167 lines
4.0 KiB
167 lines
4.0 KiB
#include "pair.h" /* pair */
#include "journal.h" /* size_t, date32, line64 */
/* Date-line to index in array map. */
#define TREE_NAME linemap
#define TREE_KEY union line64
#define TREE_VALUE size_t
#define TREE_HEAD
#include "../src/tree.h"
#define TREE_NAME linepair
#define TREE_KEY union line64
#define TREE_VALUE struct pair
#define TREE_HEAD
#include "../src/tree.h"
/* Eg, source array. */
struct kvpair { struct pair key, value; };
#define ARRAY_NAME kvpair
#define ARRAY_TYPE struct kvpair
#define ARRAY_HEAD
#include "../src/array.h"
#define TREE_NAME linekvpair
#define TREE_KEY union line64
#define TREE_VALUE struct kvpair
#define TREE_HEAD
#include "../src/tree.h"
struct kvdate { union date32 key; struct pair value; };
#define TREE_NAME linekvdate
#define TREE_KEY union line64
#define TREE_VALUE struct kvdate
#define TREE_HEAD
#include "../src/tree.h"
enum currency {
CAD, /* Canadian $. */
USD, /* US Dollar $usd. */
EUR, /* Euro €. */
GBP, /* Pound £. */
MXN, /* Mexican pesos $mxn. */
CUP, /* Cuban pesos, (US) $cup. */
CUC, /* Cuban convertible $cuc. */
#include <stdint.h>
struct money { int64_t cents; enum currency currency; };
struct kvmoney { struct pair key; struct money value; };
#define TREE_NAME linekvmoney
#define TREE_KEY union line64
#define TREE_VALUE struct kvmoney
#define TREE_HEAD
#include "../src/tree.h"
/* Place array. */
struct place { struct pair name; double x, y; };
#define ARRAY_NAME place
#define ARRAY_TYPE struct place
#define ARRAY_HEAD
#include "../src/array.h"
/* Score array. */
struct score {
struct pair key, name;
union date32 date, last/* update; need to compare leading value */;
unsigned edges, score/* update */;
#define ARRAY_NAME score
#define ARRAY_TYPE struct score
#define ARRAY_HEAD
#include "../src/array.h"
/* Edit array. */
struct edit {
union date32 edit;
struct pair desc;
#define ARRAY_NAME edit
#define ARRAY_TYPE struct edit
#define ARRAY_HEAD
#include "../src/array.h"
/* Glider array. */
#define LAUNCH_TYPE \
#define X(type) type
enum launch_type { LAUNCH_TYPE };
#undef X
#define X(type) #type
static const char *launch_type_string[] = { LAUNCH_TYPE };
#undef X
struct glider {
struct pair type, reg, launch, landing;
enum launch_type how;
unsigned height_ft, pilot_min, dual_min, instr_min;
struct pair remarks;
#define TREE_NAME glider
#define TREE_KEY union line64
#define TREE_VALUE struct glider
#define TREE_HEAD
#include "../src/tree.h"
/* Flight array. */
struct flight {
struct pair type, reg, launch, landing, pilot, copilot;
unsigned dual_min, pilot_min, ifrsim_min, ifr_min;
struct pair remarks;
#define TREE_NAME flight
#define TREE_KEY union line64
#define TREE_VALUE struct flight
#define TREE_HEAD
#include "../src/tree.h"
#include "kjv.h"
#define TREE_NAME kjv
#define TREE_KEY union line64
#define TREE_VALUE struct kjvrange
#define TREE_HEAD
#include "../src/tree.h"
struct scan {
struct {
struct kvpair_array array;
struct pairmap_table map;
struct linemap_tree dates;
} sources, documents;
struct {
struct place_array array;
struct pairmap_table map;
struct linemap_tree dates;
} places;
struct {
struct score_array array;
struct pairmap_table map;
struct linemap_tree dates;
} scores;
struct {
struct edit_array array;
struct pairmap_table map;
struct linemap_tree dates;
} edits;
struct linepair_tree dreams;
struct linekvpair_tree contacts, books, tvs, movies, ideas,
vaccines, medications, labs, mails, couches;
struct linekvdate_tree froms;
struct linekvmoney_tree taxes, incomes;
struct glider_tree gliders;
struct flight_tree flights;
struct kjv_tree kjvs;
void scan_(struct scan *);
struct scan scan(struct journal *);
const struct kvpair *scan_source_lookup(struct scan *, const union line64);
void scan_score_graph(struct scan *);
void scan_labs_graph(struct scan *);
void scan_glider_graph(struct scan *);
void scan_flight_graph(struct scan *);
void scan_kjv_graph(struct scan *);
void scan_dream_graph(struct scan *);