mcrypt is intended to be a replacement of the old unix crypt(1)
under the GNU General Public License. Unix crypt(1) was a popular
file encryption program in unix boxes.
It was based on the Enigma encryption algorithm but it was considerable
trivialized. Since this was not adequate, even for individual privacy
needs, mcrypt was created as a similar program using some modern
block encryption algorithms.
Mcrypt also has a compatibility mode with unix crypt(1) and with
Solaris des(1). It supports all the algorithms and modes found in
libmcrypt and it is very extendable.
At the time writing this, it supports the algorithms: BLOWFISH,
Block algorithms are implemented in modes: CFB, CBC, ECB, OFB (8
bit and n bit, where n is the size of the algorithm's block length).
For a brief description of the algorithms and the modes look at the
mcrypt manpage (this may be out of date). In mcrypt it is on the
user to decide which algorithm he considers best for encrypting his
libmcrypt is the library which implements all the algorithms and
modes found in mcrypt. It is currently under development but it
seems to work pretty good.
Unlike most encryption libraries libmcrypt does not have everything
(random number generators, hashes, hmac implementation, key exchange,
public key encryption etc.). Libmcrypt only implements an interface
to access block and stream encryption algorithms.
Its purpose was to assist in the development of mcrypt by providing
a uniform interface to access several different encryption algorithms,
so that the main program is independent of the encryption algorithms
and the modes used.
Libmcrypt supports the algorithms: BLOWFISH, TWOFISH, DES, TripleDES,
3-WAY, SAFER-sk64, SAFER-sk128, SAFER+, LOKI97, GOST, RC2, RC6,
CAST-128 (known as CAST5), CAST-256, ARCFOUR and WAKE. Block
algorithms can be used in: CBC, ECB, CFB and OFB (8 bit and n bit,
where n is the size of the algorithm's block length).
*** Tuesday, November 21, 2000 -- Dante v1.1.6
o fix a bug related to hostnamelength parsing in server.
Thanks to "Thomas Jarosch" <thomas.jarosch@styletec.de>.
*** Monday, October 16, 2000 -- Dante v1.1.5
o New prototype for gethostbyaddr in RedHat 7.0 added.
First reported by Paul R Streitman <prs@us.ibm.com>.
o RedHat needs libnsl for tcpwrappers to work.
*** Thursday, October 5, 2000 -- Dante v1.1.4
o fix bug affecting clients going through socks v4 servers.
Reported and nicely diagnosed by Jack Keane (jkeane@OpenReach.com).
o increase default listen backlog to 511, based on request by
Doug Hardie (bc979@lafn.org).
*** Monday, September 25, 2000 -- Dante v1.1.3
o some fixes/additions to example/ files.
o HP-UX 11.00 should now work.
Thanks to Malte Cornils <malte@cornils.net> for testing.
o httpproxysupport in client (meaning "socksify" can work
when going through webproxies too).
o expire badmarking on bad/non-working routes/proxyservers after
configured time. Default to never expiring, as in previous
versions. See BADROUTE_EXPIRE in config.h.
o say what address we expected the bindreply to come from in
"unexpected bindreply ..."
o don't close controlconnection if another socket is using it.
Fixes a bug triggered when using the bindextension in certain
cases. Problem reported by Jacques A. Vidrine (n@nectar.com).
o compilation outside source directory fixed, based on patch from
NISHIMURA Daisuke <nishi@graco.c.u-tokyo.ac.jp>
o bsdi uses elf; NISHIMURA Daisuke <nishi@graco.c.u-tokyo.ac.jp>
o dlib/hostcache.c now compiled again. First reported by
"Jacques A. Vidrine" <n@nectar.com>
This Perl module provides support for the https protocol under LWP,
so that a LWP::UserAgent can make https GET & HEAD & POST requests.
Please see 'perldoc LWP' for more information on POST requests.
- Decapitalize first letter of comment if appropriate.
- Remove trailing blank lines.
- Remove punctuation.
- Remove version numbers which are often overlooked when updating.
- espie@ ok
It now FAKEs, and installs in a nice clean CPAN way
- CONFIGURE_STYLE is perl now, remove a lot of old manual code
- remove all old patches, and add in a new one which cleans up
the program a bit (remove small linux specific hacks)
thanks to brad@ for the review