Rename dprintf to DPRINTF and use C99 cpp variadic arguments. (#82)
POSIX specifies a dprintf function that operates on an fd instead of a stdio stream. Using upper case for macros is more idiomatic too. We no longer need to use an extra set of parentheses for debugging printf statements.
This commit is contained in:
@ -44,14 +44,13 @@ typedef unsigned char uschar;
#define setptr(ptr, a) (*(char *)(intptr_t)(ptr)) = (a)
#define NN(p) ((p) ? (p) : "(null)") /* guaranteed non-null for dprintf
#define NN(p) ((p) ? (p) : "(null)") /* guaranteed non-null for DPRINTF
#define DEBUG
#ifdef DEBUG
/* uses have to be doubly parenthesized */
# define dprintf(x) if (dbg) printf x
# define DPRINTF(...) if (dbg) printf(__VA_ARGS__)
# define dprintf(x)
# define DPRINTF(...)
extern enum compile_states {
@ -397,7 +397,7 @@ char *cclenter(const char *argp) /* add a character class */
*bp = 0;
dprintf( ("cclenter: in = |%s|, out = |%s|\n", op, buf) );
DPRINTF("cclenter: in = |%s|, out = |%s|\n", op, buf);
return (char *) tostring((char *) buf);
@ -733,7 +733,7 @@ Node *reparse(const char *p) /* parses regular expression pointed to by p */
{ /* uses relex() to scan regular expression */
Node *np;
dprintf( ("reparse <%s>\n", p) );
DPRINTF("reparse <%s>\n", p);
lastre = prestr = (const uschar *) p; /* prestr points to string to be parsed */
rtok = relex();
/* GNU compatibility: an empty regexp matches anything */
@ -147,8 +147,8 @@ int getrec(char **pbuf, int *pbufsize, bool isrecord) /* get next input record *
firsttime = false;
dprintf( ("RS=<%s>, FS=<%s>, ARGC=%g, FILENAME=%s\n",
DPRINTF("RS=<%s>, FS=<%s>, ARGC=%g, FILENAME=%s\n",
if (isrecord) {
donefld = false;
donerec = true;
@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ int getrec(char **pbuf, int *pbufsize, bool isrecord) /* get next input record *
saveb0 = buf[0];
buf[0] = 0;
while (argno < *ARGC || infile == stdin) {
dprintf( ("argno=%d, file=|%s|\n", argno, file) );
DPRINTF("argno=%d, file=|%s|\n", argno, file);
if (infile == NULL) { /* have to open a new file */
file = getargv(argno);
if (file == NULL || *file == '\0') { /* deleted or zapped */
@ -170,7 +170,7 @@ int getrec(char **pbuf, int *pbufsize, bool isrecord) /* get next input record *
*FILENAME = file;
dprintf( ("opening file %s\n", file) );
DPRINTF("opening file %s\n", file);
if (*file == '-' && *(file+1) == '\0')
infile = stdin;
else if ((infile = fopen(file, "r")) == NULL)
@ -271,7 +271,7 @@ int readrec(char **pbuf, int *pbufsize, FILE *inf, bool newflag) /* read one rec
*pbuf = buf;
*pbufsize = bufsize;
isrec = *buf || !feof(inf);
dprintf( ("readrec saw <%s>, returns %d\n", buf, isrec) );
DPRINTF("readrec saw <%s>, returns %d\n", buf, isrec);
return isrec;
@ -286,7 +286,7 @@ char *getargv(int n) /* get ARGV[n] */
return NULL;
x = setsymtab(temp, "", 0.0, STR, ARGVtab);
s = getsval(x);
dprintf( ("getargv(%d) returns |%s|\n", n, s) );
DPRINTF("getargv(%d) returns |%s|\n", n, s);
return s;
@ -305,7 +305,7 @@ void setclvar(char *s) /* set var=value from s */
q->fval = atof(q->sval);
q->tval |= NUM;
dprintf( ("command line set %s to |%s|\n", s, p) );
DPRINTF("command line set %s to |%s|\n", s, p);
@ -504,7 +504,7 @@ int refldbld(const char *rec, const char *fs) /* build fields from reg expr in F
if (*rec == '\0')
return 0;
pfa = makedfa(fs, 1);
dprintf( ("into refldbld, rec = <%s>, pat = <%s>\n", rec, fs) );
DPRINTF("into refldbld, rec = <%s>, pat = <%s>\n", rec, fs);
tempstat = pfa->initstat;
for (i = 1; ; i++) {
if (i > nfields)
@ -513,16 +513,16 @@ int refldbld(const char *rec, const char *fs) /* build fields from reg expr in F
fldtab[i]->tval = FLD | STR | DONTFREE;
fldtab[i]->sval = fr;
dprintf( ("refldbld: i=%d\n", i) );
DPRINTF("refldbld: i=%d\n", i);
if (nematch(pfa, rec)) {
pfa->initstat = 2; /* horrible coupling to b.c */
dprintf( ("match %s (%d chars)\n", patbeg, patlen) );
DPRINTF("match %s (%d chars)\n", patbeg, patlen);
strncpy(fr, rec, patbeg-rec);
fr += patbeg - rec + 1;
*(fr-1) = '\0';
rec = patbeg + patlen;
} else {
dprintf( ("no match %s\n", rec) );
DPRINTF("no match %s\n", rec);
strcpy(fr, rec);
pfa->initstat = tempstat;
@ -556,15 +556,15 @@ void recbld(void) /* create $0 from $1..$NF if necessary */
if (!adjbuf(&record, &recsize, 2+r-record, recsize, &r, "recbld 3"))
FATAL("built giant record `%.30s...'", record);
*r = '\0';
dprintf( ("in recbld inputFS=%s, fldtab[0]=%p\n", inputFS, (void*)fldtab[0]) );
DPRINTF("in recbld inputFS=%s, fldtab[0]=%p\n", inputFS, (void*)fldtab[0]);
if (freeable(fldtab[0]))
fldtab[0]->tval = REC | STR | DONTFREE;
fldtab[0]->sval = record;
dprintf( ("in recbld inputFS=%s, fldtab[0]=%p\n", inputFS, (void*)fldtab[0]) );
dprintf( ("recbld = |%s|\n", record) );
DPRINTF("in recbld inputFS=%s, fldtab[0]=%p\n", inputFS, (void*)fldtab[0]);
DPRINTF("recbld = |%s|\n", record);
donerec = true;
@ -200,7 +200,7 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
FATAL("no program given");
dprintf( ("program = |%s|\n", argv[1]) );
DPRINTF("program = |%s|\n", argv[1]);
lexprog = argv[1];
@ -209,7 +209,7 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
compile_time = COMPILING;
argv[0] = cmdname; /* put prog name at front of arglist */
dprintf( ("argc=%d, argv[0]=%s\n", argc, argv[0]) );
DPRINTF("argc=%d, argv[0]=%s\n", argc, argv[0]);
arginit(argc, argv);
if (!safe)
@ -221,7 +221,7 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
if (fs)
*FS = qstring(fs, '\0');
dprintf( ("errorflag=%d\n", errorflag) );
DPRINTF("errorflag=%d\n", errorflag);
if (errorflag == 0) {
compile_time = RUNNING;
@ -250,7 +250,7 @@ void defn(Cell *v, Node *vl, Node *st) /* turn on FCN bit in definition, */
for (p = vl; p; p = p->nnext)
v->fval = n;
dprintf( ("defining func %s (%d args)\n", v->nval, n) );
DPRINTF("defining func %s (%d args)\n", v->nval, n);
int isarg(const char *s) /* is s in argument list for current function? */
@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ int adjbuf(char **pbuf, int *psiz, int minlen, int quantum, char **pbptr,
if (rminlen)
minlen += quantum - rminlen;
tbuf = realloc(*pbuf, minlen);
dprintf( ("adjbuf %s: %d %d (pbuf=%p, tbuf=%p)\n", whatrtn, *psiz, minlen, *pbuf, tbuf) );
DPRINTF("adjbuf %s: %d %d (pbuf=%p, tbuf=%p)\n", whatrtn, *psiz, minlen, *pbuf, tbuf);
if (tbuf == NULL) {
if (whatrtn)
FATAL("out of memory in %s", whatrtn);
@ -247,18 +247,18 @@ Cell *call(Node **a, int n) /* function call. very kludgy and fragile */
for (ncall = 0, x = a[1]; x != NULL; x = x->nnext) /* args in call */
ndef = (int) fcn->fval; /* args in defn */
dprintf( ("calling %s, %d args (%d in defn), frp=%d\n", s, ncall, ndef, (int) (frp-frame)) );
DPRINTF("calling %s, %d args (%d in defn), frp=%d\n", s, ncall, ndef, (int) (frp-frame));
if (ncall > ndef)
WARNING("function %s called with %d args, uses only %d",
s, ncall, ndef);
if (ncall + ndef > NARGS)
FATAL("function %s has %d arguments, limit %d", s, ncall+ndef, NARGS);
for (i = 0, x = a[1]; x != NULL; i++, x = x->nnext) { /* get call args */
dprintf( ("evaluate args[%d], frp=%d:\n", i, (int) (frp-frame)) );
DPRINTF("evaluate args[%d], frp=%d:\n", i, (int) (frp-frame));
y = execute(x);
oargs[i] = y;
dprintf( ("args[%d]: %s %f <%s>, t=%o\n",
i, NN(y->nval), y->fval, isarr(y) ? "(array)" : NN(y->sval), y->tval) );
DPRINTF("args[%d]: %s %f <%s>, t=%o\n",
i, NN(y->nval), y->fval, isarr(y) ? "(array)" : NN(y->sval), y->tval);
if (isfcn(y))
FATAL("can't use function %s as argument in %s", y->nval, s);
if (isarr(y))
@ -284,9 +284,9 @@ Cell *call(Node **a, int n) /* function call. very kludgy and fragile */
frp->nargs = ndef; /* number defined with (excess are locals) */
frp->retval = gettemp();
dprintf( ("start exec of %s, frp=%d\n", s, (int) (frp-frame)) );
DPRINTF("start exec of %s, frp=%d\n", s, (int) (frp-frame));
y = execute((Node *)(fcn->sval)); /* execute body */
dprintf( ("finished exec of %s, frp=%d\n", s, (int) (frp-frame)) );
DPRINTF("finished exec of %s, frp=%d\n", s, (int) (frp-frame));
for (i = 0; i < ndef; i++) {
Cell *t = frp->args[i];
@ -319,7 +319,7 @@ Cell *call(Node **a, int n) /* function call. very kludgy and fragile */
tempfree(y); /* don't free twice! */
z = frp->retval; /* return value */
dprintf( ("%s returns %g |%s| %o\n", s, getfval(z), getsval(z), z->tval) );
DPRINTF("%s returns %g |%s| %o\n", s, getfval(z), getsval(z), z->tval);
@ -347,7 +347,7 @@ Cell *arg(Node **a, int n) /* nth argument of a function */
n = ptoi(a[0]); /* argument number, counting from 0 */
dprintf( ("arg(%d), frp->nargs=%d\n", n, frp->nargs) );
DPRINTF("arg(%d), frp->nargs=%d\n", n, frp->nargs);
if (n+1 > frp->nargs)
FATAL("argument #%d of function %s was not supplied",
n+1, frp->fcncell->nval);
@ -512,7 +512,7 @@ Cell *array(Node **a, int n) /* a[0] is symtab, a[1] is list of subscripts */
x = execute(a[0]); /* Cell* for symbol table */
buf = makearraystring(a[1], __func__);
if (!isarr(x)) {
dprintf( ("making %s into an array\n", NN(x->nval)) );
DPRINTF("making %s into an array\n", NN(x->nval));
if (freeable(x))
x->tval &= ~(STR|NUM|DONTFREE);
@ -558,7 +558,7 @@ Cell *intest(Node **a, int n) /* a[0] is index (list), a[1] is symtab */
ap = execute(a[1]); /* array name */
if (!isarr(ap)) {
dprintf( ("making %s into an array\n", ap->nval) );
DPRINTF("making %s into an array\n", ap->nval);
if (freeable(ap))
ap->tval &= ~(STR|NUM|DONTFREE);
@ -687,7 +687,7 @@ Cell *relop(Node **a, int n) /* a[0 < a[1], etc. */
void tfree(Cell *a) /* free a tempcell */
if (freeable(a)) {
dprintf( ("freeing %s %s %o\n", NN(a->nval), NN(a->sval), a->tval) );
DPRINTF("freeing %s %s %o\n", NN(a->nval), NN(a->sval), a->tval);
if (a == tmps)
@ -774,7 +774,7 @@ Cell *substr(Node **a, int nnn) /* substr(a[0], a[1], a[2]) */
n = 0;
else if (n > k - m)
n = k - m;
dprintf( ("substr: m=%d, n=%d, s=%s\n", m, n, s) );
DPRINTF("substr: m=%d, n=%d, s=%s\n", m, n, s);
y = gettemp();
temp = s[n+m-1]; /* with thanks to John Linderman */
s[n+m-1] = '\0';
@ -1276,7 +1276,7 @@ Cell *split(Node **a, int nnn) /* split(a[0], a[1], a[2]); a[3] is type */
sep = *fs;
ap = execute(a[1]); /* array name */
dprintf( ("split: s=|%s|, a=%s, sep=|%s|\n", s, NN(ap->nval), fs) );
DPRINTF("split: s=|%s|, a=%s, sep=|%s|\n", s, NN(ap->nval), fs);
ap->tval &= ~STR;
ap->tval |= ARR;
ap->sval = (char *) makesymtab(NSYMTAB);
@ -234,8 +234,8 @@ Cell *setsymtab(const char *n, const char *s, Awkfloat f, unsigned t, Array *tp)
Cell *p;
if (n != NULL && (p = lookup(n, tp)) != NULL) {
dprintf( ("setsymtab found %p: n=%s s=\"%s\" f=%g t=%o\n",
(void*)p, NN(p->nval), NN(p->sval), p->fval, p->tval) );
DPRINTF("setsymtab found %p: n=%s s=\"%s\" f=%g t=%o\n",
(void*)p, NN(p->nval), NN(p->sval), p->fval, p->tval);
p = malloc(sizeof(*p));
@ -253,8 +253,8 @@ Cell *setsymtab(const char *n, const char *s, Awkfloat f, unsigned t, Array *tp)
h = hash(n, tp->size);
p->cnext = tp->tab[h];
tp->tab[h] = p;
dprintf( ("setsymtab set %p: n=%s s=\"%s\" f=%g t=%o\n",
(void*)p, p->nval, p->sval, p->fval, p->tval) );
DPRINTF("setsymtab set %p: n=%s s=\"%s\" f=%g t=%o\n",
(void*)p, p->nval, p->sval, p->fval, p->tval);
@ -313,11 +313,11 @@ Awkfloat setfval(Cell *vp, Awkfloat f) /* set float val of a Cell */
fldno = atoi(vp->nval);
if (fldno > *NF)
dprintf( ("setting field %d to %g\n", fldno, f) );
DPRINTF("setting field %d to %g\n", fldno, f);
} else if (&vp->fval == NF) {
donerec = false; /* mark $0 invalid */
dprintf( ("setting NF to %g\n", f) );
DPRINTF("setting NF to %g\n", f);
} else if (isrec(vp)) {
donefld = false; /* mark $1... invalid */
donerec = true;
@ -333,7 +333,7 @@ Awkfloat setfval(Cell *vp, Awkfloat f) /* set float val of a Cell */
vp->tval |= NUM; /* mark number ok */
if (f == -0) /* who would have thought this possible? */
f = 0;
dprintf( ("setfval %p: %s = %g, t=%o\n", (void*)vp, NN(vp->nval), f, vp->tval) );
DPRINTF("setfval %p: %s = %g, t=%o\n", (void*)vp, NN(vp->nval), f, vp->tval);
return vp->fval = f;
@ -353,8 +353,8 @@ char *setsval(Cell *vp, const char *s) /* set string val of a Cell */
int fldno;
Awkfloat f;
dprintf( ("starting setsval %p: %s = \"%s\", t=%o, r,f=%d,%d\n",
(void*)vp, NN(vp->nval), s, vp->tval, donerec, donefld) );
DPRINTF("starting setsval %p: %s = \"%s\", t=%o, r,f=%d,%d\n",
(void*)vp, NN(vp->nval), s, vp->tval, donerec, donefld);
if ((vp->tval & (NUM | STR)) == 0)
funnyvar(vp, "assign to");
if (isfld(vp)) {
@ -362,7 +362,7 @@ char *setsval(Cell *vp, const char *s) /* set string val of a Cell */
fldno = atoi(vp->nval);
if (fldno > *NF)
dprintf( ("setting field %d to %s (%p)\n", fldno, s, s) );
DPRINTF("setting field %d to %s (%p)\n", fldno, s, s);
} else if (isrec(vp)) {
donefld = false; /* mark $1... invalid */
donerec = true;
@ -378,14 +378,14 @@ char *setsval(Cell *vp, const char *s) /* set string val of a Cell */
vp->tval |= STR;
vp->fmt = NULL;
dprintf( ("setsval %p: %s = \"%s (%p) \", t=%o r,f=%d,%d\n",
(void*)vp, NN(vp->nval), t, t, vp->tval, donerec, donefld) );
DPRINTF("setsval %p: %s = \"%s (%p) \", t=%o r,f=%d,%d\n",
(void*)vp, NN(vp->nval), t, t, vp->tval, donerec, donefld);
vp->sval = t;
if (&vp->fval == NF) {
donerec = false; /* mark $0 invalid */
f = getfval(vp);
dprintf( ("setting NF to %g\n", f) );
DPRINTF("setting NF to %g\n", f);
@ -404,8 +404,8 @@ Awkfloat getfval(Cell *vp) /* get float val of a Cell */
if (is_number(vp->sval) && !(vp->tval&CON))
vp->tval |= NUM; /* make NUM only sparingly */
dprintf( ("getfval %p: %s = %g, t=%o\n",
(void*)vp, NN(vp->nval), vp->fval, vp->tval) );
DPRINTF("getfval %p: %s = %g, t=%o\n",
(void*)vp, NN(vp->nval), vp->fval, vp->tval);
@ -492,8 +492,8 @@ static char *get_str_val(Cell *vp, char **fmt) /* get string val of a Cel
dprintf( ("getsval %p: %s = \"%s (%p)\", t=%o\n",
(void*)vp, NN(vp->nval), vp->sval, vp->sval, vp->tval) );
DPRINTF("getsval %p: %s = \"%s (%p)\", t=%o\n",
(void*)vp, NN(vp->nval), vp->sval, vp->sval, vp->tval);
Reference in New Issue
Block a user