Broke off kjv from the rest -- it's not trivial.

This commit is contained in:
Neil 2022-12-11 23:48:06 -08:00
parent 82e79efaf2
commit 08e5346371
6 changed files with 971 additions and 0 deletions

kjv/Makefile Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,242 @@
# GNU Make 3.81; MacOSX gcc 4.2.1; clang 19.6.0; MacOSX MinGW 4.3.0
mkfile_path := $(abspath $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST)))
current_dir := $(notdir $(patsubst %/,%,$(dir $(mkfile_path))))
project := $(current_dir)
# dirs
src := src
test := test
build := build
bin := bin
backup := backup
doc := doc
media := media
#lemon := lemon
PREFIX := /usr/local
# files in $(bin)
install := $(project)-`date +%Y-%m-%d`
# extra stuff we should back up
extra :=
# John Graham-Cumming: rwildcard is a recursive wildcard
rwildcard=$(foreach d,$(wildcard $1*),$(call rwildcard,$d/,$2) \
$(filter $(subst *,%,$2),$d))
java_srcs := $(call rwildcard, $(src), *.java)
all_c_srcs := $(call rwildcard, $(src), *.c)
c_re_srcs := $(call rwildcard, $(src), *.re.c)
c_rec_srcs := $(call rwildcard, $(src), *.re_c.c)
c_gperf_srcs := $(call rwildcard, $(src), *.gperf.c)
c_srcs := $(filter-out $(c_re_srcs) $(c_rec_srcs) $(c_gperf_srcs), $(all_c_srcs))
h_srcs := $(call rwildcard, $(src), *.h)
y_srcs := $(call rwildcard, $(src), *.y)
all_c_tests := $(call rwildcard, $(test), *.c)
c_re_tests := $(call rwildcard, $(test), *.re.c)
c_rec_tests := $(call rwildcard, $(test), *.re_c.c)
c_tests := $(filter-out $(c_re_tests) $(c_rec_tests), $(all_c_tests))
h_tests := $(call rwildcard, $(test), *.h)
icons := $(call rwildcard, $(media), *.ico)
# combinations
all_h := $(h_srcs) $(h_tests)
all_srcs := $(java_srcs) $(all_c_srcs) $(y_srcs)
all_tests := $(all_c_tests)
all_icons := $(icons)
java_class := $(patsubst $(src)/, $(build)/%.class, $(java_srcs))
c_objs := $(patsubst $(src)/%.c, $(build)/%.o, $(c_srcs))
# must not conflict, eg, and foo.c would go to the same thing
c_re_builds := $(patsubst $(src)/, $(build)/%.c, $(c_re_srcs))
c_re_test_builds := $(patsubst $(test)/, $(build)/$(test)/%.c, $(c_re_tests))
c_rec_builds := $(patsubst $(src)/%.re_c.c, $(build)/%.c, $(c_rec_srcs))
c_rec_test_builds := $(patsubst $(test)/%.re_c.c, $(build)/%.c, $(c_rec_tests))
c_y_builds := $(patsubst $(src)/%.y, $(build)/%.c, $(y_srcs))
c_gperf_builds := $(patsubst $(src)/%.gperf.c, $(build)/%.c, $(c_gperf_srcs))
# together .re/.re_c/.y/.gperf.c
c_other_objs := $(patsubst $(build)/%.c, $(build)/%.o, $(c_re_builds) \
$(c_rec_builds) $(c_re_test_builds) $(c_rec_test_builds) $(c_y_builds) $(c_gperf_builds))
test_c_objs := $(patsubst $(test)/%.c, $(build)/$(test)/%.o, $(c_tests))
html_docs := $(patsubst $(src)/%.c, $(doc)/%.html, $(c_srcs))
cdoc := cdoc
re2c := re2c
mkdir := mkdir -p
cat := cat
zip := zip
bison := bison
#lemon := lemon
gperf := gperf
target := # -mwindows
optimize := -ffast-math
warnbasic := -Wall -pedantic -ansi # -std=c99
# Some stuff is really new.
warnclang := -Wextra \
-Weverything \
-Wno-comma \
-Wno-logical-op-parentheses \
-Wno-parentheses \
-Wno-documentation-unknown-command \
-Wno-documentation \
-Wno-shift-op-parentheses \
-Wno-empty-body \
-Wno-padded \
-Wno-switch-enum \
-Wno-missing-noreturn \
UNAME_S := $(shell uname -s)
ifeq ($(UNAME_S),Darwin)
warnclang += -Wno-poison-system-directories
warn := $(warnbasic) $(warnclang)
CC := clang # gcc
CF := $(target) $(optimize) $(warn)
OF := # -lm -framework OpenGL -framework GLUT or -lglut -lGLEW
# Jakob Borg and Eldar Abusalimov
# $(ARGS) is all the extra arguments; $(BRGS) is_all_the_extra_arguments
ifeq (backup, $(firstword $(MAKECMDGOALS)))
ARGS := $(wordlist 2,$(words $(MAKECMDGOALS)),$(MAKECMDGOALS))
BRGS := $(subst $(SPACE),_,$(ARGS))
ifneq (,$(BRGS))
BRGS := -$(BRGS)
$(eval $(ARGS):;@:)
ifeq (release, $(firstword $(MAKECMDGOALS)))
CF += -funroll-loops -Ofast -D NDEBUG # -O3
OF += -Ofast
CF += -g
# compiles the programme by default
default: $(bin)/$(project)
# . . . success; executable is in $(bin)/$(project)
docs: $(html_docs)
# linking
$(bin)/$(project): $(c_objs) $(c_other_objs) $(test_c_objs)
# linking rule
@$(mkdir) $(bin)
$(CC) $(OF) -o $@ $^
# compiling
#$(lemon)/$(bin)/$(lem): $(lemon)/$(src)/lemon.c
# # compiling lemon
# @$(mkdir) $(lemon)/$(bin)
# $(CC) $(CF) -o $@ $<
$(c_objs): $(build)/%.o: $(src)/%.c $(all_h)
# c_objs rule
@$(mkdir) $(build)
$(CC) $(CF) -c -o $@ $<
$(c_other_objs): $(build)/%.o: $(build)/%.c $(all_h)
# c_other_objs rule
$(CC) $(CF) -c -o $@ $<
$(test_c_objs): $(build)/$(test)/%.o: $(test)/%.c $(all_h)
# test_c_objs rule
@$(mkdir) $(build)
@$(mkdir) $(build)/$(test)
$(CC) $(CF) -c -o $@ $<
# -8 made my file 32767 lines or longer
$(c_re_builds): $(build)/%.c: $(src)/
# *.re.c build rule
@$(mkdir) $(build)
$(re2c) -W -T -o $@ $<
$(c_re_test_builds): $(build)/$(test)/%.c: $(test)/
# *.re.c tests rule
@$(mkdir) $(build)
@$(mkdir) $(build)/$(test)
$(re2c) -W -T -o $@ $<
$(c_rec_builds): $(build)/%.c: $(src)/%.re_c.c
# *.re_c.c (conditions) build rule
@$(mkdir) $(build)
$(re2c) -W -T -c -o $@ $<
$(c_rec_test_builds): $(build)/$(test)/%.c: $(test)/%.re_c.c
# *.re_c.c (conditions) tests rule
@$(mkdir) $(build)
@$(mkdir) $(build)/$(test)
$(re2c) -W -T -c -o $@ $<
$(c_y_builds): $(build)/%.c: $(src)/%.y # $(lemon)/$(bin)/$(lem)
# .y rule
@$(mkdir) $(build)
$(bison) -o $@ $<
$(c_gperf_builds): $(build)/%.c: $(src)/%.gperf.c
# *.gperf.c build rule
@$(mkdir) $(build)
$(gperf) $@ --output-file $<
$(html_docs): $(doc)/%.html: $(src)/%.c $(src)/%.h
# docs rule
@$(mkdir) $(doc)
cat $^ | $(cdoc) > $@
# phoney targets
.PHONY: setup clean backup icon install uninstall test docs release
-rm -f $(c_objs) $(test_c_objs) $(c_other_objs) $(c_re_builds) \
$(c_rec_builds) $(html_docs)
-rm -rf $(bin)/$(test)
@$(mkdir) $(backup)
$(zip) $(backup)/$(project)-`date +%Y-%m-%dT%H%M%S`$(BRGS).zip \
readme.txt Makefile $(all_h) $(all_srcs) $(all_tests) $(all_icons)
icon: default
# . . . setting icon on a Mac.
cp $(media)/$(icon) $(bin)/$(icon)
-sips --addIcon $(bin)/$(icon)
-DeRez -only icns $(bin)/$(icon) > $(bin)/$(RSRC)
-Rez -append $(bin)/$(RSRC) -o $(bin)/$(project)
-SetFile -a C $(bin)/$(project)
setup: default icon
@$(mkdir) $(bin)/$(install)
cp $(bin)/$(project) readme.txt $(bin)/$(install)
rm -f $(bin)/$(install)-MacOSX.dmg
# or rm -f $(BDIR)/$(INST)
hdiutil create $(bin)/$(install)-MacOSX.dmg -volname "$(project)" -srcfolder $(bin)/$(install)
# or zip $(BDIR)/$(INST) -r $(BDIR)/$(INST)
rm -R $(bin)/$(install)
# this needs work
release: clean default
strip $(bin)/$(project)
# define NDEBUG
install: release
@$(mkdir) -p $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/bin
cp $(bin)/$(project) $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/bin/$(project)
rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/bin/$(project)
docs: $(html_docs)

kjv/src/array.h Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,430 @@
/** @license 2016 Neil Edelman, distributed under the terms of the
[MIT License](
@abstract Stand-alone header <src/array.h>; examples <test/test_array.c>; on a
compatible workstation, `make` creates the test suite of the examples.
@subtitle Contiguous dynamic array
![Example of array.](../doc/array.png)
<tag:<A>array> is a dynamic array that stores contiguous <typedef:<PA>type>.
Resizing may be necessary when increasing the size of the array; this incurs
amortised cost, and any pointers to this memory may become stale.
`<A>` that satisfies `C` naming conventions when mangled and a valid tag-type,
<typedef:<PA>type>, associated therewith; required. `<PA>` is private, whose
names are prefixed in a manner to avoid collisions.
Compare `<CMP>` trait contained in <src/compare.h>. Requires
`<name>[<trait>]compare` to be declared as <typedef:<PCMP>compare_fn> or
`<name>[<trait>]is_equal` to be declared as <typedef:<PCMP>bipredicate_fn>,
respectfully, (but not both.)
To string `<STR>` trait contained in <src/to_string.h>. Requires
`<name>[<trait>]to_string` be declared as <typedef:<PSTR>to_string_fn>.
Named traits are obtained by including `array.h` multiple times with
`ARRAY_EXPECT_TRAIT` and then subsequently including the name in
@std C89 */
#if !defined(ARRAY_NAME) || !defined(ARRAY_TYPE)
#error Name or tag type undefined.
#if defined(ARRAY_TRAIT) ^ defined(BOX_TYPE)
#error ARRAY_TRAIT name must come after ARRAY_EXPECT_TRAIT.
#if defined(ARRAY_COMPARE) && defined(ARRAY_IS_EQUAL)
#error Only one can be defined at a time.
#if defined(ARRAY_TEST) && (!defined(ARRAY_TRAIT) && !defined(ARRAY_TO_STRING) \
|| defined(ARRAY_TRAIT) && !defined(ARRAY_HAS_TO_STRING))
#error Test requires to string.
#ifndef ARRAY_H /* <!-- idempotent */
#define ARRAY_H
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <assert.h>
#if defined(ARRAY_CAT_) || defined(ARRAY_CAT) || defined(A_) || defined(PA_)
#error Unexpected defines.
/* <Kernighan and Ritchie, 1988, p. 231>. */
#define ARRAY_CAT_(n, m) n ## _ ## m
#define ARRAY_CAT(n, m) ARRAY_CAT_(n, m)
#define A_(n) ARRAY_CAT(ARRAY_NAME, n)
#define PA_(n) ARRAY_CAT(array, A_(n))
#endif /* idempotent --> */
#if !defined(restrict) && (!defined(__STDC__) || !defined(__STDC_VERSION__) \
|| __STDC_VERSION__ < 199901L)
#define ARRAY_RESTRICT /* Undo this at the end. */
#define restrict /* Attribute only in C99+. */
#ifndef ARRAY_TRAIT /* <!-- base code */
#ifndef ARRAY_MIN_CAPACITY /* <!-- !min; */
#define ARRAY_MIN_CAPACITY 3 /* > 1 */
#endif /* !min --> */
/** A valid tag type set by `ARRAY_TYPE`. */
typedef ARRAY_TYPE PA_(type);
/** Manages the array field `data` which has `size` elements. The space is
indexed up to `capacity`, which is at least `size`. The fields should be
treated as read-only; any modification is liable to cause the array to go into
an invalid state.
![States.](../doc/states.png) */
struct A_(array) { PA_(type) *data; size_t size, capacity; };
/* !data -> !size, data -> capacity >= min && size <= capacity <= max */
/** Returns null. */
static PA_(type) *PA_(null)(void) { return 0; }
/** Is `x` not null? @implements `is_element` */
static int PA_(is_element)(const PA_(type) *const x) { return !!x; }
/* @implements `iterator` */
struct PA_(iterator) { struct A_(array) *a; size_t i; int seen; };
/** @return A pointer to null in `a`. @implements `iterator` */
static struct PA_(iterator) PA_(iterator)(struct A_(array) *const a) {
struct PA_(iterator) it; it.a = a, it.i = 0, it.seen = 0;
return it;
/** Move to next `it`. @return Element or null on end. @implements `next` */
static PA_(type) *PA_(next)(struct PA_(iterator) *const it) {
size_t i;
if(!it->a || (i = it->i + !!it->seen) >= it->a->size)
{ *it = PA_(iterator)(it->a); return 0; }
return it->a->data + (it->seen = 1, it->i = i);
/** Move to previous `it`. @return Element or null on end.
@implements `previous` */
static PA_(type) *PA_(previous)(struct PA_(iterator) *const it) {
size_t i, size;
if(!it->a || !(size = it->a->size)) goto reset;
if(i = it->i) {
if(i > size) i = size;
} else {
if(!it->seen) i = it->a->size - 1;
else goto reset;
return it->a->data + (it->seen = 1, it->i = i);
*it = PA_(iterator)(it->a);
return 0;
/** Removes the element last returned by `it`. (Untested. Unused.)
@return There was an element. @order \O(`a.size`). @implements `remove` */
static int PA_(remove)(struct PA_(iterator) *const it) {
assert(0 && 1);
if(!it->a || !it->seen || it->a->size <= it->i) return 0;
memmove(it->a->data + it->i, it->a->data + it->i + 1,
sizeof *it->a->data * (--it->a->size - it->i));
return 1;
/** @return Iterator at element `idx` of `a`.
@implements `iterator_at` */
static struct PA_(iterator) PA_(iterator_at)(struct A_(array) *a, size_t idx)
{ struct PA_(iterator) it; it.a = a, it.i = idx, it.seen = 0; return it; }
/** Size of `a`. @implements `size` */
static size_t PA_(size)(const struct A_(array) *a) { return a ? a->size : 0; }
/** @return Element `idx` of `a`. @implements `at` */
static PA_(type) *PA_(at)(const struct A_(array) *a, const size_t idx)
{ return a->data + idx; }
/** Writes `size` to `a`. @implements `tell_size` */
static void PA_(tell_size)(struct A_(array) *a, const size_t size)
{ assert(a); a->size = size; }
/** May become invalid after a topological change to any items previous. */
struct A_(array_iterator);
struct A_(array_iterator) { struct PA_(iterator) _; };
/** Zeroed data (not all-bits-zero) is initialized.
@return An idle array. @order \Theta(1) @allow */
static struct A_(array) A_(array)(void)
{ struct A_(array) a; = 0, a.capacity = a.size = 0; return a; }
/** If `a` is not null, destroys and returns it to idle. @allow */
static void A_(array_)(struct A_(array) *const a)
{ if(a) free(a->data), *a = A_(array)(); }
/** @return An iterator of `a`. */
static struct A_(array_iterator) A_(array_iterator)(struct A_(array) *a)
{ struct A_(array_iterator) it; it._ = PA_(iterator)(a); return it; }
/** @return An iterator at `idx` of `a`. */
static struct A_(array_iterator) A_(array_iterator_at)(struct A_(array) *a,
size_t idx) { struct A_(array_iterator) it;
it._ = PA_(iterator_at)(a, idx); return it; }
/** @return `it` next element. */
static PA_(type) *A_(array_next)(struct A_(array_iterator) *const it)
{ return assert(it), PA_(next)(&it->_); }
/** @return `it` previous element. */
static PA_(type) *A_(array_previous)(struct A_(array_iterator) *const it)
{ return assert(it), PA_(previous)(&it->_); }
/** Ensures `min` capacity of `a`. Invalidates pointers in `a`. @param[min] If
zero, does nothing. @return Success; otherwise, `errno` will be set.
@throws[ERANGE] Tried allocating more then can fit in `size_t` or `realloc`
doesn't follow POSIX. @throws[realloc] @allow */
static int A_(array_reserve)(struct A_(array) *const a, const size_t min) {
size_t c0;
PA_(type) *data;
const size_t max_size = (size_t)~0 / sizeof *a->data;
if(a->data) {
assert(a->size <= a->capacity);
if(min <= a->capacity) return 1;
c0 = a->capacity < ARRAY_MIN_CAPACITY
? ARRAY_MIN_CAPACITY : a->capacity;
} else { /* Idle. */
assert(!a->size && !a->capacity);
if(!min) return 1;
if(min > max_size) return errno = ERANGE, 0;
/* `c_n = a1.625^n`, approximation golden ratio `\phi ~ 1.618`. */
while(c0 < min) { /* \O(\log min), in practice, negligible. */
size_t c1 = c0 + (c0 >> 1) + (c0 >> 3);
if(c0 >= c1) { c0 = max_size; break; } /* Unlikely. */
c0 = c1;
if(!(data = realloc(a->data, sizeof *a->data * c0)))
{ if(!errno) errno = ERANGE; return 0; }
a->data = data, a->capacity = c0;
return 1;
/** The capacity of `a` will be increased to at least `n` elements beyond the
size. Invalidates any pointers in `a`.
@return The start of the buffered space at the back of the array. If `a` is
idle and `buffer` is zero, a null pointer is returned, otherwise null
indicates an error. @throws[realloc] @allow */
static PA_(type) *A_(array_buffer)(struct A_(array) *const a, const size_t n) {
if(a->size > (size_t)~0 - n) { errno = ERANGE; return 0; }
return A_(array_reserve)(a, a->size + n) && a->data ? a->data + a->size : 0;
/** Appends `n` contiguous items on the back of `a`.
@implements `append` from `BOX_CONTIGUOUS` */
static PA_(type) *PA_(append)(struct A_(array) *const a, const size_t n) {
PA_(type) *b;
if(!(b = A_(array_buffer)(a, n))) return 0;
assert(n <= a->capacity && a->size <= a->capacity - n);
return a->size += n, b;
/** Adds `n` un-initialised elements at position `at` in `a`. It will
invalidate any pointers in `a` if the buffer holds too few elements.
@param[at] A number smaller than or equal to `a.size`; if `a.size`, this
function behaves as <fn:<A>array_append>.
@return A pointer to the start of the new region, where there are `n`
elements. @throws[realloc, ERANGE] @allow */
static PA_(type) *A_(array_insert)(struct A_(array) *const a,
const size_t n, const size_t at) {
/* Investigate `n` is better than `element`; all the other are element. But
also, when would I ever use this? */
const size_t old_size = a->size;
PA_(type) *const b = PA_(append)(a, n);
assert(a && at <= old_size);
if(!b) return 0;
memmove(a->data + at + n, a->data + at, sizeof *a->data * (old_size - at));
return a->data + at;
/** @return Adds (push back) one new element of `a`. The buffer space holds at
least one element, or it may invalidate pointers in `a`.
@order amortised \O(1) @throws[realloc, ERANGE] @allow */
static PA_(type) *A_(array_new)(struct A_(array) *const a)
{ return PA_(append)(a, 1); }
/** Shrinks the capacity `a` to the size, freeing unused memory. If the size is
zero, it will be in an idle state. Invalidates pointers in `a`.
@return Success. @throws[ERANGE, realloc] (Unlikely) `realloc` error. */
static int A_(array_shrink)(struct A_(array) *const a) {
PA_(type) *data;
size_t c;
assert(a && a->capacity >= a->size);
if(!a->data) return assert(!a->size && !a->capacity), 1;
c = a->size && a->size > ARRAY_MIN_CAPACITY ? a->size : ARRAY_MIN_CAPACITY;
if(!(data = realloc(a->data, sizeof *a->data * c)))
{ if(!errno) errno = ERANGE; return 0; }
a->data = data, a->capacity = c;
return 1;
/** Removes `element` from `a`. Do not attempt to remove an element that is not
in `a`. @order \O(`a.size`). @allow */
static void A_(array_remove)(struct A_(array) *const a,
PA_(type) *const element) {
const size_t n = (size_t)(element - a->data);
assert(a && element && element >= a->data && element < a->data + a->size);
memmove(element, element + 1, sizeof *element * (--a->size - n));
/** Removes `datum` from `a` and replaces it with the tail. Do not attempt to
remove an element that is not in `a`. @order \O(1). @allow */
static void A_(array_lazy_remove)(struct A_(array) *const a,
PA_(type) *const datum) {
size_t n = (size_t)(datum - a->data);
assert(a && datum && datum >= a->data && datum < a->data + a->size);
if(--a->size != n) memcpy(datum, a->data + a->size, sizeof *datum);
/** Sets `a` to be empty. That is, the size of `a` will be zero, but if it was
previously in an active non-idle state, it continues to be.
@order \Theta(1) @allow */
static void A_(array_clear)(struct A_(array) *const a)
{ assert(a), a->size = 0; }
/** @return The last element or null if `a` is empty. @order \Theta(1) @allow */
static PA_(type) *A_(array_peek)(const struct A_(array) *const a)
{ return assert(a), a->size ? a->data + a->size - 1 : 0; }
/** @return Value from the the top of `a` that is removed or null if the array
is empty. @order \Theta(1) @allow */
static PA_(type) *A_(array_pop)(struct A_(array) *const a)
{ return assert(a), a->size ? a->data + --a->size : 0; }
/** Adds `n` elements to the back of `a`. It will invalidate pointers in `a` if
`n` is greater than the buffer space.
@return A pointer to the elements. If `a` is idle and `n` is zero, a null
pointer will be returned, otherwise null indicates an error.
@throws[realloc, ERANGE] @allow */
static PA_(type) *A_(array_append)(struct A_(array) *const a, const size_t n)
{ return assert(a), PA_(append)(a, n); }
/** Indices [`i0`, `i1`) of `a` will be replaced with a copy of `b`.
@param[b] Can be null, which acts as empty, but cannot overlap with `a`.
@return Success. @throws[realloc, ERANGE] @allow */
static int A_(array_splice)(struct A_(array) *restrict const a,
const struct A_(array) *restrict const b,
const size_t i0, const size_t i1) {
const size_t a_range = i1 - i0, b_range = b ? b->size : 0;
assert(a && a != b && i0 <= i1 && i1 <= a->size);
if(a_range < b_range) { /* The output is bigger. */
const size_t diff = b_range - a_range;
if(!A_(array_buffer)(a, diff)) return 0;
memmove(a->data + i1 + diff, a->data + i1,
(a->size - i1) * sizeof *a->data);
a->size += diff;
} else if(b_range < a_range) { /* The output is smaller. */
memmove(a->data + i0 + b_range, a->data + i1,
(a->size - i1) * sizeof *a->data);
a->size -= a_range - b_range;
if(b) memcpy(a->data + i0, b->data, b->size * sizeof *a->data);
return 1;
/* Box override information. */
#define BOX_TYPE struct A_(array)
#define BOX_CONTENT PA_(type) *
#define BOX_ PA_
#define BOX_MAJOR_NAME array
#define BOX_ACCESS
#ifdef HAVE_ITERATE_H /* <!-- iterate */
#include "iterate.h" /** \include */
#endif /* iterate --> */
static void PA_(unused_base_coda)(void);
static void PA_(unused_base)(void) {
PA_(null)(); PA_(is_element)(0); PA_(remove)(0); PA_(size)(0);
PA_(at)(0, 0); PA_(tell_size)(0, 0);
A_(array)(); A_(array_)(0);
A_(array_iterator)(0); A_(array_iterator_at)(0, 0);
A_(array_previous)(0); A_(array_next)(0); A_(array_previous)(0);
A_(array_insert)(0, 0, 0); A_(array_new)(0);
A_(array_shrink)(0); A_(array_remove)(0, 0); A_(array_lazy_remove)(0, 0);
A_(array_clear)(0); A_(array_peek)(0); A_(array_pop)(0);
A_(array_append)(0, 0); A_(array_splice)(0, 0, 0, 0);
static void PA_(unused_base_coda)(void) { PA_(unused_base)(); }
#endif /* base code --> */
#ifdef ARRAY_TRAIT /* <-- trait: Will be different on different includes. */
#endif /* trait --> */
#ifdef ARRAY_TO_STRING /* <!-- to string trait */
#include "to_string.h" /** \include */
#endif /* to string trait --> */
#if defined(ARRAY_TEST) && !defined(ARRAY_TRAIT) /* <!-- test base */
#include "../test/test_array.h"
#endif /* test base --> */
#if defined(ARRAY_COMPARE) || defined(ARRAY_IS_EQUAL) /* <!-- compare trait */
#ifdef ARRAY_COMPARE /* <!-- cmp */
#else /* cmp --><!-- eq */
#endif /* eq --> */
#include "compare.h" /** \include */
#ifdef ARRAY_TEST /* <!-- test: this detects and outputs compare test. */
#include "../test/test_array_compare.h"
#endif /* test --> */
#undef CMP_ /* From <compare.h>. */
#endif /* compare trait --> */
#ifdef ARRAY_EXPECT_TRAIT /* <!-- more */
#else /* more --><!-- done */
#undef BOX_TYPE
#undef BOX_
#endif /* done --> */
#undef restrict

kjv/src/kjv.h Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
int kjv_filename(const char *, unsigned *);

kjv/src/kjv.re_c.c Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
/** @license 2022 Neil Edelman, distributed under the terms of the
[MIT License](
Is intended to use
<>. */
#include "../src/kjv.h"
#include <assert.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <stdio.h> /* debug */
static int parse_natural(const char *s, const char *const e, unsigned *const n) {
unsigned a = 0;
while(s < e) {
unsigned b = a * 10 + (unsigned)(*s - '0');
if(a >= b) return errno = ERANGE, 0;
a = b;
*n = a;
return 1;
/*!re2c /**/
re2c:yyfill:enable = 0;
re2c:define:YYCTYPE = char;
sentinel = "\x00";
newline = "\n";
natural = [1-9][0-9]*;
int kjv_filename(const char *fn, unsigned *book_no) {
const char *YYCURSOR = fn, *YYMARKER, *yyt1, *yyt2, *s0, *s1;
assert(fn && book_no);
/*!re2c /**/
{ return 0; }
@s0 natural @s1 [^.\x00]* ".txt" sentinel
{ return parse_natural(s0, s1, book_no); }

kjv/src/main.c Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
/** @license 20xx Neil Edelman, distributed under the terms of the
[GNU General Public License 3](
@license 20xx Neil Edelman, distributed under the terms of the
[MIT License](
This is a standard C file.
@std C89 */
#include "kjv.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <dirent.h> /* opendir readdir closedir */
#include <unistd.h> /* chdir (POSIX) (because I'm lazy) */
#define ARRAY_NAME char
#define ARRAY_TYPE char
#include "array.h"
/** Append a text file, `fn`, to `c`, and add a '\0'.
@return Success. A partial read is failure. @throws[fopen, fread, malloc]
@throws[EISEQ] The text file has embedded nulls.
@throws[ERANGE] If the standard library does not follow POSIX. */
static int append_file(struct char_array *c, const char *const fn) {
FILE *fp = 0;
const size_t granularity = 1024;
size_t nread;
char *cursor;
int success = 0;
assert(c && fn);
if(!(fp = fopen(fn, "r"))) goto catch;
/* Read entire file in chunks. */
do if(!(cursor = char_array_buffer(c, granularity))
|| (nread = fread(cursor, 1, granularity, fp), ferror(fp))
|| !char_array_append(c, nread)) goto catch;
while(nread == granularity);
/* File to `C` string. */
if(!(cursor = char_array_new(c))) goto catch;
*cursor = '\0';
/* Binary files with embedded '\0' are not allowed. */
if(strchr(c->data, '\0') != cursor) { errno = EILSEQ; goto catch; }
{ success = 1; goto finally; }
if(!errno) errno = EILSEQ; /* Will never be true on POSIX. */
if(fp) fclose(fp);
return success;
int main(void) {
int success = EXIT_SUCCESS;
DIR *dir = 0;
struct dirent *de = 0;
struct char_array book[66] = { 0 };
const unsigned book_size = sizeof book / sizeof *book;
unsigned i;
errno = 0;
/* Read all files in <KJV/>. */
if(chdir("KJV") == -1 || !(dir = opendir("."))) goto catch;
while((de = readdir(dir))) {
unsigned book_no;
if(!kjv_filename(de->d_name, &book_no))
{ fprintf(stderr, "Ignored <%s>.\n", de->d_name); continue; }
printf("<%s> book_no: %u\n", de->d_name, book_no);
if(!book_no || book_no > book_size || book[book_no - 1].data)
{ errno = ERANGE; goto catch; }
if(!append_file(book + book_no - 1, de->d_name)) goto catch;
closedir(dir), de = 0, dir = 0;
/* Check to see if all books are accounted for. */
for(i = 0; i < book_size; i++)
if(!book[i].data) { errno = EDOM; goto catch; }
goto finally;
success = EXIT_FAILURE;
perror(de ? de->d_name : "kjv");
if(dir && closedir(dir)) perror("dir");
for(i = 0; i < book_size; i++) char_array_(&book[i]);
return success;

kjv/src/to_string.h Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
/* @license 2020 Neil Edelman, distributed under the terms of the
[MIT License](
@subtitle To string trait
Interface defined by box. Requires `<NAME>[_<TRAIT>]_to_string` be declared as
a <typedef:<PSTR>to_string_fn>.
7-bit characters, defaults to '(' and ')'.
Normally the space to put the temporary strings is static, one per file. With
this, it's possible to have a global storage to save space: have one file have
`TO_STRING_INTERN` as the first box, the other files `TO_STRING_EXTERN`. This
is unsynchronized.
@fixme `extern` untested.
@std C89 */
#if !defined(BOX_TYPE) || !defined(BOX_CONTENT) || !defined(BOX_) \
|| !defined(BOX_MAJOR_NAME) || !defined(BOX_MINOR_NAME) \
|| defined(STR_) || defined(STREXTERN_)
#error Unexpected preprocessor symbols.
#if defined(TO_STRING_H) \
&& (defined(TO_STRING_EXTERN) || defined(TO_STRING_INTERN)) /* <!-- not */
#error Should be the on the first to_string in the compilation unit.
#else /* not --><!-- !not */
#if defined(TO_STRING_EXTERN) && defined(TO_STRING_INTERN) /* <!-- two */
#error These can not be defined together.
#endif /* two --> */
#endif /* !not --> */
#ifndef TO_STRING_H /* <!-- idempotent */
#define TO_STRING_H
#include <string.h>
#if defined(TO_STRING_CAT_) || defined(TO_STRING_CAT) || defined(PSTR_)
#error Unexpected preprocessor symbols.
/* <Kernighan and Ritchie, 1988, p. 231>. */
#define TO_STRING_CAT_(n, m) n ## _ ## m
#define TO_STRING_CAT(n, m) TO_STRING_CAT_(n, m)
#define PSTR_(n) TO_STRING_CAT(to_string, STR_(n))
#if defined(TO_STRING_EXTERN) || defined(TO_STRING_INTERN) /* <!-- ntern */
extern char to_string_buffers[4][256];
extern const unsigned to_string_buffers_no;
extern unsigned to_string_i;
#ifdef TO_STRING_INTERN /* <!-- intern */
char to_string_buffers[4][256];
const unsigned to_string_buffers_no = sizeof to_string_buffers
/ sizeof *to_string_buffers, to_string_buffer_size
= sizeof *to_string_buffers / sizeof **to_string_buffers;
unsigned to_string_buffer_i;
#endif /* intern --> */
#else /* ntern --><!-- static */
static char to_string_buffers[4][256];
static const unsigned to_string_buffers_no = sizeof to_string_buffers
/ sizeof *to_string_buffers, to_string_buffer_size
= sizeof *to_string_buffers / sizeof **to_string_buffers;
static unsigned to_string_buffer_i;
#endif /* static --> */
#endif /* idempotent --> */
#define TO_STRING_LEFT '('
#define TO_STRING_RIGHT ')'
#ifndef BOX_TRAIT_NAME /* <!-- !trait */
#else /* !trait --><!-- trait */
#endif /* trait --> */
/* Provides an extra level of indirection for boxes if they need it. */
#define TO_STRING_THUNK_(n) n
/* Hopefully gets rid of any nestled-qualifiers, but only when appropriate. */
#define TO_STRING_CAST (void *)
typedef BOX_TYPE PSTR_(box);
typedef BOX_CONTENT PSTR_(element);
typedef const BOX_CONTENT PSTR_(element_c); /* Assumes a lot. */
/** <src/to_string.h>: responsible for turning the read-only argument into a
12-`char` null-terminated output string. The first argument should be a
read-only reference to an element and the second a pointer to the bytes. */
typedef void (*PSTR_(to_string_fn))(const PSTR_(element), char (*)[12]);
/* _Nb_: this is for documentation only; there is no way to get a general
read-only type which what we are supplied. Think of nested pointers. */
/** <src/to_string.h>: print the contents of `box` in a static string buffer of
256 bytes, with limitations of only printing 4 things at a time.
@return Address of the static buffer. @order \Theta(1) @allow */
static const char *STR_(to_string)(const PSTR_(box) *const box) {
const char comma = ',', space = ' ', ellipsis[] = "",
const size_t ellipsis_len = sizeof ellipsis - 1;
char *const buffer = to_string_buffers[to_string_buffer_i++], *b = buffer;
size_t advance;
PSTR_(element) x;
struct BOX_(iterator) it;
int is_sep = 0;
/* Minimum size: "(" "XXXXXXXXXXX" "," "…" ")" "\0". */
assert(box && !(to_string_buffers_no & (to_string_buffers_no - 1))
&& to_string_buffer_size >= 1 + 11 + 1 + ellipsis_len + 1 + 1);
/* Advance the buffer for next time. */
to_string_buffer_i &= to_string_buffers_no - 1;
{ /* We do not modify `box`, but the compiler doesn't know that. */
PSTR_(box) *promise_box;
memcpy(&promise_box, &box, sizeof box);
it = BOX_(iterator)(promise_box);
*b++ = left;
while(BOX_(is_element)(x = BOX_(next)(&it))) {
/* One must have this function declared! */
x, (char (*)[12])b);
/* Paranoid about '\0'; wastes 1 byte of 12, but otherwise confusing. */
for(advance = 0; *b != '\0' && advance < 11; b++, advance++);
is_sep = 1, *b++ = comma, *b++ = space;
/* Greedy typesetting: enough for "XXXXXXXXXXX" "," "…" ")" "\0". */
if((size_t)(b - buffer)
> to_string_buffer_size - 11 - 1 - ellipsis_len - 1 - 1) {
if(BOX_(is_element)(BOX_(next)(&it))) goto ellipsis;
else break;
if(is_sep) b -= 2;
*b++ = right;
goto terminate;
memcpy(b, ellipsis, ellipsis_len), b += ellipsis_len;
*b++ = right;
*b++ = '\0';
assert(b - buffer <= to_string_buffer_size);
return buffer;
static void PSTR_(unused_to_string_coda)(void);
static void PSTR_(unused_to_string)(void)
{ STR_(to_string)(0); PSTR_(unused_to_string_coda)(); }
static void PSTR_(unused_to_string_coda)(void) { PSTR_(unused_to_string)(); }
#undef STR_