = true;
Info[E_BLOCK_STATIONARY_LAVA ].m_Transparent = true;
Info[E_BLOCK_STATIONARY_WATER ].m_Transparent = true;
Info[E_BLOCK_STANDING_BANNER ].m_Transparent = true;
Info[E_BLOCK_STICKY_PISTON ].m_Transparent = true;
Info[E_BLOCK_STONE_BRICK_STAIRS ].m_Transparent = true;
Info[E_BLOCK_STONE_BUTTON ].m_Transparent = true;
Info[E_BLOCK_STONE_PRESSURE_PLATE ].m_Transparent = true;
Info[E_BLOCK_STONE_SLAB ].m_Transparent = true;
Info[E_BLOCK_SUGARCANE ].m_Transparent = true;
Info[E_BLOCK_TALL_GRASS ].m_Transparent = true;
Info[E_BLOCK_TORCH ].m_Transparent = true;
@ -298,12 +339,16 @@ cBlockInfo::cBlockInfoArray::cBlockInfoArray()
Info[E_BLOCK_WATER ].m_Transparent = true;
Info[E_BLOCK_WHITE_SHULKER_BOX ].m_Transparent = true;
Info[E_BLOCK_WOODEN_BUTTON ].m_Transparent = true;
Info[E_BLOCK_OAK_DOOR ].m_Transparent = true;
Info[E_BLOCK_WOODEN_PRESSURE_PLATE ].m_Transparent = true;
Info[E_BLOCK_WOODEN_SLAB ].m_Transparent = true;
Info[E_BLOCK_YELLOW_SHULKER_BOX ].m_Transparent = true;
// Skylight dispersant blocks:
Info[E_BLOCK_COBWEB ].m_IsSkylightDispersant = true;
Info[E_BLOCK_LEAVES ].m_IsSkylightDispersant = true;
// One hit break blocks:
Info[E_BLOCK_ACTIVE_COMPARATOR ].m_OneHitDig = true;
Info[E_BLOCK_BEETROOTS ].m_OneHitDig = true;
@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ public:
/** How much light do the blocks consume? */
NIBBLETYPE m_SpreadLightFalloff;
/** Is a block completely transparent? (light doesn't get decreased(?)) */
/** Is a block transparent? ( */
bool m_Transparent;
/** Is a block destroyed after a single hit? */
@ -37,6 +37,9 @@ public:
/** Can a piston break this block? */
bool m_PistonBreakable;
/** Does a block disperse sky light? (only relevant for transparent blocks) */
bool m_IsSkylightDispersant;
/** Can this block hold snow atop? */
bool m_IsSnowable;
@ -76,6 +79,10 @@ public:
inline static bool IsTransparent (BLOCKTYPE a_Type) { return Get(a_Type).m_Transparent; }
inline static bool IsOneHitDig (BLOCKTYPE a_Type) { return Get(a_Type).m_OneHitDig; }
inline static bool IsPistonBreakable (BLOCKTYPE a_Type) { return Get(a_Type).m_PistonBreakable; }
inline static bool IsSkylightDispersant (BLOCKTYPE a_Type)
return ((Get(a_Type).m_IsSkylightDispersant) || (Get(a_Type).m_SpreadLightFalloff > 1));
inline static bool IsSnowable (BLOCKTYPE a_Type) { return Get(a_Type).m_IsSnowable; }
inline static bool IsSolid (BLOCKTYPE a_Type) { return Get(a_Type).m_IsSolid; }
inline static bool IsUseableBySpectator (BLOCKTYPE a_Type) { return Get(a_Type).m_UseableBySpectator; }
@ -95,6 +102,7 @@ public:
, m_Transparent(false)
, m_OneHitDig(false)
, m_PistonBreakable(false)
, m_IsSkylightDispersant(false)
, m_IsSnowable(false)
, m_IsSolid(true)
, m_UseableBySpectator(false)
@ -378,7 +378,8 @@ void cLightingThread::PrepareSkyLight(void)
ASSERT(Current < cChunkDef::Height);
while (
(Current >= 0) &&
cBlockInfo::IsTransparent(m_BlockTypes[idx + Current * BlocksPerYLayer])
cBlockInfo::IsTransparent(m_BlockTypes[idx + Current * BlocksPerYLayer]) &&
!cBlockInfo::IsSkylightDispersant(m_BlockTypes[idx + Current * BlocksPerYLayer])
Current -= 1; // Sunlight goes down unchanged through this block
Reference in New Issue
Block a user