
428 lines
12 KiB
Raw Normal View History

; =================
; This file is derived from the .gwmrc.gwm distributed with gwm
; The original file was written by Colas Nahaboo, BULL Research, France.
; Modifications [Dec 1989] for twm emulation by Arup Mukherjee
; (
; Within the restrictions of the GWM copyright, you may do whatever you
; want with this code. It would be nice, however, if my name were to remain
; in it somewhere.
; banner
; ======
(setq display-name-radix (match "\\([^:]*:[0-9][0-9]*\\)" display-name 1))
(defname 'x-screen-name screen. '(+ display-name-radix "." (itoa screen)))
(if (= gwm-quiet 0) {
(for screen (list-of-screens)
(? x-screen-name " " screen-width " x " screen-height " x "
screen-depth "\n"))
(print "reading...")
(: original-load load)
(defun load (file) (? ".")(original-load file))
; appearance
; ==========
(: name-font (font-make "9x15"))
(: meter-font (font-make "9x15"))
(: bull-font (font-make "9x15"))
(: small-font (font-make "6x10"))
; global switches
; ===============
(: move-grid-style 3)
(: resize-grid-style 4)
(: property ())
(: borderwidth 1)
(: any-button (button any any))
(: any-key (key any any))
(: select-button 1)
(: action-button 2)
(: menu-button 3)
(: autoraise ())
(: autocolormap t)
(: xterm-list '())
(: xload-list '())
(: no-set-focus ())
(: to-be-done-after-setup '(progn))
(: no-reenter-on-placed-wobs 1)
(: screen-opening '(progn)) ; actions to be done before operation
(: screen-closing '(progn)) ; actions to be done when ending
; per-screen data setting
; =======================
(defunq defname-in-screen-to args
(with (value (eval (# 0 args))
vars (sublist 1 (length args) args))
(for var vars
(defname var screen. value))))
(defunq set-color (name value)
(if (not (= screen. (namespace-of name))) {
(defname name screen.)
(for screen (list-of-screens)
(set name (color-make value)))
(defunq set-pixmap args
(with (name (# 0 args)
pixmap-make-call (# 0 args 'pixmap-make))
(if (not (= screen. (namespace-of name))) {
(defname name screen.)
(for screen (list-of-screens)
(set name (eval pixmap-make-call)))
; per-screen data
; ===============
(defname-in-screen-to () tile screen-tile bordertile menu root-cursor)
(defname 'root-pop screen.)
(defname 'window-pop screen.)
(defname 'icon-pop screen.)
(defname 'applications-pop screen.)
(set-color black Black)
(set-color white White)
(set-color grey Grey)
(set-color darkgrey DarkSlateGrey)
(set-pixmap icon-pixmap "icon20")
(defname 'look-3d screen.)
(for screen (list-of-screens)
(if (= 'mono screen-type)
(: look-3d ())
(: look-3d t)
(: invert-color (bitwise-xor black white))
; functions to affect decorations to a client name
; =================================================
; The assignement of decorations to client names:
; a decoration is either:
; a function yielding the decoration
; an unbound variable: the corresponding file is then loaded, which
; must define the function
(load "utils.gwm")
(defname '-screen-name screen.)
(for screen (list-of-screens)
(: -screen-name (+ "S" (itoa screen)))
(resource-put (+ -screen-name ".GwmWindow." ".window" screen-type) ())
(resource-put (+ -screen-name ".GwmIconWindow." ".icon" screen-type) ())
(resource-put (+ -screen-name ".GwmIconPixmap." ".icon" screen-type) ())
(resource-put (+ -screen-name ".GwmPlacement." ".window" screen-type)
(resource-put (+ -screen-name ".GwmIconPlacement." ".icon" screen-type)
(: string-types '(string t atom t pointer t active t))
(defun autoload-description (name)
(if (= 'string (type name)) (: name (atom name)))
(if (not (boundp name))
(load name)))
(defun set-window-resource (client description resource-prefix screentype)
(if (or (= 'any screentype) (= screentype screen-type)) (progn
(if (# (type description) string-types)
(if (match ".*[.]gwm" description)
(: description (match "\\(.*\\)[.]gwm" description 1)))
(autoload-description description)))
(setq description (eval description))
(if (: tmp
(if (= (type description) 'client)
(eval (list description))))
(resource-put (+ -screen-name resource-prefix client "." screentype)
(defunq set-window args
(if (= 3 (length args)) (set-window-resource
(# 1 args) (# 2 args) '.GwmWindow. (# 0 args))
(= 2 (length args)) (set-window-resource
(# 0 args) (# 1 args) '.GwmWindow. 'any)
(? "ERROR: set-window must have 2 or 3 args "
(+ '(set-window) args) "\n")
(defunq set-icon-window args
(if (= 3 (length args)) (set-window-resource
(# 1 args) (# 2 args) '.GwmIconWindow. (# 0 args))
(= 2 (length args)) (set-window-resource
(# 0 args) (# 1 args) '.GwmIconWindow. 'any)
(? "ERROR: set-icon-window must have 2 or 3 args "
(+ '(set-icon-window) args) "\n")
(defunq set-icon args
(if (= 3 (length args))
(+ -screen-name '.GwmIconPixmap. (# 1 args) "." (# 0 args))
(expand-pixmap (# 2 args)))
(= 2 (length args))
(+ -screen-name '.GwmIconPixmap. (# 0 args) ".any")
(expand-pixmap (# 1 args)))
(? "ERROR: set-icon must have 2 or 3 args "
(+ '(set-icon) args) "\n")
(defun expand-pixmap (obj)
(if (= 'list (type obj))
(eval obj)
(pixmap-make obj)))
(defunq set-placement args
(if (= 3 (length args))
(+ -screen-name '.GwmPlacement. (# 1 args) "." (# 0 args))
(# 2 args))
(= 2 (length args))
(resource-put (+ -screen-name '.GwmPlacement. (# 0 args) ".any")
(# 1 args))
(? "ERROR: set-placement must have 2 or 3 args "
(+ '(set-placement) args) "\n")
(defunq set-icon-placement args
(if (= 3 (length args))
(+ -screen-name '.GwmIconPlacement. (# 1 args) "." (# 0 args))
(# 2 args))
(= 2 (length args))
(resource-put (+ -screen-name ".GwmIconPlacement." (# 0 args) ".any")
(# 1 args))
(? "ERROR: set-icon-placement must have 2 or 3 args "
(+ '(set-icon-placement) args) "\n")
; automatic placement
; ===================
(de apply1 (func arg)
(eval (list (eval func) arg)))
(: opening
(apply1 (if (= window-status 'icon)
(+ -screen-name ".GwmIconPlacement."
window-client-class "." screen-type)
(+ -screen-name ".GwmPlacement."
window-client-class "." screen-type)
(if (and (and (not (= (compare window-name icon-mgr-name) 0))
(boundp 'setup-done)
(not (= window-status 'icon)))
(icon-mgr-display window))))
(: closing
(apply1 (if (= window-status 'icon)
(+ -screen-name ".GwmIconPlacement."
window-client-class "." screen-type)
(+ -screen-name ".GwmPlacement."
window-client-class "." screen-type)
(if (and (not (= (compare window-name icon-mgr-name) 0))
(with (icon-mgr-dying-window window)
; default placement make title bar in screen
(defun default-placement (flag)
(if flag
(if (< window-y 0) (move-window window-x 0))))
(load "placements")
; default behaviors
; ==================
(: standard-behavior
(on (buttonpress 1 alone) (twm-pop-menu window-pop))
(on (buttonpress 2 alone) (move-window))
(on (buttonpress 2 with-alt) (move-window))
(on (buttonpress 3 alone) (twm-pop-menu root-pop))
(on (buttonpress 3 with-alt) (iconify-window))))
(: standard-title-behavior
(on (buttonpress 2 alone) (move-window))
(: window-behavior
(on (buttonpress 1 with-alt) (twm-pop-menu window-pop))
(on (buttonpress 2 alone) (move-window))
(on (buttonpress 2 with-alt) (move-window))
(on name-change (send-user-event 'name-change))
(on focus-in (progn (if autoraise (raise-window))
(send-user-event 'focus-in)))
(on focus-out (send-user-event 'focus-out))
(if no-set-focus
(on enter-window (progn (if autoraise (raise-window))))
(on enter-window (progn (if autoraise (raise-window))
(if autocolormap (set-colormap-focus)))))
(on leave-window (set-focus ()))
(on (property-change 'WM_ICON_NAME)
(if (window-icon?)
(send-user-event 'get-icon window-icon)))
(on window-icon-pixmap-change
(if (window-icon?)
(send-user-event 'icon-pixmap-change window-icon)))
(: icon-behavior
(on (buttonpress 1 any) (progn (iconify-window)(raise-window)))
(on (buttonpress 3 any) (progn (iconify-window)(raise-window)))
(: root-behavior
(on (buttonpress 1 any) (twm-pop-menu root-pop))
(on (buttonpress 2 any) (twm-pop-menu applications-pop 0))
(on (buttonpress 3 any) (twm-pop-menu root-pop 0))
(on (key (key-make "BackSpace") with-alt)
(execute-string (+ "(? " cut-buffer ")")))
(on (key (key-make "Delete") with-alt) (end))
(: grabs
(: root-grabs
(: window-grabs
(: icon-grabs
(button any with-alt)
(button 1 (together with-shift with-alt)))))))
; simple fsms
(: fsm (fsm-make (state-make standard-behavior)))
(: window-fsm (fsm-make (state-make window-behavior))))
(: icon-fsm (fsm-make (state-make icon-behavior)))
(: root-fsm (fsm-make (state-make root-behavior)))
;; for running under gwm 1.7
(if (not (boundp 'simple-win)) (load 'simple-win-old))
(if (not (boundp 'simple-icon)) (load 'simple-icon-old))
; Pop-ups
; =======
(load "twm-popups.gwm") ; the twm menu package
; read user customizations in .profile.gwm, once per screen
; =========================================================
(if (= 0 gwm-quiet) (? "["))
(for screen (list-of-screens)
(load "twmrc.gwm")
(load "twm-icon-mgr.gwm")
(if (= 'string (type screen-tile))
(: screen-tile (pixmap-make screen-tile)))
(if (= 0 gwm-quiet) (? "]"))
(load "twm-menus.gwm")
(for screen (list-of-screens) (: menu 'window-pop))
; The simplest window: no-decoration
; ==================================
; use the "simple-icon" package as the defaults for icons
(if (not (boundp 'simple-icon)) (load 'simple-icon-old))))
(defun simple-window-decoration ()
(with (fsm window-fsm
borderwidth 0
inner-borderwidth any
menu window-pop)
(window-make () () () () ())))
(: no-frame-no-borders (: simple-icon-decoration
(: no-decoration simple-window-decoration))
; no-decoration by a small border
(df no-frame () (window-make ()()()()()))
; =================================
(de describe-screen ()
(with (fsm root-fsm cursor root-cursor menu root-pop tile screen-tile
'(progn (eval to-be-done-after-setup)
(eval screen-opening)
(if (= 0 gwm-quiet)
(? "Screen #" screen " ready.\n")))
closing '(eval screen-closing)
(window-make () () () () ()))))
(de describe-window ()
(if (: tmp (resource-get
(+ -screen-name ".GwmWindow."
window-client-class "." screen-type)
(if (: tmp (resource-get
(+ -screen-name ".GwmIconWindow."
window-client-class "." screen-type)
; Bye bye
; ========
(if (= 0 gwm-quiet) {
(setq load original-load)
(print "...done\n")