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Raw Normal View History

; Various utilities used in standard profile
; ==========================================
;;File: utils.gwm -- General-purpose WOOL utilities
;;Author: (Vincent BOUTHORS) -- Bull Research FRANCE
;;Author: (Colas NAHABOO) -- Bull Research FRANCE
;;Revision: 1.0 -- Feb 7 1989
;;State: Exp
;;GWM Version: 1.4
;; default
; returns value of variable if set or evaluated provided value
(df default (variable value)
(if (boundp variable)
(eval variable)
(eval value)))
; defvar defines variable if unbound
(df defvar (defvar:variable defvar:value)
(if (boundp defvar:variable) ()
(set defvar:variable (eval defvar:value))
; defaults-to
; set variable if was unset
(df defaults-to args
(with (i 0 l (length args))
(if (= (% l 2) 1)
(trigger-error "defaults-to must have an even number of args"))
(while (< i l)
(if (not (boundp (# i args)))
(set (# i args) (eval (# (+ 1 i) args))))
(setq i (+ i 2))))))
; declare a list of variable as screen-dependent
(df declare-screen-dependent args
(for var args
(defname var screen.)))
;; (default-if-nil v1 a1 v2 a2...)
;; sets vN to aN value if vN is nil
(df default-if-nil args
(with (i 0)
(while (# i args)
(if (not (eval (# i args)))
(set (# i args) (eval (# (+ 1 i) args))))
(setq i (+ 2 i))
;; autoload
; specifies that calling this function (with no args!) will load the file
; and execute the supposedly redefined function
(df autoload (function filename)
(set function
(lambda ()
(setq autoload.tmp (eval function)) ; to prevent bug
(load filename)
(eval (list function)))))
;; print-window-info
;; prints client info in a pop-up window at the center of the screen
info.foreground black
info.background (color-make "moccasin")
info.borderwidth 1
(de print-window-info ()
(with (fsm-but (fsm-make (state-make ; kill by clicking in it
(on (button any alone) (delete-window))
borderwidth info.borderwidth
background info.background
foreground info.foreground
fsm window-fsm
direction vertical
label-horizontal-margin 4 label-vertical-margin 2
menu-min-width 30 menu-max-width 1000
"Client Info"
(with (fsm fsm-but)
(label-make (setq print-window-info.string
-1000 -1000 ; place it outside screen
(with (wob win) ; then center it when we know its size
(- (- (/ screen-width 2) (/ window-width 2)) wob-borderwidth)
(- (- (/ screen-height 2) (/ window-height 2)) wob-borderwidth)
;; output on stdout too
(print print-window-info.string "\n")
(defun create-window-info ()
(+ "Window: " (window-client-class) "."
(make-string-usable-for-resource-key (window-name))
"@" (window-machine-name) ": Geometry="
(itoa window-width) "x" (itoa window-height)
"+" (itoa window-x) "+" (itoa window-y)
;; WM misc utils
; ensure window is contained in screen
(df place-window-in-screen ()
(: x (window-x))
(: y (window-y))
(: xe (+ x (window-width)))
(: ye (+ y (window-height)))
(if (< x 0) (move-window 0 y))
(if (< y 0) (move-window x 0))
(if (> xe screen-width) (move-window (- screen-width
(window-width)) y))
(if (> ye screen-height) (move-window x (- screen-height
;; wool misc utilities:
;; min/max
(de min (n1 n2) (if (< n1 n2) n1 n2))
(de max (n1 n2) (if (> n1 n2) n1 n2))
; not equal: !=
(defun != (obj1 obj2)
(not (= obj1 obj2)))
;; insert elt in list at pos pos (creates new list)
;; used mainly for inserting items in menus
(defunq insert-at (elt listname pos)
(with (listval (eval listname)
pos (eval pos))
(set listname
(+ (sublist 0 pos listval)
(list (eval elt))
(sublist pos (length listval) listval)))))
;; the require/provide functions
(defun require packages
(for package packages
(if (not (boundp package)) (load package))
(defun provide packages
(for package packages
(if (not (boundp package)) (set package ()))
;; string package
(defun make-string-usable-for-resource-key-non-nil (string)
(if (setq #tmp# (make-string-usable-for-resource-key string))
(if (= #tmp# "") "_" #tmp#)
;; The "backquote" function, (` <EXPR>),
;; which makes it much easier to construct various pieces of code and
;; data. As usual, unquote with a "comma", (, <EXPR>).
(defun backquote-eval (ele)
(if (= (type ele) 'list)
(if (= (# 0 ele) ',)
(eval (# 1 ele))
(mapfor subele ele
(backquote-eval subele)))
(defunq ` (body)
(backquote-eval body))
(defun apply (func lst)
(if (member (type func) '(fsubr fexpr))
(eval (+ (list func) lst))
(eval (+ (list func) (mapfor ele lst (list 'quote ele))))))
;; (Rod Whitby)
; First a function that returns t if the window is at the top of the stack.
; (This is needed because windows that are partially off-screen are
; considered by X to be only partially visible, even if they are at the top
; of the stack.)
(defun window-is-topmost (win)
(with (window-list (list-of-windows 'stacking-order))
(= win (# (- (length window-list) 1) window-list)))))
(defun window-is-bottommost (win)
(with (window-list (list-of-windows 'stacking-order))
(= win (# 0 window-list)))))
;; Jay Berkenbilt's match-windowspec function
;; Returns t if the current window matches this windowspec
;; or nil otherwise
;; windowspec is a property list with 'client-class 'client-name
;; and 'window-name as possible tags
;; As you see, windowspecs can themselves contain regular
;; expressions. I could match all xterms set aside for buils with
;; the windowspec
;; (list 'client-class "XTerm" 'window-name ".*build")
;; for example.
(defun match-windowspec (windowspec)
(with (clientclass (# 'client-class windowspec)
clientname (# 'client-name windowspec)
windowname (# 'window-name windowspec))
(for a '(clientclass clientname windowname)
(if (= (eval a) nil)
(set a ".*")))
(if (and (match clientclass window-client-class)
(match clientname window-client-name)
(match windowname window-name))
;; More window matching, by Anders Holst
(defun matches-token (token)
(if (not token) ; True and false are literary
(= token t)
(= (type token) 'atom) ; Atom is resource specification
(with (tmp (match ; client-class[.client-name[.window-name[.machine-name]]]
token 1 2 3 4))
(and (or (member (# 0 tmp) '(() "" "*" "any"))
(= (# 0 tmp) window-client-class))
(or (member (# 1 tmp) '(() "" "*" "any"))
(= (# 1 tmp) (make-string-usable-for-resource-key window-client-name)))
(or (member (# 2 tmp) '(() "" "*" "any"))
(= (# 2 tmp) (make-string-usable-for-resource-key window-name)))
(or (member (# 3 tmp) '(() "" "*" "any"))
(= (# 3 tmp) window-machine-name))))
(= (type token) 'string) ; String is regexp matching name
(match token window-name)
(and (= (type token) 'list) ; Lisp expression
(or (and (= (type (# 0 token)) 'atom)
(boundp (# 0 token))
(member (type (eval (# 0 token)))
'(subr fsubr expr fexpr)))
(= (type (# 0 token)) 'active)))
(eval token)
(and (= (type token) 'list) ; Windowspec
(= (type (# 0 token)) 'atom))
(match-windowspec token)
())) ; Else no match
(defun matches-list (lst)
(tag ret1
(for ele lst
(if (matches-token ele)
(exit ret1 t)))
(defun matches-cond (condlst)
(tag ret2
(for lst condlst
(if (matches-token (# 0 lst))
(exit ret2
(sublist 1 (length lst) lst))))
(defun matches-cond-all (condlst)
(with (res ())
(for lst condlst
(if (matches-token (# 0 lst))
(setq res (+ (sublist 1 (length lst) lst)
;; qjb's utils
(defun ceildiv (x y)
;; Returns (ceiling (/ x y))
(/ (+ x (- y 1)) y))
(defun le (x y)
(or (< x y) (= x y)))
(defun ge (x y)
(or (> x y) (= x y)))
;; place-button
;; places a button on the screen
;; parameters (evaluated):
;; name: text string
;; fore: color of text
;; 4 colors (can be strings or colors) from light to dark:
;; upper-left color, normal back, pressed back, lower right color
;; action is the code to be executed
;; in action, you can look at (current-event-code) and (current-event-modifier)
;; to know which button and which modifiers triggered you
(defun place-button (name fore lit norm press dark action)
(with (atype (eval (boundp 'place-button-action-type))
fsm-but (fsm-make (state-make
(on-eval '(buttonrelease any any)
(list 'progn
(if (= atype 'release)
'(wob-tile (# 'normal wob)))
(on-eval '(buttonpress any any)
(list 'progn
'(wob-tile (# 'pressed wob))
(if (not (= atype 'release))
(if (= atype 'press)
'(wob-tile (# 'normal wob)))
window-behavior standard-behavior
fsm window-fsm
fore-c (if (= (type fore) 'number) fore (color-make fore))
norm-c (if (= (type norm) 'number) norm (color-make norm))
press-c (if (= (type press) 'number) press (color-make press))
lit-c (if (= (type lit) 'number) lit (color-make lit))
dark-c (if (= (type dark) 'number) dark (color-make dark))
background norm-c
foreground fore-c
borderwidth 0
direction vertical
label-horizontal-margin 8 label-vertical-margin 6
menu-min-width 30 menu-max-width 1000
class-name "Gwm" client-name "button"
pix (if (= (type name) 'pixmap) name (label-make name))
background press-c
ppix (if (= (type name) 'pixmap) name (label-make name))
foreground lit-c
w (- (width pix) 1) h (- (height pix) 1)
w-1 (- w 1) h-1 (- h 1)
property (+ property (list 'normal pix 'pressed ppix
win (place-menu
(if (= (type name) 'pixmap) "button" name)
(with (fsm fsm-but)
(draw-line pix 0 0 w 0)
(draw-line pix 1 1 w-1 1)
(draw-line pix 0 0 0 h)
(draw-line pix 1 1 1 h-1)
(draw-line ppix w h w 0)
(draw-line ppix w-1 h-1 w-1 1)
(draw-line ppix w h 0 h)
(draw-line ppix w-1 h-1 1 h-1)
(setq foreground dark-c)
(draw-line pix w h w 0)
(draw-line pix w-1 h-1 w-1 1)
(draw-line pix w h 0 h)
(draw-line pix w-1 h-1 1 h-1)
(draw-line ppix 0 0 w 0)
(draw-line ppix 1 1 w-1 1)
(draw-line ppix 0 0 0 h)
(draw-line ppix 1 1 1 h-1)
(plug-make pix)
;; place-3d-button is a simplified version for use with colors using
;; the 1,2,3,4 shade system in rgb.txt.
;; these are:
(setq shaded-colors '(
snow seashell AntiqueWhite bisque PeachPuff NavajoWhite
LemonChiffon cornsilk ivory honeydew LavenderBlush MistyRose azure SlateBlue
RoyalBlue blue DodgerBlue SteelBlue DeepSkyBlue SkyBlue LightSkyBlue SlateGray
LightSteelBlue LightBlue LightCyan PaleTurquoise CadetBlue turquoise cyan
DarkSlateGray aquamarine DarkSeaGreen SeaGreen PaleGreen SpringGreen green
chartreuse OliveDrab DarkOliveGreen khaki LightGoldenrod LightYellow yellow
gold goldenrod DarkGoldenrod RosyBrown IndianRed sienna burlywood wheat tan
chocolate firebrick brown salmon LightSalmon orange DarkOrange coral tomato
OrangeRed red DeepPink HotPink pink LightPink PaleVioletRed maroon VioletRed
magenta orchid plum MediumOrchid DarkOrchid purple MediumPurple thistle
(defun place-3d-button (name pen color action)
(place-button name pen
(+ "" color "1")
(+ "" color "2")
(+ "" color "3")
(+ "" color "4")
(setq demo-button:color 0)
(setq demo-button:startcol ())
(defun place-3d-demo-button (name pen color action)
(place-button name pen
(setq place-3d-demo-button.c1 (color-make (+ "" color "1")))
(setq place-3d-demo-button.c2 (color-make (+ "" color "2")))
(setq place-3d-demo-button.c3 (color-make (+ "" color "3")))
(setq place-3d-demo-button.c4 (color-make (+ "" color "4")))
(defun demo-button ()
(setq demo-button:startcol (color-make "#123456789"))
(color-free demo-button:startcol)
(defun do-demo-button ()
(# demo-button:color shaded-colors) ;name
black ;pen ink
(# demo-button:color shaded-colors) ;color
(setq demo-button:curcolor (# demo-button:color shaded-colors))
(if (not (< place-3d-demo-button.c1 demo-button:startcol))
(color-free place-3d-demo-button.c1)
(if (not (< place-3d-demo-button.c2 demo-button:startcol))
(color-free place-3d-demo-button.c2)
(if (not (< place-3d-demo-button.c3 demo-button:startcol))
(color-free place-3d-demo-button.c3)
(if (not (< place-3d-demo-button.c4 demo-button:startcol))
(color-free place-3d-demo-button.c4 )
(setq demo-button:color (+ 1 demo-button:color))
(delete-window) ;action
(if (# demo-button:color shaded-colors)