
126 lines
3.3 KiB

include config.mk
.SUFFIXES: .c .o
HDR = arg.h grabmntinfo.h proc.h reboot.h util.h
LIB = \
util/agetcwd.o \
util/apathmax.o \
util/eprintf.o \
util/estrtol.o \
util/grabmntinfo.o \
util/proc.o \
util/putword.o \
util/recurse.o \
util/strlcat.o \
util/strlcpy.o \
SRC = \
chvt.c \
clear.c \
df.c \
dmesg.c \
eject.c \
fallocate.c \
free.c \
halt.c \
insmod.c \
lsmod.c \
lsusb.c \
mkswap.c \
mount.c \
mountpoint.c \
pidof.c \
pivot_root.c \
ps.c \
rmmod.c \
swapoff.c \
swapon.c \
truncate.c \
umount.c \
unshare.c \
uptime.c \
OBJ = $(SRC:.c=.o) $(LIB)
BIN = $(SRC:.c=)
MAN = $(SRC:.c=.1)
all: options binlib
@echo ubase build options:
@echo "CFLAGS = $(CFLAGS)"
@echo "LDFLAGS = $(LDFLAGS)"
@echo "CC = $(CC)"
binlib: util.a
$(MAKE) bin
bin: $(BIN)
$(OBJ): util.h config.mk
@echo LD $@
@$(LD) -o $@ $< util.a $(LDFLAGS)
@echo CC $<
@$(CC) -c -o $@ $< $(CFLAGS)
util.a: $(LIB)
@echo AR $@
@$(AR) -r -c $@ $(LIB)
@ranlib $@
install: all
@echo installing executables to $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/bin
@mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/bin
@cp -f $(BIN) $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/bin
@cd $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/bin && chmod 755 $(BIN)
@echo installing manual pages to $(DESTDIR)$(MANPREFIX)/man1
@mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(MANPREFIX)/man1
@for m in $(MAN); do sed "s/VERSION/$(VERSION)/g" < "$$m" > $(DESTDIR)$(MANPREFIX)/man1/"$$m"; done
@cd $(DESTDIR)$(MANPREFIX)/man1 && chmod 644 $(MAN)
@echo removing executables from $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/bin
@cd $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/bin && rm -f $(BIN)
@echo removing manual pages from $(DESTDIR)$(MANPREFIX)/man1
@cd $(DESTDIR)$(MANPREFIX)/man1 && rm -f $(MAN)
dist: clean
@echo creating dist tarball
@mkdir -p ubase-$(VERSION)
@cp -r LICENSE Makefile config.mk TODO $(SRC) $(MAN) util $(HDR) ubase-$(VERSION)
@tar -cf ubase-$(VERSION).tar ubase-$(VERSION)
@gzip ubase-$(VERSION).tar
@rm -rf ubase-$(VERSION)
ubase-box: $(SRC) util.a
@echo creating box binary
@mkdir -p build
@cp $(HDR) build
@for f in $(SRC); do sed "s/^main(/`basename $$f .c`_&/" < $$f > build/$$f; done
@echo '#include <libgen.h>' > build/$@.c
@echo '#include <stdio.h>' >> build/$@.c
@echo '#include <stdlib.h>' >> build/$@.c
@echo '#include <string.h>' >> build/$@.c
@echo '#include "util.h"' >> build/$@.c
@for f in $(SRC); do echo "int `basename $$f .c`_main(int, char **);" >> build/$@.c; done
@echo 'int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { char *s = basename(argv[0]); if(!strcmp(s,"ubase-box")) { argc--; argv++; s = basename(argv[0]); } if(0) ;' >> build/$@.c
@for f in $(SRC); do echo "else if(!strcmp(s, \"`basename $$f .c`\")) `basename $$f .c`_main(argc, argv);" >> build/$@.c; done
@echo 'else {' >> build/$@.c
@for f in $(SRC); do echo "printf(\"`basename $$f .c`\"); putchar(' ');" >> build/$@.c; done
@echo "putchar(0xa); }; return EXIT_SUCCESS; }" >> build/$@.c
@echo LD $@
@$(LD) -o $@ build/*.c util.a $(CFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS)
@rm -r build
@echo cleaning
@rm -f $(BIN) $(OBJ) $(LIB) util.a ubase-box