peteyboy 467a3bc0e0 removed chaff characters leftover from partially removed anchors
removed all tables of contents since docuwiki autogenerates
2021-03-11 23:31:52 +00:00

17 lines
741 B

====== [[index.html|SDF ARC ======
===== SDF.ORG's Amateur Radio Club =====
* [[index.html|Home]]
* [[roster.html|Roster]]
* [[net.html|NET]]
* [[repeaters.html|Repeaters]]
* [[contact.html|Contact Us]]
==== Contact Us ====
The best way to contact us is to use the SDF BBoard. Go to the HAMRADIO section.
We also have a mailing list available. Please send an email to [[mailto:majordomo@sdf.org|majordomo@sdf.org]] with "subscribe sdfarc-l" in the body to join the list.
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