Video to GIF/APNG/WEBP converter v5.5
A batch script for converting video files to GIF/APNG/WEBP using FFmpeg on Windows.
(C) 2017-2022, MDHEXT & Nabi KaramAliZadeh
- Clone the repo
- Install FFmpeg for Windows.
- Make sure that the path to
is configured in your system environment variables control panel or that you run thevid2ani.cmd
file in the same folder asffmpeg.exe
vid2ani [input_file] [arguments]
-t Specifies output filetype - supported types: 'gif', 'png', 'webp'.
The default is 'gif'.
-o Specifies output filename.
Will be output to the same directory as your input video.
The default is the same as the input video.
-r Specifies scale or size.
Width of the animation in pixels.
The default is the same scale as the original video.
-f Specifies framerate in frames per second.
The default is 15.
-m Specifies one of the 3 modes listed below.
The default is diff.
-d Specifies which dithering algorithm to be used.
The default is 1 (Bayer).
-b Specifies the Bayer Scale. (Optional)
This can only be used when Bayer dithering is applied.
See more information below.
-s Specifies the start of the animation in HH:MM:SS.MS format.
-e Specifies the duration of the animation in seconds.
-c Sets the maximum amount of colors useable per palette.
(Optional value up to 256)
This option isn't used by default.
-k Enables error diffusion.
-p Opens the resulting animation in your default Photo Viewer.
Palettegen Modes:
1: diff - only what moves affects the palette
2: single - one palette per frame
3: full - one palette for the whole animation
Dithering Options:
0: No Dithering
1: Bayer
2: Heckbert
3: Floyd Steinberg
4: Sierra2
5: Sierra2_4a
6: sierra3
7: burkes
8: atkinson
About Bayerscale:
When bayer dithering is selected, the Bayer Scale option defines the
scale of the pattern (how much the crosshatch pattern is visible).
A low value means more visible pattern for less banding, a higher value
means less visible pattern at the cost of more banding.
The option must be an integer value in the range [0,5].
The Default is 2. Bayer Scale is optional.
vid2ani sample.mp4
vid2ani sample.mp4 -t png
vid2ani sample.mp4 -f 20 -r 450
vid2ani sample.mp4 -s 5:40 -e 5
vid2ani sample.mp4 -o babydance -m 2 -k -b 3
You can download this fork from here: MDHEXT/video2gif
You can download the original release here: NabiKAZ/video2gif
This tool uses ffmpeg, you can download that here: FFmpeg Windows builds
This tool wouldn't be possible without the research listed here: High quality GIF with FFmpeg