2011-10-03 19:25:04 +00:00
// IniFile.cpp: Implementation of the CIniFile class.
// Written by: Adam Clauss
// Email: cabadam@tamu.edu
// You may use this class/code as you wish in your programs. Feel free to distribute it, and
// email suggested changes to me.
// Rewritten by: Shane Hill
// Date: 21/08/2001
// Email: Shane.Hill@dsto.defence.gov.au
// Reason: Remove dependancy on MFC. Code should compile on any
// platform. Tested on Windows/Linux/Irix
2012-02-01 13:43:47 +00:00
!! MODIFIED BY FAKETRUTH and madmaxoft!!
2011-10-03 19:25:04 +00:00
#ifndef CIniFile_H
#define CIniFile_H
2012-02-01 13:43:47 +00:00
2011-10-03 19:25:04 +00:00
#define MAX_KEYNAME 128
#define MAX_VALUENAME 128
#define MAX_VALUEDATA 2048
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2011-10-03 19:25:04 +00:00
class cIniFile //tolua_export
{ //tolua_export
2012-02-01 13:43:47 +00:00
bool caseInsensitive;
std::string path;
struct key {
std::vector<std::string> names;
std::vector<std::string> values;
std::vector<std::string> comments;
std::vector<key> keys;
std::vector<std::string> names;
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std::vector<std::string> comments;
2012-02-01 13:43:47 +00:00
std::string CheckCase( std::string s) const;
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2012-02-01 13:43:47 +00:00
enum errors{ noID = -1}; //tolua_export
cIniFile( const std::string iniPath = ""); //tolua_export
virtual ~cIniFile() {}
// Sets whether or not keynames and valuenames should be case sensitive.
// The default is case insensitive.
void CaseSensitive() {caseInsensitive = false;} //tolua_export
void CaseInsensitive() {caseInsensitive = true;} //tolua_export
// Sets path of ini file to read and write from.
void Path(const std::string & newPath) {path = newPath;} //tolua_export
std::string Path() const {return path;} //tolua_export
void SetPath(const std::string & newPath) {Path( newPath);} //tolua_export
// Reads ini file specified using path.
// Returns true if successful, false otherwise.
bool ReadFile(); //tolua_export
// Writes data stored in class to ini file.
bool WriteFile(); //tolua_export
// Deletes all stored ini data.
void Erase(); //tolua_export
void Clear() {Erase();} //tolua_export
void Reset() {Erase();} //tolua_export
// Returns index of specified key, or noID if not found.
long FindKey( const std::string & keyname) const; //tolua_export
// Returns index of specified value, in the specified key, or noID if not found.
long FindValue( const unsigned keyID, const std::string & valuename) const; //tolua_export
// Returns number of keys currently in the ini.
unsigned NumKeys() const {return names.size();} //tolua_export
unsigned GetNumKeys() const {return NumKeys();} //tolua_export
// Add a key name.
unsigned AddKeyName( const std::string & keyname); //tolua_export
// Returns key names by index.
std::string KeyName( const unsigned keyID) const; //tolua_export
std::string GetKeyName( const unsigned keyID) const {return KeyName(keyID);} //tolua_export
// Returns number of values stored for specified key.
unsigned NumValues( const std::string & keyname); //tolua_export
unsigned GetNumValues( const std::string & keyname) {return NumValues( keyname);} //tolua_export
unsigned NumValues( const unsigned keyID); //tolua_export
unsigned GetNumValues( const unsigned keyID) {return NumValues( keyID);} //tolua_export
// Returns value name by index for a given keyname or keyID.
std::string ValueName( const std::string & keyname, const unsigned valueID) const; //tolua_export
std::string GetValueName( const std::string & keyname, const unsigned valueID) const { //tolua_export
return ValueName( keyname, valueID);
} //tolua_export
std::string ValueName( const unsigned keyID, const unsigned valueID) const; //tolua_export
std::string GetValueName( const unsigned keyID, const unsigned valueID) const { //tolua_export
return ValueName( keyID, valueID);
} //tolua_export
// Gets value of [keyname] valuename =.
// Overloaded to return string, int, and double.
// Returns defValue if key/value not found.
std::string GetValue( const std::string & keyname, const std::string & valuename, const std::string & defValue = "") const; //tolua_export
std::string GetValue( const unsigned keyID, const unsigned valueID, const std::string & defValue = "") const; //tolua_export
int GetValueI( const std::string & keyname, const std::string & valuename, const int defValue = 0) const; //tolua_export
bool GetValueB( const std::string & keyname, const std::string & valuename, const bool defValue = false) const { //tolua_export
return ( GetValueI( keyname, valuename, int( defValue)) > 0);
} //tolua_export
double GetValueF( const std::string & keyname, const std::string & valuename, const double defValue = 0.0) const; //tolua_export
// This is a variable length formatted GetValue routine. All these voids
// are required because there is no vsscanf() like there is a vsprintf().
// Only a maximum of 8 variable can be read.
// NOTE: do not use this function, instead get the string value and parse it yourself
OBSOLETE unsigned GetValueV( const std::string & keyname, const std::string & valuename, char *format,
void *v1 = 0, void *v2 = 0, void *v3 = 0, void *v4 = 0,
void *v5 = 0, void *v6 = 0, void *v7 = 0, void *v8 = 0,
void *v9 = 0, void *v10 = 0, void *v11 = 0, void *v12 = 0,
void *v13 = 0, void *v14 = 0, void *v15 = 0, void *v16 = 0);
// Sets value of [keyname] valuename =.
// Specify the optional paramter as false (0) if you do not want it to create
// the key if it doesn't exist. Returns true if data entered, false otherwise.
// Overloaded to accept string, int, and double.
bool SetValue( const unsigned keyID, const unsigned valueID, const std::string & value); //tolua_export
bool SetValue( const std::string & keyname, const std::string & valuename, const std::string & value, const bool create = true); //tolua_export
bool SetValueI( const std::string & keyname, const std::string & valuename, const int value, const bool create = true); //tolua_export
bool SetValueB( const std::string & keyname, const std::string & valuename, const bool value, const bool create = true) { //tolua_export
return SetValueI( keyname, valuename, int(value), create);
} //tolua_export
bool SetValueF( const std::string & keyname, const std::string & valuename, const double value, const bool create = true); //tolua_export
bool SetValueV( const std::string & keyname, const std::string & valuename, char *format, ...);
// Deletes specified value.
// Returns true if value existed and deleted, false otherwise.
bool DeleteValueByID( const unsigned keyID, const unsigned valueID ); //tolua_export
bool DeleteValue( const std::string & keyname, const std::string & valuename); //tolua_export
// Deletes specified key and all values contained within.
// Returns true if key existed and deleted, false otherwise.
bool DeleteKey(const std::string & keyname); //tolua_export
// Header comment functions.
// Header comments are those comments before the first key.
// Number of header comments.
unsigned NumHeaderComments() {return comments.size();} //tolua_export
// Add a header comment.
void HeaderComment( const std::string & comment); //tolua_export
// Return a header comment.
std::string HeaderComment( const unsigned commentID) const; //tolua_export
// Delete a header comment.
bool DeleteHeaderComment( unsigned commentID); //tolua_export
// Delete all header comments.
void DeleteHeaderComments() {comments.clear();} //tolua_export
// Key comment functions.
// Key comments are those comments within a key. Any comments
// defined within value names will be added to this list. Therefore,
// these comments will be moved to the top of the key definition when
// the CIniFile::WriteFile() is called.
// Number of key comments.
unsigned NumKeyComments( const unsigned keyID) const; //tolua_export
unsigned NumKeyComments( const std::string & keyname) const; //tolua_export
// Add a key comment.
bool KeyComment( const unsigned keyID, const std::string & comment); //tolua_export
bool KeyComment( const std::string & keyname, const std::string & comment); //tolua_export
// Return a key comment.
std::string KeyComment( const unsigned keyID, const unsigned commentID) const; //tolua_export
std::string KeyComment( const std::string & keyname, const unsigned commentID) const; //tolua_export
// Delete a key comment.
bool DeleteKeyComment( const unsigned keyID, const unsigned commentID); //tolua_export
bool DeleteKeyComment( const std::string & keyname, const unsigned commentID); //tolua_export
// Delete all comments for a key.
bool DeleteKeyComments( const unsigned keyID); //tolua_export
bool DeleteKeyComments( const std::string & keyname); //tolua_export
2011-10-03 19:25:04 +00:00
}; //tolua_export