@ -152,6 +152,7 @@ int count = 0; //to generally count ticks, loops, etc
#define TX_TUNE_TYPE 261 //
#define HAM_BAND_RANGE 262 //FROM (2BYTE) TO (2BYTE) * 10 = 40byte
#define HAM_BAND_FREQS 302 //40, 1 BAND = 4Byte most bit is mode
#define TUNING_STEP 342 //TUNING STEP * 6 (index 1 + STEPS 5)
//Check Firmware type and version
#define FIRMWAR_ID_ADDR 776 //776 : 0x59, 777 :0x58, 778 : 0x68 : Id Number, if not found id, erase eeprom(32~1023) for prevent system error.
@ -235,7 +236,8 @@ byte sideToneSub = 0;
byte isDialLock = 0; //000000[0]vfoB [0]vfoA 0Bit : A, 1Bit : B
byte isTxType = 0; //000000[0 - isSplit] [0 - isTXStop]
byte arTuneStep[5];
byte tuneStepIndex; //default Value 0, start Offset is 0 because of check new user
//Variables for auto cw mode
byte isCWAutoMode = 0; //0 : none, 1 : CW_AutoMode_Menu_Selection, 2 : CW_AutoMode Sending
@ -422,8 +424,7 @@ void setTXFilters(unsigned long freq){
void setFrequency(unsigned long f){
//1 digits discarded
f = (f / 50) * 50;
f = (f / arTuneStep[tuneStepIndex -1]) * arTuneStep[tuneStepIndex -1];
@ -559,13 +560,15 @@ void checkButton(){
* The tuning jumps by 50 Hz on each step when you tune slowly
* As you spin the encoder faster, the jump size also increases
* This way, you can quickly move to another band by just spinning the
* tuning knob
Replace function by KD8CEC
prevent error controls
applied Threshold for reduct errors, dial Lock, dynamic Step
byte threshold = 2; //noe action for count
unsigned long lastEncInputtime = 0;
int encodedSumValue = 0;
#define encodeTimeOut 1000
void doTuning(){
int s = 0;
unsigned long prev_freq;
@ -578,46 +581,37 @@ void doTuning(){
if (isCWAutoMode == 0 || cwAutoDialType == 1)
s = enc_read();
if (s){
prev_freq = frequency;
if (s > 10)
incdecValue = 200000l;
if (s > 7)
incdecValue = 10000l;
else if (s > 4)
incdecValue = 1000l;
else if (s > 2)
incdecValue = 500;
else if (s > 0)
incdecValue = 50l;
else if (s > -2)
incdecValue = -50l;
else if (s > -4)
incdecValue = -500l;
else if (s > -7)
incdecValue = -1000l;
else if (s > -9)
incdecValue = -10000l;
incdecValue = -200000l;
if (incdecValue > 0 && frequency + incdecValue > HIGHEST_FREQ_DIAL)
frequency = HIGHEST_FREQ_DIAL;
else if (incdecValue < 0 && frequency < (unsigned long)(-incdecValue + LOWEST_FREQ_DIAL)) //for compute and compare based integer type.
frequency = LOWEST_FREQ_DIAL;
frequency += incdecValue;
if (prev_freq < 10000000l && frequency > 10000000l)
isUSB = true;
if (prev_freq > 10000000l && frequency < 10000000l)
isUSB = false;
//if time is exceeded, it is recognized as an error,
//ignore exists values, because of errors
if (s == 0) {
if (encodedSumValue != 0 && (millis() - encodeTimeOut) > lastEncInputtime)
encodedSumValue = 0;
lastEncInputtime = millis();
//for check moving direction
encodedSumValue += (s > 0 ? 1 : -1);
//check threshold
if ((encodedSumValue * encodedSumValue) <= (threshold * threshold))
//Valid Action without noise
encodedSumValue = 0;
prev_freq = frequency;
//incdecValue = tuningStep * s;
frequency += (arTuneStep[tuneStepIndex -1] * s);
if (prev_freq < 10000000l && frequency > 10000000l)
isUSB = true;
if (prev_freq > 10000000l && frequency < 10000000l)
isUSB = false;
@ -730,19 +724,65 @@ void initSettings(){
EEPROM.get(HAM_BAND_COUNT, useHamBandCount);
if ((3 < tuneTXType && tuneTXType < 100) || 103 < tuneTXType || useHamBandCount < 1)
tuneTXType = 0;
byte findedValidValueCount = 0;
//Read band Information
for (byte i = 0; i < useHamBandCount; i++) {
unsigned int tmpReadValue = 0;
EEPROM.get(HAM_BAND_RANGE + 4 * i, tmpReadValue);
hamBandRange[i][0] = tmpReadValue;
if (tmpReadValue > 1 && tmpReadValue < 55000)
EEPROM.get(HAM_BAND_RANGE + 4 * i + 2, tmpReadValue);
hamBandRange[i][1] = tmpReadValue;
//Check Value Range and default Set for new users
if ((3 < tuneTXType && tuneTXType < 100) || 103 < tuneTXType || useHamBandCount < 1 || findedValidValueCount < 5)
tuneTXType = 2;
//if empty band Information, auto insert default region 1 frequency range
//This part is made temporary for people who have difficulty setting up, so can remove it when you run out of memory.
useHamBandCount = 10;
hamBandRange[0][0] = 1810; hamBandRange[0][1] = 2000;
hamBandRange[1][0] = 3500; hamBandRange[1][1] = 3800;
hamBandRange[2][0] = 5351; hamBandRange[2][1] = 5367;
hamBandRange[3][0] = 7000; hamBandRange[3][1] = 7200;
hamBandRange[4][0] = 10100; hamBandRange[4][1] = 10150;
hamBandRange[5][0] = 14000; hamBandRange[5][1] = 14350;
hamBandRange[6][0] = 18068; hamBandRange[6][1] = 18168;
hamBandRange[7][0] = 21000; hamBandRange[7][1] = 21450;
hamBandRange[8][0] = 24890; hamBandRange[8][1] = 24990;
hamBandRange[9][0] = 28000; hamBandRange[9][1] = 29700;
//Read Tuning Step Index, and steps
findedValidValueCount = 0;
EEPROM.get(TUNING_STEP, tuneStepIndex);
for (byte i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
arTuneStep[i] = + i + 1);
if (arTuneStep[i] >= 1 && arTuneStep[i] < 251) //Maximum 250 for check valid Value
//Check Value Range and default Set for new users
if (findedValidValueCount < 5)
//Default Setting
arTuneStep[0] = 10;
arTuneStep[1] = 20;
arTuneStep[2] = 50;
arTuneStep[3] = 100;
arTuneStep[4] = 200;
if (tuneStepIndex == 0) //New User
tuneStepIndex = 3;
if (cwDelayTime < 1 || cwDelayTime > 250)
cwDelayTime = 60;
@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
* CW Keyer
* CW Key logic change with ron's code (ubitx_keyer.cpp) <=== **********************************
* The file you are working on. The code only applies and is still in testing. <==== ***********
* The CW keyer handles either a straight key or an iambic / paddle key.
* They all use just one analog input line. This is how it works.
@ -34,7 +36,6 @@
//when both are simultaneously pressed
char lastPaddle = 0;
//reads the analog keyer pin and reports the paddle
byte getPaddle(){
int paddle = analogRead(ANALOG_KEYER);
@ -81,13 +82,218 @@ void cwKeyUp(){
cwTimeout = millis() + cwDelayTime * 10;
// New logic, by RON
// modified by KD8CEC
#define DIT_L 0x01 // DIT latch
#define DAH_L 0x02 // DAH latch
#define DIT_PROC 0x04 // DIT is being processed
#define PDLSWAP 0x08 // 0 for normal, 1 for swap
#define IAMBICB 0x10 // 0 for Iambic A, 1 for Iambic B
static long ktimer;
bool Iambic_Key = true;
unsigned char keyerControl = IAMBICB;
unsigned char keyerState = IDLE;
//Below is a test to reduce the keying error.
char update_PaddleLatch(byte isUpdateKeyState) {
int paddle = analogRead(ANALOG_KEYER);
unsigned char tmpKeyerControl;
if (paddle > 800) // above 4v is up
tmpKeyerControl = 0;
//else if (paddle > 600) // 4-3v is DASH
else if (paddle > 693 && paddle < 700) // 4-3v is DASH
tmpKeyerControl |= DAH_L;
//else if (paddle > 300) //1-2v is DOT
else if (paddle > 323 && paddle < 328) //1-2v is DOT
tmpKeyerControl |= DIT_L;
//else if (paddle > 50)
else if (paddle > 280 && paddle < 290)
tmpKeyerControl |= (DAH_L | DIT_L) ; //both are between 1 and 2v
tmpKeyerControl = 0 ; //STRAIGHT KEY in original code
//keyerControl |= (DAH_L | DIT_L) ; //STRAIGHT KEY in original code
if (isUpdateKeyState == 1) {
keyerControl |= tmpKeyerControl;
byte buff[17];
sprintf(buff, "Key : %d", paddle);
if (tmpKeyerControl > 0)
return tmpKeyerControl;
//if (analogRead(ANALOG_DOT) < 600 ) keyerControl |= DIT_L;
//if (analogRead(ANALOG_DASH) < 600 ) keyerControl |= DAH_L;
//create by KD8CEC for compatible with new CW Logic
char update_PaddleLatch(byte isUpdateKeyState) {
int paddle = analogRead(ANALOG_KEYER);
unsigned char tmpKeyerControl;
if (paddle > 800) // above 4v is up
tmpKeyerControl = 0;
else if (paddle > 600) // 4-3v is DASH
tmpKeyerControl |= DAH_L;
else if (paddle > 300) //1-2v is DOT
tmpKeyerControl |= DIT_L;
else if (paddle > 50)
tmpKeyerControl |= (DAH_L | DIT_L) ; //both are between 1 and 2v
tmpKeyerControl = 0 ; //STRAIGHT KEY in original code
//keyerControl |= (DAH_L | DIT_L) ; //STRAIGHT KEY in original code
if (isUpdateKeyState == 1) {
keyerControl |= tmpKeyerControl;
return tmpKeyerControl;
//if (analogRead(ANALOG_DOT) < 600 ) keyerControl |= DIT_L;
//if (analogRead(ANALOG_DASH) < 600 ) keyerControl |= DAH_L;
void cwKeyer(void){
byte paddle;
lastPaddle = 0;
int dot,dash;
bool continue_loop = true;
unsigned tmpKeyControl = 0;
if( Iambic_Key ){
switch (keyerState) {
case IDLE:
tmpKeyControl = update_PaddleLatch(0);
if ( tmpKeyControl == DAH_L || tmpKeyControl == DIT_L ||
tmpKeyControl == (DAH_L | DIT_L) || (keyerControl & 0x03)) {
//DIT or DASH or current state DIT & DASH
//(analogRead(ANALOG_DOT) < 600) || //DIT
//(analogRead(ANALOG_DASH) < 600) || //DIT
// (keyerControl & 0x03)) {
keyerState = CHK_DIT;
if (0 < cwTimeout && cwTimeout < millis()){
cwTimeout = 0;
continue_loop = false;
case CHK_DIT:
if (keyerControl & DIT_L) {
keyerControl |= DIT_PROC;
ktimer = cwSpeed;
keyerState = KEYED_PREP;
keyerState = CHK_DAH;
case CHK_DAH:
if (keyerControl & DAH_L) {
ktimer = cwSpeed*3;
keyerState = KEYED_PREP;
keyerState = IDLE;
ktimer += millis(); // set ktimer to interval end time
keyerControl &= ~(DIT_L + DAH_L); // clear both paddle latch bits
keyerState = KEYED; // next state
if (!inTx){
keyDown = 0;
cwTimeout = millis() + cwDelayTime * 10; //+ CW_TIMEOUT;
startTx(TX_CW, 0);
case KEYED:
if (millis() > ktimer) { // are we at end of key down ?
ktimer = millis() + cwSpeed; // inter-element time
keyerState = INTER_ELEMENT; // next state
}else if (keyerControl & IAMBICB) {
update_PaddleLatch(1); // early paddle latch in Iambic B mode
// Insert time between dits/dahs
update_PaddleLatch(1); // latch paddle state
if (millis() > ktimer) { // are we at end of inter-space ?
if (keyerControl & DIT_PROC) { // was it a dit or dah ?
keyerControl &= ~(DIT_L + DIT_PROC); // clear two bits
keyerState = CHK_DAH; // dit done, check for dah
keyerControl &= ~(DAH_L); // clear dah latch
keyerState = IDLE; // go idle
} //end of while
//if (analogRead(ANALOG_DOT) < 600){
if (update_PaddleLatch(0) == DIT_L) {
// if we are here, it is only because the key is pressed
if (!inTx){
keyDown = 0;
cwTimeout = millis() + cwDelayTime * 10; //+ CW_TIMEOUT;
startTx(TX_CW, 0);
// start the transmission)
//while ( analogRead(ANALOG_DOT) < 600 ) delay(1);
while ( update_PaddleLatch(0) == DIT_L ) delay(1);
if (0 < cwTimeout && cwTimeout < millis()){
cwTimeout = 0;
keyDown = 0;
if (!cwTimeout)
// got back to the beginning of the loop, if no further activity happens on straight key
// we will time out, and return out of this routine
} //end of else
//Before logic
//by Farhan and modified by KD8CEC
* The keyer handles the straight key as well as the iambic key
* This module keeps looping until the user stops sending cw
* if the cwTimeout is set to 0, then it means, we have to exit the keyer loop
* Each time the key is hit the cwTimeout is pushed to a time in the future by cwKeyDown()
void cwKeyer(){
byte paddle;
lastPaddle = 0;
@ -111,17 +317,7 @@ void cwKeyer(){
if (!cwTimeout)
//if a paddle was used (not a straight key) we should extend the space to be a full dash
//by adding two more dots long space (one has already been added at the end of the dot or dash)
if (cwTimeout > 0 && lastPaddle != PADDLE_STRAIGHT)
delay_background(cwSpeed * 2, 3);
//delay(cwSpeed * 2);
// got back to the begining of the loop, if no further activity happens on the paddle or the straight key
// we will time out, and return out of this routine
Check_Cat(2); //for uBITX on Raspberry pi, when straight keying, disconnect / test complete
@ -184,3 +380,6 @@ void cwKeyer(){
@ -36,21 +36,6 @@ void menuBand(int btn){
else {
tuneTXType = 2;
//if empty band Information, auto insert default region 1 frequency range
//This part is made temporary for people who have difficulty setting up, so can remove it when you run out of memory.
if (useHamBandCount < 1) {
useHamBandCount = 10;
hamBandRange[0][0] = 1810; hamBandRange[0][1] = 2000;
hamBandRange[1][0] = 3500; hamBandRange[1][1] = 3800;
hamBandRange[2][0] = 5351; hamBandRange[2][1] = 5367;
hamBandRange[3][0] = 7000; hamBandRange[3][1] = 7200;
hamBandRange[4][0] = 10100; hamBandRange[4][1] = 10150;
hamBandRange[5][0] = 14000; hamBandRange[5][1] = 14350;
hamBandRange[6][0] = 18068; hamBandRange[6][1] = 18168;
hamBandRange[7][0] = 21000; hamBandRange[7][1] = 21450;
hamBandRange[8][0] = 24890; hamBandRange[8][1] = 24990;
hamBandRange[9][0] = 28000; hamBandRange[9][1] = 29700;
printLineF2(F("Ham band mode"));
delay_background(1000, 0);
@ -653,7 +638,8 @@ void menuSetupCarrier(int btn){
printLineF1(F("PTT to confirm. "));
delay_background(1000, 0);
usbCarrier = 11995000l;
//usbCarrier = 11995000l; //Remarked by KD8CEC, Suggest from many user, if entry routine factoryrest
si5351bx_setfreq(0, usbCarrier);
@ -756,22 +742,29 @@ void setDialLock(byte tmpLock, byte fromMode) {
int btnDownTimeCount;
unsigned int btnDownTimeCount;
#define PRESS_ADJUST_TUNE 1000
void doMenu(){
int select=0, i,btnState;
char isNeedDisplay = 0;
//for DialLock On/Off function
btnDownTimeCount = 0;
//wait for the button to be raised up
//Appened Lines by KD8CEC for Adjust Tune step and Set Dial lock
Check_Cat(0); //To prevent disconnections
//check long time Down Button -> 3 Second
if (btnDownTimeCount++ > (2000 / 50)) {
if (btnDownTimeCount++ == (PRESS_ADJUST_TUNE / 50)) { //Set Tune Step
printLineF2(F("Set Tune Step?"));
else if (btnDownTimeCount > (PRESS_LOCK_CONTROL / 50)) { //check long time Down Button -> 2.5 Second => Lock
if (vfoActive == VFO_A)
setDialLock((isDialLock & 0x01) == 0x01 ? 0 : 1, 0); //Reverse Dial lock
@ -781,6 +774,55 @@ void doMenu(){
delay(50); //debounce
if (btnDownTimeCount > (PRESS_ADJUST_TUNE / 50))
printLineF1(F("Press Key to set"));
isNeedDisplay = 1; //check to need display for display current value
while (digitalRead(PTT) == HIGH && !btnDown())
Check_Cat(0); //To prevent disconnections
delay(50); //debounce
if (isNeedDisplay) {
strcpy(b, "Tune Step:");
itoa(arTuneStep[tuneStepIndex -1], c, 10);
strcat(b, c);
isNeedDisplay = 0;
i = enc_read();
if (i != 0) {
select += (i > 0 ? 1 : -1);
if (select * select >= 25) { //Threshold 5 * 5 = 25
if (select < 0) {
if (tuneStepIndex > 1)
else {
if (tuneStepIndex < 5)
select = 0;
isNeedDisplay = 1;
} //end of while
printLineF2(F("Changed Step!"));
EEPROM.put(TUNING_STEP, tuneStepIndex);
delay_background(500, 0);
} //set tune step
//Below codes are origial code with modified by KD8CEC
//Select menu
menuOn = 2;
while (menuOn){
@ -793,10 +835,13 @@ void doMenu(){
if (!modeCalibrate && select + i < 80)
select += i;
if (i < 0 && select - i >= 0)
//if (i < 0 && select - i >= 0)
if (i < 0 && select - i >= -10)
select += i; //caught ya, i is already -ve here, so you add it
if (select < 10)
if (select < -5)
else if (select < 10)
else if (select < 20)
Reference in New Issue
Block a user