This commit is contained in:
@ -24,10 +24,17 @@ int main(void) {
intent = "parse";
scn = scan(&jrnl);
//fprintf(stderr, "Scores: %s.\n", scores_to_string(&scrs));
//fprintf(stderr, "Scan: %s.\n", scan_to_string(&scrs));
// <- Not sure what that would do.
if(errno) goto catch;
if(!scan_scores_graph(&scn)) goto catch;
intent = "derived/score.gnu";
if(!freopen(intent, "w", stdout)) goto catch;
intent = "derived/glider.gnu";
if(!freopen(intent, "w", stdout)) goto catch;
intent = 0;
goto finally;
@ -193,7 +193,7 @@ struct journal journal(const char *const dir_journal) {
char *contents = 0;
sprintf(fn, "%.2d.txt", *d); /* Reconstruct. */
if(!(contents = text_append_file(&j.backing, fn))) goto catch;
switch(day_tree_bulk_try(&j.days, d32, &v.text)) {
switch(day_tree_bulk_assign(&j.days, d32, &v.text)) {
case TREE_PRESENT: intent = "not unique", errno = EDOM; /*sic*/
case TREE_ERROR: goto catch;
case TREE_ABSENT: break; /* Expected. */
@ -1,23 +1,21 @@
#include "pair.h" /* pair */
#include "journal.h" /* size_t, date32, line64 */
/* Date-line to index in array map. */
#define TREE_NAME linemap
#define TREE_KEY union line64
#define TREE_VALUE size_t
#define TREE_HEAD
#include "../src/tree.h"
/* Source array. */
struct source { struct pair name, desc; };
#define ARRAY_NAME source
#define ARRAY_TYPE struct source
#define ARRAY_HEAD
#include "../src/array.h"
struct sources {
struct source_array array;
struct pairmap_table map;
struct linemap_tree dates;
/* Score array. */
struct score {
struct pair key, name;
union date32 date, last/* update; need to compare leading value */;
@ -27,17 +25,47 @@ struct score {
#define ARRAY_TYPE struct score
#define ARRAY_HEAD
#include "../src/array.h"
struct scores {
struct score_array array;
struct pairmap_table map;
struct linemap_tree dates;
/* Glider array. */
#define LAUNCH_TYPE \
#define X(type) type
enum launch_type { LAUNCH_TYPE };
#undef X
#define X(type) #type
static const char *launch_type_string[] = { LAUNCH_TYPE };
#undef X
struct glider {
struct pair type, reg, launch, landing;
enum launch_type how;
unsigned height_ft, pilot_min, dual_min, instr_min;
struct pair remarks;
#define TREE_NAME glider
#define TREE_KEY union line64
#define TREE_VALUE struct glider
#define TREE_HEAD
#include "../src/tree.h"
struct scan {
struct sources sources;
struct scores scores;
struct {
struct source_array array;
struct pairmap_table map;
struct linemap_tree dates;
} sources;
struct {
struct score_array array;
struct pairmap_table map;
struct linemap_tree dates;
} scores;
struct glider_tree gliders;
void scan_(struct scan *);
struct scan scan(struct journal *);
int scan_scores_graph(struct scan *);
void scan_score_graph(struct scan *);
void scan_glider_graph(struct scan *);
@ -52,6 +52,18 @@ static void score_to_string(const struct score *const s,
#define ARRAY_BODY
#include "../src/array.h"
/* Glider tree. */
static void glider_to_string(const union line64 line, const struct glider *g,
char (*const a)[12]) { (void)g; date32_to_string(, a); }
static int glider_compare(const union line64 a, const union line64 b)
{ return a.u64 > b.u64; }
#define TREE_NAME glider
#define TREE_KEY union line64
#define TREE_VALUE struct glider
#define TREE_BODY
#include "../src/tree.h"
@ -59,12 +71,13 @@ static void score_to_string(const struct score *const s,
static int scan_day(struct scan *const scan, union date32 date,
const char *const buffer) {
const char *YYCURSOR, *YYMARKER, *yyt1, *yyt2, *s0, *s1;
const char *YYCURSOR, *YYMARKER, *yyt1, *yyt2, *s0, *s1, *t0, *t1;
enum YYCONDTYPE condition = yycline;
size_t line = 1;
char datestr[12] = {0};
const char *fail = "perhaps a bat?";
struct score *score = 0;
struct score *new_score = 0;
struct glider *new_glider = 0;
assert(scan && date.u32 && buffer);
YYCURSOR = YYMARKER = yyt1 = buffer;
/*!re2c /**/
@ -79,20 +92,23 @@ static int scan_day(struct scan *const scan, union date32 date,
glyph = [^\x00-\x20\x7f]; // [^\x00\n\t ] + all weird
semitext = glyph \ ";";
natural = [1-9][0-9]*;
zero_natural = natural | "0";
uint = [0-9]+;
keyword = [A-Za-z0-9][A-Za-z0-9_-]*;
date = natural "-" [0-1][0-9] "-" [0-3][0-9];
minutes = [0-5][0-9];
airport = [A-Z0-9]{4,4};
for( ; ; ) {
/*!re2c /**/
/* Default ignore. */
<skip> [^\n\x00] { continue; }
<skip> [^\n\x00] { continue; } /* Default ignore. */
<skip> "\x00" { fail = "no newline at end of file"; goto catch; }
<line> "\x00" { return 1; } /* End of day. */
<line, skip> "\n" => line { line++; continue; }
<line> * :=> skip
<line> "--" / [^-] :=> source
<line> "::" / [^:] :=> score
<line> "[glider]" :=> glider_type
<source> * { fail = "source unrecognized"; goto catch; }
@ -104,16 +120,14 @@ static int scan_day(struct scan *const scan, union date32 date,
{ errno = ERANGE; fail = "too many lines of text"; goto catch; }
if(!(i = pair_map_table_get(&scan->, keyword)))
{ fail = "keyword not introduced"; goto catch; }
switch(linemap_tree_try(&scan->sources.dates, key, &pi)) {
case TREE_PRESENT: fail = "duplicate key"; /* _Sic_. */
case TREE_ERROR: goto catch;
switch(linemap_tree_bulk_assign(&scan->sources.dates, key, &pi)) {
case TREE_PRESENT: fail = "duplicate"; case TREE_ERROR: goto catch;
case TREE_ABSENT: *pi = i; break;
date32_to_string(date, &datestr);
fprintf(stderr, "%s: source <<%.*s>>\n",
datestr, (int)(s1 - s0), s0);
} }
} continue; }
/* New source. fixme: desc not set. */
<source> @s0 keyword @s1 ":" [^\x00\n]+ / "\n" => skip {
struct pair keyword = pair(s0, s1);
@ -138,7 +152,7 @@ static int scan_day(struct scan *const scan, union date32 date,
<score> * { fail = "score unrecognized"; goto catch; }
/* Already there. Use the map to get the index from the keyword and
then stick a marker in the tree with that index. */
<score> @s0 keyword @s1 / "\n" => skip { also_score: {
<score> @s0 keyword @s1 / "\n" => skip { new_score: {
const struct pair keyword = pair(s0, s1);
const union line64 key = { { (uint32_t)line, date } };
size_t idx, *pidx;
@ -149,61 +163,129 @@ static int scan_day(struct scan *const scan, union date32 date,
if(scan->[idx].last.u32 >= date.u32)
{ fail = "duplicate key in same day"; goto catch; }
scan->[idx].last.u32 = date.u32;
switch(linemap_tree_bulk_try(&scan->scores.dates, key, &pidx)) {
switch(linemap_tree_bulk_assign(&scan->scores.dates, key, &pidx)) {
case TREE_PRESENT: assert(0); fail = "duplicate key"; /* _Sic_. */
case TREE_ERROR: goto catch;
case TREE_ABSENT: *pidx = idx; break;
date32_to_string(date, &datestr);
fprintf(stderr, "%s: score <%.*s>\n", datestr, (int)(s1 - s0), s0);
} }
} continue; }
/* New score. */
<score> @s0 keyword @s1 ":" => score_name {
size_t *idx;
/* Create a new mapping from dateline to scores array. */
pair(s0, s1), &idx)) {
case TABLE_PRESENT: errno = EDOM; fail = "new keyword already used";
case TABLE_ERROR: goto catch; /* _Sic_. */
case TABLE_ABSENT: *idx = 0; break;
if(!(score = score_array_new(&scan->scores.array))) goto catch;
*idx = (size_t)(score - scan->; /* Offset. */
/* New entry in the scores array for this map to point to. */
if(!(new_score = score_array_new(&scan->scores.array))) goto catch;
*idx = (size_t)(new_score - scan->; /* Offset. */
/*struct pair key, name; union date32 date, last; unsigned edges;*/
score->key.a = s0, score->key.b = s1;
score->name.a = 0, score->name.b = 0;
score->date.u32 = score->last.u32 = 0;
score->edges = 0, score->score = 0;
new_score->key.a = s0, new_score->key.b = s1;
new_score->name.a = 0, new_score->name.b = 0;
new_score->date.u32 = new_score->last.u32 = 0;
new_score->edges = 0, new_score->score = 0;
date32_to_string(date, &datestr);
fprintf(stderr, "%s: new score <%.*s> stored in list at %zu.\n",
datestr, (int)(s1 - s0), s0, *idx);
goto also_score;
goto new_score;
<score_name> * { fail = "name unrecognized"; goto catch; }
<score_date> * { fail = "date unrecognized"; goto catch; }
<score_edges> * { fail = "edges unrecognized"; goto catch; }
<score_name> ws* @s0 semitext+ (" " semitext+)* @s1 /* ws* */ ";"
=> score_date {
score->name.a = s0, score->name.b = s1;
new_score->name.a = s0, new_score->name.b = s1;
<score_date> * { fail = "date unrecognized"; goto catch; }
<score_date> ws* "~"? @s0 date ws* ";" => score_edges {
if(!pair_to_date(s0, &score->date)) goto catch;
if(!pair_to_date(s0, &new_score->date)) goto catch;
<score_edges> * { fail = "edges unrecognized"; goto catch; }
<score_edges> ws* "~"? @s0 uint @s1 ws* / "\n" => skip {
if(!pair_to_natural(s0, s1, &score->edges)) goto catch;
score = 0; /* Done. */
if(!pair_to_natural(s0, s1, &new_score->edges)) goto catch;
new_score = 0; /* Done. */
/* type, reg, launch, how, height, landing, pilot, dual, instr, remarks
eg, [glider] 2-33A; C-GCLK; CYQQ; A; 2000'; CYQQ; ;:13;; Peters D1 */
<glider_type> * { fail = "glider type"; goto catch; }
<glider_type> ws* @s0 semitext+ @s1 ws* ";" => glider_reg {
const union line64 key
= {{ (uint32_t)line, {{, date.month, date.year }} }};
if(line > UINT32_MAX) { fail = "line overflow"; goto catch; }
switch(glider_tree_bulk_assign(&scan->gliders, key, &new_glider)) {
case TREE_PRESENT: fail = "duplicate"; case TREE_ERROR: goto catch;
case TREE_ABSENT: break;
new_glider->type.a = s0, new_glider->type.b = s1;
<glider_reg> * { fail = "glider reg"; goto catch; }
<glider_reg> ws* @s0 semitext+ @s1 ws* ";" => glider_launch
{ new_glider->reg.a = s0, new_glider->reg.b = s1; continue; }
<glider_launch> * { fail = "glider launch"; goto catch; }
<glider_launch> ws* @s0 airport @s1 ws* ";" => glider_how
{ new_glider->launch.a = s0, new_glider->launch.b = s1; continue; }
<glider_how> * { fail = "glider how"; goto catch; }
<glider_how> ws* @s0 [MWA] ws* ";" => glider_height {
switch(*s0) {
case 'M': new_glider->how = MotorCarTow; break;
case 'W': new_glider->how = Winch; break;
case 'A': new_glider->how = AeroTow; break;
<glider_height> * { fail = "glider height"; goto catch; }
<glider_height> ws* @s0 natural @s1 "'" ws* ";" => glider_landing
{ if(!pair_to_natural(s0, s1, &new_glider->height_ft)); continue; }
<glider_landing> * { fail = "glider landing"; goto catch; }
<glider_landing> ws* @s0 airport @s1 ws* ";" => glider_pilot
{ new_glider->landing.a = s0, new_glider->landing.b = s1; continue; }
<glider_pilot> * { fail = "glider pilot"; goto catch; }
<glider_pilot> ws* ";" => glider_dual /* not PIC */
{ new_glider->pilot_min = 0; continue; }
<glider_pilot> ws* @s0 natural? @s1 ":" @t0 minutes @t1 ws* ";"
=> glider_dual { if(!pair_colon_to_minutes(s0, s1, t0, t1,
&new_glider->pilot_min)) { fail = "pilot time"; goto catch; }
continue; }
<glider_dual> * { fail = "glider dual"; goto catch; }
<glider_dual> ws* ";" => glider_instr
{ new_glider->dual_min = 0; continue; }
<glider_dual> ws* @s0 natural? @s1 ":" @t0 minutes @t1 ws* ";"
=> glider_instr { if(!pair_colon_to_minutes(s0, s1, t0, t1,
&new_glider->dual_min)) { fail = "dual time"; goto catch; }
continue; }
<glider_instr> * { fail = "glider instr"; goto catch; }
<glider_instr> ws* ";" => glider_remarks
{ new_glider->instr_min = 0; continue; }
<glider_instr> ws* @s0 natural? @s1 ":" @t0 minutes @t1 ws* ";"
=> glider_remarks { if(!pair_hours_to_minutes(s0, s1, t0, t1,
&new_glider->instr_min)) { fail = "instr time"; goto catch; }
continue; }
<glider_remarks> * { fail = "glider remarks"; goto catch; }
<glider_remarks> ws* "\n" => line
{ new_glider->remarks.a = new_glider->remarks.b = 0;
new_glider = 0; line++; continue; }
<glider_remarks> ws* @s0 glyph+ (" " glyph+)* @s1 "\n" => line
{ new_glider->remarks.a = s0, new_glider->remarks.b = s1;
new_glider = 0; line++; continue; }
*/ }
assert(0); /* Never gets here. */
if(!errno) errno = EILSEQ;
date32_to_string(date, &datestr);
fprintf(stderr, "%s line %zu: %s.\n", datestr, line, fail);
fprintf(stderr, "%s line %zu: %s condition %d.\n", datestr, line, fail, condition);
return 0;
@ -238,6 +320,11 @@ struct scan scan(struct journal *const jrnl) {
it = journal_iterator(jrnl);
while(journal_next(&it, &date, &text))
if(!scan_day(&scan, date, text)) goto catch;
/* Scans make trees bulk-loaded; fix to real tree. */
|| !linemap_tree_bulk_finish(&scan.scores.dates)) goto catch;
fprintf(stderr, "List of scores: %s.\n"
"Mapped to indices: %s.\n"
"Date-line tree: %s.\n",
@ -251,14 +338,30 @@ finally:
return scan;
int scan_scores_graph(struct scan *const scan) {
struct scores *const scrs = &scan->scores;
struct linemap_tree_iterator it = linemap_tree_iterator(&scrs->dates);
/** Lookup the last source in `range` in sources `s`. They are invalidated on
adding a source, (currently fine because we get all at once.) */
static const struct source *source_lookup(struct scan *const scan,
const union line64 x) {
struct linemap_tree_iterator it;
it = linemap_tree_less(&scan->sources.dates, x);
/* If it's before all elements of the journal or is not on the same date as
the source, this has no source, which is `array[0]`. */
return scan-> + (linemap_tree_has_element(&it)
&& == linemap_tree_key(&it).date.u32
? *linemap_tree_value(&it) : 0);
void scan_score_graph(struct scan *const scan) {
struct linemap_tree_iterator it
= linemap_tree_iterator(&scan->scores.dates);
union line64 line;
struct score *score;
/* Set score to zero to verify count with paper journal. */
for(size_t i = 0; i < scrs->array.size; i++) scrs->[i].score = 0;
for(struct score *i = scan->,
*const z = i + scan->scores.array.size; i < z; i++) i->score = 0;
/* 840 with legend; only useful to me. */
printf("set terminal pngcairo dashed transparent truecolor"
@ -268,7 +371,8 @@ int scan_scores_graph(struct scan *const scan) {
"# date, key, key score\n");
while(linemap_tree_next(&it)) {
line = linemap_tree_key(&it);
score = scrs-> + *linemap_tree_value(&it);
assert(*linemap_tree_value(&it) < scan->scores.array.size);
score = scan-> + *linemap_tree_value(&it);
char datestr[12];
date32_to_string(, &datestr);
@ -317,5 +421,77 @@ int scan_scores_graph(struct scan *const scan) {
" (total/2.): \\\n"
" (getIndex(strcol(2))) w boxxy lc var lw 1, \\\n"
" for [i=1:words(Uniqs)] keyentry w boxxy lc i ti Uniq(i)\n");
return 1;
#include <inttypes.h>
void scan_glider_graph(struct scan *const scan) {
fprintf(stderr, "Glider: %s.\n", glider_tree_to_string(&scan->gliders));
printf("set terminal pngcairo dashed transparent truecolor"
" size 840, 480 fontscale 1\n"
"set output \"glider.png\"\n");
/*printf("set terminal cairolatex standalone pdf size 16cm,10.5cm"
" dashed transparent\n"
"set output \"flight.tex\"\n");*/
/*printf("set term postscript eps enhanced\n"
"set output \"flighthours.eps\"\n");*/
printf("$Data <<EOD\n"
"# date, reg, sic, pic, source\n");
struct glider_tree_iterator it = glider_tree_iterator(&scan->gliders);
while(glider_tree_next(&it)) {
const union line64 line = glider_tree_key(&it);
const struct glider *glider = glider_tree_value(&it);
char datestr[12];
date32_to_string(, &datestr);
const struct source *src = source_lookup(scan, line);
if(!src->name.a) { fprintf(stderr, "Glider has no source at %s.\n",
datestr); continue; }
printf("%s, ", datestr);
printf("%.*s, %" PRIu32 ", %" PRIu32,
(int)(glider->reg.b - glider->reg.a), glider->reg.a,
glider->dual_min, glider->pilot_min + glider->instr_min);
/* case POWER:
printf("%.*s, %" PRIu32 ", %" PRIu32,
(int)(flight->power.reg.b - flight->power.reg.a),
break; */
printf(", %.*s\n", (int)(src->name.b - src->name.a), src->name.a);
"# theozh\n"
"# get a unique list from datablock\n"
"addToList(list,col) = list.( strstrt(list,'\"'.strcol(col).'\"') \\\n"
" > 0 ? '' : ' \"'.strcol(col).'\"')\n"
"Uniqs = ''\n"
"stats $Data u (Uniqs=addToList(Uniqs,2)) nooutput\n"
"Uniq(i) = word(Uniqs,i)\n"
"getIndex(s) = sum [_i=1:words(Uniqs)] s eq word(Uniqs,_i) ? _i : 0\n"
"stats $Data u 3 nooutput\n"
"sicsum = STATS_sum\n"
"stats $Data u 4 nooutput\n"
"picsum = STATS_sum\n"
"myTimeFmt = \"%%Y-%%m-%%d\"\n"
"set format x myTimeFmt timedate\n"
"set xtics format myTimeFmt rotate by -30\n"
"set format y \"%%tH:%%tM\" timedate\n"
"set grid\n"
"set key out reverse Left noautotitle\n"
"set style fill solid 0.5\n"
"unset border\n"
"plot total=0 $Data u"
" (timecolumn(1,myTimeFmt)):(dy=($3+$4)*60,total=total+dy)"
" w steps lc \"black\" dt 3, \\\n"
" total=0 '' u (timecolumn(1,myTimeFmt)):"
"(dy=($3+$4)*60,total=total+dy,total/2.): \\\n"
" (43200):(total/2.):(getIndex(strcol(2))) w boxxy lc var, \\\n"
" for [i=1:words(Uniqs)] keyentry w boxxy lc i ti Uniq(i)\n"
/*"set xrange [*:'2001-09-11']\n"*/
/*"#set style fill solid 0.1 #pattern 5 (better, but restarts)\n"
"plot $Data using 1:($6/60) with fillsteps lw 2\n"*/);
@ -632,8 +632,8 @@ static int N_(table_contains)(struct N_(table) *const table, const PN_(key) key)
#ifdef TABLE_VALUE /* <!-- map */
/** If the entire entry space is filled, use this. Otherwise, a more convenient
function is <fn:<N>table_get_or>.
/** If there can be no default key, use this so separate a null, returns false,
from a result. Otherwise, a more convenient function is <fn:<N>table_get_or>.
@param[result] If null, behaves like <fn:<N>table_contains>, otherwise, a
<typedef:<PN>key> which gets filled on true.
@param[value] Only on a map with `TABLE_VALUE`. If not-null, stores the value.
@ -673,8 +673,8 @@ static PN_(value) N_(table_get_or)(struct N_(table) *const table,
#ifndef TABLE_VALUE /* <!-- set */
/** Only if not `TABLE_VALUE`; see <fn:<N>table_assign> for a map. Puts `key`
in set `table` only if absent.
/** Only if `TABLE_VALUE` is not set; see <fn:<N>table_assign> for a map. Puts
`key` in set `table` only if absent.
@return One of: `TABLE_ERROR`, tried putting the entry in the table but
failed, the table is not modified; `TABLE_PRESENT`, does nothing if there is
another entry with the same key; `TABLE_ABSENT`, put an entry in the table.
@ -685,7 +685,8 @@ static enum table_result N_(table_try)(struct N_(table) *const table,
#else /* set --><!-- map */
/** Puts `key` in the map `table` and update `content`. @throws[malloc] */
/** Only if `TABLE_VALUE` is set. Ensures that `key` is in the `table` and
update `content`. @throws[malloc] */
static enum table_result PN_(assign)(struct N_(table) *const table,
PN_(key) key, PN_(value) **const content) {
struct PN_(bucket) *bucket;
@ -703,8 +704,8 @@ static enum table_result PN_(assign)(struct N_(table) *const table,
return result;
/** Only if `TABLE_VALUE`; see <fn:<N>table_try> for a set. Puts `key` in the
map `table` and store the associated value in `content`.
/** Only if `TABLE_VALUE` is set; see <fn:<N>table_try> for a set. Puts `key`
in the map `table` and store the associated value in `content`.
@return `TABLE_ERROR` does not set `content`; `TABLE_ABSENT`, the `content`
will be a pointer to uninitialized memory; `TABLE_PRESENT`, gets the current
`content`, (does not alter the keys, if they are distinguishable.)
@ -721,7 +722,9 @@ static enum table_result N_(table_assign)(struct N_(table) *const table,
static int PN_(always_replace)(const PN_(key) original,
const PN_(key) replace) { return (void)original, (void)replace, 1; }
/** Puts `key` in `table`, replacing an equal-valued key.
/** Puts `key` in `table`, replacing an equal-valued key. (If keys are
indistinguishable, this function is not very useful, see <fn:<N>table_try> or
@return One of: `TABLE_ERROR`, the table is not modified; `TABLE_ABSENT`, the
`key` is new; `TABLE_PRESENT`, the `key` displaces another, and if non-null,
`eject` will be filled with the previous entry.
@ -593,9 +593,13 @@ static PB_(key) B_(tree_more_or)(const struct B_(tree) *const tree,
`TREE_ABSENT`, added, the `value` (if applicable) is uninitialized.
@throws[EDOM] `x` is smaller than the largest key in `tree`. @throws[malloc]
@order \O(\log |`tree`|) @allow */
static enum tree_result B_(tree_bulk_try)(struct B_(tree) *const tree,
static enum tree_result B_(tree_bulk_assign)(struct B_(tree) *const tree,
PB_(key) key, PB_(value) **const value) {
#else /* map --><!-- set */
#elif defined TREE_VALUE /* map --><!-- null: For braces matching. */
#else /* null --><!-- set */
/** Packs `key` on the right side of `tree`. See <fn:<B>tree_assign>, which is
the map version. @allow */
static enum tree_result B_(tree_bulk_try)(struct B_(tree) *const tree,
PB_(key) key) {
@ -690,17 +694,14 @@ catch: /* Didn't work. Reset. */
if(!errno) errno = ERANGE;
return TREE_ERROR;
/** Distributes `tree` (can be null) on the right side so that, after a series
of <fn:<B>tree_bulk_try>, it will be consistent with the minimum number of
keys in a node. @return The re-distribution was a success and all nodes are
within rules. (Only when intermixing bulk and regular operations, can the
function return false.) @order \O(\log |`tree`|) @allow */
of <fn:<B>tree_bulk_try> or <fn:<B>tree_bulk_assign>, it will be consistent
with the minimum number of keys in a node.
@return The re-distribution was a success and all nodes are within rules.
(Only when intermixing bulk and regular operations, can the function return
false.) @order \O(\log |`tree`|) @allow */
static int B_(tree_bulk_finish)(struct B_(tree) *const tree) {
struct PB_(tree) s;
struct PB_(node) *right;
@ -971,22 +972,23 @@ grow: /* Leaf is full. */ {
#ifdef TREE_VALUE /* <!-- map */
/** Adds or gets `key` in `tree`. If `key` is already in `tree`, uses the
old value, _vs_ <fn:<B>tree_assign>. (This is only significant in trees with
old value, _vs_ <fn:<B>tree_update>. (This is only significant in trees with
distinguishable keys.)
@param[valuep] Only present if `TREE_VALUE` (map) was specified. If this
parameter is non-null and a return value other then `TREE_ERROR`, this
receives the address of the value associated with the `key`. This pointer is
only guaranteed to be valid only while the `tree` doesn't undergo
structural changes, (such as calling <fn:<B>tree_try> with `TREE_ABSENT`
structural changes, (such as potentially calling it again.)
@return Either `TREE_ERROR` (false) and doesn't touch `tree`, `TREE_ABSENT`
and adds a new key with `key`, or `TREE_PRESENT` there was already an existing
key. @throws[malloc] @order \Theta(\log |`tree`|) @allow */
static enum tree_result B_(tree_try)(struct B_(tree) *const tree,
static enum tree_result B_(tree_assign)(struct B_(tree) *const tree,
const PB_(key) key, PB_(value) **const valuep)
{ return assert(tree), PB_(update)(&tree->root, key, 0, valuep); }
#else /* map --><!-- set */
/** Adds `key` to `tree` but in a set. */
/** Only if `TREE_VALUE` is not defined. Adds `key` to `tree` only if it is a
new value, otherwise returns `TREE_PRESENT`. See <fn:<B>tree_assign>, which is
the map version. @allow */
static enum tree_result B_(tree_try)(struct B_(tree) *const tree,
const PB_(key) key)
{ return assert(tree), PB_(update)(&tree->root, key, 0); }
@ -1004,12 +1006,12 @@ static enum tree_result B_(tree_try)(struct B_(tree) *const tree,
@return Either `TREE_ERROR` (false,) `errno` is set and doesn't touch `tree`;
`TREE_ABSENT`, adds a new key; or `TREE_PRESENT`, there was already an
existing key. @throws[malloc] @order \Theta(\log |`tree`|) @allow */
static enum tree_result B_(tree_assign)(struct B_(tree) *const tree,
static enum tree_result B_(tree_update)(struct B_(tree) *const tree,
const PB_(key) key, PB_(key) *const eject, PB_(value) **const value)
{ return assert(tree), PB_(update)(&tree->root, key, eject, value); }
#else /* map --><!-- set */
/** Replaces `eject` by `key` or adds `key` in `tree`, but in a set. */
static enum tree_result B_(tree_assign)(struct B_(tree) *const tree,
static enum tree_result B_(tree_update)(struct B_(tree) *const tree,
const PB_(key) key, PB_(key) *const eject)
{ return assert(tree), PB_(update)(&tree->root, key, eject); }
#endif /* set --> */
@ -1565,11 +1567,11 @@ static void PB_(unused_base)(void) {
B_(tree_less_or)(0, k, k); B_(tree_more_or)(0, k, k);
B_(tree_next)(0); B_(tree_has_element)(0);
B_(tree_bulk_try)(0, k, 0); B_(tree_try)(0, k, 0);
B_(tree_assign)(0, k, 0, 0); B_(tree_value)(0);
B_(tree_bulk_assign)(0, k, 0); B_(tree_assign)(0, k, 0);
B_(tree_update)(0, k, 0, 0); B_(tree_value)(0);
B_(tree_bulk_try)(0, k); B_(tree_try)(0, k);
B_(tree_assign)(0, k, 0);
B_(tree_update)(0, k, 0);
B_(tree_bulk_finish)(0); B_(tree_remove)(0, k); B_(tree_clone)(0, 0);
B_(tree_iterator)(0); B_(tree_less)(0, k); B_(tree_more)(0, k);
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