
306 lines
13 KiB

;; fvwm-icon.gwm --- FVWM style icons.
;; Author: Anders Holst (
;; Copyright (C) 1996 Anders Holst
;; Last change: 26/2 1996
;; This file is copyrighted under the same terms as the rest of GWM
;; (see the X Inc license for details). There is no warranty that it
;; works.
;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------
;; This file defines FVWM style icons that goes with the FVWM style
;; windows in "fvwm-window.gwm".
;; You can set 'fvwm-pixmap-path' to point where the "real" fvwm keeps
;; its icon files, just to make them look more similar.
;; ---------------------------
;; Adjust these in your own profile
(with (wob wob)
(for screen (list-of-screens)
fvwm-icon-action '(iconify-window)
; Action to execute when pressing the icon title.
; Can also be a list of ( <button-spec> <action>
; [<action-type>] ) specifications.
fvwm-pixmap-path '("/usr/X11R6/include/X11/pixmaps/")
; Where it is likely to find some good icon pixmaps.
fvwm-icon-assoc-list '(Emacs "emacs")
; Mapping between window-client-class and icon file name when
; the simple window-client-name heuristic does not work.
; Also, the variable 'fvwm-window-styles' from "fvwm-window.gwm"
; can contain these additional properties: icon-color,
; active-icon-color, icon-title-color, active-icon-title-color,
; icon-action, icon-outer-border.
(require 'fvwm-window)
; ==========
(defun fvwm-inner-iconbar ()
(with (
fsm (fsm-make (state-make fvwm-title-behavior
(fvwm-button-behavior fvwm-icon-action 'release)))
lseam (fvwm-title-seam-pixmap (# 0 color-scheme) title-width)
rseam (fvwm-title-seam-pixmap (# 2 color-scheme) title-width)
alseam (fvwm-title-seam-pixmap (# 0 active-color-scheme) title-width)
arseam (fvwm-title-seam-pixmap (# 2 active-color-scheme) title-width)
lredo '(fvwm-title-seam-pixmap
(# (if pressed 2 0)
(if active active-color-scheme color-scheme)) title-width)
rredo '(fvwm-title-seam-pixmap
(# (if pressed 0 2)
(if active active-color-scheme color-scheme)) title-width)
redo-expr '(if pressed
(with (active-color-scheme
(list (# 2 active-color-scheme)
(# 1 active-color-scheme)
(# 0 active-color-scheme)))
(fvwm-hbar-tile title-width active 'title))
(fvwm-hbar-tile title-width active 'title))
tile (with (active () pressed ()) (eval redo-expr))
atile (with (active t pressed ()) (eval redo-expr))
ptile (with (active t pressed t) (eval redo-expr))
property (list 'pixmap tile
'activepixmap atile
'pressedpixmap ptile
'redo-expr redo-expr)
bar-min-width title-width
bar-max-width bar-min-width
plug-separator 4
(with (property (list 'pixmap lseam 'activepixmap alseam
'pressedpixmap arseam 'redo-expr lredo))
(plug-make lseam))
(fvwm-title-plug '(if (= window-icon-name "icon") window-name window-icon-name))
(with (property (list 'pixmap rseam 'activepixmap arseam
'pressedpixmap alseam 'redo-expr rredo))
(plug-make rseam))
(defun fvwm-iconbar (outer-border)
(with (menu ()
tile ()
fsm (fsm-make fvwm-frame-behavior)
plug-separator 0
cursor fvwm-frame-cursor
borderwidth 0
bar-min-width 0
bar-max-width 1000
lseam-expr '(fvwm-title-seam-pixmap
(# 0 (if active active-color-scheme color-scheme))
(+ title-width 2))
rseam-expr '(fvwm-title-seam-pixmap
(# 2 (if active active-color-scheme color-scheme))
(+ title-width 2))
lseam (with (active ()) (eval lseam-expr))
alseam (with (active t) (eval lseam-expr))
rseam (with (active ()) (eval rseam-expr))
arseam (with (active t) (eval rseam-expr))
lseam-prop (list 'pixmap lseam 'activepixmap alseam
'redo-expr lseam-expr)
rseam-prop (list 'pixmap rseam 'activepixmap arseam
'redo-expr rseam-expr)
redo-expr '(fvwm-hbar-tile (+ title-width 2) active ())
tile (with (active ()) (eval redo-expr))
atile (with (active t) (eval redo-expr))
property (list 'pixmap tile 'activepixmap atile
'redo-expr redo-expr)
bar-min-width (+ title-width 2)
bar-max-width bar-min-width
params1 (+
(with (property lseam-prop)
(list (plug-make lseam)))
(with (bar-max-width 10000)
(list (bar-make () (fvwm-inner-iconbar) ())))
(with (property rseam-prop)
(list (plug-make rseam)))))
(with (borderwidth outer-border)
(eval (+ '(bar-make) params1)))))
;; Test if file exists. This is an ugly hack. Pure luck if it works.
(defun check-pixmap-file (file)
(with (res t)
(if (load file)
(setq res t)
(setq res ())))
(defun load-pixmap-in-path (file path)
(if (match "^/" file)
(if (check-pixmap-file file)
(pixmap-load file))
(with (i 0
len (length path))
(while (and (< i len) (not (check-pixmap-file (+ (# i path) file))))
(setq i (+ i 1)))
(if (< i len)
(pixmap-load (+ (# i path) file))))))
(setq fvwm-icon-pixmap-behavior
(on (user-event 'focus-in)
(wob-tile (# 'activepixmap wob-property)))
(on (user-event 'focus-out)
(wob-tile (# 'pixmap wob-property)))
(on (user-event 're-color)
(with (background (# 1 active-color-scheme)
foreground (# 3 active-color-scheme)
apm (window-icon-pixmap)
background (# 1 color-scheme)
foreground (# 3 color-scheme)
npm (window-icon-pixmap))
(wob-tile (if (eq (wob-tile) (# 'activepixmap wob-property))
apm npm))
(## 'pixmap wob npm)
(## 'activepixmap wob apm)
(## 'bg wob (# 1 color-scheme))
(## 'abg wob (# 1 active-color-scheme))
(## 'fg wob (# 3 color-scheme))
(## 'afg wob (# 3 active-color-scheme))))
(on (user-event 'icon-pixmap-change)
(with (background (# 'abg wob-property)
foreground (# 'afg wob-property)
apm (window-icon-pixmap)
background (# 'bg wob-property)
foreground (# 'fg wob-property)
npm (window-icon-pixmap))
(wob-tile (if (eq (wob-tile) (# 'activepixmap wob-property))
apm npm))
(## 'pixmap wob npm)
(## 'activepixmap wob apm)))))
(defun fvwm-iconcenter ()
(or (with (fsm ())
(with (borderwidth 0
background (# 1 active-color-scheme)
foreground (# 3 active-color-scheme)
apm (window-icon-pixmap)
background (# 1 color-scheme)
foreground (# 3 color-scheme)
npm (window-icon-pixmap)
fsm (fsm-make fvwm-icon-pixmap-behavior)
property (list 'pixmap npm
'activepixmap apm
'bg (# 1 color-scheme)
'abg (# 1 active-color-scheme)
'fg (# 3 color-scheme)
'afg (# 3 active-color-scheme)))
(if npm (plug-make npm)))
(with (fsm ()
file (+ (or (# (atom window-client-class) fvwm-icon-assoc-list)
window-client-name) ".xpm")
pmap (load-pixmap-in-path file fvwm-pixmap-path))
(if pmap (plug-make pmap)))))
(setq fvwm-icon-behavior
(on focus-out (send-user-event 'focus-out window))
(on focus-in (send-user-event 'focus-in window))
(on leave-window-not-from-grab (send-user-event 'focus-out window))
(on enter-window (send-user-event 'focus-in window))
(on (user-event 'update-color)
(with (props (matches-cond-all fvwm-window-styles)
cols (fvwm-get-icon-colors (matches-cond fvwm-color-styles) props)
title-width (# 'title-width window)
color-scheme (make-color-scheme (# 0 cols) (# 2 cols))
active-color-scheme (make-color-scheme (# 1 cols) (# 3 cols)))
(send-user-event 'pre-color window)
(send-user-event 're-color window)))
(on name-change
(send-user-event 'name-change)
(if (boundp 'update-placements)
(if (boundp 'icon-mgr-update)
(on (property-change "WM_ICON_NAME")
(if (window-icon?)
(send-user-event 'name-change window-icon))
(if (boundp 'update-placements)
(if (boundp 'icon-mgr-update)
(on window-icon-pixmap-change
(send-user-event 'icon-pixmap-change window-icon))
(defun fvwm-get-icon-colors (styles props)
(with (col (or (fvwm-get-style props 'icon-color
(fvwm-get-style props 'color ()))
(# 0 styles)
acol (or (fvwm-get-style props 'active-icon-color
(fvwm-get-style props 'active-color
(or (# 1 styles)
tcol (or (fvwm-get-style props 'icon-title-color
(fvwm-get-style props 'title-color ()))
(# 2 styles)
atcol (or (fvwm-get-style props 'active-icon-title-color
(fvwm-get-style props 'active-title-color
(or (# 3 styles)
(list col acol tcol atcol)))
(defun fvwm-icon ()
(with (fsm (fsm-make (state-make icon-behavior fvwm-icon-behavior standard-behavior))
cursor fvwm-frame-cursor
props (matches-cond-all fvwm-window-styles)
cols (fvwm-get-icon-colors (matches-cond fvwm-color-styles) props)
title-font (fvwm-get-style props 'title-font fvwm-title-font)
fonthgt (with (font title-font
label-vertical-margin 0
label-horizontal-margin 0)
(# 3 (dimensions " ")))
title-width (or (fvwm-get-style props 'title-width fvwm-title-width)
(+ 4 fonthgt))
fvwm-icon-action (fvwm-get-style props 'icon-action fvwm-icon-action)
outer-border (fvwm-get-style props 'icon-outer-border
(fvwm-get-style props 'outer-border
color-scheme (make-color-scheme (# 0 cols) (# 2 cols))
active-color-scheme (make-color-scheme (# 1 cols) (# 3 cols))
borderwidth 0
inner-borderwidth 0
borderpixel black
property (list 'title-width title-width)
center (fvwm-iconcenter)
label (fvwm-iconbar (if outer-border
(if (= (type outer-border) 'number)
outer-border 1) 0)))
(if center
(with (tile t)
(window-make ()
(with (fsm ()) (bar-make ()))
(with (fsm ()) (bar-make ()))
(with (fsm ()) (bar-make () (bar-make label) ()))
(window-make () () () label ()))))