
70 lines
1.5 KiB

! URXVT options.
!URxvt*scrollWithBuffer: false
URxvt*scrollBar: false
URxvt*saveLines: 10000
URxvt*secondaryScreen: 1
URxvt*secondaryScroll: 0
URxvt*font: xft:Monospace:size=11
URxvt*title: Terminal
! Color scheme.
#define base00 #151515
#define base01 #202020
#define base02 #303030
#define base03 #505050
#define base04 #b0b0b0
#define base05 #d0d0d0
#define base06 #e0e0e0
#define base07 #f5f5f5
#define base08 #ac4142
#define base09 #d28445
#define base0A #f4bf75
#define base0B #90a959
#define base0C #75b5aa
#define base0D #6a9fb5
#define base0E #aa759f
#define base0F #8f5536
URxvt*foreground: base05
#ifdef background_opacity
URxvt*background: [background_opacity]base00
URxvt*background: base00
URxvt*cursorColor: base05
URxvt*color0: base00
URxvt*color1: base08
URxvt*color2: base0B
URxvt*color3: base0A
URxvt*color4: base0D
URxvt*color5: base0E
URxvt*color6: base0C
URxvt*color7: base05
URxvt*color8: base03
URxvt*color9: base08
URxvt*color10: base0B
URxvt*color11: base0A
URxvt*color12: base0D
URxvt*color13: base0E
URxvt*color14: base0C
URxvt*color15: base07
! Note: colors beyond 15 might not be loaded (e.g., xterm, urxvt),
! use 'shell' template to set these if necessary
URxvt*color16: base09
URxvt*color17: base0F
URxvt*color18: base01
URxvt*color19: base02
URxvt*color20: base04
URxvt*color21: base06
! Enable colorful manpages.
URxvt.colorIT: #87af5f
URxvt.colorBD: #d7d7d7
URxvt.colorUL: #87afd7