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Raw Normal View History

;; virtual.gwm --- Virtual Screen
;; Author: Anders Holst (
;; Copyright (C) 1995 Anders Holst
;; Version: virtual-1.0
;; Last change: 25/10 1996
;; This file is copyrighted under the same terms as the rest of GWM
;; (see the X Inc license for details). There is no warranty that it
;; works.
;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------
;; NOTE: To use this virtual screen in other profiles then the VTWM
;; profile, load "load-virtual.gwm" instead, which sets up the
;; necessary environment and loads the relevant files.
;; This code is inspired by and in large parts stolen from the vscreen
;; code my Emanuel Jay Berkenbilt, MIT.
;; Differences from vscreen.gwm include:
;; * The map looks neater, and the colors are highly customable.
;; * It is updated automatically when the window configuration changes.
;; * You can move the real screen or specific windows by clicking or
;; dragging on the map.
;; A good function to put into the window menu is '(virtual-toggle-nail)',
;; a function for the root-menu is '(virtual-toggle)', and something
;; to call from eg. an icon manager is '(virtual-make-window-visible)'.
;; I hope that the variables below are self explanatory. However, the
;; variable 'virtual-fancy-colors' might need an explanation, via an
;; example:
;; (setq virtual-fancy-colors (list
;; (list black (color-make "lightgray")) ; real screen border and background
;; (list 'Emacs black (color-make "lightpink")) ; emacs border and bg
;; (list 'XTerm black (color-make "lightskyblue")) ; xterm border and bg
;; (list t black white))) ; all other windows
;; ---------------------------
;; Adjust these in your own profile
(for screen (list-of-screens)
show-virtual t ; Show the map of the virtual screen
virtual-modifiers (together with-control with-alt) ; modifs for arrow keys
virtual-omit-nailed t ; if t, map shows only non-nailed windows
virtual-omit-list () ; list of windows not shown in map
virtual-show-filled t ; windows not drawn transparent in map
virtual-fancy-colors () ; list of (wind-class fg bg) specs.
virtual-xpos 0 ; original position of map
virtual-ypos 0
virtual-pixsize 160 ; size of the map
virtual-background white ; default background of the map
virtual-foreground black ; default window frame color on the map
virtual-title-font () ; font of window titles in the map
virtual-title-position () ; position of titles in the map, could be
; top, center, bottom, above, or below.
virtual-horizontal-step (/ screen-width 2) ; amount to move by keys
virtual-vertical-step (/ screen-height 2)
virtual-nailed-list '(Gwm) ; initially nailed windows
(for screen (list-of-screens) ; Dont touch these
(setq virt-pos (list 0 0))
(setq virt-added-window ())
(setq virt-removed-window ())
;; Note: Uses 'matches-list' from vtwm.gwm
(defun virtual-nailed ()
;; Determine whether the current window is nailed or not.
(if (setq tmp (# 'nailed window-window))
(not (= 'no tmp))
(if (or (matches-list virtual-nailed-list)
(and (= window-client-class 'Gwm)
(= window-name 'virtual)))
(defun virtual-nail ()
(## 'nailed window-window t))
(defun virtual-unnail ()
(## 'nailed window-window 'no))
(defun virtual-toggle-nail ()
(if (virtual-nailed)
(if virtual-omit-nailed
(defun virt-movable ()
;; Returns a list of movable windows
(with (movable nil)
(for wob (list-of-windows 'window)
(if (not (virtual-nailed))
(setq movable (+ movable (list window)))))
(defun virtual-move-windows (deltax deltay)
;; Moves windows by deltax and deltay adjusting virt-pos
;; appropriately
(with (move-window-func (if (boundp 'move-window-orig)
move-window-orig ; to work with vtwm profile
(for wob (virt-movable)
(move-window-func (+ window-x deltax) (+ window-y deltay))))
(with (x (# 0 virt-pos) y (# 1 virt-pos))
(setq virt-pos (list (+ x deltax) (+ y deltay))))
(defun virtual-move-left ()
(virtual-move-windows virtual-horizontal-step 0))
(defun virtual-move-right ()
(virtual-move-windows (- virtual-horizontal-step) 0))
(defun virtual-move-up ()
(virtual-move-windows 0 virtual-vertical-step))
(defun virtual-move-down ()
(virtual-move-windows 0 (- virtual-vertical-step)))
(defun virtual-move-home ()
(virtual-move-windows (- (# 0 virt-pos))
(- (# 1 virt-pos))))
(defun virtual-move-to (x y)
(virtual-move-windows (- (+ x (# 0 virt-pos)))
(- (+ y (# 1 virt-pos)))))
(defun virtual-make-window-visible ()
;; Move the virtual screen to make the current window visible.
(if (not (virtual-nailed))
(with (dx 0 dy 0
window-top window-y
window-bot (+ window-y window-height)
window-left window-x
window-right (+ window-x window-width)
screen-top 0
screen-bot screen-height
screen-left 0
screen-right screen-width)
(if (or (ge window-left screen-right) ; Check that no part visible
(le window-right screen-left)
(ge window-top screen-bot)
(le window-bot screen-top))
(if (ge window-right screen-right)
(setq dx (- (ceildiv (min (- window-right screen-right)
(- window-left screen-left
(if (le window-left screen-left)
(setq dx (ceildiv (- screen-left window-left)
(if (ge window-bot screen-bot)
(setq dy (- (ceildiv (min (- window-bot screen-bot)
(- window-top screen-top
(if (le window-top screen-top)
(setq dy (ceildiv (- screen-top window-top)
(setq dx (* dx virtual-horizontal-step))
(setq dy (* dy virtual-vertical-step))
(virtual-move-windows dx dy))))))
(defun virtual-placement (flag)
(if flag
(if (not (or window-was-on-screen
;; window-starts-iconic
;; window-is-transient-for
(not (= window-status 'window))))
(if (and (not (virtual-nailed))
(not (= virt-pos '(0 0))))
(move-window (+ window-x (# 0 virt-pos))
(+ window-y (# 1 virt-pos)))))))
(defun virtual-x (x)
(- x (# 0 virt-pos)))
(defun virtual-y (y)
(- y (# 1 virt-pos)))
(defun virt-drawable ()
(and (not (= window virt-removed-window))
(not (and virtual-omit-nailed
(not (matches-list virtual-omit-list))))
(defun virt-calc-params ()
;; Return a list that contains scale factor, x position of origin,
;; and y position of origin
(with (minx 0
miny 0
maxx screen-width
maxy screen-height
xcenter nil ycenter nil
range nil scale nil x0 nil y0 nil
low (list-of-windows 'window 'mapped))
(if (not (wob-is-valid wob))
(wob root-window))
(for wob (if virt-added-window
(+ (list-of-windows 'window 'mapped)
(list virt-added-window))
(list-of-windows 'window 'mapped))
(if (virt-drawable)
(setq minx (min minx window-x))
(setq miny (min miny window-y))
(setq maxx (max maxx (+ window-x window-width)))
(setq maxy (max maxy (+ window-y window-height))))))
(setq range (max (- maxy miny) (- maxx minx)))
(setq xcenter (/ (+ minx maxx) 2))
(setq ycenter (/ (+ miny maxy) 2))
;; Our scale factor is a simple quotient, times ten. We divide
;; by .95 times the number of pixels to leave some inner border.
;; To get the origin, figure out where 0,0 would be given that
;; the center of the current screen should be in the center.
(setq scale (/ (* 1000 range) (* 95 virtual-pixsize)))
(setq x0 (/ virtual-pixsize 2))
(setq y0 (/ virtual-pixsize 2))
(setq x0 (- x0 (/ (* 10 xcenter) scale)))
(setq y0 (- y0 (/ (* 10 ycenter) scale)))
(list scale x0 y0)))
(defun virt-draw-text (pix left top wdt hgt name vfont pos)
(with (font vfont
label-vertical-margin 0
label-horizontal-margin 0
fh (height " ")
yoff (- fh 2))
(if pos
(setq yoff (if (= (setq pos (atom pos)) 'top) (- fh 2)
(= pos 'center) (/ (+ hgt fh -6) 2)
(= pos 'bottom) (- hgt 1)
(= pos 'above) -2
(= pos 'below) (+ hgt fh -1)
(- fh 2))))
(if (or (not pos) (= pos 'center) (= pos 'bottom) (= pos 'top))
(while (and (> (width name) wdt) (> (length name) 0))
(setq name (match "\\(.*\\).$" name 1))))
(draw-text pix (+ 1 left) (+ yoff top) vfont name)))
(defun virt-draw-window (pix params border colf colb)
(with (foreground colf
background (or colb 0)
mode (if colb 3 1)
left (+ (/ (* 10 window-x) (# 0 params)) (# 1 params))
top (+ (/ (* 10 window-y) (# 0 params)) (# 2 params))
wdt (/ (* 10 window-width) (# 0 params))
hgt (/ (* 10 window-height) (# 0 params)))
(draw-rectangle pix left top wdt hgt border mode)
(if (and virtual-title-font (not (= wob root-window)))
(virt-draw-text pix left top wdt hgt window-name
virtual-title-font virtual-title-position))))
(defun virt-get-color ()
(with (res (if (= window root-window)
(with (ele (# 0 virtual-fancy-colors))
(if (and ele
(or (not (# 0 ele))
(= (type (# 0 ele)) 'number)))
(matches-cond virtual-fancy-colors)))
(if (not res)
(list virtual-foreground
(if virtual-show-filled
(not (# 0 res))
(list virtual-foreground
(# 1 res))
(defun virt-draw-windows (pix params)
(with (wob root-window
cols (virt-get-color))
(virt-draw-window pix params 2 (# 0 cols) (# 1 cols)))
(for wob (if virt-added-window
(+ (list-of-windows 'window 'stacking-order 'mapped)
(list virt-added-window))
(list-of-windows 'window 'stacking-order 'mapped))
(if (virt-drawable)
(with (cols (virt-get-color))
(virt-draw-window pix params 1 (# 0 cols) (# 1 cols))))))
(defun virt-map-to-real (params relx rely)
(with (absx (/ (* (- relx (# 1 params)) (# 0 params)) 10)
absy (/ (* (- rely (# 2 params)) (# 0 params)) 10))
(list absx absy)))
(defun virt-real-to-map (params realx realy)
(with (mapx (+ (/ (* realx 10) (# 0 params)) (# 1 params))
mapy (+ (/ (* realy 10) (# 0 params)) (# 2 params)))
(list mapx mapy)))
(defun virtual-map-move-to ()
(with (params (virt-calc-params)
realpos (virt-map-to-real params
hswdt virtual-horizontal-step
hshgt virtual-vertical-step
absx (- (# 0 realpos) (# 0 virt-pos) (/ screen-width 2))
absy (- (# 1 realpos) (# 1 virt-pos) (/ screen-height 2))
absx (if (< absx 0)
(* hswdt (/ (- absx (/ hswdt 2)) hswdt))
(* hswdt (/ (+ absx (/ hswdt 2)) hswdt)))
absy (if (< absy 0)
(* hshgt (/ (- absy (/ hshgt 2)) hshgt))
(* hshgt (/ (+ absy (/ hshgt 2)) hshgt))))
(virtual-move-to absx absy)))
(defun virtual-map-move-window ()
(with (params (virt-calc-params)
wob virt-wind
mapleft (+ window-x wob-borderwidth
window-client-x window-client-borderwidth -1)
maptop (+ window-y wob-borderwidth
window-client-y window-client-borderwidth -1)
mapright (+ mapleft window-client-width)
mapbottom (+ maptop window-client-height)
mappos (current-mouse-position)
bmask 7936
init-button (bitwise-and bmask (# 2 mappos))
realpos (virt-map-to-real params
(- (# 0 mappos) mapleft)
(- (# 1 mappos) maptop))
wind (wob-at-coords (# 0 realpos) (# 1 realpos)))
(if (and wind
(with (wob wind) (virt-drawable)))
(with (wob wind
initpos (virt-real-to-map params window-x window-y)
mouse-pos ()
cursor (cursor-make 130))
(virt-draw-window virt-pix params 2 virtual-foreground ())
(refresh virt-wind)
(tag ret
(grab-server root-window)
(warp-pointer (+ (# 0 initpos) mapleft)
(+ (# 1 initpos) maptop)
(warp-pointer 0 0) ; To get around bug in X11
(while t
(: mouse-pos (current-mouse-position))
(if (not (= (bitwise-and bmask (# 2 mouse-pos)) init-button))
(exit ret
(ungrab-server root-window)))))
(if (and (= (bitwise-and bmask (# 2 mouse-pos)) 0)
(not (and (= (# 0 mouse-pos) (+ (# 0 initpos) mapleft))
(= (# 1 mouse-pos) (+ (# 1 initpos) maptop))))
(> (# 0 mouse-pos) mapleft)
(< (# 0 mouse-pos) mapright)
(> (# 1 mouse-pos) maptop)
(< (# 1 mouse-pos) mapbottom))
(with (newpos (virt-map-to-real params
(- (# 0 mouse-pos) mapleft)
(- (# 1 mouse-pos) maptop)))
(move-window wind (# 0 newpos) (# 1 newpos))))
(defun virtual-show ()
(if (and (boundp 'virt-wind) virt-wind (wob-is-valid virt-wind))
(with (wob virt-wind
left (+ window-x wob-borderwidth
window-client-x window-client-borderwidth)
top (+ window-y window-client-y
wob-borderwidth window-client-borderwidth))
(setq virtual-xpos left)
(setq virtual-ypos top)
(if show-virtual
(with (params (virt-calc-params)
vmenu ())
(with (foreground virtual-background)
(setq virt-pix (pixmap-make virtual-pixsize virtual-pixsize)))
(virt-draw-windows virt-pix params)
(setq vmenu
(with (borderwidth 0
bar-max-width virtual-pixsize
fsm (fsm-make virtual-map-behavior))
(menu-make (bar-make (plug-make virt-pix)))))
(with (reenter-on-opening ()
xpos (if (< virtual-xpos 0)
(- (+ screen-width virtual-xpos) virtual-pixsize)
ypos (if (< virtual-ypos 0)
(- (+ screen-height virtual-ypos) virtual-pixsize)
(setq virt-wind
(place-menu 'virtual vmenu xpos ypos))))
(unbind 'virt-wind)
(unbind 'virt-pix))))
(defun virtual-toggle ()
(: show-virtual (not show-virtual))
(defun virtual-update ()
(if (and show-virtual (boundp 'virt-pix) (boundp 'virt-wind))
(with (params (virt-calc-params)
bar-max-width virtual-pixsize)
(with (background virtual-background)
(draw-rectangle virt-pix 0 0 virtual-pixsize virtual-pixsize 0 2))
(virt-draw-windows virt-pix params)
(refresh virt-wind))))
(defun virtual-add ()
(if (and (not (= window-status 'icon))
(not (= window-client-class 'Gwm)))
(with (virt-added-window window)
(defun virtual-remove ()
(if (and (not (= window-status 'icon))
(not (= window-client-class 'Gwm)))
(with (virt-removed-window window)
(if (not (boundp 'virtual-map-behavior))
(: virtual-map-behavior
(on (button 1 any) (virtual-map-move-to))
(on (buttonpress 2 any) (virtual-map-move-window))
(on (button 3 any) (virtual-update))
(defun virtual-behavior ()
(if virtual-modifiers
(on (keypress "Left" virtual-modifiers)
(on (keypress "Right" virtual-modifiers)
(on (keypress "Up" virtual-modifiers)
(on (keypress "Down" virtual-modifiers)
(defun virtual-grabs ()
(if virtual-modifiers
(key "Left" virtual-modifiers)
(key "Right" virtual-modifiers)
(key "Up" virtual-modifiers)
(key "Down" virtual-modifiers)