
318 lines
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Raw Normal View History

; Various utilities used in mwm profile
; ==========================================
;;File: mwm-utils.gwm -- General-purpose WOOL utilities
;;Author: (Vincent BOUTHORS) -- Bull Research FRANCE
;;Author: (Colas NAHABOO) -- Bull Research FRANCE
;;Author: Frederic CHARTON
;;Author: Glen WHITNEY
;;Revision: 1.2 -- Feb 5,1991
;;State: Exp
;;GWM Version: 1.7d
(: focus-in-menu-name-placed ())
(: action-by-menu ())
(: double-click-required ())
(: while-opening ())
(load "utils.gwm")
; Teste si une propriete est presente dans une liste de proprietes
(de got-property (atome liste)
(with (place (member atome liste))
(if place (= 0 (% place 2)))
(de property-of-wob (my-wob)
(with (wob my-wob)
(: to-lower-case-list '(A "a" B "b" C "c" D "d" E "e" F "f" G "g" H "h"
I "i" J "j" K "k" L "l" M "m" N "n" O "o" P "p"
Q "q" R "r" S "s" T "t" U "u" V "v" W "w" X "X"
Y "y" Z "z" ))
(df window-menu ()
(with (wob window)
(de mwm-iconify-window ()
(if lowerOnIconify (with (window window-icon) (lower-window)))
(if iconAutoPlace
(with (
theWindow window
wob (if window-group
(with (window (# 0 window-group)) window-icon)
X (# 'X wob-property)
Y (# 'Y wob-property)
theIcon (if (and X Y) (get-icon-from-array X Y) t)
icon-window-group (if (member theIcon (list-of-windows))
(with (window theIcon) window-group)
(if (= theIcon ())
(## 'X wob X)
(## 'Y wob Y)
(set-icon-of-array X Y wob)
(eval (+ '(move-window wob) (XY-to-xy X Y)))
(with (window theWindow)
(= theIcon wob)
(with (window theWindow)
(member theWindow icon-window-group)
(with (window theWindow)
(with (thePlace (auto-get-place)
X (# 0 thePlace)
Y (# 1 thePlace)
(## 'X wob X)
(## 'Y wob Y)
(eval (+ '(move-window wob) (XY-to-xy X Y)))
(set-icon-of-array X Y wob)
(with (window theWindow)
(progn (move-window window-icon (+ window-x window-client-x)
(+ window-y window-client-y))
(: mwmIconifyHack ())
(de mwm-de-iconify-window ()
(if (not mwmIconifyHack)
(with (X (# 'X window-property)
Y (# 'Y window-property)
(: mwmIconifyHack t)
(set-icon-of-array X Y ())
(if (and (= 'explicit keyboardFocusPolicy) deiconifyKeyFocus)
(process-events 'sync)
(: mwmIconifyHack ()) ; danger of re-entrance over.
(with (window window-icon)
(if (# 'got-focus window)
(## 'got-focus window ())
(send-user-event 'focus-out)
(if (# 'focus-in-menu-name-placed window)
(unpop-menu (# 'focus-in-menu-name window))
(## 'focus-in-menu-name-placed window ())
(: delta moveThreshold)
(: delta2 (* delta delta))
(de deltabutton ()
(allow-event-processing) ; otherwise pointer state frozen
(if (and (> (current-event-code) 0) ; last event received
(< (current-event-modifier) 256)) ; is a buttonpress
(: e-m (# (current-event-code) '(0 1 2 4)))
(: e-x (current-event-x))
(: e-y (current-event-y))
(: m-p (current-mouse-position))
(while (= (/ (# 2 m-p) 256) e-m) ; the button is still pressed
(: dx (- (# 0 m-p) e-x))
(: dy (- (# 1 m-p) e-y))
(if (> (+ (* dx dx) (* dy dy)) delta2)
(exit DELTABUTTON (list dx dy)))
(: m-p (current-mouse-position)))
(df move-icon ()
(if iconAutoPlace
(with (
target.x (+ window-x (/ window-width 2))
target.y (+ window-y (/ window-height 2))
theCoords (xy-to-XY target.x target.y)
X (# 0 theCoords)
Y (# 1 theCoords)
theIcon (get-icon-from-array X Y)
(if (or (= theIcon ()) (= theIcon window))
(eval (+ '(move-window) (XY-to-xy X Y)))
(set-icon-of-array (# 'X window) (# 'Y window) ())
(## 'X window X)
(## 'Y window Y)
(set-icon-of-array X Y window)
(with (theNeighbors (neighbors target.x target.y)
first (# 0 theNeighbors)
first.X (# 1 first)
first.Y (# 2 first)
second (# 1 theNeighbors)
second.X (# 1 second)
second.Y (# 2 second)
(if (not (# 0 first))
(eval (+ '(move-window) (XY-to-xy first.X first.Y)))
(set-icon-of-array (# 'X window) (# 'Y window) ())
(## 'X window first.X)
(## 'Y window first.Y)
(set-icon-of-array first.X first.Y window)
(not (# 0 second))
(eval (+ '(move-window) (XY-to-xy second.X second.Y)))
(set-icon-of-array (# 'X window) (# 'Y window) ())
(## 'X window second.X)
(## 'Y window second.Y)
(set-icon-of-array second.X second.Y window)
(eval (+ '(move-window)
(XY-to-xy (# 'X window) (# 'Y window) ))
(: keyFocusList ())
(df maintain-focus-in ()
(if (not (# 'got-focus wob))
(## 'got-focus window t)
(send-user-event 'focus-in)
(if (and autoKeyFocus (= keyboardFocusPolicy 'explicit)
(= window-status 'window))
(remove-kFL window)
(new-head-kFL window)))
(if (and (= 'icon wob-status) completeIconNameOnFocusIn )
(with (x (- wob-x
(/ (- (width
(menu-wob (# 'focus-in-menu-name window)))
wob-width) 2))
y (+ wob-y (- wob-height icon-bottom-bar-width) 4)
(## 'focus-in-menu-name-placed window t)
(## 'icon-father (menu-wob
(# 'focus-in-menu-name window)) window)
(if (< x 0)
(: x 0))
(if (> (+ x (width (menu-wob
(# 'focus-in-menu-name window))))
(: x (- screen-width
(width (menu-wob
(# 'focus-in-menu-name window))))))
(menu.move (# 'focus-in-menu-name window) x y)
(send-user-event 'focus-in (menu-wob
(# 'focus-in-menu-name window)))
(move-window (menu-wob (# 'focus-in-menu-name window))
x y)
(pop-menu (# 'focus-in-menu-name window) 'here)
(with (grab-keyboard-also t) (grab-server window))
(if (and (= keyboardFocusPolicy 'pointer)
(get-res-truth-value 'focusAutoRaise)
(not (= 'icon wob-status)))
(with (start-time (elapsed-time))
(while (< (- (elapsed-time) start-time) autoRaiseDelay)
(process-events)) ; wait for a bit
(if (# 'got-focus window) (f.raise))))
(df maintain-focus-out ()
(if (# 'got-focus wob)
(## 'got-focus window ())
(send-user-event 'focus-out)
(if (# 'focus-in-menu-name-placed window)
(unpop-menu (# 'focus-in-menu-name window))
(## 'focus-in-menu-name-placed window ())
(de head-kFL ()
(# 0 keyFocusList)
(de remove-kFL (w)
(with (index (member w keyFocusList)
(if index
(: keyFocusList (+ (sublist 0 index keyFocusList)
(sublist (+ index 1)
(length keyFocusList) keyFocusList)
(de new-head-kFL (w)
(: keyFocusList (+ (list w) keyFocusList))
(de obscured-by (w1 w2)
(with (window w1
w1l window-x
w1t window-y
w1r (+ window-width w1l)
w1b (+ window-height w1t)
window w2
w2l window-x
w2t window-y
w2r (+ window-width w2l)
w2b (+ window-height w2t))
(and (< w2l w1r)
(< w2t w1b)
(> w2b w1t)
(> w2r w1l))))
(de pop-up-win strings
(place-menu (# 0 strings)
(with (direction vertical
fsm (fsm-make (state-make (on (button any any) (delete-window))))
borderwidth 0)
(eval (+ '(menu-make)
(mapfor line (+ (sublist 1 (length strings) strings)
(list "" "Click a button to delete"))
() (plug-make (active-label-make line)) () )))))