<p><em>Play your Wordle Share score in <a href=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conway%27s_Game_of_Life> Conway's Life!</a></em></p>
<p> Hey, nerds, isn't it funny how the Wordle Scores can look like a glider in that old computer programming exercise, Conway's Life?</p> <img src="https://conwaylife.com/w/images/e/e2/Lwss.png" alt="Glider image from Conwaylife.org, it looks like an 8-bit staple gun" align= float />
<p> Paste your wordle share below and submit to convert it to a Conway's Life file so you can run it (to learn more about Conway's Life, read <a href=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conway%27s_Game_of_Life> this)</a>.</p>
<p>If the RLE is correct, it should be loaded in the Life Viewer, and so you are ready to go!</p>
<li><p>For best results with the Life Viewer, adjust the Zoom and the playback speed (from "1x", slide left to "3/s" or so) and press the Play button:</p>
<canvas height=400 width=400></canvas></li>
<li><p>Press "[Pause]" when it seems stable. </p>
<!--end viewer container-->
<p> This should work with the share/copy button in wordle, or copy/pasting your friends' wordles out of Discord or wherever as well. See whose Wordle Score runs the coolest!
<strong>If it doesn't seem to be working:</strong>
<li><p> If there is extra text or lines in your paste, you might not get a valid file in the box above, so look and make sure it looks like a proper RLE file, for example:
<pre code>
#C Wordle 235 3/6
x = 5,y = 3
</pre code>
<p>For details about the Life RLE file format above, read <a href=https://conwaylife.com/wiki/Run_Length_Encoded>this</a>.
<li>You can also copy the contents of the Conway Life box above and try it somewhere else:
<li>go to a Conway's Life site, such as <a href= https://copy.sh/life/> this one at copy.sh</a> or <a href="https://lazyslug.com/lifeviewer/">this one at lazyslug.com</a> and load and run your file.</li>
<li> specifically for the one at copy.sh:</li>
<li> Press the [Import] button at the top</li>
<li> paste in your Life file contents in the box and press [Import]</li>
<li> It will put up a box telling you it loaded your Wordle, press [OK]</li>
<li> Press the [Run] button and watch your Wordle score play LIFE!</li>
<hr 100%>
<em>Disclaimer: I made this! People and/or corporations may own their marks or copyrights, etc, on words mentioned on this page I don't claim to</em>
Questions, kudos or comments, mail me @sdf.org
Thanks to the community at <a href="https://conwaylife.com">conwaylife.com</a>, and the friendly folks in the forums there,
and for their <a href="https://conwaylife.com/wiki/Tutorials/LifeViewer_JavaScript_plug-in">Javascript Life Viewer</a>, which I use here.
Thanks to <a href="https://github.com/hankchizljaw/some-nice-basic-css"> hankchizljaw</a> for making his basic css publicly available
<p><em>Play your Wordle Share score in <a href=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conway%27s_Game_of_Life> Conway's Life!</a></em></p>
<p> Hey, nerds, isn't it funny how the Wordle Scores can look like a glider in that old computer programming exercise, Conway's Life?</p> <img src="https://conwaylife.com/w/images/e/e2/Lwss.png" alt="Glider image from Conwaylife.org, it looks like an 8-bit staple gun" align= float />
<p> Paste your wordle share below and submit to convert it to a Conway's Life file so you can run it.</p>
<p> To learn more about Conway's Life, read <a href=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conway%27s_Game_of_Life> this</a>
<p> if there is extra text or lines in your paste, you might not get a valid file here, so look and make sure it looks like a proper RLE file, for example:
<pre code>
#C Wordle 235 3/6
x = 5,y = 3
</pre code>
<p>For details about the Life RLE file format above, read <a href=https://conwaylife.com/wiki/Run_Length_Encoded>this</a>.
<li>copy the contents of the Conway Life box above
<li>go to a Conway's Life site, such as <a href= https://copy.sh/life/> this one at copy.sh</a> or <a href="https://lazyslug.com/lifeviewer/">this one at lazyslug.com</a> and load and run your file.</li>
<li> specifically for the one at copy.sh:</li>
<li> Press the [Import] button at the top</li>
<li> paste in your Life file contents in the box and press [Import]</li>
<li> It will put up a box telling you it loaded your Wordle, press [OK]</li>
<li> Press the [Run] button and watch your Wordle score play LIFE!</li>
<p> This should work with the share/copy button in wordle, or copy/pasting your friends' wordles out of Discord or wherever as well. See whose Wordle Score looks coolest!
<hr 100%>
<em>Disclaimer: I made this! People and/or corporations may own their marks or copyrights, etc, on words mentioned on this page I don't claim to</em>
Questions, kudos or comments, mail me @sdf.org
Thanks to <a href="https://github.com/hankchizljaw/some-nice-basic-css"> hankchizljaw</a> for making his basic css publicly available