Barely working.

This commit is contained in:
Neil 2022-12-29 00:51:45 -08:00
parent 940d305258
commit 91564c5d03
3 changed files with 20 additions and 439 deletions

View File

@ -1,422 +0,0 @@
/** @std GNU C11 */
#include "lex.h"
#include <unistd.h> /* chdir (POSIX) */
#include <sys/types.h> /* mode_t (POSIX) */
#include <sys/stat.h> /* umask (POSIX) */
#include <dirent.h> /* opendir readdir closedir */
#include <limits.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#if INT_MAX >= 100000000000
#error int_to_string requires truncation on this compiler.
static void int_to_string(const int *const n, char (*const a)[12])
{ sprintf(*a, "%d", *n); }
#define ARRAY_NAME int
#define ARRAY_TYPE int
#include "array.h"
static int int_cmp(const int *const a, const int *const b)
{ return (*b < *a) - (*a < *b); }
static int void_int_cmp(const void *const a, const void *const b)
{ return int_cmp(a, b); }
#define ARRAY_NAME char
#define ARRAY_TYPE char
#include "array.h"
/** Append a text file, `fn`, to `c`, and add a '\0'.
@return Success. A partial read is failure. @throws[fopen, fread, malloc]
@throws[EISEQ] The text file has embedded nulls.
@throws[ERANGE] If the standard library does not follow POSIX. */
static int append_file(struct char_array *c, const char *const fn) {
FILE *fp = 0;
const size_t granularity = 1024;
size_t nread;
char *cursor;
int success = 0;
assert(c && fn);
if(!(fp = fopen(fn, "r"))) goto catch;
/* Read entire file in chunks. */
do if(!(cursor = char_array_buffer(c, granularity))
|| (nread = fread(cursor, 1, granularity, fp), ferror(fp))
|| !char_array_append(c, nread)) goto catch;
while(nread == granularity);
/* File to `C` string. */
if(!(cursor = char_array_new(c))) goto catch;
*cursor = '\0';
/* Binary files with embedded '\0' are not allowed. */
if(strchr(c->data, '\0') != cursor) { errno = EILSEQ; goto catch; }
{ success = 1; goto finally; }
if(!errno) errno = EILSEQ; /* Will never be true on POSIX. */
if(fp && fclose(fp)) success = 0;
return success;
/** Is `y` a leap-year? */
static int leap(int y) {
assert(y >= 1582);
if(!(y % 400)) return 1;
if(!(y % 100)) return 0;
if(!(y % 4)) return 1;
return 0;
/** Assumes: reverse ordering of byte-fields; unsigned is defined; C11 and GNU
anonymous unions. */
union date32 {
uint32_t u32;
struct { unsigned day : 5, month : 4, year : 23; };
static int page_compare(const union date32 a, const union date32 b)
{ return a.u32 > b.u32; }
static void date32_to_string(const union date32 d, char (*const z)[12]) {
assert(d.year < 10000 && d.month && d.month <= 31 && && <= 31);
sprintf(*z, "%u-%2.2u-%2.2u", d.year % 10000, d.month,;
/** Convert or narrower type or return zero. */
static union date32 date_to_32(const int y, const int m, const int d) {
union date32 d32 = { 0 };
/* Leap year calculations only work at y>=1 and Gregorian Calendar and max
23 bits. */
if(y < 1582 || y > 8388607 || m < 1 || m > 12 || d < 1 || d > 31) goto no;
switch(m) {
case 1: case 3: case 5: case 7: case 8: case 10: case 12: break;
case 4: case 6: case 9: case 11: if(d > 30) goto no; break;
case 2: if(d > 28 + leap(y)) goto no; break;
default: assert(0); break;
d32.year = (unsigned)y, d32.month = (unsigned)m, = (unsigned)d;
return d32;
/** Tomohiko Sakamoto comp.lang.c 1993-04-10. */
/*static unsigned weekday(union date32 d) {
d.year -= d.month < 3;
return (d.year + d.year / 4 - d.year / 100 + d.year / 400
+ "-bed=pen+mad."[d.month] + % 7;
/* Contained in <lex.h> to share with <lex.re_c.c>. */
#define ARRAY_NAME lex
#define ARRAY_TYPE struct lex
#include "array.h"
struct page_tree_entry;
static void page_to_string(struct page_tree_entry, char (*)[12]);
struct page {
struct char_array entry;
struct lex_array meaning;
#define TREE_NAME page
#define TREE_KEY union date32
#define TREE_VALUE struct page
#define TREE_COMPARE &page_compare
#include "tree.h"
static void page_to_string(const struct page_tree_entry entry,
char (*const z)[12]) { date32_to_string(*entry.key, z); }
struct source { char *key, *desc; };
### plot with steps
reset session
$Data <<EOD
set title "Cumulative count" font ",16"
set xlabel "episode"
set ylabel "cumulative count"
set xtics 1
set key bottom right
set grid
unset border
set datafile separator comma
plot $Data u 2:($3) smooth cumulative with steps lw 2 lc "red" ti "cumulative count"
### end of code
static int bible_graph(/*const*/ struct page_tree *const journal) {
struct page_tree_entry entry = { 0, 0 };
struct lex *lex = 0;
size_t count = 0;
for(struct page_tree_iterator p_it = page_tree_begin(journal);
(entry = page_tree_next(&p_it)).key; ) {
struct page *const page = entry.value;
for(struct lex_array_iterator l_it = lex_array_iterator(&page->meaning);
(lex = lex_array_next(&l_it)); ) {
switch(lex->symbol) {
case KJV_BOOK:
if(state != CHILL && state != WORD) goto catch;
if(state == WORD) printf("\n");
fprintf(stderr, "%d-%.2d-%.2d: \"%.*s\", ",
entry.key->year, entry.key->month, entry.key->day,
(int)(lex->s1 - lex->s0), lex->s0);
state = BOOK;
if(state != BOOK) goto catch;
printf("\"%.*s\", \"", (int)(lex->s1 - lex->s0), lex->s0);
state = CHAPTER;
case KJV_NEXT:
if(state != WORD) goto catch;
case KJV_TEXT:
if(state != WORD && state != CHAPTER && state != NEXT)
goto catch;
printf("%s%.*s<%d>", state == WORD ? "*" : "",
(int)(lex->s1 - lex->s0 < 0 ? 10 : lex->s1 - lex->s0), lex->s0, (int)(lex->s1 - lex->s0));
state = WORD;
if(state != CHILL && state != WORD) goto catch;
if(state == WORD) printf("\"\n"), state = CHILL;
if(state != CHILL && state != WORD) goto catch;
if(state == WORD) printf("\n"), state = CHILL;
printf("Count: %lu.\n", (unsigned long)count);
return 1;
fprintf(stderr, "Bible error.\n");
if(entry.key) {
fprintf(stderr, "On date: %d-%.2d-%.2d.\n",
entry.key->year, entry.key->month, entry.key->day);
if(lex) fprintf(stderr, "At line %lu.\n", (unsigned long)lex->line);
errno = EILSEQ;
return 0;
/*#define C_BLACK "\033[0;30m"
#define C_RED "\033[0;31m"
#define C_GREEN "\033[0;32m"*/
#define C_YELLOW "\033[0;33m"
/*#define C_BLUE "\033[0;34m"
#define C_PURPLE "\033[0;35m"
#define C_CYAN "\033[0;36m"
#define C_WHITE "\033[0;37m"
#define CB_BLACK "\033[1;30m"
#define CB_RED "\033[1;31m"
#define CB_GREEN "\033[1;32m"
#define CB_YELLOW "\033[1;33m"
#define CB_BLUE "\033[1;34m"
#define CB_PURPLE "\033[1;35m"
#define CB_CYAN "\033[1;36m"
#define CB_WHITE "\033[1;37m"*/
#define C_RESET "\033[0m"
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
int success = EXIT_SUCCESS;
char *intent = 0;
/* For reading in files, overwritten. */
DIR *dir = 0;
struct dirent *de;
struct int_array years = int_array(), months = int_array(),
days = int_array();
int *y, *y_end;
struct page_tree journal = page_tree();
errno = 0;
if(argc != 2) { intent = "needs journal location, which should"
" contain <year>/<month>/<day>.txt"; goto catch; }
/* Get the years list as directories matching a year. */
if(chdir(argv[1]) == -1 || !(dir = opendir("."))) goto catch;
while((de = readdir(dir))) {
struct stat st;
int year, *p;
if(!lex_looks_like_year(de->d_name, &year)) continue;
if(stat(de->d_name, &st)) goto catch;
if(!S_ISDIR(st.st_mode)) continue;
if(!(p = int_array_new(&years))) goto catch;
*p = year;
closedir(dir), dir = 0;
/* Sort the years for sensible ordering of parsing. */
qsort(, years.size, sizeof *, &void_int_cmp);
fprintf(stderr, "Years in <<%s>>: %s.\n",
argv[1], int_array_to_string(&years));
/* Go though each year. */
for(y =, y_end = y + years.size; y < y_end; y++) {
char fn[64];
int *m, *m_end;
sprintf(fn, "%d", *y);
/* Get the months as directories. */
if(chdir(fn) == -1 || !(dir = opendir("."))) goto catch;
while((de = readdir(dir))) {
struct stat st;
int month, *p;
if(!(month = lex_looks_like_month(de->d_name))) continue;
if(stat(de->d_name, &st)) goto catch;
if(!S_ISDIR(st.st_mode)) continue;
if(!(p = int_array_new(&months))) goto catch;
*p = month;
closedir(dir), dir = 0;
qsort(, months.size, sizeof *, &void_int_cmp);
fprintf(stderr, "Months in <<%s>>: %s.)\n",
fn, int_array_to_string(&months));
/* Go though each month. */
for(m =, m_end = m + months.size; m < m_end; m++) {
int *d, *d_end;
sprintf(fn, "%.2d", *m);
/* Get the days as files. */
if(chdir(fn) == -1 || !(dir = opendir("."))) goto catch;
while((de = readdir(dir))) {
struct stat st;
int day, *p;
/* fixme: Have yyyy-mm-dd to figure out how many days. */
if(!(day = lex_looks_like_day(de->d_name))) continue;
if(stat(de->d_name, &st)) goto catch;
if(S_ISDIR(st.st_mode)) continue;
if(!(p = int_array_new(&days))) goto catch;
*p = day;
closedir(dir), dir = 0;
qsort(, days.size, sizeof *, &void_int_cmp);
fprintf(stderr, "Days in <<%s>>: %s.\n",
fn, int_array_to_string(&days));
for(d =, d_end = d + days.size; d < d_end; d++) {
struct lex *lex = 0;
struct page *page = 0;
union date32 d32;
if(!(d32 = date_to_32(*y, *m, *d)).year) { errno = EILSEQ;
intent = "date parse error"; goto syntax; }
sprintf(fn, "%.2d.txt", *d);
if(page_tree_bulk_add(&journal, d32, &page) != TREE_UNIQUE) {
if(!errno) intent = "not unique", errno = EDOM;
goto syntax;
page->entry = char_array();
page->meaning = lex_array();
if(!append_file(&page->entry, fn)) goto syntax;
int first = 1;
for(lex_reset(page->; ; ) {
if(!(lex = lex_array_new(&page->meaning))) goto syntax;
if(!lex_next(lex)) {
if(lex->symbol != END) { errno = EILSEQ; goto syntax; }
break; /* Terminated successfully. */
switch(lex->symbol) {
case TEXT: printf("%s%.*s",
first ? "" : " ", (int)(lex->s1 - lex->s0), lex->s0);
first = 0; break;
case PARAGRAPH: printf("\n" C_RESET); break;
case KJV_BOOK: printf(C_YELLOW "%.*s",
(int)(lex->s1 - lex->s0), lex->s0); break;
case KJV_CHAPTER_VERSE: printf(" ch. %.*s",
(int)(lex->s1 - lex->s0), lex->s0); break;
case KJV_TEXT: printf("%.*s",
(int)(lex->s1 - lex->s0), lex->s0); break;
case KJV_NEXT: printf("(next)\n"); break;
fprintf(stderr, "%lu: %s",
(unsigned long)lex->line, lex_symbols[lex->symbol]);
if(lex->s0 && lex->s1) {
if(lex->s0 + INT_MAX < lex->s1)
intent = "line too long", errno = EILSEQ;
fprintf(stderr, " <<%.*s>>",
(int)(lex->s1 - lex->s0), lex->s0);
fprintf(stderr, ".\n");
fprintf(stderr, "On date: %d-%.2d-%.2d.\n", *y, *m, *d);
if(!page) goto catch;
if(!lex) { fprintf(stderr, "While parsing <<<\n%s>>>.\n",
page->; goto catch; }
for(struct lex_array_iterator it
= lex_array_iterator(&page->meaning);
lex = lex_array_next(&it); ) {
fprintf(stderr, "%lu: %s",
(unsigned long)lex->line, lex_symbols[lex->symbol]);
if(lex->s0 && lex->s1) {
if(lex->s0 + INT_MAX < lex->s1)
intent = "line too long", errno = EILSEQ;
fprintf(stderr, " <<%.*s>>",
(int)(lex->s1 - lex->s0), lex->s0);
fprintf(stderr, ".\n");
goto catch;
if(chdir("..") == -1) goto catch;
if(chdir("..") == -1) goto catch;
/* fixme: Expand, contact is the next thing that it doesn't get. */
if(*y == 1993/*1996*/) break;
int_array_(&years), int_array_(&months), int_array_(&days);
fprintf(stderr, "Journal has entries: %s\n", page_tree_to_string(&journal));
/* Do something interesting? */
if(!bible_graph(&journal)) goto catch;
goto finally;
success = EXIT_FAILURE;
if(intent) fprintf(stderr, "Further explanation: %s.\n", intent);
if(dir && closedir(dir)) success = EXIT_FAILURE, perror("dir");
int_array_(&years), int_array_(&months), int_array_(&days);
struct page_tree_entry entry;
for(struct page_tree_iterator it = page_tree_begin(&journal);
(entry = page_tree_next(&it)).key; ) {
struct page *const page = entry.value;
char z[12];
date32_to_string(*entry.key, &z);
return success;
/* Popular KJV 738137 words. */

View File

@ -13,12 +13,14 @@
static int scan(union date32 date, const char *const buffer) {
static int scan(union date32 date, const char *const buffer,
struct kjv *const kj) {
const char *YYCURSOR, *YYMARKER, *yyt1, *yyt2, *yyt3, *s0, *s1, *t0, *t1;
enum kjv_book book = Revelation;
uint32_t chapter, verse;
enum YYCONDTYPE condition = yycline;
size_t line = 1;
assert(buffer && kj);
YYCURSOR = YYMARKER = yyt1 = buffer;
/*!re2c /**/
re2c:define:YYCTYPE = char;
@ -37,7 +39,8 @@ static int scan(union date32 date, const char *const buffer) {
for( ; ; ) { /*!re2c /**/
<skip, book> * { printf("*! %zu\n", line);goto error; }
<line> "\x00" { printf("yes!\n");return 1; }
<line> "\x00" { printf("%zu lines\n", line); return 1; }
<line> "\n" { line++; continue; }
<line> * :=> skip
<line> "Genesis" / lookat => book { book = Genesis; continue; }
<line> "Exodus" / lookat => book { book = Exodus; continue; }
@ -48,7 +51,9 @@ static int scan(union date32 date, const char *const buffer) {
| "Jeremiah" | "Lamentations" | "Ezekiel" | "Daniel" | "Hosea" | "Joel"
| "Amos" | "Obadiah" | "Jonah" | "Micah" | "Nahum" | "Habakkuk"
| "Zephaniah" | "Haggai" | "Zechariah" | "Malachi" | "Matthew" | "Mark"
| "Luke" | "John" | "Acts" | "Romans" | "I"{1,2} " Corinthians"
| "Luke" | "John" | "Acts" | */
<line> "Romans" / lookat => book { book = Romans; continue; }
/*| "I"{1,2} " Corinthians"
| "Galatians" | "Ephesians" | "Philippians" | "Colossians"
| "I"{1,2} " Thessalonians" | "I"{1,2} " Timothy" | "Titus" | "Philemon"
| "Hebrews" | "James" | "I"{1,2} " Peter" | "I"{1,3} " John" | "Jude"
@ -61,12 +66,14 @@ static int scan(union date32 date, const char *const buffer) {
= { .book = book, .chapter = chapter, .verse = verse };
char a[12];
kjvcite_to_string(c, &a), printf("Parsed %s\n", a);
if(!kjv_add(kj, c)) goto error;
<skip> [^\n\x00]* "\n" => line { line++; continue; }
//=> bible { x->s0 = s0, x->s1 = s1; return x->symbol = KJV_BOOK, 1; }
*/ }
errno = EILSEQ;
char a[12];
date32_to_string(date, &a);
@ -76,19 +83,23 @@ error:
int main(void) {
struct journal j = journal();
int success = EXIT_SUCCESS;
struct journal j = journal();
struct journal_iterator it;
struct kjv kj = kjv();
union date32 k;
union load *v;
size_t i;
scan((union date32){.year=2000, .month=1, .day=1},
"Romans 3:23 -- ``For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God.''\n", &kj);
if(!journal_is_valid(&j)) goto catch;
printf("Journal: %s.\n", journal_to_string(&j));
if(!scan((union date32){ .u32 = 42 }, "Genesis 1:1 -- fdgYo.\n"
"Exodus 1:2 -- fuck\n"
"no\n")) fprintf(stderr, "Error :[\n");
it = journal_begin(&j); while(journal_next(&it, &k, &v)) {
it = journal_begin(&j), i = 0; while(journal_next(&it, &k, &v)) {
char a[12];
date32_to_string(k, &a), printf("%s: %s\n", a, v->text);
date32_to_string(k, &a), printf("%s: %.6s\n", a, v->text);
if(!scan(k, v->text, &kj/*, fp*/)) goto catch;
if(++i > 32) break;
goto finally;

View File

@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <errno.h>
int main(void) {