2021-10-03 13:35:31 -06:00

122 lines
4.7 KiB

REM By: MDHEXT, Nabi KaramAliZadeh <>
REM Description: Video to GIF converter
REM Version: 3.3b
REM Url:, forked from
REM License: The MIT License (MIT)
SET input=%~1
SET vid=%~dpn1
SET scale=%2
SET fps=%3
SET mode=%4
SET dither=%5
SET WD=%CD%\tmp
SET palette=%WD%\template
SET filters=fps=%fps%,scale=%scale%:-1:flags=lanczos
IF "%6" == "" GOTO :help_check
IF %6 LEQ 5 SET bayerscale=%6 & GOTO :safchek
GOTO :help_check
ECHO -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ECHO Video to GIF converter v3.3b ^(C^) 2017-2021, MDHEXT ^&^ Nabi KaramAliZadeh ^<^>
ECHO You can download this fork from here:
ECHO you can download the original release here:
ECHO This tool uses ffmpeg, you can download that here:
ECHO -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ECHO Usage:
ECHO gifenc [input_file] [width_in_pixels] [framerate_in_Hz] [palettegen_mode] [Dithering_Algorithm] [Bayer_Scale]
ECHO -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ECHO Palettegen Modes:
ECHO 1: diff - only what moves affects the palette
ECHO 2: single - one palette per frame
ECHO 3: full - one palette for the whole gif
ECHO -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ECHO Dithering Options:
ECHO 1: Bayer
ECHO 2: Heckbert
ECHO 3: Floyd Steinberg
ECHO 4: Sierra2
ECHO 5: Sierra2_4a
ECHO 6: No Dithering
ECHO -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ECHO When bayer dithering is selected, the Bayer Scale option defines the scale of the pattern (how much the crosshatch
ECHO pattern is visible). A low value means more visible pattern for less banding, and higher value means less
ECHO visible pattern at the cost of more banding.The option must be an integer value in the range [0,5].
ECHO The Default is 2.
ECHO Bayer Scale is optional and can only be enabled when using bayer dithering
IF "%input%" == "" GOTO :help_message
IF "%input%" == "help" GOTO :help_message
IF "%input%" == "h" GOTO :help_message
IF "%vid%" == "" GOTO :help_message
IF "%scale%" == "" GOTO :help_message
IF "%fps%" == "" GOTO :help_message
IF "%mode%" == "" GOTO :help_message
IF "%dither%" == "" GOTO :help_message
GOTO :script_start
IF %bayerscale% LEQ 5 (
IF %dither% == 1 GOTO :script_start
IF %dither% NEQ 1 (
ECHO This setting only works with bayer dithering
ECHO Creating Working Directory...
MD "%WD%"
ECHO Generating Palette...
SET frames=%palette%
IF %mode% == 1 SET encode=palettegen=stats_mode=diff
IF %mode% == 2 SET encode=palettegen=stats_mode=single & SET frames=%palette%_%%05d
IF %mode% == 3 SET encode=palettegen
ffmpeg -v warning -i "%vid%.mp4" -vf "%filters%,%encode%" -y "%frames%.png"
IF NOT EXIST "%palette%_00001.png" (
IF NOT EXIST "%palette%.png" (
ECHO Failed to generate palette file
GOTO :cleanup
ECHO Encoding Gif file...
IF %mode% == 1 SET decode=paletteuse=diff_mode=rectangle
IF %mode% == 2 SET decode=paletteuse=new=1 & SET frames=%palette%_%%05d
IF %mode% == 3 SET decode=paletteuse=diff_mode=rectangle
IF "%bayerscale%" == "" GOTO :normgifenc
IF %bayerscale% GTR 5 ECHO This setting only accepts values between 1 and 5 & GOTO :gifcheck
SET ditherenc=dither=bayer
ffmpeg -v warning -i "%vid%.mp4" -thread_queue_size 512 -i "%frames%.png" -lavfi "%filters% [x]; [x][1:v] %decode%:%ditherenc%:bayer_scale=%bayerscale%" -y "%vid%.gif"
GOTO :gifcheck
IF %dither% == 1 SET ditherenc=dither=bayer
IF %dither% == 2 SET ditherenc=dither=heckbert
IF %dither% == 3 SET ditherenc=dither=floyd_steinberg
IF %dither% == 4 SET ditherenc=sierra2
IF %dither% == 5 SET ditherenc=sierra2_4a
IF %dither% == 6 GOTO :nodither
ffmpeg -v warning -i "%vid%.mp4" -thread_queue_size 512 -i "%frames%.png" -lavfi "%filters% [x]; [x][1:v] %decode%:%ditherenc%" -y "%vid%.gif"
GOTO :gifcheck
ffmpeg -v warning -i "%vid%.mp4" -thread_queue_size 512 -i "%frames%.png" -lavfi "%filters% [x]; [x][1:v] %decode%" -y "%vid%.gif"
IF NOT EXIST "%vid%.gif" (
ECHO Failed to generate gif file
GOTO :cleanup
ECHO Deleting Temporary files...
DEL /Q "%WD%"
ECHO Done!