
1.4 KiB

layout title parent grand_parent
default Unordered lists Styling Tests

Unordered lists

The first child element of each li element in a ul list should be aligned with the preceding bullet in the following examples.

  • paragraph text

    paragraph text

  • Header

    paragraph text

  • block quote

    paragraph text

  • fenced code block

    paragraph text

    • unordered list item
    • unordered list item

    paragraph text

    1. ordered list item
    2. ordered list item

    paragraph text

  • term

    paragraph text

  • |-----------------+------------+-----------------+----------------|

    Default aligned Left aligned Center aligned Right aligned
    First body part Second cell Third cell fourth cell
    Second line foo strong baz
    Third line quux baz bar
    Second body
    2 line
    Footer row

    paragraph text

  • paragraph text