2022-02-11 00:28:28 -08:00

438 lines
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/* @license 2020 Neil Edelman, distributed under the terms of the
[MIT License](
@subtitle Array coda
This defines an optional set of functions that is nice, for any child of
`array` not providing additional constraints. (Thus, `array`?)
Type of array.
Function picking out the array satisfying <typedef:<PAC>box_to_array_c> and
A one-argument macro producing a name that is responsible for the name of the
functions. Should be something like `AC_(x) -> foo_widget_x`. The caller is
responsible for undefining `AC_`.
@std C89 */
#if !defined(BOX_) || !defined(BOX_CONTAINER) || !defined(BOX_CONTENTS) \
|| !defined(ARRAY_CODA_TYPE) || !defined(ARRAY_CODA_BOX_TO_C) \
|| !defined(ARRAY_CODA_BOX_TO) || !defined(AC_) \
|| defined(BOX_IS_EQUAL) && defined(BOX_COMPARE)
#error Unexpected preprocessor symbols.
#ifndef ARRAY_CODA_H /* <!-- idempotent */
#define ARRAY_CODA_H
#include <limits.h>
#ifdef PAC_
#error Unexpected defines.
#define PAC_(n) ARRAY_CAT(array_coda, AC_(n))
#endif /* idempotent --> */
#ifndef ARRAY_CODA_ONCE /* <!-- once */
/** <src/array_coda.h>: an alias to the box. */
typedef BOX_CONTAINER PAC_(box);
/** <src/array_coda.h>: an alias to the individual type contained in the box. */
typedef BOX_CONTENTS PAC_(type);
/* Downcasting. */
typedef ARRAY_CODA_TYPE PAC_(array);
typedef const PAC_(array) *(*PAC_(box_to_array_c))(const PAC_(box) *);
static PAC_(box_to_array_c) PAC_(b2a_c) = (ARRAY_CODA_BOX_TO_C);
typedef PAC_(array) *(*PAC_(box_to_array))(PAC_(box) *);
static PAC_(box_to_array) PAC_(b2a) = (ARRAY_CODA_BOX_TO);
#endif /* once --> */
#if !defined(BOX_IS_EQUAL) && !defined(BOX_COMPARE) /* <!-- functions */
/** <src/array_coda.h>: Operates by side-effects on <typedef:<PAC>type>. */
typedef void (*PAC_(action_fn))(PAC_(type) *);
/** <src/array_coda.h>: Returns a boolean given read-only <typedef:<PAC>type>. */
typedef int (*PAC_(predicate_fn))(const PAC_(type) *);
/** <src/array_coda.h> @param[x] A valid entry or null to start from the last.
@return The previous valid entry from `box` (which could be null) or null if
this was the first. @allow */
static PAC_(type) *AC_(previous)(const PAC_(box) *const box,
const PAC_(type) *const x) {
const PAC_(array) *a;
size_t i;
if(!box || !(a = PAC_(b2a_c)(box))->data) return 0;
if(!x) return a->size ? a->data + a->size - 1 : 0;
return (i = (size_t)(x - a->data)) ? a->data + i - 1 : 0;
/** <src/array_coda.h> @param[x] A valid entry or null to start from the first.
@return The next valid entry from `box` (which could be null) or null if this
was the last. @allow */
static PAC_(type) *AC_(next)(const PAC_(box) *const box,
const PAC_(type) *const x) {
const PAC_(array) *a;
size_t i;
if(!box || !(a = PAC_(b2a_c)(box))->data) return 0;
if(!x) return a->size ? a->data + 0 : 0;
return (i = (size_t)(x - a->data) + 1) < a->size ? a->data + i : 0;
/** <src/array_coda.h> @return Converts `i` to an index in `box` from
[0, `box.size`]. Negative values are wrapped. @order \Theta(1) @allow */
static size_t AC_(clip)(const PAC_(box) *const box, const long i) {
const PAC_(array) *const a = PAC_(b2a_c)(box);
/* `SIZE_MAX` is `C99`. This is not guaranteed at all, but is common? */
assert(box && a && ~((size_t)0) >= (size_t)LONG_MAX
&& (unsigned long)~((size_t)0) >= LONG_MAX);
return i < 0
? (size_t)-i >= a->size ? 0 : a->size - (size_t)-i
: (size_t)i > a->size ? a->size : (size_t)i;
/** <src/array_coda.h>: For all elements of `b`, calls `copy`, and if true, lazily
copies the elements to `a`. `a` and `b` can not be the same but `b` can be
null, (in which case, it does nothing.)
@order \O(`b.size` \times `copy`) @throws[ERANGE, realloc] @allow */
static int AC_(copy_if)(PAC_(box) *const a, const PAC_(predicate_fn) copy,
const PAC_(box) *const b) {
PAC_(array) *const aa = PAC_(b2a)(a);
const PAC_(array) *const bb = b ? PAC_(b2a_c)(b) : 0;
PAC_(type) *i, *fresh;
const PAC_(type) *end, *rise = 0;
size_t add;
int difcpy = 0;
assert(a && aa && !(!b ^ !bb) && copy && a != b && aa != bb);
if(!b) return 1;
for(i = bb->data, end = i + bb->size; i < end; i++) {
if(!(!!rise ^ (difcpy = copy(i)))) continue; /* Not falling/rising. */
if(difcpy) { /* Rising edge. */
rise = i;
} else { /* Falling edge. */
assert(rise && !difcpy && rise < i);
if(!(fresh = BOX_(append)(a, add = (size_t)(i - rise)))) return 0;
memcpy(fresh, rise, sizeof *fresh * add);
rise = 0;
if(rise) { /* Delayed copy. */
assert(!difcpy && rise < i);
if(!(fresh = BOX_(append)(a, add = (size_t)(i - rise)))) return 0;
memcpy(fresh, rise, sizeof *fresh * add);
return 1;
/** <src/array_coda.h>: For all elements of `box`, calls `keep`, and if false, lazy
deletes that item, calling `destruct` (if not-null).
@order \O(`a.size` \times `keep` \times `destruct`) @allow */
static void AC_(keep_if)(PAC_(box) *const box,
const PAC_(predicate_fn) keep, const PAC_(action_fn) destruct) {
PAC_(array) *const a = PAC_(b2a)(box);
PAC_(type) *erase = 0, *t;
const PAC_(type) *retain = 0, *end;
int keep0 = 1, keep1 = 0;
assert(box && a && keep);
for(t = a->data, end = t + a->size; t < end; keep0 = keep1, t++) {
if(!(keep1 = !!keep(t)) && destruct) destruct(t);
if(!(keep0 ^ keep1)) continue; /* Not a falling/rising edge. */
if(keep1) { /* Rising edge. */
assert(erase && !retain);
retain = t;
} else if(erase) { /* Falling edge. */
size_t n = (size_t)(t - retain);
assert(erase < retain && retain < t);
memmove(erase, retain, sizeof *t * n);
erase += n;
retain = 0;
} else { /* Falling edge, (first time only.) */
erase = t;
if(!erase) return; /* All elements were kept. */
if(keep1) { /* Delayed move when the iteration ended; repeat. */
size_t n = (size_t)(t - retain);
assert(retain && erase < retain && retain < t);
memmove(erase, retain, sizeof *t * n);
erase += n;
/* Adjust the size. */
assert((size_t)(erase - a->data) <= a->size);
a->size = (size_t)(erase - a->data);
/** <src/array_coda.h>: Removes at either end of `box` of things that `predicate`
returns true. @order \O(`box.size` \times `predicate`) @allow */
static void AC_(trim)(PAC_(box) *const box,
const PAC_(predicate_fn) predicate) {
PAC_(array) *const a = PAC_(b2a)(box);
size_t i;
assert(box && a && predicate);
while(a->size && predicate(a->data + a->size - 1)) a->size--;
for(i = 0; i < a->size && predicate(a->data + i); i++);
if(!i) return;
assert(i < a->size);
memmove(a->data, a->data + i, sizeof *a->data * i), a->size -= i;
/** <src/array_coda.h>: Iterates through `box` and calls `action` on all the
elements. The topology of the list should not change while in this function.
@order \O(`box.size` \times `action`) @allow */
static void AC_(each)(PAC_(box) *const box, const PAC_(action_fn) action) {
PAC_(array) *const a = PAC_(b2a)(box);
PAC_(type) *i, *end;
assert(box && a && action);
for(i = a->data, end = i + a->size; i < end; i++) action(i);
/** <src/array_coda.h>: Iterates through `box` and calls `action` on all the
elements for which `predicate` returns true. The topology of the list should
not change while in this function.
@order \O(`box.size` \times `predicate` \times `action`) @allow */
static void AC_(if_each)(PAC_(box) *const box,
const PAC_(predicate_fn) predicate, const PAC_(action_fn) action) {
PAC_(array) *const a = PAC_(b2a)(box);
PAC_(type) *i, *end;
assert(box && a && predicate && action);
for(i = a->data, end = i + a->size; i < end; i++)
if(predicate(i)) action(i);
/** <src/array_coda.h>: Iterates through `box` and calls `predicate` until it
returns true.
@return The first `predicate` that returned true, or, if the statement is
false on all, null. @order \O(`box.size` \times `predicate`) @allow */
static const PAC_(type) *AC_(any)(const PAC_(box) *const box,
const PAC_(predicate_fn) predicate) {
const PAC_(array) *const a = PAC_(b2a_c)(box);
PAC_(type) *i, *end;
assert(box && a && predicate);
for(i = a->data, end = i + a->size; i < end; i++)
if(predicate(i)) return i;
return 0;
static void PAC_(unused_function_coda)(void);
static void PAC_(unused_function)(void)
{ AC_(previous)(0, 0); AC_(next)(0, 0); AC_(clip)(0, 0);
AC_(copy_if)(0, 0, 0); AC_(keep_if)(0, 0, 0); AC_(trim)(0, 0);
AC_(each)(0, 0); AC_(if_each)(0, 0, 0); AC_(any)(0, 0);
PAC_(unused_function_coda)(); }
static void PAC_(unused_function_coda)(void) { PAC_(unused_function)(); }
#else /* functions --><!-- compare/is equal */
#ifndef ARRAY_CODA_COMPARE_ONCE /* <!-- once */
/** <src/array_coda.h>: Returns a boolean given two read-only <typedef:<PAC>type>. */
typedef int (*PAC_(bipredicate_fn))(const PAC_(type) *, const PAC_(type) *);
/** <src/array_coda.h>: Three-way comparison on a totally order set of
<typedef:<PAC>type>; returns an integer value less then, equal to, greater
then zero, if `a < b`, `a == b`, `a > b`, respectively. */
typedef int (*PAC_(compare_fn))(const PAC_(type) *a, const PAC_(type) *b);
/** <src/array_coda.h>: Returns a boolean given two <typedef:<PAC>type>. */
typedef int (*PAC_(biaction_fn))(PAC_(type) *, PAC_(type) *);
#endif /* once --> */
#else /* name --><!-- !name */
#define ACC_(n) AC_(n)
#endif /* !name --> */
#define PACC_(n) ARRAY_CAT(array_coda, ACC_(n))
#ifdef BOX_COMPARE /* <!-- compare */
/* Check that `BOX_COMPARE` is a function implementing
<typedef:<PAC>compare_fn>. */
static const PAC_(compare_fn) PACC_(compare) = (BOX_COMPARE);
/** <src/array_coda.h>: Lexicographically compares `a` to `b`. Both can be null,
with null values before everything. @return `a < b`: negative; `a == b`: zero;
`a > b`: positive. @order \O(`a.size`) @allow */
static int ACC_(compare)(const PAC_(box) *const a, const PAC_(box) *const b) {
const PAC_(array) *aa, *bb;
PAC_(type) *ad, *bd, *end;
int diff;
/* Null counts as `-\infty`. */
if(!a) return b ? -1 : 0;
else if(!b) return 1;
aa = PAC_(b2a_c)(a), bb = PAC_(b2a_c)(b), assert(aa && bb);
if(aa->size > bb->size) {
for(ad = aa->data, bd = bb->data, end = bd + bb->size; bd < end;
ad++, bd++) if((diff = PACC_(compare)(ad, bd))) return diff;
return 1;
} else {
for(ad = a->data, bd = b->data, end = ad + a->size; ad < end;
ad++, bd++) if((diff = PACC_(compare)(ad, bd))) return diff;
return -(aa->size != bb->size);
/** <src/array_coda.h>: `box` should be partitioned true/false with less-then
`value`. @return The first index of `a` that is not less than `value`.
@order \O(log `a.size`) @allow */
static size_t ACC_(lower_bound)(const PAC_(box) *const box,
const PAC_(type) *const value) {
const PAC_(array) *a = PAC_(b2a_c)(box);
size_t low = 0, high = a->size, mid;
assert(box && a && value);
while(low < high)
if(PACC_(compare)(value, a->data + (mid = low + (high - low) / 2)) <= 0)
high = mid;
low = mid + 1;
return low;
/** <src/array_coda.h>: `box` should be partitioned false/true with greater-than or
equal-to <typedef:<PAC>type> `value`. @return The first index of `box` that is
greater than `value`. @order \O(log `a.size`) @allow */
static size_t ACC_(upper_bound)(const PAC_(box) *const box,
const PAC_(type) *const value) {
const PAC_(array) *a = PAC_(b2a_c)(box);
size_t low = 0, high = a->size, mid;
assert(box && a && value);
while(low < high) if(PACC_(compare)(value, a->data
+ (mid = low + ((high - low) >> 1))) >= 0) low = mid + 1;
else high = mid;
return low;
/** <src/array_coda.h>: Copies `value` at the upper bound of a sorted `box`.
@return Success. @order \O(`a.size`) @throws[realloc, ERANGE] @allow */
static int ACC_(insert_after)(PAC_(box) *const box,
const PAC_(type) *const value) {
PAC_(array) *a = PAC_(b2a)(box);
size_t bound;
assert(box && a && value);
bound = ACC_(upper_bound)(a, value);
if(!A_(array_new)(a)) return 0; /* @fixme Reference to array. */
memmove(a->data + bound + 1, a->data + bound,
sizeof *a->data * (a->size - bound - 1));
memcpy(a->data + bound, value, sizeof *value);
return 1;
/** Wrapper with void `a` and `b`. @implements qsort bsearch */
static int PACC_(vcompar)(const void *const a, const void *const b)
{ return PACC_(compare)(a, b); }
/** <src/array_coda.h>: Sorts `box` by `qsort`.
@order \O(`a.size` \log `box.size`) @allow */
static void ACC_(sort)(PAC_(box) *const box) {
const PAC_(array) *a = PAC_(b2a_c)(box);
assert(box && a);
qsort(a->data, a->size, sizeof *a->data, &PACC_(vcompar));
/** Wrapper with void `a` and `b`. @implements qsort bsearch */
static int PACC_(vrevers)(const void *const a, const void *const b)
{ return PACC_(compare)(b, a); }
/** <src/array_coda.h>: Sorts `box` in reverse by `qsort`.
@order \O(`a.size` \log `a.size`) @allow */
static void ACC_(reverse)(PAC_(box) *const box) {
const PAC_(array) *a = PAC_(b2a_c)(box);
assert(box && a);
qsort(a->data, a->size, sizeof *a->data, &PACC_(vrevers));
/** !compare(`a`, `b`) == equals(`a`, `b`).
@implements <typedef:<PAC>bipredicate_fn> */
static int PACC_(is_equal)(const PAC_(type) *const a, const PAC_(type) *const b)
{ return !PACC_(compare)(a, b); }
#else /* compare --><!-- is equal */
/* Check that `BOX_IS_EQUAL` is a function implementing
<typedef:<PAC>bipredicate_fn>. */
static const PAC_(bipredicate_fn) PACC_(is_equal) = (BOX_IS_EQUAL);
#endif /* is equal --> */
/** <src/array_coda.h> @return If `a` piecewise equals `b`, which both can be null.
@order \O(`size`) @allow */
static int ACC_(is_equal)(const PAC_(box) *const a, const PAC_(box) *const b)
const PAC_(array) *aa, *bb;
const PAC_(type) *ad, *bd, *end;
if(!a) return !b;
if(!b) return 0;
aa = PAC_(b2a_c)(a), bb = PAC_(b2a_c)(a), assert(aa && bb);
if(aa->size != bb->size) return 0;
for(ad = aa->data, bd = bb->data, end = ad + aa->size; ad < end; ad++, bd++)
if(!PACC_(is_equal)(ad, bd)) return 0;
return 1;
/** <src/array_coda.h>: Removes consecutive duplicate elements in `box`.
@param[merge] Controls surjection. Called with duplicate elements, if false
`(x, y)->(x)`, if true `(x,y)->(y)`. More complex functions, `(x, y)->(x+y)`
can be simulated by mixing the two in the value returned. Can be null: behaves
like false. @order \O(`a.size` \times `merge`) @allow */
static void ACC_(unique_merge)(PAC_(box) *const box,
const PAC_(biaction_fn) merge) {
PAC_(array) *a = PAC_(b2a)(box);
size_t target, from, cursor, choice, next, move;
const size_t last = a->size;
int is_first, is_last;
assert(box && a);
for(target = from = cursor = 0; cursor < last; cursor += next) {
/* Bijective `[from, cursor)` is moved lazily. */
for(choice = 0, next = 1; cursor + next < last && PAC_(is_equal)(a->data
+ cursor + choice, a->data + cursor + next); next++)
if(merge && merge(a->data + choice, a->data + next)) choice = next;
if(next == 1) continue;
/* Must move injective `cursor + choice \in [cursor, cursor + next)`. */
is_first = !choice;
is_last = (choice == next - 1);
move = cursor - from + (size_t)is_first;
memmove(a->data + target, a->data + from, sizeof *a->data * move),
target += move;
if(!is_first && !is_last) memcpy(a->data + target,
a->data + cursor + choice, sizeof *a->data), target++;
from = cursor + next - (size_t)is_last;
/* Last differed move. */
move = last - from;
memmove(a->data + target, a->data + from, sizeof *a->data * move),
target += move, assert(a->size >= target);
a->size = target;
/** <src/array_coda.h>: Removes consecutive duplicate elements in `a`.
@order \O(`a.size`) @allow */
static void ACC_(unique)(PAC_(box) *const a) { ACC_(unique_merge)(a, 0); }
static void PACC_(unused_compare_coda)(void);
static void PACC_(unused_compare)(void) {
#ifdef BOX_COMPARE /* <!-- compare */
ACC_(compare)(0, 0); ACC_(lower_bound)(0, 0); ACC_(upper_bound)(0, 0);
ACC_(insert_after)(0, 0); ACC_(sort)(0); ACC_(reverse)(0);
#endif /* compare --> */
ACC_(is_equal)(0, 0); ACC_(unique_merge)(0, 0); ACC_(unique)(0);
PACC_(unused_compare_coda)(); }
static void PACC_(unused_compare_coda)(void) { PACC_(unused_compare)(); }
/*#undef AC_C_
#undef PACC_ Need for tests. */
#endif /* compare/is equal --> */