Chest, weather, crash, and miscellaneous fixes (#5215)
* Alpha-sort cChestEntity * Chests: use SendUpdateBlockEntity * Pathfinder: fix out of range Y * 1.13: correct weather packet ID * Chests: fix neighbour scanner + Add OnAddToWorld and overload to scan neighbours there, instead of in the constructor/OnUse. This fixes hoppers accessing newly loaded double chests and seeing a null m_Neighbour, thus thinking its a single chest. * Fix typo in cross coords computation. * Simplify hopper logic. * Block entities: ASSERT that type is correct If you match the block type first before calling DoWithBlockEntity, the corresponding block entity must either be empty or correspond to the block type. * Chunk: fix some forgotten PendingSendBE cleanup + Add cleanup in SetAllData, WriteBlockArea - Remove RemoveBlockEntity (used once), HasBlockEntity (not used) * Replace MakeIndex with MakeIndexNoCheck * Remove extraneous MarkDirty in hopper & chests
This commit is contained in:
@ -196,11 +196,7 @@ void cLuaWindow::DistributeStack(cItem & a_ItemStack, int a_Slot, cPlayer & a_Pl
void cLuaWindow::OnSlotChanged(cItemGrid * a_ItemGrid, int a_SlotNum)
void cLuaWindow::OnSlotChanged(cItemGrid * a_ItemGrid, int a_SlotNum)
if (a_ItemGrid != &m_Contents)
ASSERT(a_ItemGrid == &m_Contents);
ASSERT(!"Invalid ItemGrid in callback");
// If an OnSlotChanged callback has been registered, call it:
// If an OnSlotChanged callback has been registered, call it:
if (m_OnSlotChanged != nullptr)
if (m_OnSlotChanged != nullptr)
@ -168,6 +168,15 @@ bool cBlockEntity::IsBlockEntityBlockType(const BLOCKTYPE a_BlockType)
void cBlockEntity::OnAddToWorld(cWorld & a_World, cChunk & a_Chunk)
m_World = &a_World;
void cBlockEntity::OnRemoveFromWorld()
void cBlockEntity::OnRemoveFromWorld()
@ -51,12 +51,19 @@ public:
Returns nullptr for unknown block types. */
Returns nullptr for unknown block types. */
static OwnedBlockEntity CreateByBlockType(BLOCKTYPE a_BlockType, NIBBLETYPE a_BlockMeta, Vector3i a_Pos, cWorld * a_World = nullptr);
static OwnedBlockEntity CreateByBlockType(BLOCKTYPE a_BlockType, NIBBLETYPE a_BlockMeta, Vector3i a_Pos, cWorld * a_World = nullptr);
/** Called when this block entity's associated block is destroyed.
It is guaranteed that this function is called before OnRemoveFromWorld. */
virtual void Destroy();
virtual void Destroy();
/** Returns true if the specified blocktype is supposed to have an associated block entity. */
/** Returns true if the specified blocktype is supposed to have an associated block entity. */
static bool IsBlockEntityBlockType(BLOCKTYPE a_BlockType);
static bool IsBlockEntityBlockType(BLOCKTYPE a_BlockType);
/** Called when the block entity is removed from a world. */
/** Called when the block entity object is added to a world. */
virtual void OnAddToWorld(cWorld & a_World, cChunk & a_Chunk);
/** Called when the block entity object is removed from a world.
This occurs when the chunk it resides in is unloaded, or when the associated block is destroyed.
If it is the latter, Destroy() is guaranteed to be called first. */
virtual void OnRemoveFromWorld();
virtual void OnRemoveFromWorld();
/** Sends the packet defining the block entity to the client specified.
/** Sends the packet defining the block entity to the client specified.
@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
#include "Globals.h" // NOTE: MSVC stupidness requires this to be the same across all modules
#include "Globals.h" // NOTE: MSVC stupidness requires this to be the same across all modules
#include "ChestEntity.h"
#include "ChestEntity.h"
#include "../Chunk.h"
#include "../BlockInfo.h"
#include "../BlockInfo.h"
#include "../Item.h"
#include "../Item.h"
#include "../Entities/Player.h"
#include "../Entities/Player.h"
@ -18,125 +19,59 @@ cChestEntity::cChestEntity(BLOCKTYPE a_BlockType, NIBBLETYPE a_BlockMeta, Vector
auto chunkCoord = cChunkDef::BlockToChunk(a_Pos);
if (
(m_World != nullptr) &&
m_World->IsChunkValid(chunkCoord.m_ChunkX, chunkCoord.m_ChunkZ)
void cChestEntity::CopyFrom(const cBlockEntity & a_Src)
cChestEntity & cChestEntity::GetPrimaryChest()
auto & src = static_cast<const cChestEntity &>(a_Src);
// Reset the neighbor and player count, there's no sense in copying these:
m_Neighbour = nullptr;
m_NumActivePlayers = 0;
void cChestEntity::OnRemoveFromWorld()
if (m_Neighbour != nullptr)
// Neighbour may share a window with us, force the window shut:
m_Neighbour->m_Neighbour = nullptr;
void cChestEntity::SendTo(cClientHandle & a_Client)
// Send a dummy "number of players with chest open" packet to make the chest visible:
a_Client.SendBlockAction(m_Pos.x, m_Pos.y, m_Pos.z, 1, 0, m_BlockType);
bool cChestEntity::UsedBy(cPlayer * a_Player)
if (IsBlocked())
// Obstruction, don't open
return true;
if (m_Neighbour == nullptr)
if (m_Neighbour == nullptr)
return *this;
// The primary chest should be the one with lesser X or Z coord:
// The primary chest should be the one with lesser X or Z coord:
cChestEntity * PrimaryChest = this;
return (
if (m_Neighbour != nullptr)
(m_Neighbour->GetPosX() < GetPosX()) ||
(m_Neighbour->GetPosZ() < GetPosZ())
if (m_Neighbour->IsBlocked())
) ? *m_Neighbour : *this;
// Obstruction, don't open
return true;
if (
(m_Neighbour->GetPosX() > GetPosX()) ||
(m_Neighbour->GetPosZ() > GetPosZ())
cChestEntity * cChestEntity::GetSecondaryChest()
PrimaryChest = m_Neighbour;
// If we're the primary, then our neighbour is the secondary, and vice versa:
return (&GetPrimaryChest() == this) ? m_Neighbour : this;
bool cChestEntity::ScanNeighbour(cChunk & a_Chunk, Vector3i a_Position)
const auto Chunk = a_Chunk.GetRelNeighborChunkAdjustCoords(a_Position);
if ((Chunk == nullptr) || !Chunk->IsValid())
// If a chest was in fact there, they'll find us when their chunk loads.
return false;
if (m_BlockType == E_BLOCK_CHEST)
const auto BlockEntity = Chunk->GetBlockEntityRel(a_Position);
if ((BlockEntity == nullptr) || (BlockEntity->GetBlockType() != m_BlockType))
// Neighbouring block is not the same type of chest:
return false;
// If the window is not created, open it anew:
m_Neighbour = static_cast<cChestEntity *>(BlockEntity);
cWindow * Window = PrimaryChest->GetWindow();
if (Window == nullptr)
Window = PrimaryChest->GetWindow();
// Open the window for the player:
if (Window != nullptr)
if (a_Player->GetWindow() != Window)
// This is rather a hack
// Instead of marking the chunk as dirty upon chest contents change, we mark it dirty now
// We cannot properly detect contents change, but such a change doesn't happen without a player opening the chest first.
// The few false positives aren't much to worry about
auto chunkCoords = cChunkDef::BlockToChunk(m_Pos);
m_World->MarkChunkDirty(chunkCoords.m_ChunkX, chunkCoords.m_ChunkZ);
return true;
return true;
@ -144,69 +79,6 @@ bool cChestEntity::UsedBy(cPlayer * a_Player)
cChestEntity * cChestEntity::GetNeighbour()
return m_Neighbour;
void cChestEntity::ScanNeighbours()
// Callback for finding neighbouring chest.
auto FindNeighbour = [this](cBlockEntity & a_BlockEntity)
if (a_BlockEntity.GetBlockType() != m_BlockType)
// Neighboring block is not the same type of chest
return false;
m_Neighbour = static_cast<cChestEntity *>(&a_BlockEntity);
return true;
// Scan horizontally adjacent blocks for any neighbouring chest of the same type:
if (
m_World->DoWithBlockEntityAt(m_Pos.addedX(-1), FindNeighbour) ||
m_World->DoWithBlockEntityAt(m_Pos.addedX(+1), FindNeighbour) ||
m_World->DoWithBlockEntityAt(m_Pos.addedZ(-1), FindNeighbour) ||
m_World->DoWithBlockEntityAt(m_Pos.addedX(+1), FindNeighbour)
m_Neighbour->m_Neighbour = this;
// Force neighbour's window shut. Does Mojang server do this or should a double window open?
void cChestEntity::OpenNewWindow(void)
if (m_Neighbour != nullptr)
ASSERT( // This should be the primary chest
(m_Neighbour->GetPosX() < GetPosX()) ||
(m_Neighbour->GetPosZ() < GetPosZ())
OpenWindow(new cChestWindow(this, m_Neighbour));
// There is no chest neighbour, open a single-chest window:
OpenWindow(new cChestWindow(this));
void cChestEntity::DestroyWindow()
void cChestEntity::DestroyWindow()
const auto Window = GetWindow();
const auto Window = GetWindow();
@ -235,15 +107,140 @@ bool cChestEntity::IsBlocked()
void cChestEntity::OpenNewWindow(void)
if (m_Neighbour != nullptr)
ASSERT(&GetPrimaryChest() == this); // Should only open windows for the primary chest.
OpenWindow(new cChestWindow(this, m_Neighbour));
// There is no chest neighbour, open a single-chest window:
OpenWindow(new cChestWindow(this));
void cChestEntity::CopyFrom(const cBlockEntity & a_Src)
auto & src = static_cast<const cChestEntity &>(a_Src);
// Reset the neighbor and player count, there's no sense in copying these:
m_Neighbour = nullptr;
m_NumActivePlayers = 0;
void cChestEntity::OnAddToWorld(cWorld & a_World, cChunk & a_Chunk)
Super::OnAddToWorld(a_World, a_Chunk);
// Scan horizontally adjacent blocks for any neighbouring chest of the same type:
if (
const auto Position = GetRelPos();
ScanNeighbour(a_Chunk, Position.addedX(-1)) ||
ScanNeighbour(a_Chunk, Position.addedX(+1)) ||
ScanNeighbour(a_Chunk, Position.addedZ(-1)) ||
ScanNeighbour(a_Chunk, Position.addedZ(+1))
m_Neighbour->m_Neighbour = this;
m_Neighbour->DestroyWindow(); // Force neighbour's window shut. Does Mojang server do this or should a double window open?
void cChestEntity::OnRemoveFromWorld()
if (m_Neighbour != nullptr)
// Neighbour may share a window with us, force the window shut:
m_Neighbour->m_Neighbour = nullptr;
void cChestEntity::SendTo(cClientHandle & a_Client)
bool cChestEntity::UsedBy(cPlayer * a_Player)
if (IsBlocked())
// Obstruction, don't open
return true;
if ((m_Neighbour != nullptr) && m_Neighbour->IsBlocked())
return true;
if (m_BlockType == E_BLOCK_CHEST)
auto & PrimaryChest = GetPrimaryChest();
cWindow * Window = PrimaryChest.GetWindow();
// If the window is not created, open it anew:
if (Window == nullptr)
Window = PrimaryChest.GetWindow();
// Open the window for the player:
if (Window != nullptr)
if (a_Player->GetWindow() != Window)
return true;
void cChestEntity::OnSlotChanged(cItemGrid * a_Grid, int a_SlotNum)
void cChestEntity::OnSlotChanged(cItemGrid * a_Grid, int a_SlotNum)
ASSERT(a_Grid == &m_Contents);
ASSERT(a_Grid == &m_Contents);
if (m_World == nullptr)
// Have cBlockEntityWithItems update redstone and try to broadcast our window:
// Have cBlockEntityWithItems update redstone and try to broadcast our window:
Super::OnSlotChanged(a_Grid, a_SlotNum);
Super::OnSlotChanged(a_Grid, a_SlotNum);
@ -259,9 +256,4 @@ void cChestEntity::OnSlotChanged(cItemGrid * a_Grid, int a_SlotNum)
m_World->MarkChunkDirty(GetChunkX(), GetChunkZ());
// Notify comparators:
@ -34,33 +34,21 @@ public:
// tolua_end
// tolua_end
/** Constructor used for normal operation */
cChestEntity(BLOCKTYPE a_BlockType, NIBBLETYPE a_BlockMeta, Vector3i a_Pos, cWorld * a_World);
cChestEntity(BLOCKTYPE a_BlockType, NIBBLETYPE a_BlockMeta, Vector3i a_Pos, cWorld * a_World);
// cBlockEntity overrides:
virtual void CopyFrom(const cBlockEntity & a_Src) override;
virtual void OnRemoveFromWorld() override;
virtual void SendTo(cClientHandle & a_Client) override;
virtual bool UsedBy(cPlayer * a_Player) override;
/** Search horizontally adjacent blocks for neighbouring chests of the same type and links them together. */
void ScanNeighbours();
/** Returns the value of m_Neighbour. */
cChestEntity * GetNeighbour();
/** Opens a new chest window where this is the primary chest and any neighbour is the secondary. */
void OpenNewWindow();
/** Forces any players to close the owned window. */
void DestroyWindow();
/** Returns true if the chest should not be accessible by players. */
bool IsBlocked();
/** Gets the number of players who currently have this chest open */
/** Gets the number of players who currently have this chest open */
int GetNumberOfPlayers(void) const { return m_NumActivePlayers; }
int GetNumberOfPlayers(void) const { return m_NumActivePlayers; }
/** Returns the associated primary chest. */
cChestEntity & GetPrimaryChest();
/** Returns the associated secondary chest, if any. */
cChestEntity * GetSecondaryChest();
/** Search the given horizontally adjacent relative position for a neighbouring chest of the same type.
If found, links them together with ourselves and returns true. */
bool ScanNeighbour(cChunk & a_Chunk, Vector3i a_Position);
/** Sets the number of players who currently have this chest open */
/** Sets the number of players who currently have this chest open */
void SetNumberOfPlayers(int a_NumActivePlayers) { m_NumActivePlayers = a_NumActivePlayers; }
void SetNumberOfPlayers(int a_NumActivePlayers) { m_NumActivePlayers = a_NumActivePlayers; }
@ -72,6 +60,22 @@ private:
/** Neighbouring chest that links to form a double chest */
/** Neighbouring chest that links to form a double chest */
cChestEntity * m_Neighbour;
cChestEntity * m_Neighbour;
/** Forces any players to close the owned window. */
void DestroyWindow();
/** Returns true if the chest should not be accessible by players. */
bool IsBlocked();
/** Opens a new chest window where this is the primary chest and any neighbour is the secondary. */
void OpenNewWindow();
// cBlockEntity overrides:
virtual void CopyFrom(const cBlockEntity & a_Src) override;
virtual void OnAddToWorld(cWorld & a_World, cChunk & a_Chunk) override;
virtual void OnRemoveFromWorld() override;
virtual void SendTo(cClientHandle & a_Client) override;
virtual bool UsedBy(cPlayer * a_Player) override;
/** cItemGrid::cListener overrides: */
/** cItemGrid::cListener overrides: */
virtual void OnSlotChanged(cItemGrid * a_Grid, int a_SlotNum) override;
virtual void OnSlotChanged(cItemGrid * a_Grid, int a_SlotNum) override;
} ; // tolua_export
} ; // tolua_export
@ -132,12 +132,6 @@ bool cHopperEntity::UsedBy(cPlayer * a_Player)
// This is rather a hack
// Instead of marking the chunk as dirty upon chest contents change, we mark it dirty now
// We cannot properly detect contents change, but such a change doesn't happen without a player opening the chest first.
// The few false positives aren't much to worry about
cChunkCoords ChunkPos = cChunkDef::BlockToChunk(GetPos());
m_World->MarkChunkDirty(ChunkPos.m_ChunkX, ChunkPos.m_ChunkZ);
return true;
return true;
@ -172,15 +166,15 @@ bool cHopperEntity::MoveItemsIn(cChunk & a_Chunk, const cTickTimeLong a_CurrentT
bool res = false;
bool res = false;
switch (a_Chunk.GetBlock(GetRelPos().addedY(1)))
switch (a_Chunk.GetBlock(GetRelPos().addedY(1)))
// Chests have special handling because of double-chests
// Chests have special handling because of double-chests
res = MoveItemsFromChest(a_Chunk);
res = MoveItemsFromChest(a_Chunk);
// Furnaces have special handling because only the output and leftover fuel buckets shall be moved
// Furnaces have special handling because only the output and leftover fuel buckets shall be moved
res = MoveItemsFromFurnace(a_Chunk);
res = MoveItemsFromFurnace(a_Chunk);
@ -331,15 +325,15 @@ bool cHopperEntity::MoveItemsOut(cChunk & a_Chunk, const cTickTimeLong a_Current
auto absCoord = destChunk->RelativeToAbsolute(relCoord);
auto absCoord = destChunk->RelativeToAbsolute(relCoord);
switch (destChunk->GetBlock(relCoord))
switch (destChunk->GetBlock(relCoord))
// Chests have special handling because of double-chests
// Chests have special handling because of double-chests
res = MoveItemsToChest(*destChunk, absCoord);
res = MoveItemsToChest(*destChunk, absCoord);
// Furnaces have special handling because of the direction-to-slot relation
// Furnaces have special handling because of the direction-to-slot relation
res = MoveItemsToFurnace(*destChunk, absCoord, meta);
res = MoveItemsToFurnace(*destChunk, absCoord, meta);
@ -375,52 +369,22 @@ bool cHopperEntity::MoveItemsOut(cChunk & a_Chunk, const cTickTimeLong a_Current
bool cHopperEntity::MoveItemsFromChest(cChunk & a_Chunk)
bool cHopperEntity::MoveItemsFromChest(cChunk & a_Chunk)
auto ChestPos = GetPos().addedY(1);
const auto ConnectedBlockEntity = a_Chunk.GetBlockEntityRel(GetRelPos().addedY(1));
auto MainChest = static_cast<cChestEntity *>(a_Chunk.GetBlockEntity(ChestPos));
if (MainChest == nullptr)
if (ConnectedBlockEntity == nullptr)
FLOGWARNING("{0}: A chest entity was not found where expected, at {1}", __FUNCTION__, ChestPos);
return false;
return false;
auto SideChest = MainChest->GetNeighbour();
if (SideChest == nullptr)
const auto ConnectedChest = static_cast<cChestEntity *>(ConnectedBlockEntity);
if (MoveItemsFromGrid(ConnectedChest->GetPrimaryChest()))
if (MoveItemsFromGrid(*MainChest))
return true;
return true;
const auto SecondaryChest = ConnectedChest->GetSecondaryChest();
auto SideAbsCoords = SideChest->GetPos();
return (SecondaryChest != nullptr) && MoveItemsFromGrid(*SecondaryChest);
// the "primary" chest is the one with the higher z or x value
if (SideAbsCoords.z > ChestPos.z || SideAbsCoords.x > ChestPos.x)
// side is "primary" so pull from it first
if (MoveItemsFromGrid(*SideChest))
return true;
// main is secondary, pull from next
if (MoveItemsFromGrid(*MainChest))
return true;
if (MoveItemsFromGrid(*MainChest))
return true;
if (MoveItemsFromGrid(*SideChest))
return true;
// The chest was empty
return false;
@ -529,48 +493,22 @@ bool cHopperEntity::MoveItemsFromSlot(cBlockEntityWithItems & a_Entity, int a_Sl
bool cHopperEntity::MoveItemsToChest(cChunk & a_Chunk, Vector3i a_Coords)
bool cHopperEntity::MoveItemsToChest(cChunk & a_Chunk, Vector3i a_Coords)
// Try the chest directly connected to the hopper:
const auto ConnectedBlockEntity = a_Chunk.GetBlockEntity(a_Coords);
auto ConnectedChest = static_cast<cChestEntity *>(a_Chunk.GetBlockEntity(a_Coords));
if (ConnectedChest == nullptr)
if (ConnectedBlockEntity == nullptr)
FLOGWARNING("{0}: A chest entity was not found where expected, at {1}", __FUNCTION__, a_Coords);
return false;
return false;
auto SideChest = ConnectedChest->GetNeighbour();
if (SideChest == nullptr)
const auto ConnectedChest = static_cast<cChestEntity *>(ConnectedBlockEntity);
if (MoveItemsToGrid(ConnectedChest->GetPrimaryChest()))
if (MoveItemsToGrid(*ConnectedChest))
return true;
return true;
const auto SecondaryChest = ConnectedChest->GetSecondaryChest();
auto SideAbsCoords = SideChest->GetPos();
return (SecondaryChest != nullptr) && MoveItemsToGrid(*SecondaryChest);
if (SideAbsCoords.z > a_Coords.z || SideAbsCoords.x > a_Coords.x)
if (MoveItemsToGrid(*SideChest))
return true;
if (MoveItemsToGrid(*ConnectedChest))
return true;
if (MoveItemsToGrid(*ConnectedChest))
return true;
if (MoveItemsToGrid(*SideChest))
return true;
return false;
@ -661,7 +599,3 @@ bool cHopperEntity::MoveItemsToSlot(cBlockEntityWithItems & a_Entity, int a_DstS
return false;
return false;
@ -163,6 +163,7 @@ void cBlockBedHandler::OnPlacedByPlayer(cChunkInterface & a_ChunkInterface, cWor
a_Player.GetWorld()->DoWithBlockEntityAt(a_BlockChange.GetAbsolutePos(), [&a_Player](cBlockEntity & a_BlockEntity)
a_Player.GetWorld()->DoWithBlockEntityAt(a_BlockChange.GetAbsolutePos(), [&a_Player](cBlockEntity & a_BlockEntity)
ASSERT(a_BlockEntity.GetBlockType() == E_BLOCK_BED);
ASSERT(a_BlockEntity.GetBlockType() == E_BLOCK_BED);
static_cast<cBedEntity &>(a_BlockEntity).SetColor(a_Player.GetEquippedItem().m_ItemDamage);
static_cast<cBedEntity &>(a_BlockEntity).SetColor(a_Player.GetEquippedItem().m_ItemDamage);
return false;
return false;
@ -34,10 +34,7 @@ private:
AString WindowName = "Enchant";
AString WindowName = "Enchant";
a_WorldInterface.DoWithBlockEntityAt(a_BlockPos, [&WindowName](cBlockEntity & a_Entity)
a_WorldInterface.DoWithBlockEntityAt(a_BlockPos, [&WindowName](cBlockEntity & a_Entity)
if (a_Entity.GetBlockType() != E_BLOCK_ENCHANTMENT_TABLE)
return false;
const auto & EnchantingTable = static_cast<cEnchantingTableEntity &>(a_Entity);
const auto & EnchantingTable = static_cast<cEnchantingTableEntity &>(a_Entity);
const auto & CustomName = EnchantingTable.GetCustomName();
const auto & CustomName = EnchantingTable.GetCustomName();
@ -28,10 +28,7 @@ private:
a_WorldInterface.DoWithBlockEntityAt(a_BlockPos, [](cBlockEntity & a_BlockEntity)
a_WorldInterface.DoWithBlockEntityAt(a_BlockPos, [](cBlockEntity & a_BlockEntity)
if (a_BlockEntity.GetBlockType() != E_BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK)
ASSERT(a_BlockEntity.GetBlockType() == E_BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK);
return false;
static_cast<cNoteEntity &>(a_BlockEntity).MakeSound();
static_cast<cNoteEntity &>(a_BlockEntity).MakeSound();
return false;
return false;
@ -336,13 +336,16 @@ void cChunk::GetAllData(cChunkDataCallback & a_Callback) const
void cChunk::SetAllData(SetChunkData && a_SetChunkData)
void cChunk::SetAllData(SetChunkData && a_SetChunkData)
std::copy(a_SetChunkData.HeightMap, a_SetChunkData.HeightMap + std::size(a_SetChunkData.HeightMap), m_HeightMap);
std::copy_n(a_SetChunkData.HeightMap, std::size(a_SetChunkData.HeightMap), m_HeightMap);
std::copy(a_SetChunkData.BiomeMap, a_SetChunkData.BiomeMap + std::size(a_SetChunkData.BiomeMap), m_BiomeMap);
std::copy_n(a_SetChunkData.BiomeMap, std::size(a_SetChunkData.BiomeMap), m_BiomeMap);
m_BlockData = std::move(a_SetChunkData.BlockData);
m_BlockData = std::move(a_SetChunkData.BlockData);
m_LightData = std::move(a_SetChunkData.LightData);
m_LightData = std::move(a_SetChunkData.LightData);
m_IsLightValid = a_SetChunkData.IsLightValid;
m_IsLightValid = a_SetChunkData.IsLightValid;
// Entities need some extra steps to destroy, so here we're keeping the old ones.
// Entities need some extra steps to destroy, so here we're keeping the old ones.
// Move the entities already in the chunk, including player entities, so that we don't lose any:
// Move the entities already in the chunk, including player entities, so that we don't lose any:
@ -383,15 +386,17 @@ void cChunk::SetAllData(SetChunkData && a_SetChunkData)
// Set all block entities' World variable:
// Set the chunk data as valid.
// This may be needed for some simulators that perform actions upon block adding (Vaporize),
// as well as some block entities upon being added to the chunk (Chests).
// Initialise all block entities:
for (auto & KeyPair : m_BlockEntities)
for (auto & KeyPair : m_BlockEntities)
KeyPair.second->OnAddToWorld(*m_World, *this);
// Set the chunk data as valid. This may be needed for some simulators that perform actions upon block adding (Vaporize)
// Wake up all simulators for their respective blocks:
// Wake up all simulators for their respective blocks:
@ -466,22 +471,34 @@ void cChunk::WriteBlockArea(cBlockArea & a_Area, int a_MinBlockX, int a_MinBlock
} // for y
} // for y
// Erase all affected block entities:
// Erase all affected block entities:
cCuboid affectedArea( // In world coordinates
{BlockStartX, a_MinBlockY, BlockStartZ},
{BlockEndX, a_MinBlockY + SizeY - 1, BlockEndZ}
for (auto itr = m_BlockEntities.begin(); itr != m_BlockEntities.end();)
if (affectedArea.IsInside(itr->second->GetPos()))
// The affected area, in world coordinates.
cCuboid affectedArea(
{ BlockStartX, a_MinBlockY, BlockStartZ },
{ BlockEndX, a_MinBlockY + SizeY - 1, BlockEndZ }
// Where in the pending block entity send list to start removing the invalidated elements from.
auto PendingRemove = m_PendingSendBlockEntities.end();
for (auto itr = m_BlockEntities.begin(); itr != m_BlockEntities.end();)
if (affectedArea.IsInside(itr->second->GetPos()))
itr = m_BlockEntities.erase(itr);
PendingRemove = std::remove(m_PendingSendBlockEntities.begin(), PendingRemove, itr->second.get()); // Search the remaining valid pending sends.
itr = m_BlockEntities.erase(itr);
// Remove all the deleted block entities from the pending send list:
m_PendingSendBlockEntities.erase(PendingRemove, m_PendingSendBlockEntities.end());
// Clone block entities from a_Area into this chunk:
// Clone block entities from a_Area into this chunk:
@ -500,16 +517,13 @@ void cChunk::WriteBlockArea(cBlockArea & a_Area, int a_MinBlockX, int a_MinBlock
// This block entity is inside the chunk, clone it (and remove any that is there currently):
auto idx = static_cast<size_t>(cChunkDef::MakeIndex(posX - m_PosX * cChunkDef::Width, posY, posZ - m_PosZ * cChunkDef::Width));
// This block entity is inside the chunk.
auto itr = m_BlockEntities.find(idx);
// The code above should have removed any that were here before:
if (itr != m_BlockEntities.end())
ASSERT(GetBlockEntityRel(cChunkDef::AbsoluteToRelative({ posX, posY, posZ })) == nullptr);
// Clone, and add the new one:
AddBlockEntity(be->Clone({posX, posY, posZ}));
auto clone = be->Clone({posX, posY, posZ});
@ -518,15 +532,6 @@ void cChunk::WriteBlockArea(cBlockArea & a_Area, int a_MinBlockX, int a_MinBlock
bool cChunk::HasBlockEntityAt(Vector3i a_BlockPos)
return (GetBlockEntity(a_BlockPos) != nullptr);
void cChunk::Stay(bool a_Stay)
void cChunk::Stay(bool a_Stay)
if (a_Stay)
if (a_Stay)
@ -1287,12 +1292,15 @@ void cChunk::SetBlock(Vector3i a_RelPos, BLOCKTYPE a_BlockType, NIBBLETYPE a_Blo
GetWorld()->GetSimulatorManager()->WakeUp(*this, a_RelPos);
GetWorld()->GetSimulatorManager()->WakeUp(*this, a_RelPos);
// If there was a block entity, remove it:
// If there was a block entity, remove it:
cBlockEntity * BlockEntity = GetBlockEntityRel(a_RelPos);
if (const auto FindResult = m_BlockEntities.find(cChunkDef::MakeIndex(a_RelPos)); FindResult != m_BlockEntities.end())
if (BlockEntity != nullptr)
auto & BlockEntity = *FindResult->second;
m_PendingSendBlockEntities.erase(std::remove(m_PendingSendBlockEntities.begin(), m_PendingSendBlockEntities.end(), &BlockEntity), m_PendingSendBlockEntities.end());
// If the new block is a block entity, create the entity object:
// If the new block is a block entity, create the entity object:
@ -1414,11 +1422,14 @@ void cChunk::SendBlockTo(int a_RelX, int a_RelY, int a_RelZ, cClientHandle * a_C
void cChunk::AddBlockEntity(OwnedBlockEntity a_BlockEntity)
void cChunk::AddBlockEntity(OwnedBlockEntity a_BlockEntity)
const auto BlockEntityPtr = a_BlockEntity.get();
[[maybe_unused]] const auto Result = m_BlockEntities.emplace(
[[maybe_unused]] const auto Result = m_BlockEntities.emplace(
cChunkDef::MakeIndex(a_BlockEntity->GetRelX(), a_BlockEntity->GetPosY(), a_BlockEntity->GetRelZ()),
cChunkDef::MakeIndex(a_BlockEntity->GetRelX(), a_BlockEntity->GetPosY(), a_BlockEntity->GetRelZ()),
ASSERT(Result.second); // No block entity already at this position
ASSERT(Result.second); // No block entity already at this position.
BlockEntityPtr->OnAddToWorld(*m_World, *this);
@ -1435,7 +1446,7 @@ cBlockEntity * cChunk::GetBlockEntity(Vector3i a_AbsPos)
return nullptr;
return nullptr;
auto itr = m_BlockEntities.find(static_cast<size_t>(cChunkDef::MakeIndexNoCheck(relPos)));
auto itr = m_BlockEntities.find(cChunkDef::MakeIndex(relPos));
return (itr == m_BlockEntities.end()) ? nullptr : itr->second.get();
return (itr == m_BlockEntities.end()) ? nullptr : itr->second.get();
@ -1446,7 +1457,7 @@ cBlockEntity * cChunk::GetBlockEntity(Vector3i a_AbsPos)
cBlockEntity * cChunk::GetBlockEntityRel(Vector3i a_RelPos)
cBlockEntity * cChunk::GetBlockEntityRel(Vector3i a_RelPos)
auto itr = m_BlockEntities.find(static_cast<size_t>(cChunkDef::MakeIndexNoCheck(a_RelPos)));
auto itr = m_BlockEntities.find(cChunkDef::MakeIndex(a_RelPos));
return (itr == m_BlockEntities.end()) ? nullptr : itr->second.get();
return (itr == m_BlockEntities.end()) ? nullptr : itr->second.get();
@ -1527,18 +1538,6 @@ void cChunk::SetAreaBiome(int a_MinRelX, int a_MaxRelX, int a_MinRelZ, int a_Max
void cChunk::RemoveBlockEntity(cBlockEntity * a_BlockEntity)
ASSERT(a_BlockEntity != nullptr);
m_BlockEntities.erase(static_cast<size_t>(cChunkDef::MakeIndex(a_BlockEntity->GetRelX(), a_BlockEntity->GetPosY(), a_BlockEntity->GetRelZ())));
m_PendingSendBlockEntities.erase(std::remove(m_PendingSendBlockEntities.begin(), m_PendingSendBlockEntities.end(), a_BlockEntity), m_PendingSendBlockEntities.end());
bool cChunk::AddClient(cClientHandle * a_Client)
bool cChunk::AddClient(cClientHandle * a_Client)
if (std::find(m_LoadedByClient.begin(), m_LoadedByClient.end(), a_Client) != m_LoadedByClient.end())
if (std::find(m_LoadedByClient.begin(), m_LoadedByClient.end(), a_Client) != m_LoadedByClient.end())
@ -114,9 +114,6 @@ public:
/** Writes the specified cBlockArea at the coords specified. Note that the coords may extend beyond the chunk! */
/** Writes the specified cBlockArea at the coords specified. Note that the coords may extend beyond the chunk! */
void WriteBlockArea(cBlockArea & a_Area, int a_MinBlockX, int a_MinBlockY, int a_MinBlockZ, int a_DataTypes);
void WriteBlockArea(cBlockArea & a_Area, int a_MinBlockX, int a_MinBlockY, int a_MinBlockZ, int a_DataTypes);
/** Returns true if there is a block entity at the coords specified */
bool HasBlockEntityAt(Vector3i a_BlockPos);
/** Sets or resets the internal flag that prevents chunk from being unloaded.
/** Sets or resets the internal flag that prevents chunk from being unloaded.
The flag is cumulative - it can be set multiple times and then needs to be un-set that many times
The flag is cumulative - it can be set multiple times and then needs to be un-set that many times
before the chunk is unloadable again. */
before the chunk is unloadable again. */
@ -493,7 +490,7 @@ private:
/** Block entities that have been touched and need to be sent to all clients.
/** Block entities that have been touched and need to be sent to all clients.
Because block changes are buffered and we need to happen after them, this buffer exists too.
Because block changes are buffered and we need to happen after them, this buffer exists too.
Pointers to block entities that were destroyed are guaranteed to be removed from this array by RemoveBlockEntity. */
Pointers to block entities that were destroyed are guaranteed to be removed from this array by SetAllData, SetBlock, WriteBlockArea. */
std::vector<cBlockEntity *> m_PendingSendBlockEntities;
std::vector<cBlockEntity *> m_PendingSendBlockEntities;
/** A queue of relative positions to call cBlockHandler::Check on.
/** A queue of relative positions to call cBlockHandler::Check on.
@ -543,8 +540,8 @@ private:
void GetRandomBlockCoords(int & a_X, int & a_Y, int & a_Z);
void GetRandomBlockCoords(int & a_X, int & a_Y, int & a_Z);
void GetThreeRandomNumbers(int & a_X, int & a_Y, int & a_Z, int a_MaxX, int a_MaxY, int a_MaxZ);
void GetThreeRandomNumbers(int & a_X, int & a_Y, int & a_Z, int a_MaxX, int a_MaxY, int a_MaxZ);
void RemoveBlockEntity(cBlockEntity * a_BlockEntity);
/** Takes ownership of a block entity, which MUST actually reside in this chunk. */
void AddBlockEntity (OwnedBlockEntity a_BlockEntity);
void AddBlockEntity(OwnedBlockEntity a_BlockEntity);
/** Wakes up each simulator for its specific blocks; through all the blocks in the chunk */
/** Wakes up each simulator for its specific blocks; through all the blocks in the chunk */
void WakeUpSimulators(void);
void WakeUpSimulators(void);
@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ namespace
static_cast<size_t>(a_RelPos.y / cChunkDef::SectionHeight),
static_cast<size_t>(a_RelPos.y / cChunkDef::SectionHeight),
static_cast<size_t>(cChunkDef::MakeIndexNoCheck(a_RelPos.x, a_RelPos.y % cChunkDef::SectionHeight, a_RelPos.z))
cChunkDef::MakeIndex(a_RelPos.x, a_RelPos.y % cChunkDef::SectionHeight, a_RelPos.z)
@ -207,36 +207,22 @@ public:
inline static int MakeIndex(int x, int y, int z)
inline static size_t MakeIndex(int x, int y, int z)
if (
ASSERT(IsValidRelPos({ x, y, z }));
(x < Width) && (x > -1) &&
(y < Height) && (y > -1) &&
(z < Width) && (z > -1)
return MakeIndexNoCheck(x, y, z);
FLOGERROR("cChunkDef::MakeIndex(): coords out of range: {0}; returning fake index 0", Vector3i{x, y, z});
ASSERT(!"cChunkDef::MakeIndex(): coords out of chunk range!");
return 0;
inline static int MakeIndexNoCheck(int x, int y, int z)
// For some reason, NOT using the Horner schema is faster. Weird.
// For some reason, NOT using the Horner schema is faster. Weird.
return x + (z * cChunkDef::Width) + (y * cChunkDef::Width * cChunkDef::Width); // 1.2 uses XZY
return static_cast<size_t>(x + (z * Width) + (y * Width * Width)); // 1.2 uses XZY
return y + (z * cChunkDef::Width) + (x * cChunkDef::Height * cChunkDef::Width); // 1.1 uses YZX
return static_cast<size_t>(y + (z * Width) + (x * Height * Width)); // 1.1 uses YZX
inline static int MakeIndexNoCheck(Vector3i a_RelPos)
inline static size_t MakeIndex(Vector3i a_RelPos)
return MakeIndexNoCheck(a_RelPos.x, a_RelPos.y, a_RelPos.z);
return MakeIndex(a_RelPos.x, a_RelPos.y, a_RelPos.z);
@ -263,7 +249,7 @@ public:
ASSERT((a_X >= 0) && (a_X < Width));
ASSERT((a_X >= 0) && (a_X < Width));
ASSERT((a_Y >= 0) && (a_Y < Height));
ASSERT((a_Y >= 0) && (a_Y < Height));
ASSERT((a_Z >= 0) && (a_Z < Width));
ASSERT((a_Z >= 0) && (a_Z < Width));
a_BlockTypes[MakeIndexNoCheck(a_X, a_Y, a_Z)] = a_Type;
a_BlockTypes[MakeIndex(a_X, a_Y, a_Z)] = a_Type;
@ -277,7 +263,7 @@ public:
inline static BLOCKTYPE GetBlock(const BLOCKTYPE * a_BlockTypes, Vector3i a_RelPos)
inline static BLOCKTYPE GetBlock(const BLOCKTYPE * a_BlockTypes, Vector3i a_RelPos)
return a_BlockTypes[MakeIndexNoCheck(a_RelPos)];
return a_BlockTypes[MakeIndex(a_RelPos)];
@ -286,7 +272,7 @@ public:
ASSERT((a_X >= 0) && (a_X < Width));
ASSERT((a_X >= 0) && (a_X < Width));
ASSERT((a_Y >= 0) && (a_Y < Height));
ASSERT((a_Y >= 0) && (a_Y < Height));
ASSERT((a_Z >= 0) && (a_Z < Width));
ASSERT((a_Z >= 0) && (a_Z < Width));
return a_BlockTypes[MakeIndexNoCheck(a_X, a_Y, a_Z)];
return a_BlockTypes[MakeIndex(a_X, a_Y, a_Z)];
@ -333,8 +319,7 @@ public:
if ((x < Width) && (x > -1) && (y < Height) && (y > -1) && (z < Width) && (z > -1))
if ((x < Width) && (x > -1) && (y < Height) && (y > -1) && (z < Width) && (z > -1))
int Index = MakeIndexNoCheck(x, y, z);
return ExpandNibble(a_Buffer, MakeIndex(x, y, z));
return ExpandNibble(a_Buffer, static_cast<size_t>(Index));
ASSERT(!"cChunkDef::GetNibble(): coords out of chunk range!");
ASSERT(!"cChunkDef::GetNibble(): coords out of chunk range!");
return 0;
return 0;
@ -436,7 +421,6 @@ struct sSetBlock
typedef std::list<sSetBlock> sSetBlockList;
typedef std::vector<sSetBlock> sSetBlockVector;
typedef std::vector<sSetBlock> sSetBlockVector;
typedef std::list<cChunkCoords> cChunkCoordsList;
typedef std::list<cChunkCoords> cChunkCoordsList;
@ -461,27 +445,6 @@ public:
class cChunkCoordsWithBool
int m_ChunkX;
int m_ChunkZ;
bool m_ForceGenerate;
cChunkCoordsWithBool(int a_ChunkX, int a_ChunkZ, bool a_ForceGenerate) : m_ChunkX(a_ChunkX), m_ChunkZ(a_ChunkZ), m_ForceGenerate(a_ForceGenerate){}
bool operator == (const cChunkCoordsWithBool & a_Other) const
return ((m_ChunkX == a_Other.m_ChunkX) && (m_ChunkZ == a_Other.m_ChunkZ) && (m_ForceGenerate == a_Other.m_ForceGenerate));
typedef std::list<cChunkCoordsWithBool> cChunkCoordsWithBoolList;
/** Interface class used as a callback for operations that involve chunk coords */
/** Interface class used as a callback for operations that involve chunk coords */
class cChunkCoordCallback
class cChunkCoordCallback
@ -518,7 +481,6 @@ public:
} ;
} ;
typedef cCoordWithData<int> cCoordWithInt;
typedef cCoordWithData<int> cCoordWithInt;
typedef cCoordWithData<BLOCKTYPE> cCoordWithBlock;
typedef std::list<cCoordWithInt> cCoordWithIntList;
typedef std::list<cCoordWithInt> cCoordWithIntList;
typedef std::vector<cCoordWithInt> cCoordWithIntVector;
typedef std::vector<cCoordWithInt> cCoordWithIntVector;
@ -513,7 +513,7 @@ void cCaveTunnel::ProcessChunk(
if (cChunkDef::GetBlock(a_BlockTypes, x, y, z) == E_BLOCK_SAND)
if (cChunkDef::GetBlock(a_BlockTypes, x, y, z) == E_BLOCK_SAND)
int Index = cChunkDef::MakeIndexNoCheck(x, y, z);
const auto Index = cChunkDef::MakeIndex(x, y, z);
if (a_BlockMetas[Index] == 1)
if (a_BlockMetas[Index] == 1)
a_BlockMetas[Index] = 0;
a_BlockMetas[Index] = 0;
@ -572,8 +572,8 @@ void cChunkDesc::RandomFillRelCuboid(
cBlockEntity * cChunkDesc::GetBlockEntity(int a_RelX, int a_RelY, int a_RelZ)
cBlockEntity * cChunkDesc::GetBlockEntity(int a_RelX, int a_RelY, int a_RelZ)
auto Idx = static_cast<size_t>(cChunkDef::MakeIndex(a_RelX, a_RelY, a_RelZ));
const auto Idx = cChunkDef::MakeIndex(a_RelX, a_RelY, a_RelZ);
auto itr = m_BlockEntities.find(Idx);
const auto itr = m_BlockEntities.find(Idx);
if (itr != m_BlockEntities.end())
if (itr != m_BlockEntities.end())
@ -1227,7 +1227,7 @@ void cFinishGenBottomLava::GenFinish(cChunkDesc & a_ChunkDesc)
for (int z = 0; z < cChunkDef::Width; z++) for (int x = 0; x < cChunkDef::Width; x++)
for (int z = 0; z < cChunkDef::Width; z++) for (int x = 0; x < cChunkDef::Width; x++)
int Index = cChunkDef::MakeIndexNoCheck(x, y, z);
const auto Index = cChunkDef::MakeIndex(x, y, z);
if (BlockTypes[Index] == E_BLOCK_AIR)
if (BlockTypes[Index] == E_BLOCK_AIR)
@ -2000,8 +2000,8 @@ void cFinishGenOreNests::GenerateOre(
int Index = cChunkDef::MakeIndexNoCheck(BlockX, BlockY, BlockZ);
const auto Index = cChunkDef::MakeIndex(BlockX, BlockY, BlockZ);
auto blockType = blockTypes[Index];
const auto blockType = blockTypes[Index];
if ((blockType == E_BLOCK_STONE) || (blockType == E_BLOCK_NETHERRACK))
if ((blockType == E_BLOCK_STONE) || (blockType == E_BLOCK_NETHERRACK))
blockTypes[Index] = a_OreType;
blockTypes[Index] = a_OreType;
@ -244,10 +244,7 @@ public:
(BlockType == E_BLOCK_HEAD) &&
(BlockType == E_BLOCK_HEAD) &&
!a_World.DoWithBlockEntityAt({ BlockX, BlockY, BlockZ }, [&](cBlockEntity & a_BlockEntity)
!a_World.DoWithBlockEntityAt({ BlockX, BlockY, BlockZ }, [&](cBlockEntity & a_BlockEntity)
if (a_BlockEntity.GetBlockType() != E_BLOCK_HEAD)
ASSERT(a_BlockEntity.GetBlockType() == E_BLOCK_HEAD);
return false;
return static_cast<cMobHeadEntity &>(a_BlockEntity).GetType() == SKULL_TYPE_WITHER;
return static_cast<cMobHeadEntity &>(a_BlockEntity).GetType() == SKULL_TYPE_WITHER;
@ -192,7 +192,7 @@ bool cPathFinder::EnsureProperPoint(Vector3d & a_Vector, cChunk & a_Chunk)
// This fixes the player leaning issue.
// This fixes the player leaning issue.
// If that failed, we instead go down to the lowest air block.
// If that failed, we instead go down to the lowest air block.
int YBelowUs = FloorC(a_Vector.y) - 1;
int YBelowUs = FloorC(a_Vector.y) - 1;
if (YBelowUs < 0)
if (!cChunkDef::IsValidHeight(YBelowUs))
return false;
return false;
@ -463,8 +463,16 @@ void cProtocol_1_11_0::SendUpdateBlockEntity(cBlockEntity & a_BlockEntity)
Byte Action;
Byte Action;
switch (a_BlockEntity.GetBlockType())
switch (a_BlockEntity.GetBlockType())
case E_BLOCK_ENCHANTMENT_TABLE: Action = 0; break; // The ones with a action of 0 is just a workaround to send the block entities to a client.
case E_BLOCK_END_PORTAL: Action = 0; break; // Todo: 18.09.2020 - remove this when block entities are transmitted in the ChunkData packet - 12xx12
// The ones with a action of 0 is just a workaround to send the block entities to a client.
// Todo: 18.09.2020 - remove this when block entities are transmitted in the ChunkData packet - 12xx12
Action = 0;
case E_BLOCK_MOB_SPAWNER: Action = 1; break; // Update mob spawner spinny mob thing
case E_BLOCK_MOB_SPAWNER: Action = 1; break; // Update mob spawner spinny mob thing
case E_BLOCK_COMMAND_BLOCK: Action = 2; break; // Update command block text
case E_BLOCK_COMMAND_BLOCK: Action = 2; break; // Update command block text
@ -205,8 +205,16 @@ void cProtocol_1_13::SendUpdateBlockEntity(cBlockEntity & a_BlockEntity)
Byte Action;
Byte Action;
switch (a_BlockEntity.GetBlockType())
switch (a_BlockEntity.GetBlockType())
case E_BLOCK_ENCHANTMENT_TABLE: Action = 0; break; // The ones with a action of 0 is just a workaround to send the block entities to a client.
case E_BLOCK_END_PORTAL: Action = 0; break; // Todo: 18.09.2020 - remove this when block entities are transmitted in the ChunkData packet - 12xx12
// The ones with a action of 0 is just a workaround to send the block entities to a client.
// Todo: 18.09.2020 - remove this when block entities are transmitted in the ChunkData packet - 12xx12
Action = 0;
case E_BLOCK_MOB_SPAWNER: Action = 1; break; // Update mob spawner spinny mob thing
case E_BLOCK_MOB_SPAWNER: Action = 1; break; // Update mob spawner spinny mob thing
case E_BLOCK_COMMAND_BLOCK: Action = 2; break; // Update command block text
case E_BLOCK_COMMAND_BLOCK: Action = 2; break; // Update command block text
@ -464,6 +472,7 @@ UInt32 cProtocol_1_13::GetPacketID(ePacketType a_PacketType) const
case pktUpdateScore: return 0x48;
case pktUpdateScore: return 0x48;
case pktUpdateSign: return GetPacketID(pktUpdateBlockEntity);
case pktUpdateSign: return GetPacketID(pktUpdateBlockEntity);
case pktUseBed: return 0x33;
case pktUseBed: return 0x33;
case pktWeather: return 0x20;
case pktWindowClose: return 0x13;
case pktWindowClose: return 0x13;
case pktWindowItems: return 0x15;
case pktWindowItems: return 0x15;
case pktWindowOpen: return 0x14;
case pktWindowOpen: return 0x14;
@ -45,9 +45,6 @@ protected:
virtual void SendStatistics (const cStatManager & a_Manager) override;
virtual void SendStatistics (const cStatManager & a_Manager) override;
virtual void SendTabCompletionResults (const AStringVector & a_Results) override;
virtual void SendTabCompletionResults (const AStringVector & a_Results) override;
virtual void SendUpdateBlockEntity (cBlockEntity & a_BlockEntity) override;
virtual void SendUpdateBlockEntity (cBlockEntity & a_BlockEntity) override;
virtual void SendWeather (eWeather a_Weather) override {} // This packet was removed. This keeps players from joining the server with 1.13 while there is downfall
virtual UInt8 GetEntityMetadataID(EntityMetadata a_Metadata) const;
virtual UInt8 GetEntityMetadataID(EntityMetadata a_Metadata) const;
virtual UInt8 GetEntityMetadataID(EntityMetadataType a_FieldType) const;
virtual UInt8 GetEntityMetadataID(EntityMetadataType a_FieldType) const;
virtual std::pair<short, short> GetItemFromProtocolID(UInt32 a_ProtocolID) const;
virtual std::pair<short, short> GetItemFromProtocolID(UInt32 a_ProtocolID) const;
@ -1582,8 +1582,16 @@ void cProtocol_1_8_0::SendUpdateBlockEntity(cBlockEntity & a_BlockEntity)
Byte Action;
Byte Action;
switch (a_BlockEntity.GetBlockType())
switch (a_BlockEntity.GetBlockType())
case E_BLOCK_ENCHANTMENT_TABLE: Action = 0; break; // The ones with a action of 0 is just a workaround to send the block entities to a client.
case E_BLOCK_END_PORTAL: Action = 0; break; // Todo: 18.09.2020 - remove this when block entities are transmitted in the ChunkData packet - 12xx12
// The ones with a action of 0 is just a workaround to send the block entities to a client.
// Todo: 18.09.2020 - remove this when block entities are transmitted in the ChunkData packet - 12xx12
Action = 0;
case E_BLOCK_MOB_SPAWNER: Action = 1; break; // Update mob spawner spinny mob thing
case E_BLOCK_MOB_SPAWNER: Action = 1; break; // Update mob spawner spinny mob thing
case E_BLOCK_COMMAND_BLOCK: Action = 2; break; // Update command block text
case E_BLOCK_COMMAND_BLOCK: Action = 2; break; // Update command block text
@ -22,11 +22,11 @@ bool cDelayedFluidSimulatorChunkData::cSlot::Add(int a_RelX, int a_RelY, int a_R
ASSERT(a_RelZ >= 0);
ASSERT(a_RelZ >= 0);
ASSERT(a_RelZ < static_cast<int>(ARRAYCOUNT(m_Blocks)));
ASSERT(a_RelZ < static_cast<int>(ARRAYCOUNT(m_Blocks)));
cCoordWithIntVector & Blocks = m_Blocks[a_RelZ];
auto & Blocks = m_Blocks[a_RelZ];
int Index = cChunkDef::MakeIndexNoCheck(a_RelX, a_RelY, a_RelZ);
const auto Index = cChunkDef::MakeIndex(a_RelX, a_RelY, a_RelZ);
for (cCoordWithIntVector::const_iterator itr = Blocks.begin(), end = Blocks.end(); itr != end; ++itr)
for (const auto & Block : Blocks)
if (itr->Data == Index)
if (Block.Data == Index)
// Already present
// Already present
return false;
return false;
@ -101,14 +101,14 @@ void cDelayedFluidSimulator::SimulateChunk(std::chrono::milliseconds a_Dt, int a
// Simulate all the blocks in the scheduled slot:
// Simulate all the blocks in the scheduled slot:
for (size_t i = 0; i < ARRAYCOUNT(Slot.m_Blocks); i++)
for (size_t i = 0; i < ARRAYCOUNT(Slot.m_Blocks); i++)
cCoordWithIntVector & Blocks = Slot.m_Blocks[i];
auto & Blocks = Slot.m_Blocks[i];
if (Blocks.empty())
if (Blocks.empty())
for (cCoordWithIntVector::iterator itr = Blocks.begin(), end = Blocks.end(); itr != end; ++itr)
for (const auto & Block : Blocks)
SimulateBlock(a_Chunk, itr->x, itr->y, itr->z);
SimulateBlock(a_Chunk, Block.x, Block.y, Block.z);
m_TotalBlocks -= static_cast<int>(Blocks.size());
m_TotalBlocks -= static_cast<int>(Blocks.size());
@ -29,9 +29,9 @@ public:
bool Add(int a_RelX, int a_RelY, int a_RelZ);
bool Add(int a_RelX, int a_RelY, int a_RelZ);
/** Array of block containers, each item stores blocks for one Z coord
/** Array of block containers, each item stores blocks for one Z coord
Int param is the block index (for faster duplicate comparison in Add())
size_t param is the block index (for faster duplicate comparison in Add())
cCoordWithIntVector m_Blocks[16];
std::vector<cCoordWithData<size_t>> m_Blocks[16];
} ;
} ;
cDelayedFluidSimulatorChunkData(int a_TickDelay);
cDelayedFluidSimulatorChunkData(int a_TickDelay);
@ -33,10 +33,7 @@ namespace CommandBlockHandler
a_Chunk.DoWithBlockEntityAt(a_Position, [](cBlockEntity & a_BlockEntity)
a_Chunk.DoWithBlockEntityAt(a_Position, [](cBlockEntity & a_BlockEntity)
if (a_BlockEntity.GetBlockType() != E_BLOCK_COMMAND_BLOCK)
ASSERT(a_BlockEntity.GetBlockType() == E_BLOCK_COMMAND_BLOCK);
return false;
static_cast<cCommandBlockEntity &>(a_BlockEntity).Activate();
static_cast<cCommandBlockEntity &>(a_BlockEntity).Activate();
return false;
return false;
@ -48,10 +48,7 @@ namespace DropSpenserHandler
a_Chunk.DoWithBlockEntityAt(a_Position, [](cBlockEntity & a_BlockEntity)
a_Chunk.DoWithBlockEntityAt(a_Position, [](cBlockEntity & a_BlockEntity)
if ((a_BlockEntity.GetBlockType() != E_BLOCK_DISPENSER) && (a_BlockEntity.GetBlockType() != E_BLOCK_DROPPER))
ASSERT((a_BlockEntity.GetBlockType() == E_BLOCK_DISPENSER) || (a_BlockEntity.GetBlockType() == E_BLOCK_DROPPER));
return false;
static_cast<cDropSpenserEntity &>(a_BlockEntity).Activate();
static_cast<cDropSpenserEntity &>(a_BlockEntity).Activate();
return false;
return false;
@ -43,10 +43,7 @@ namespace HopperHandler
a_Chunk.DoWithBlockEntityAt(a_Position, [ShouldBeLocked](cBlockEntity & a_BlockEntity)
a_Chunk.DoWithBlockEntityAt(a_Position, [ShouldBeLocked](cBlockEntity & a_BlockEntity)
if (a_BlockEntity.GetBlockType() != E_BLOCK_HOPPER)
ASSERT(a_BlockEntity.GetBlockType() == E_BLOCK_HOPPER);
return false;
static_cast<cHopperEntity &>(a_BlockEntity).SetLocked(ShouldBeLocked);
static_cast<cHopperEntity &>(a_BlockEntity).SetLocked(ShouldBeLocked);
return false;
return false;
@ -33,10 +33,7 @@ namespace NoteBlockHandler
a_Chunk.DoWithBlockEntityAt(a_Position, [](cBlockEntity & a_BlockEntity)
a_Chunk.DoWithBlockEntityAt(a_Position, [](cBlockEntity & a_BlockEntity)
if (a_BlockEntity.GetBlockType() != E_BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK)
ASSERT(a_BlockEntity.GetBlockType() == E_BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK);
return false;
static_cast<cNoteEntity &>(a_BlockEntity).MakeSound();
static_cast<cNoteEntity &>(a_BlockEntity).MakeSound();
return false;
return false;
@ -24,10 +24,7 @@ namespace TrappedChestHandler
int NumberOfPlayers = 0;
int NumberOfPlayers = 0;
a_Chunk.DoWithBlockEntityAt(a_Position, [&NumberOfPlayers](cBlockEntity & a_BlockEntity)
a_Chunk.DoWithBlockEntityAt(a_Position, [&NumberOfPlayers](cBlockEntity & a_BlockEntity)
if (a_BlockEntity.GetBlockType() != E_BLOCK_TRAPPED_CHEST)
ASSERT(a_BlockEntity.GetBlockType() == E_BLOCK_TRAPPED_CHEST);
return false;
NumberOfPlayers = static_cast<cChestEntity &>(a_BlockEntity).GetNumberOfPlayers();
NumberOfPlayers = static_cast<cChestEntity &>(a_BlockEntity).GetNumberOfPlayers();
return false;
return false;
@ -439,7 +439,7 @@ bool cWSSAnvil::LoadChunkFromNBT(const cChunkCoords & a_Chunk, const cParsedNBT
for (int x = 0; x < cChunkDef::Width; x++) for (int z = 0; z < cChunkDef::Width; z++)
for (int x = 0; x < cChunkDef::Width; x++) for (int z = 0; z < cChunkDef::Width; z++)
int Index = cChunkDef::MakeIndexNoCheck(x, y, z);
const auto Index = cChunkDef::MakeIndex(x, y, z);
if (ShouldInvert[x + cChunkDef::Width * z])
if (ShouldInvert[x + cChunkDef::Width * z])
BlockTypes[Index] = (BlockTypes[Index] == E_BLOCK_AIR) ? E_BLOCK_STONE : E_BLOCK_AIR;
BlockTypes[Index] = (BlockTypes[Index] == E_BLOCK_AIR) ? E_BLOCK_STONE : E_BLOCK_AIR;
@ -618,10 +618,10 @@ void cWSSAnvil::LoadBlockEntitiesFromNBT(cBlockEntities & a_BlockEntities, const
// Index computed before Entity moved.
// Index computed before Entity moved.
const auto Idx = cChunkDef::MakeIndexNoCheck(Entity->GetRelPos());
const auto Index = cChunkDef::MakeIndex(Entity->GetRelPos());
// Add the BlockEntity to the loaded data:
// Add the BlockEntity to the loaded data:
a_BlockEntities.emplace(Idx, std::move(Entity));
a_BlockEntities.emplace(Index, std::move(Entity));
} // for Child - tag children
} // for Child - tag children
Reference in New Issue
Block a user