2012-02-01 12:25:26 +00:00
// cIsThread.h
// Interfaces to the cIsThread class representing an OS-independent wrapper for a class that implements a thread.
// This class will eventually suupersede the old cThread class
To have a new thread, declare a class descending from cIsClass.
Then override its Execute() method to provide your thread processing.
In the descending class' constructor call the Start() method to start the thread once you're finished with initialization.
#pragma once
class cIsThread
virtual void Execute(void) = 0; // This function is called in the new thread's context
volatile bool mShouldTerminate; // The overriden Execute() method should check this periodically and terminate if this is true
cIsThread(const AString & iThreadName);
bool Start(void); // Starts the thread
bool Wait(void); // Waits for the thread to finish
2012-02-18 17:43:20 +00:00
static unsigned long GetCurrentID(void); // Returns the OS-dependent thread ID for the caller's thread
2012-02-01 12:25:26 +00:00
AString mThreadName;
#ifdef _WIN32
HANDLE mHandle;
static DWORD_PTR __stdcall thrExecute(LPVOID iParam)
((cIsThread *)iParam)->Execute();
return 0;
#else // _WIN32
pthread_t mHandle;
bool mHasStarted;
static void * thrExecute(void * iParam)
((cIsThread *)iParam)->Execute();
return NULL;
#endif // else _WIN32
} ;