Merge branch 'staging'
This commit is contained in:
@ -44,14 +44,13 @@ typedef unsigned char uschar;
#define setptr(ptr, a) (*(char *)(intptr_t)(ptr)) = (a)
#define NN(p) ((p) ? (p) : "(null)") /* guaranteed non-null for dprintf
#define NN(p) ((p) ? (p) : "(null)") /* guaranteed non-null for DPRINTF
#define DEBUG
#ifdef DEBUG
/* uses have to be doubly parenthesized */
# define dprintf(x) if (dbg) printf x
# define DPRINTF(...) if (dbg) printf(__VA_ARGS__)
# define dprintf(x)
# define DPRINTF(...)
extern enum compile_states {
@ -397,7 +397,7 @@ char *cclenter(const char *argp) /* add a character class */
*bp = 0;
dprintf( ("cclenter: in = |%s|, out = |%s|\n", op, buf) );
DPRINTF("cclenter: in = |%s|, out = |%s|\n", op, buf);
return (char *) tostring((char *) buf);
@ -733,7 +733,7 @@ Node *reparse(const char *p) /* parses regular expression pointed to by p */
{ /* uses relex() to scan regular expression */
Node *np;
dprintf( ("reparse <%s>\n", p) );
DPRINTF("reparse <%s>\n", p);
lastre = prestr = (const uschar *) p; /* prestr points to string to be parsed */
rtok = relex();
/* GNU compatibility: an empty regexp matches anything */
@ -147,8 +147,8 @@ int getrec(char **pbuf, int *pbufsize, bool isrecord) /* get next input record *
firsttime = false;
dprintf( ("RS=<%s>, FS=<%s>, ARGC=%g, FILENAME=%s\n",
DPRINTF("RS=<%s>, FS=<%s>, ARGC=%g, FILENAME=%s\n",
if (isrecord) {
donefld = false;
donerec = true;
@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ int getrec(char **pbuf, int *pbufsize, bool isrecord) /* get next input record *
saveb0 = buf[0];
buf[0] = 0;
while (argno < *ARGC || infile == stdin) {
dprintf( ("argno=%d, file=|%s|\n", argno, file) );
DPRINTF("argno=%d, file=|%s|\n", argno, file);
if (infile == NULL) { /* have to open a new file */
file = getargv(argno);
if (file == NULL || *file == '\0') { /* deleted or zapped */
@ -170,7 +170,7 @@ int getrec(char **pbuf, int *pbufsize, bool isrecord) /* get next input record *
*FILENAME = file;
dprintf( ("opening file %s\n", file) );
DPRINTF("opening file %s\n", file);
if (*file == '-' && *(file+1) == '\0')
infile = stdin;
else if ((infile = fopen(file, "r")) == NULL)
@ -271,7 +271,7 @@ int readrec(char **pbuf, int *pbufsize, FILE *inf, bool newflag) /* read one rec
*pbuf = buf;
*pbufsize = bufsize;
isrec = *buf || !feof(inf);
dprintf( ("readrec saw <%s>, returns %d\n", buf, isrec) );
DPRINTF("readrec saw <%s>, returns %d\n", buf, isrec);
return isrec;
@ -286,7 +286,7 @@ char *getargv(int n) /* get ARGV[n] */
return NULL;
x = setsymtab(temp, "", 0.0, STR, ARGVtab);
s = getsval(x);
dprintf( ("getargv(%d) returns |%s|\n", n, s) );
DPRINTF("getargv(%d) returns |%s|\n", n, s);
return s;
@ -305,7 +305,7 @@ void setclvar(char *s) /* set var=value from s */
q->fval = atof(q->sval);
q->tval |= NUM;
dprintf( ("command line set %s to |%s|\n", s, p) );
DPRINTF("command line set %s to |%s|\n", s, p);
@ -504,7 +504,7 @@ int refldbld(const char *rec, const char *fs) /* build fields from reg expr in F
if (*rec == '\0')
return 0;
pfa = makedfa(fs, 1);
dprintf( ("into refldbld, rec = <%s>, pat = <%s>\n", rec, fs) );
DPRINTF("into refldbld, rec = <%s>, pat = <%s>\n", rec, fs);
tempstat = pfa->initstat;
for (i = 1; ; i++) {
if (i > nfields)
@ -513,16 +513,16 @@ int refldbld(const char *rec, const char *fs) /* build fields from reg expr in F
fldtab[i]->tval = FLD | STR | DONTFREE;
fldtab[i]->sval = fr;
dprintf( ("refldbld: i=%d\n", i) );
DPRINTF("refldbld: i=%d\n", i);
if (nematch(pfa, rec)) {
pfa->initstat = 2; /* horrible coupling to b.c */
dprintf( ("match %s (%d chars)\n", patbeg, patlen) );
DPRINTF("match %s (%d chars)\n", patbeg, patlen);
strncpy(fr, rec, patbeg-rec);
fr += patbeg - rec + 1;
*(fr-1) = '\0';
rec = patbeg + patlen;
} else {
dprintf( ("no match %s\n", rec) );
DPRINTF("no match %s\n", rec);
strcpy(fr, rec);
pfa->initstat = tempstat;
@ -556,15 +556,15 @@ void recbld(void) /* create $0 from $1..$NF if necessary */
if (!adjbuf(&record, &recsize, 2+r-record, recsize, &r, "recbld 3"))
FATAL("built giant record `%.30s...'", record);
*r = '\0';
dprintf( ("in recbld inputFS=%s, fldtab[0]=%p\n", inputFS, (void*)fldtab[0]) );
DPRINTF("in recbld inputFS=%s, fldtab[0]=%p\n", inputFS, (void*)fldtab[0]);
if (freeable(fldtab[0]))
fldtab[0]->tval = REC | STR | DONTFREE;
fldtab[0]->sval = record;
dprintf( ("in recbld inputFS=%s, fldtab[0]=%p\n", inputFS, (void*)fldtab[0]) );
dprintf( ("recbld = |%s|\n", record) );
DPRINTF("in recbld inputFS=%s, fldtab[0]=%p\n", inputFS, (void*)fldtab[0]);
DPRINTF("recbld = |%s|\n", record);
donerec = true;
@ -200,7 +200,7 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
FATAL("no program given");
dprintf( ("program = |%s|\n", argv[1]) );
DPRINTF("program = |%s|\n", argv[1]);
lexprog = argv[1];
@ -209,7 +209,7 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
compile_time = COMPILING;
argv[0] = cmdname; /* put prog name at front of arglist */
dprintf( ("argc=%d, argv[0]=%s\n", argc, argv[0]) );
DPRINTF("argc=%d, argv[0]=%s\n", argc, argv[0]);
arginit(argc, argv);
if (!safe)
@ -221,7 +221,7 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
if (fs)
*FS = qstring(fs, '\0');
dprintf( ("errorflag=%d\n", errorflag) );
DPRINTF("errorflag=%d\n", errorflag);
if (errorflag == 0) {
compile_time = RUNNING;
@ -250,7 +250,7 @@ void defn(Cell *v, Node *vl, Node *st) /* turn on FCN bit in definition, */
for (p = vl; p; p = p->nnext)
v->fval = n;
dprintf( ("defining func %s (%d args)\n", v->nval, n) );
DPRINTF("defining func %s (%d args)\n", v->nval, n);
int isarg(const char *s) /* is s in argument list for current function? */
@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ int adjbuf(char **pbuf, int *psiz, int minlen, int quantum, char **pbptr,
if (rminlen)
minlen += quantum - rminlen;
tbuf = realloc(*pbuf, minlen);
dprintf( ("adjbuf %s: %d %d (pbuf=%p, tbuf=%p)\n", whatrtn, *psiz, minlen, *pbuf, tbuf) );
DPRINTF("adjbuf %s: %d %d (pbuf=%p, tbuf=%p)\n", whatrtn, *psiz, minlen, *pbuf, tbuf);
if (tbuf == NULL) {
if (whatrtn)
FATAL("out of memory in %s", whatrtn);
@ -247,18 +247,18 @@ Cell *call(Node **a, int n) /* function call. very kludgy and fragile */
for (ncall = 0, x = a[1]; x != NULL; x = x->nnext) /* args in call */
ndef = (int) fcn->fval; /* args in defn */
dprintf( ("calling %s, %d args (%d in defn), frp=%d\n", s, ncall, ndef, (int) (frp-frame)) );
DPRINTF("calling %s, %d args (%d in defn), frp=%d\n", s, ncall, ndef, (int) (frp-frame));
if (ncall > ndef)
WARNING("function %s called with %d args, uses only %d",
s, ncall, ndef);
if (ncall + ndef > NARGS)
FATAL("function %s has %d arguments, limit %d", s, ncall+ndef, NARGS);
for (i = 0, x = a[1]; x != NULL; i++, x = x->nnext) { /* get call args */
dprintf( ("evaluate args[%d], frp=%d:\n", i, (int) (frp-frame)) );
DPRINTF("evaluate args[%d], frp=%d:\n", i, (int) (frp-frame));
y = execute(x);
oargs[i] = y;
dprintf( ("args[%d]: %s %f <%s>, t=%o\n",
i, NN(y->nval), y->fval, isarr(y) ? "(array)" : NN(y->sval), y->tval) );
DPRINTF("args[%d]: %s %f <%s>, t=%o\n",
i, NN(y->nval), y->fval, isarr(y) ? "(array)" : NN(y->sval), y->tval);
if (isfcn(y))
FATAL("can't use function %s as argument in %s", y->nval, s);
if (isarr(y))
@ -284,9 +284,9 @@ Cell *call(Node **a, int n) /* function call. very kludgy and fragile */
frp->nargs = ndef; /* number defined with (excess are locals) */
frp->retval = gettemp();
dprintf( ("start exec of %s, frp=%d\n", s, (int) (frp-frame)) );
DPRINTF("start exec of %s, frp=%d\n", s, (int) (frp-frame));
y = execute((Node *)(fcn->sval)); /* execute body */
dprintf( ("finished exec of %s, frp=%d\n", s, (int) (frp-frame)) );
DPRINTF("finished exec of %s, frp=%d\n", s, (int) (frp-frame));
for (i = 0; i < ndef; i++) {
Cell *t = frp->args[i];
@ -319,7 +319,7 @@ Cell *call(Node **a, int n) /* function call. very kludgy and fragile */
tempfree(y); /* don't free twice! */
z = frp->retval; /* return value */
dprintf( ("%s returns %g |%s| %o\n", s, getfval(z), getsval(z), z->tval) );
DPRINTF("%s returns %g |%s| %o\n", s, getfval(z), getsval(z), z->tval);
@ -347,7 +347,7 @@ Cell *arg(Node **a, int n) /* nth argument of a function */
n = ptoi(a[0]); /* argument number, counting from 0 */
dprintf( ("arg(%d), frp->nargs=%d\n", n, frp->nargs) );
DPRINTF("arg(%d), frp->nargs=%d\n", n, frp->nargs);
if (n+1 > frp->nargs)
FATAL("argument #%d of function %s was not supplied",
n+1, frp->fcncell->nval);
@ -512,7 +512,7 @@ Cell *array(Node **a, int n) /* a[0] is symtab, a[1] is list of subscripts */
x = execute(a[0]); /* Cell* for symbol table */
buf = makearraystring(a[1], __func__);
if (!isarr(x)) {
dprintf( ("making %s into an array\n", NN(x->nval)) );
DPRINTF("making %s into an array\n", NN(x->nval));
if (freeable(x))
x->tval &= ~(STR|NUM|DONTFREE);
@ -558,7 +558,7 @@ Cell *intest(Node **a, int n) /* a[0] is index (list), a[1] is symtab */
ap = execute(a[1]); /* array name */
if (!isarr(ap)) {
dprintf( ("making %s into an array\n", ap->nval) );
DPRINTF("making %s into an array\n", ap->nval);
if (freeable(ap))
ap->tval &= ~(STR|NUM|DONTFREE);
@ -687,7 +687,7 @@ Cell *relop(Node **a, int n) /* a[0 < a[1], etc. */
void tfree(Cell *a) /* free a tempcell */
if (freeable(a)) {
dprintf( ("freeing %s %s %o\n", NN(a->nval), NN(a->sval), a->tval) );
DPRINTF("freeing %s %s %o\n", NN(a->nval), NN(a->sval), a->tval);
if (a == tmps)
@ -774,7 +774,7 @@ Cell *substr(Node **a, int nnn) /* substr(a[0], a[1], a[2]) */
n = 0;
else if (n > k - m)
n = k - m;
dprintf( ("substr: m=%d, n=%d, s=%s\n", m, n, s) );
DPRINTF("substr: m=%d, n=%d, s=%s\n", m, n, s);
y = gettemp();
temp = s[n+m-1]; /* with thanks to John Linderman */
s[n+m-1] = '\0';
@ -1276,7 +1276,7 @@ Cell *split(Node **a, int nnn) /* split(a[0], a[1], a[2]); a[3] is type */
sep = *fs;
ap = execute(a[1]); /* array name */
dprintf( ("split: s=|%s|, a=%s, sep=|%s|\n", s, NN(ap->nval), fs) );
DPRINTF("split: s=|%s|, a=%s, sep=|%s|\n", s, NN(ap->nval), fs);
ap->tval &= ~STR;
ap->tval |= ARR;
ap->sval = (char *) makesymtab(NSYMTAB);
@ -234,8 +234,8 @@ Cell *setsymtab(const char *n, const char *s, Awkfloat f, unsigned t, Array *tp)
Cell *p;
if (n != NULL && (p = lookup(n, tp)) != NULL) {
dprintf( ("setsymtab found %p: n=%s s=\"%s\" f=%g t=%o\n",
(void*)p, NN(p->nval), NN(p->sval), p->fval, p->tval) );
DPRINTF("setsymtab found %p: n=%s s=\"%s\" f=%g t=%o\n",
(void*)p, NN(p->nval), NN(p->sval), p->fval, p->tval);
p = malloc(sizeof(*p));
@ -253,8 +253,8 @@ Cell *setsymtab(const char *n, const char *s, Awkfloat f, unsigned t, Array *tp)
h = hash(n, tp->size);
p->cnext = tp->tab[h];
tp->tab[h] = p;
dprintf( ("setsymtab set %p: n=%s s=\"%s\" f=%g t=%o\n",
(void*)p, p->nval, p->sval, p->fval, p->tval) );
DPRINTF("setsymtab set %p: n=%s s=\"%s\" f=%g t=%o\n",
(void*)p, p->nval, p->sval, p->fval, p->tval);
@ -313,11 +313,11 @@ Awkfloat setfval(Cell *vp, Awkfloat f) /* set float val of a Cell */
fldno = atoi(vp->nval);
if (fldno > *NF)
dprintf( ("setting field %d to %g\n", fldno, f) );
DPRINTF("setting field %d to %g\n", fldno, f);
} else if (&vp->fval == NF) {
donerec = false; /* mark $0 invalid */
dprintf( ("setting NF to %g\n", f) );
DPRINTF("setting NF to %g\n", f);
} else if (isrec(vp)) {
donefld = false; /* mark $1... invalid */
donerec = true;
@ -333,7 +333,7 @@ Awkfloat setfval(Cell *vp, Awkfloat f) /* set float val of a Cell */
vp->tval |= NUM; /* mark number ok */
if (f == -0) /* who would have thought this possible? */
f = 0;
dprintf( ("setfval %p: %s = %g, t=%o\n", (void*)vp, NN(vp->nval), f, vp->tval) );
DPRINTF("setfval %p: %s = %g, t=%o\n", (void*)vp, NN(vp->nval), f, vp->tval);
return vp->fval = f;
@ -353,8 +353,8 @@ char *setsval(Cell *vp, const char *s) /* set string val of a Cell */
int fldno;
Awkfloat f;
dprintf( ("starting setsval %p: %s = \"%s\", t=%o, r,f=%d,%d\n",
(void*)vp, NN(vp->nval), s, vp->tval, donerec, donefld) );
DPRINTF("starting setsval %p: %s = \"%s\", t=%o, r,f=%d,%d\n",
(void*)vp, NN(vp->nval), s, vp->tval, donerec, donefld);
if ((vp->tval & (NUM | STR)) == 0)
funnyvar(vp, "assign to");
if (isfld(vp)) {
@ -362,7 +362,7 @@ char *setsval(Cell *vp, const char *s) /* set string val of a Cell */
fldno = atoi(vp->nval);
if (fldno > *NF)
dprintf( ("setting field %d to %s (%p)\n", fldno, s, s) );
DPRINTF("setting field %d to %s (%p)\n", fldno, s, s);
} else if (isrec(vp)) {
donefld = false; /* mark $1... invalid */
donerec = true;
@ -378,14 +378,14 @@ char *setsval(Cell *vp, const char *s) /* set string val of a Cell */
vp->tval |= STR;
vp->fmt = NULL;
dprintf( ("setsval %p: %s = \"%s (%p) \", t=%o r,f=%d,%d\n",
(void*)vp, NN(vp->nval), t, t, vp->tval, donerec, donefld) );
DPRINTF("setsval %p: %s = \"%s (%p) \", t=%o r,f=%d,%d\n",
(void*)vp, NN(vp->nval), t, t, vp->tval, donerec, donefld);
vp->sval = t;
if (&vp->fval == NF) {
donerec = false; /* mark $0 invalid */
f = getfval(vp);
dprintf( ("setting NF to %g\n", f) );
DPRINTF("setting NF to %g\n", f);
@ -404,8 +404,8 @@ Awkfloat getfval(Cell *vp) /* get float val of a Cell */
if (is_number(vp->sval) && !(vp->tval&CON))
vp->tval |= NUM; /* make NUM only sparingly */
dprintf( ("getfval %p: %s = %g, t=%o\n",
(void*)vp, NN(vp->nval), vp->fval, vp->tval) );
DPRINTF("getfval %p: %s = %g, t=%o\n",
(void*)vp, NN(vp->nval), vp->fval, vp->tval);
@ -492,8 +492,8 @@ static char *get_str_val(Cell *vp, char **fmt) /* get string val of a Cel
dprintf( ("getsval %p: %s = \"%s (%p)\", t=%o\n",
(void*)vp, NN(vp->nval), vp->sval, vp->sval, vp->tval) );
DPRINTF("getsval %p: %s = \"%s (%p)\", t=%o\n",
(void*)vp, NN(vp->nval), vp->sval, vp->sval, vp->tval);
Reference in New Issue
Block a user