880 lines
22 KiB
880 lines
22 KiB
/* gwmsh.c - Simple minded gwm interface
* Copyright (C) 1994 Valeriy E. Ushakov
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
* any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, you can either send email to this
* program's author (see below) or write to:
* The Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* 675 Mass Ave.
* Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
* Please send bug reports, etc. to uwe@niif.spb.su
* Description:
* This programm is intended to be a simple line oriented interface
* to GWM. Besides all, it was written for learning purposes (being my
* first X hack). Canonical GNU Emacs have no interface to x11 so this
* might be a kind of quick and dirty solution for this, thou this
* part is yet to be written.
* $Id: gwm.shar,v 1.115 1995/12/08 07:51:55 colas Exp $
* $Log: gwm.shar,v $
* Revision 1.115 1995/12/08 07:51:55 colas
* ********************
* *** Version 1.8c ***
* ********************
* Revision 1.100 1995/05/29 15:56:57 colas
* simple-win.gwm: new parameters:
* label like simple-icon
* legend to place the label on sides of window
* lpad and rpad: number of () to pad the label with stretchable space
* bar-max-wdths set by default to 1000
* John Carr <jfc@MIT.EDU>: patches to supress warnings on AIX/RS_6000/xlc
* rxterm install fixed once more
* Revision 1.97 1995/05/16 16:16:36 colas
* contrib/scripts/find-bar-nils
# Revision 1.5 1995/05/15 22:29:34 colas
# bar can have abitrary shaped backgrounds (shaped tiles)
* Revision 1.95 1995/05/11 17:06:56 colas
* better spy
* Revision 1.93 1995/04/26 16:34:51 colas
* Makefile added in distrib
* simple-icon.gwm:
* - customize item "legend" can now be instead of () or t the strings:
* "top" "base" "right" "left" for the positions where you want the string
* to appear
* e.g: (customize simple-icon any XTerm "left")
* - new customization item "label" to provide either a fixed string or a
* lambda which will be used to filter the label
* must return a non-empty string otherwise the unfiltered label is used
* e.g: to supress the Netscape: in netscape icon titles
* (customize simple-icon any Netscape
* label (lambdaq (s) (match "Netscape: \\(.*\\)$" s 1))
* )
* iconify a window doesnt not loose the window anymore in case of error in wool
* code
* Revision 1.92 1995/04/25 14:31:09 colas
* *** Version 1.7p_beta_2 ***
* Revision 1.3 1994/09/30 17:36:38 uwe
* (get_window_propety_string): Is smarter now. It reads some portion of property and make
* second query only if property value was not read completely at first try.
* (xmalloc): New function. In case there's no -liberty.
* Revision 1.2 1994/09/21 20:50:49 uwe
* Fixed typo in declaration of get_window_property_string argument dpy.
* It's a Display* -- silly typo.
* Revision 1.1 1994/09/21 20:35:42 uwe
* Initial revision
#ifdef sun4 /* XXX: This belongs elsewhere */
# define HAVE_ALLOCA_H
# include <alloca.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <setjmp.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#if defined(USG) || defined(_POSIX_VERSION)
# include <string.h>
# include <strings.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <getopt.h>
#include <varargs.h>
#include <X11/Xlib.h>
#include <X11/Xatom.h>
#include <readline/readline.h>
#include <readline/history.h>
char *readline ();
#ifndef __STDC__
# ifdef __GNUC__
# define const __const__
# define volatile __volatile__
# else /* !__STDC__ && !__GNUC__ */
# define const
# define volatile
# endif
#endif /* !__STDC__ */
#ifdef __GNUC__
# define NORETURN __attribute__ ((noreturn))
# define NORETURN
/* Application name */
char *progname;
/* Command line options */
int under_emacs_p;
int query_only_p;
int use_WINDOWID_p;
char *gwm_single_command = NULL;
/* Type of windows to apply batch commands to */
int all_p;
int icon_p;
int main_p;
int mapped_p;
int stacking_p;
/* any of icon main mapped stacking*/
int all_specific_p;
/* X realted globals */
char *display_name = NULL; /* Use $DISPLAY by default */
Display *dpy; /* Display */
Screen screen_num; /* Screen number */
Window working_window; /* Window to communicate with GWM */
Atom XA_GWM_RUNNING; /* Whether gwm is running */
Atom XA_GWM_EXECUTE; /* Text for gwm to execute */
Atom XA_GWM_RESULT; /* To get eval result from gwm */
/* Shell functions */
char *get_gwm_form ();
void gwm_shell () NORETURN; /* Shell motor function */
void gwmsh_eval_print ();
void gwmsh_eval_print_for_all ();
/* Communication */
Bool gwm_running_p ();
void gwm_execute ();
unsigned char *gwm_get_result ();
/* Window functions */
Bool window_valid_p ();
Bool find_window_in_hierarchy ();
unsigned char *get_window_property_string ();
/* Jump buffer to handle intrs while reading */
jmp_buf intr_while_reading;
void abort_result_waiting_loop ();
/* Auxilary staff */
char *save_optarg ();
volatile void barf () NORETURN;
volatile void die () NORETURN;
char *xmalloc ();
void free ();
* Function: usage
* Prints out on stderr usage summary
* Returns: Nothing
* Parameters: None
usage ()
fputs ("--all -A For all windows\n\
--command -c Execute the command.\n\
--emacs -e Run gwmsh from under emacs. Not intended for ordinary use.\n\
--help -h Print this usage and exit successfully.\n\
--icons -I For all icons\n\
--main -W For all main windows\n\
--mapped -M For all mapped\n\
--query -q Query if GWM is running\n\
--stacking -S For all in stacking order\n\
--window -w Use $WINDOWID window to communicate with GWM.\n",
* Function: main
* I'm not *THAT* bore.
main (ac, av)
int ac;
char **av;
char *s;
progname = av[0];
if (s = rindex (progname, '/'))
progname = s+1;
for (;;) {
static const struct option long_option[] = {
{ "all", no_argument, 0, 'A'},
{ "command", required_argument, 0, 'c'},
{ "display", required_argument, 0, 'd'},
{ "emacs", no_argument, &under_emacs_p, 1 },
{ "help", no_argument, 0, 'h'},
{ "icon", no_argument, 0, 'I'},
{ "main", no_argument, 0, 'W'},
{ "mapped", no_argument, 0, 'M'},
{ "query", no_argument, &query_only_p, 1 },
{ "stacking",no_argument, 0, 'S'},
{ "window", no_argument, &use_WINDOWID_p, 1 },
{ NULL, 0, 0, 0}
int option_index = 0;
int c = getopt_long_only (ac, av, "c:ehqwAIMSW", long_option, &option_index);
if (c == EOF)
switch (c) {
case 0: /* Non-flag long option. */
/*Pass it along to the code that handles short one */
c = long_option[option_index].val;
goto option_switch;
case 1:
case 'c':
save_optarg (&gwm_single_command);
case 'd': /* !!! This is NOT in short options !!! */
save_optarg (&display_name);
case 'e':
under_emacs_p = 1;
case 'h':
usage ();
die (0);
case 'q':
query_only_p = 1;
case 'w':
use_WINDOWID_p = 1;
case 'A':
all_p = 1;
case 'I':
icon_p = 1;
case 'M':
mapped_p = 1;
case 'S':
stacking_p = 1;
case 'W':
main_p = 1;
case '?':
usage ();
die (1);
barf ("panic, getopt returned 0%o\n", c);
if (main_p && icon_p)
barf ("-I and -W are mutually exclusive");
all_specific_p = icon_p || main_p || mapped_p || stacking_p;
if (all_p && all_specific_p)
barf ("-A should be the only option");
dpy = XOpenDisplay (display_name);
if (dpy == NULL)
barf ("Cannot open display %s", XDisplayName (display_name));
/* Check for GWM running */
if (!gwm_running_p ())
barf ("GWM is not running on %s", XDisplayName(display_name));
else if (query_only_p)
die (0);
/* Get window we will use to communicate to GWM */
if (use_WINDOWID_p) {
extern char *getenv ();
char *wid = getenv ("WINDOWID");
if (!wid)
barf ("No WINDOWID environment variable");
if (!sscanf (wid, "%ld", &working_window))
barf ("corrupted $WINDOWID = %ld", wid);
if (!window_valid_p (working_window))
barf ( "Invalid window %ld", working_window);
else {
working_window = DefaultRootWindow (dpy);
/* Create atoms to comunicate with GWM */
XA_GWM_EXECUTE = XInternAtom (dpy, "GWM_EXECUTE", True);
if (XA_GWM_EXECUTE == None)
barf ("Can't intern GWM_EXECUTE");
XA_GWM_RESULT = XInternAtom (dpy, "GWM_RESULT", False);
if (XA_GWM_RESULT == None)
barf ("Can't intern GWM_RESULT");
XSelectInput (dpy, working_window, PropertyChangeMask);
signal (SIGINT, SIG_IGN);
/* Ok, we are ready to pass commands to GWM */
if (all_p || all_specific_p) {
/* XXX: More consistent batch commands parsing*/
char *spec = alloca (100); /* XXX: Magic number here */
spec [0] = '\0';
if (icon_p)
strcat (spec, " 'icon");
else if (main_p)
strcat (spec, " 'window");
if (mapped_p)
strcat (spec, " 'mapped");
if (stacking_p)
strcat (spec, " 'stacking-order");
if (gwm_single_command)
gwmsh_eval_print_for_all (spec, gwm_single_command);
/* XXX: Would wrapping them all together be more logical? */
while (optind < ac)
gwmsh_eval_print_for_all (spec, av[optind++]);
else if (gwm_single_command)
gwmsh_eval_print (gwm_single_command);
gwm_shell ();
die (0);
* Function: gwm_running_p
* Check if gwm is running on the display
* Returns: Bool
* Parameters: None
gwm_running_p ()
/* Hidden window GWM creates */
Window gwm_window;
Status result;
Atom actual_type;
int actual_format;
unsigned long nitems;
unsigned long bytes_after;
Window *gwm_window_id_ptr;
/* Check for GWM_RUNNING presence */
XA_GWM_RUNNING = XInternAtom (dpy, "GWM_RUNNING", True);
if (XA_GWM_RUNNING == None)
return (False);
/* Make shure that GWM_RUNNING is valid */
result = XGetWindowProperty (dpy, DefaultRootWindow (dpy), XA_GWM_RUNNING,
0l, 1l, False, XA_GWM_RUNNING,
&actual_type, &actual_format,
&nitems, &bytes_after,
(unsigned char **) &gwm_window_id_ptr);
if (!((result == Success)
&& (actual_type == XA_GWM_RUNNING)
&& (actual_format == 32)
&& (nitems == 1)
&& (bytes_after == 0)))
barf ("XGetWindowProperty failed to read GWM_RUNNING");
gwm_window = *gwm_window_id_ptr;
XFree ((void *) gwm_window_id_ptr);
/* Well, make shure gwm_window exists */
return (window_valid_p (gwm_window));
* Function: gwm_shell
* Shell read - pass to gwm - read from gwm - print loop
* Returns: Never
* Parameters: None
gwm_shell ()
char *form;
for (;;) {
form = get_gwm_form ("gwm> ");
if (!form) {
putchar ('\n');
die (0);
gwmsh_eval_print (form);
* Function: gwmsh_eval_print
* Prints out result of text evaluation.
* Returns: Nothing
* Parameters: text - gwm form to pass to gwm_execute after wrapping
* it so that result would come to us via GWM_RESULT property.
gwmsh_eval_print (text)
char *text;
char *gwm_command;
char *gwm_result;
gwm_command = alloca (strlen (text) + 200); /* XXX: Magic numer here */
sprintf (gwm_command,
"(set-x-property \"GWM_RESULT\"\
(if (error-occurred (? %s))\
(? \"Wool Error\"))))", text);
gwm_execute (gwm_command, False);
gwm_result = gwm_get_result ();
if (gwm_result) {
fputs (gwm_result, stdout);
fputc ('\n', stdout);
free (gwm_result);
* Function: gwmsh_eval_print_for_all
* Wrap up text in the loop thru all windows and pass it to
* gwmsh_eval_print.
* Returns: Nothing
* Parameters: spec - Loop thru this kind of windows only.
* text - Command to be executes for these windows.
gwmsh_eval_print_for_all (spec, text)
char *spec;
char *text;
char *gwm_command;
gwm_command = alloca (strlen (text) + 50); /* XXX: magic number here */
sprintf (gwm_command, "(for window (list-of-windows %s) %s)", spec, text);
gwmsh_eval_print (gwm_command);
* Function: gwm_execute
* Pass text to gwm via GWM_EXECUTE property. Sync with server
* according to sync_p flag.
* Returns: Nothing
* Parameters: text - Pointer to gwm form to be passed to gwm
* sync_p - Should we sync with server
gwm_execute (text, sync_p)
char *text;
Bool sync_p;
XChangeProperty (dpy, working_window, XA_GWM_EXECUTE,
XA_STRING, 8, PropModeReplace,
text, strlen (text) + 1);
if (sync_p)
XSync (dpy, False);
* Function: abort_result_waiting_loop (signal hanldler).
* Aborts the gwm_get_result event waiting loop upon SIGINT.
* Returns: Nothing
* Parameters: None
abort_result_waiting_loop ()
longjmp (intr_while_reading, 1);
* Function: gwm_get_result
* Looks for the result returned by gwm in GWM_RESULT property.
* Returns: char *
* Parameters: None
unsigned char *
gwm_get_result ()
XEvent ev;
unsigned char *gwm_result = NULL;
if (setjmp (intr_while_reading)) {
signal (SIGINT, SIG_IGN);
gwm_result = "Inerrupted";
goto deliver_result;
signal (SIGINT, abort_result_waiting_loop);
/* Get evaluation result from GWM_RESULT property */
for (;;) {
XNextEvent (dpy, &ev);
switch (ev.type) {
case PropertyNotify:
if ((ev.xproperty.atom == XA_GWM_RESULT)
&& (ev.xproperty.state == PropertyNewValue)) {
gwm_result = get_window_property_string (dpy, working_window,
if (!gwm_result)
fputs ("Error reading GWM_RESULT.\n", stderr);
goto deliver_result;
break; /* to next event */
fprintf (stderr, "Unexpected event %d ignored\n", ev.type);
signal (SIGINT, SIG_IGN);
return gwm_result;
/* --------------------------------------
* Utility functions to deal with windows
* Function: get_window_property_string
* Looks for the given property of type XA_STRING and arbitrary
* length. If anyone know better way of doing this, please fix.
* Returns: char *
* Parameters: dpy - Display
* w - Window
* prop - Property to be read
* delete_p - Delete it?
unsigned char *
get_window_property_string (dpy, w, prop, delete_p)
Display *dpy; /* XXX: shadows global dpy */
Window w;
Atom prop;
Bool delete_p;
Status retcode;
Atom actual_type;
int actual_format;
unsigned long nitems;
unsigned long bytes_after;
unsigned char *buf = NULL;
unsigned long len;
unsigned long already_read;
unsigned long real_size_in_bytes;
unsigned char *prop_val;
retcode = XGetWindowProperty (dpy, w, prop,
&actual_type, &actual_format,
&nitems, &bytes_after,
if ((actual_type != XA_STRING)
|| (actual_format != 8)) {
XFree (buf);
return NULL;
real_size_in_bytes = nitems + bytes_after;
already_read = nitems;
prop_val = (unsigned char *) xmalloc (real_size_in_bytes + 1);
memcpy (prop_val, buf, nitems + 1); /* Including trailing null! */
XFree (buf);
if (!bytes_after)
return prop_val;
len = (bytes_after + 3) / 4;
retcode = XGetWindowProperty (dpy, w, prop,
&actual_type, &actual_format,
&nitems, &bytes_after,
if ((retcode != Success)
|| (actual_type != XA_STRING)
|| (actual_format != 8)) {
XFree (buf);
free (prop_val);
return NULL;
memcpy (prop_val + already_read, buf, nitems + 1);
XFree (buf);
return prop_val;
* Function: window_valid_p
* Whether gived window id is valid
* Returns: Bool
* Parameters: w - Window to validate
window_valid_p (w)
Window w;
/* XXX: Any simpler way to walidate window ??? */
return find_window_in_hierarchy (DefaultRootWindow (dpy), w);
* Function: find_window_in_hierarchy
* Status of search for the given window in the hierarchy
* Returns: Bool
* Parameters: hier_root - Window hierarchy root
* sought_win - Window sought
find_window_in_hierarchy (hier_root, sought_win)
Window hier_root;
Window sought_win;
int found = False;
int child_no;
Window root_ignored;
Window parent_ignored;
Window *child;
int n_children;
XQueryTree (dpy, hier_root, &root_ignored, &parent_ignored,
&child, &n_children);
/* Search it breadth first, for sought_win is most likely the top one */
for (child_no = 0; child_no < n_children; ++child_no)
if (child[child_no] == sought_win) {
found = True;
goto done;
/* Hmm. It's not here try to recurse */
for (child_no = 0; child_no < n_children; ++child_no)
if (find_window_in_hierarchy (child[child_no], sought_win)) {
found = True;
goto done;
XFree ((void *) child);
return (found);
/* --------------------------------
* Misc functions to make life easy
* Function: get_gwm_form
* Generic wrapper for read. One day it might look after parens and
* allow multiple line commands.
* Returns: char *
* Parameters: prompt
char *
get_gwm_form (prompt)
char *prompt;
static char *line_read = NULL;
register char *s;
if (line_read) {
free (line_read);
line_read = NULL;
s = line_read = readline (prompt);
if (s) {
while (isspace (*s))
if (*s)
add_history (s);
return s;
#define BUFSIZE 1000
* Function: readline
* Cheap plastic imitation of GNU readline.
* Returns: char *
* Parameters: prompt
char *
readline (prompt)
char *prompt;
char buf[BUFSIZE+2];
if (prompt)
fputs (prompt, stdout);
return fgets (buf, BUFSIZE, stdin);
#endif /* !USE_READLINE */
* Function: save_optarg
* Rather silly function that just copies global optarg where told.
* Returns: char *
* Parameters: to - place to copy to
char *
save_optarg (to)
char **to;
*to = xmalloc (strlen (optarg) + 1);
return strcpy (*to, optarg);
* Function: barf
* Barf and die.
* Returns: Never
* Parameters: Those of printf
volatile void
barf (va_alist)
va_list ap;
register char *format;
fprintf (stderr, "%s: ", progname);
va_start (ap);
format = va_arg (ap, char *);
vfprintf (stderr, format, ap);
va_end (ap);
fputc ('\n', stderr);
die (1);
* Function: die
* Nothing is permanent.
* Returns: Never
* Parameters: code - to return upon exit
volatile void
die (code)
int code;
if (dpy != NULL)
XCloseDisplay (dpy);
exit (code);
* Function: xmalloc
* Malloc wrapper. Exits on malloc failure.
* Returns: char *
* Parameters: size - size
char *
xmalloc (size)
unsigned size;
char *malloc ();
char *s = malloc (size);
if (!s)
barf ("Out of core");
return s;