Add files via upload
This commit is contained in:
@ -5,19 +5,25 @@ REM Version: 3.3b
REM Url:, forked from
REM License: The MIT License (MIT)
SET input=%~1
SET vid=%1
SET otf=%~dpn1
SET scale=%2
SET fps=%3
SET mode=%4
SET dither=%5
SET WD=%CD%\tmp
SET vid=%~dpnx1
SET output=%~dpn1.gif
SET "scale="
SET "fps="
SET "mode="
SET "dither="
SET "bayerscale="
SET "start_time="
SET "duration="
SET palette=%WD%\template
SET filters=fps=%fps%,scale=%scale%:-1:flags=lanczos
IF "%6" == "" GOTO :help_check
IF %6 LEQ 5 SET bayerscale=%6 & GOTO :safchek
GOTO :help_check
GOTO :help_check_1
ECHO -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
@ -27,7 +33,20 @@ ECHO you can download the original release here:
ECHO This tool uses ffmpeg, you can download that here:
ECHO -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ECHO Usage:
ECHO gifenc [input_file] [width_in_pixels] [framerate_in_Hz] [palettegen_mode] [Dithering_Algorithm] [Bayer_Scale]
ECHO gifenc [input_file] [Arguments]
ECHO -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ECHO Arguments:
ECHO -o : Specifies output filename. (will be outputted to the same directory as your input video file.)
ECHO If left empty, this will default to the same filename as your video. (Usage: -o image.gif)
ECHO -r : Specifies scale or size. The amount of pixels this value is set to will be the width of the gif.
ECHO The default is the same scale as the original video.
ECHO -f : Specifies framerate in Hz. THe default is 15.
ECHO -m : Specifies one of the 3 modes listed below. The default is diff.
ECHO -d : Specifies which dithering algorithm to be used. The default is Bayer Dithering.
ECHO -b : Specifies the Bayer Scale. This can only be used when Bayer Dithering is applied.
ECHO See more information below.
ECHO -s : Specifies the start of the gif file in M:S format.
ECHO -e : Specifies the duration of the gif file in seconds.
ECHO -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ECHO Palettegen Modes:
ECHO 1: diff - only what moves affects the palette
@ -49,25 +68,48 @@ ECHO The Default is 2.
ECHO Bayer Scale is optional and can only be enabled when using bayer dithering
IF "%input%" == "" GOTO :help_message
IF "%input%" == "help" GOTO :help_message
IF "%input%" == "h" GOTO :help_message
IF "%vid%" == "" GOTO :help_message
IF "%scale%" == "" GOTO :help_message
IF "%fps%" == "" GOTO :help_message
IF "%mode%" == "" GOTO :help_message
IF "%dither%" == "" GOTO :help_message
GOTO :script_start
IF %bayerscale% LEQ 5 (
IF DEFINED bayerscale (
IF "%bayerscale%" GTR 5 (
ECHO Not a valid bayerscale value
IF "%bayerscale%" LEQ 5 (
IF %dither% == 1 GOTO :script_start
IF %dither% NEQ 1 (
ECHO This setting only works with bayer dithering
GOTO :script_start
IF NOT "%~1" =="" (
IF "%~1" =="-r" SET "scale=%~2" & SHIFT
IF "%~1" =="-f" SET "fps=%~2" & SHIFT
IF "%~1" =="-m" SET "mode=%~2" & SHIFT
IF "%~1" =="-d" SET "dither=%~2" & SHIFT
IF "%~1" =="-b" SET "bayerscale=%~2" & SHIFT
IF "%~1" =="-o" SET "output=%FILEPATH%%~2" & SHIFT
IF "%~1" =="-s" SET "start_time=%~2" & SHIFT
IF "%~1" =="-e" SET "duration=%~2" & SHIFT
GOTO :varin
GOTO :help_check_2
IF "%input%" == "" GOTO :help_message
IF "%input%" == "help" GOTO :help_message
IF "%input%" == "h" GOTO :help_message
GOTO :varin
IF NOT DEFINED scale SET scale="-1"
IF NOT DEFINED fps set fps=15
IF NOT DEFINED mode set mode=1
GOTO :safchek
ECHO Creating Working Directory...
@ -75,12 +117,20 @@ MD "%WD%"
ECHO Generating Palette...
IF DEFINED start_time (
IF DEFINED duration SET "trim=-ss %start_time% -t %duration%"
IF NOT DEFINED duration (
ECHO Please input a duration
SET frames=%palette%
SET filters=fps=%fps%,scale=%scale%:-1:flags=lanczos
IF %mode% == 1 SET encode=palettegen=stats_mode=diff
IF %mode% == 2 SET encode=palettegen=stats_mode=single & SET frames=%palette%_%%05d
IF %mode% == 3 SET encode=palettegen
ffmpeg -v warning -i "%vid%" -vf "%filters%,%encode%" -y "%frames%.png"
ffmpeg -v warning %trim% -i "%vid%" -vf "%filters%,%encode%" -y "%frames%.png"
IF NOT EXIST "%palette%_00001.png" (
IF NOT EXIST "%palette%.png" (
ECHO Failed to generate palette file
@ -91,28 +141,17 @@ ECHO Encoding Gif file...
IF %mode% == 1 SET decode=paletteuse=diff_mode=rectangle
IF %mode% == 2 SET decode=paletteuse=new=1 & SET frames=%palette%_%%05d
IF %mode% == 3 SET decode=paletteuse=diff_mode=rectangle
IF "%dither%" == 1 SET ditherenc=:dither=bayer
IF "%dither%" == 2 SET ditherenc=:dither=heckbert
IF "%dither%" == 3 SET ditherenc=:dither=floyd_steinberg
IF "%dither%" == 4 SET ditherenc=:sierra2
IF "%dither%" == 5 SET ditherenc=:sierra2_4a
IF NOT DEFINED dither SET "ditherenc="
IF NOT DEFINED bayerscale SET "bayer="
IF DEFINED bayerscale SET bayer=:bayer_scale=%bayerscale%
IF "%bayerscale%" == "" GOTO :normgifenc
IF %bayerscale% GTR 5 ECHO This setting only accepts values between 1 and 5 & GOTO :gifcheck
SET ditherenc=dither=bayer
ffmpeg -v warning -i "%vid%" -thread_queue_size 512 -i "%frames%.png" -lavfi "%filters% [x]; [x][1:v] %decode%:%ditherenc%:bayer_scale=%bayerscale%" -y "%otf%.gif"
GOTO :gifcheck
IF %dither% == 1 SET ditherenc=dither=bayer
IF %dither% == 2 SET ditherenc=dither=heckbert
IF %dither% == 3 SET ditherenc=dither=floyd_steinberg
IF %dither% == 4 SET ditherenc=sierra2
IF %dither% == 5 SET ditherenc=sierra2_4a
IF %dither% == 6 GOTO :nodither
ffmpeg -v warning -i "%vid%" -thread_queue_size 512 -i "%frames%.png" -lavfi "%filters% [x]; [x][1:v] %decode%:%ditherenc%" -y "%otf%.gif"
GOTO :gifcheck
ffmpeg -v warning -i "%vid%" -thread_queue_size 512 -i "%frames%.png" -lavfi "%filters% [x]; [x][1:v] %decode%" -y "%otf%.gif"
IF NOT EXIST "%otf%.gif" (
ffmpeg -v warning %trim% -i "%vid%" -thread_queue_size 512 -i "%frames%.png" -lavfi "%filters% [x]; [x][1:v] %decode%%ditherenc%%bayer%" -y "%output%"
IF NOT EXIST "%output%" (
ECHO Failed to generate gif file
GOTO :cleanup
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