Michael Clemens 2156c5b148 changed about
2022-10-12 11:36:43 +02:00

67 lines
3.6 KiB

title: "About"
slug: "about"
date: 2018-05-03T16:42:59+02:00
draft: false
showthedate: false
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Hi, I'm Michael Clemens. I'm a senior information security engineer with many years of experience in information technology. My first computer was a Commodore C64 (1989), followed by an Amiga (1992) and finally, in 1995, I got my first PC. In 1998 I installed my first Linux distribution (S.u.S.E. Linux 5.3), moved to Debian in 2002, tried a lot of BSDs and Linux distributions but always came back to Debian.
I support the [Free Software Foundation Europe (fsfe.org)](https://wiki.fsfe.org/Fellows/clemens). Everything I code in my freetime is therefore published as open source software. If you are interested, you can have a look at my [projects](/projects/). I also try to document interesting stuff on my [blog](/post/).
Besides that, I enjoy gaming on everything 8-bit (C64, Atari 2600, NES etc.) or fantasy consoles (PICO-8, TIC-80).
Apart from computer related hobbies, I love analog photography, bicycles, reading and many more.
I am a licensed ham radio operator and member of the [DARC](https://www.darc.de). My callsign is DK1MI. You can find some information about my station on my [QRZ.com page](https://qrz.com/DB/DK1MI).
If you'd like to contact me, please send me a mail to [contact_0x7E5@qrz.is](mailto:contact_0x7E5@qrz.is) or send me a toot on [Mastodon](https://mastodon.radio/@michael).