Thoughts a la md about tech stuff.
Updated 2024-07-27 03:20:40 -04:00
Journal of a part-time technologist
Updated 2024-07-25 12:24:51 -04:00
command line kanban-style todo management
Updated 2024-07-24 17:01:31 -04:00
Converts CUE sheets to aNONradio metadata
Updated 2024-07-22 16:53:52 -04:00
Updated 2024-07-21 06:08:25 -04:00
My notes and links concerning the SDF Public Access UNIX System
Updated 2024-07-17 13:44:31 -04:00
Updated 2024-07-16 15:39:40 -04:00
one-page app that turns wordle shares into standard file format used in the Conway's Game of Life community
Updated 2024-07-16 14:35:28 -04:00
My STK mod, still WIP.
Updated 2024-07-15 16:34:17 -04:00
A nex browser in perl
Updated 2024-07-15 15:08:32 -04:00
Collatz conjecture solver
Updated 2024-07-13 15:11:19 -04:00
Based on mastomail from jxself the goal of this project is to setup a way to get notifications and alerts via email or notify utilities that something in mastodon has happened.
Updated 2024-07-08 18:32:35 -04:00
A wrapper for using just the helm templating engine.
Updated 2024-07-07 10:40:37 -04:00
Syntactic Sugar for Golang
Updated 2024-07-07 10:40:36 -04:00
A simple utility for rendering Go Templates with the Sprig library and/or the Helm Templating Language.
Updated 2024-07-07 10:40:36 -04:00
Go implementations of some libc concepts with a few extra features.
Updated 2024-07-07 10:40:36 -04:00
Updated 2024-07-07 10:40:35 -04:00
Updated 2024-07-07 10:40:35 -04:00
Go library for helping programs/services exit cleanly
Updated 2024-07-07 10:40:35 -04:00
Go library for catching and reacting to process signals.
Updated 2024-07-07 10:40:35 -04:00