
65 lines
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;; bind-key.gwm --- Bind keys or buttons to actions dynamically
;; Author: Anders Holst (
;; Copyright (C) 1995 Anders Holst
;; Last change: 9/2
;; This file is copyrighted under the same terms as the rest of GWM
;; (see the X Inc license for details). There is no warranty that it
;; works.
;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------
;; The function 'bind-key' can be used to globally (ie in all windows
;; and in the root) bind a key or button to some WOOL code action.
;; The binding takes effect immediately after the call.
;; The first argument to 'bind-key' can be an event (constructed with
;; key, keypress, keyrelease, button, buttonpress or buttonrelease), a
;; string denoting a key (like "a" or "F1" or "Insert"), or a number
;; denoting a mouse button. It may also be a list where the first element
;; is a string or number and the second element specifies which modifiers
;; to use (with-shift, with-alt etc).
;; The second argument is the WOOL code to run. To unbind a key or
;; button, use () as the second argument.
;; For example:
;; (bind-key "F1" '(? "Silly action\n")) ; Bind F1.
;; (bind-key "F1" ()) ; Unbind it again.
(defun bind-interpret-event (event)
(if (= (type event) 'event)
(= (type event) 'string)
(keypress (key-make event) alone)
(= (type event) 'number)
(buttonbress event alone)
(and (= (type event) 'list)
(= (type (# 0 event)) 'string))
(keypress (key-make (# 0 event))
(eval (+ '(together) (sublist 1 (length event) event))))
(and (= (type event) 'list)
(= (type (# 0 event)) 'number))
(buttonpress (# 0 event)
(eval (+ '(together) (sublist 1 (length event) event))))))
(defun bind-root-behavior (event action)
(if (boundp 'root-behavior)
(with (wob root-window
behavior (eval (list 'on event action))
grab (eval event))
(setq root-behavior (state-make behavior root-behavior))
(setq root-fsm (fsm-make root-behavior))
(wob-fsm root-fsm)
(if action
(set-grabs grab)
(unset-grabs grab)))))
(defun bind-key (event action)
(with (event (bind-interpret-event event))
(if event
(bind-root-behavior event action))))