Dark red -> Bright red

This commit is contained in:
Stian Lund 2023-08-18 12:33:33 +02:00
parent 65529e175b
commit 703f10f8e3

View File

@ -119,36 +119,36 @@ GOTO :EOF
echo %filetype% | findstr /r "\<gif\> \<png\> \<apng\> \<webp\>" >nul
IF %errorlevel% NEQ 0 (
ECHO Not a valid file type
ECHO Not a valid file type
IF %mode% GTR 3 (
ECHO Not a valid mode
ECHO Not a valid mode
) ELSE IF %mode% LSS 1 (
ECHO Not a valid mode
ECHO Not a valid mode
IF %dither% GTR 8 (
ECHO Not a valid dither algorithm
ECHO Not a valid dither algorithm
) ELSE IF %dither% LSS 0 (
ECHO Not a valid dither algorithm
ECHO Not a valid dither algorithm
IF DEFINED bayerscale (
IF !bayerscale! GTR 5 (
ECHO Not a valid bayerscale value
ECHO Not a valid bayerscale value
) ELSE IF !bayerscale! LSS 0 (
ECHO Not a valid bayerscale value
ECHO Not a valid bayerscale value
IF !bayerscale! LEQ 5 (
IF %dither% EQU 1 GOTO :script_start
IF %dither% NEQ 1 (
ECHO This setting only works with bayer dithering
ECHO This setting only works with bayer dithering
@ -240,7 +240,7 @@ ffmpeg -v warning %trim% -i %vid% -vf "%filters%,%encode%%mcol%" -y "%frames%.pn
IF NOT EXIST "%palette%_00001.png" (
IF NOT EXIST "%palette%.png" (
ECHO Failed to generate palette file
ECHO Failed to generate palette file
GOTO :cleanup
@ -280,7 +280,7 @@ IF DEFINED bayerscale SET bayer=:bayer_scale=%bayerscale%
ffmpeg -v warning %trim% -i %vid% -thread_queue_size 512 -i "%frames%.png" -lavfi "%filters% [x]; [x][1:v] %decode%%errordiff%%ditherenc%%bayer%" -f %filetype% -plays 0 -y "%output%"
IF NOT EXIST "%output%" (
ECHO Failed to generate animation
ECHO Failed to generate animation
GOTO :cleanup
:: Checking if file was created and cleaning up if not