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;; custom-menu.gwm --- User-friendlier package customizations
;; Author: Anders Holst (
;; Copyright (C) 1996 Anders Holst
;; Last change: 23/3 1996
;; This file is copyrighted under the same terms as the rest of GWM
;; (see the X Inc license for details). There is no warranty that it
;; works.
;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------
;; This file implements a way for other packages to provide easy
;; customization via menus, without spending too much effort on it
;; themselves.
;; The main function is '(custom-menu <MENU-DESCRIPTION>)'.
;; In the simplest case its argument is a list of strings and variables,
;; and it constructs a menu where the user can edit the values of the
;; given variables. Typically the first element in the list should be
;; the name of the menu, but any strings in the list show up as labels.
;; The list can also contain other "menu descriptions" as elements.
;; They will turn up as buttons leading to these "sub-menus". Note that
;; then the first element in each sub-menu description *must* be
;; the name of it (and not a variable or a sub-description).
;; Actually, the first element in each menu-description can also be a
;; list where the first element is the name of it and the rest an
;; association list. Currently the only supported field in this
;; association list is 'hook', which should be some code to run whenever
;; the value of a variable is changed in the menu.
;; To start edit a value in the menu, you click in the corresponding
;; field. If the variable 'custom-immediate-change' is non-nil, the
;; variable is assigned to the new value as soon you finish editing.
;; There is also a special construct, to allow more complex values. If
;; the field starts with a comma (,) the following expression is
;; evaluated before the assignment.
;; But that's all there is to it really.
;; The rest of the code in this file is to provide a simple way
;; for packages to install their customizable variables in a global
;; custom-menu hierarchy, and to maintain the user's variable settings
;; between GWM sessions.
;; There are two functions intended to be used by the package developer:
;; (custom-install-symbols <PACKAGE-NAME> <SYMBOL-LIST>)
;; (custom-install-hook <PACKAGE-NAME> <HOOK-CODE>)
;; The <PACKAGE-NAME> is either a string, or a list of strings serving
;; as a "path" through the menu hierarchy. <SYMBOL-LIST> is the list of
;; all customizable variables in the package. <HOOK-CODE> is a piece of
;; code (quoted) to run whenever any of the customizable variables
;; have changed. It is of course not necessary to provide such a hook,
;; but it is very nice to have one.
;; Another thing to consider for the package developer is to make the
;; variables suitable for customization in this way. Colors and fonts
;; should *not* be stored as numbers but as the strings used when
;; creating them. The contents of variables should preferably not be
;; very long lists, since these are hard to edit. If values are cached
;; there should be some way of updating the cache when the values have
;; changed, and if values are not cached the package should not assume
;; that the contents of variables will remain the same during the whole
;; session.
;; There are three functions intended for the GWM user:
;; (custom-global-menu)
;; (custom-load-preferences)
;; (custom-save-preferences)
;; '(custom-global-menu)' brings you into the top of the custom-menu
;; hierarchy. It is most suitably called from the root menu.
;; The function '(custom-load-preferences)' can be called either when
;; loading the profile, or from the 'screen-opening' hook and
;; '(custom-save-preferences)' can be called from the 'screen-closing'
;; hook. They try to maintain a file ".customize.gwm" where the
;; variables the user have changed through the custom menus are saved.
;; ---------------------------
;; Adjust these in your own profile
(with (wob wob)
(for screen (list-of-screens)
custom-font "6x13bold"
custom-symbol-font "6x13"
custom-value-font "6x13"
custom-value-font-slant 0
custom-foreground "black"
custom-background "lightcyan"
custom-button-background "white"
custom-value-background "white"
custom-value-frame t
custom-immediate-feedback t
custom-immediate-change t
custom-keep-comma-string t
(with (wob wob)
(for screen (list-of-screens)
(setq custom-global-preferences ())
(setq custom-preferences-changed ())
(setq custom-global-menu-descr '("Customizations"))
(with (tmp (getenv "GWM_CUSTOM_FILE"))
(if (= tmp "")
(setq custom-preference-file "./.customize.gwm")
(match "/" tmp)
(setq custom-preference-file tmp)
(setq custom-preference-file (+ "./" tmp))))
(if (not (boundp 'edit-plug-make))
(load "edit-plug"))
(defun custom-print-to-string (val)
(if (member (type val) '(subr fsubr expr fexpr))
(= (type val) 'string)
(+ "\"" val "\"")
(= (type val) 'list)
(with (parts (mapfor ele val (custom-print-to-string ele))
len (length parts)
res (list-make (+ (* len 2) 1))
i 0 j 1)
(## 0 res "(")
(while (< i len)
(## j res (# i parts))
(## (+ j 1) res " ")
(setq i (+ i 1))
(setq j (+ j 2)))
(## (max 1 (- j 1)) res ")")
(apply + res))
(with-output-to-string (? val))))
(defun custom-read-from-string (_str_)
(with (_res_ ()
_bad_ t)
(if (match "^," _str_)
(execute-string (+ "(setq _bad_ (error-occurred (setq _res_ "
(match "^.\\(.*\\)$" _str_ 1)
(execute-string (+ "(setq _bad_ (error-occurred (setq _res_ (quote "
(if _bad_
(list _res_))))
(defun custom-substitute-in-string (from to str)
(with (res ()
mlst ()
head str)
(while (> (length (setq mlst (match (+ "\\(.*\\)\\(" from "\\)\\(.*\\)")
head 1 2 3)))
(setq res (+ (list to (# 2 mlst)) res))
(setq head (# 0 mlst)))
(eval (+ '(+) (list head) res))))
;; Specialized normal state, how to start editing.
(: custom-edit-normal-state
(on (button any any)
(send-user-event 'edit-plug-start wob)
(edit-plug-xposition (current-event-relative-x))))
;; Specialized active state, when to stop or abort editing.
(: custom-edit-active-state
(on focus-out
(send-user-event 'edit-plug-done wob))
;; Things to do when starting editing.
(defun custom-start-edit ()
(set-focus wob)
(process-events)) ; To let the focus change take effect before the
; fsm enters the active state. Otherwise the fsm
; may immediately leave the active state again,
; due to some spurious focus-out event.
;; Things to do when editing is done.
(defun custom-end-edit ()
(with (menuwob (custom-top-parent)
immch (# 'immch menuwob)
sym (# 'symbol wob)
str (edit-plug-get)
comma (and custom-keep-comma-string (match "^," str))
res (custom-read-from-string str))
(if res
(if (not (equal (# 2 sym) (if comma str res)))
(if (not (# 3 sym))
(## 3 sym (or (# 2 sym) t)))
(## 2 sym (if comma str res))
(if immch
(set (# 0 sym) (# 0 res))
(## 4 sym t)
(eval (# 'hook wob))))
(if (and (not comma) custom-immediate-feedback)
(edit-plug-change (custom-print-to-string (# 0 res))))))
(if custom-immediate-feedback
(edit-plug-change (if (# 2 sym)
(if (= (type (# 2 sym)) 'string)
(# 2 sym)
(custom-print-to-string (# 0 (# 2 sym))))
(defun custom-abort-edit ()
(defun custom-plug-separator (size)
(with (fsm ()
foreground background)
(plug-make (pixmap-make size 1))))
(defun custom-symbol-plug (label)
(with (fsm ()
font (if (= (type custom-symbol-font) 'number)
(font-make custom-symbol-font))
label-horizontal-margin 2
label-vertical-margin 2)
(plug-make (label-make label))))
(defun custom-label-plug (label)
(with (fsm ()
font (if (= (type custom-font) 'number)
(font-make custom-font))
label-horizontal-margin 2
label-vertical-margin 2)
(plug-make (label-make label))))
(defun custom-value-plug (item)
(with (font (if (= (type custom-value-font) 'number)
(font-make custom-value-font))
font-slant (or custom-value-font-slant 0)
label-horizontal-margin 4
label-vertical-margin 1
edit-plug-start-hook '(custom-start-edit)
edit-plug-done-hook '(custom-end-edit)
edit-plug-abort-hook '(custom-abort-edit)
edit-plug-normal-state custom-edit-normal-state
edit-plug-active-state custom-edit-active-state
property (+ (list 'symbol item 'hook hook) property))
(with (borderwidth (if custom-value-frame 1 0)
borderpixel foreground)
(with (borderwidth 0)
(with (borderwidth 1
background (if custom-value-background
(if (= (type custom-value-background)
(color-make custom-value-background))
borderpixel background
active-borderpixel foreground)
(edit-plug-make (if (# 2 item)
(if (= (type (# 2 item)) 'string)
(# 2 item)
(custom-print-to-string (# 0 (# 2 item))))
(defun custom-button-plug (label action)
(with (font (if (= (type custom-font) 'number)
(font-make custom-font))
outer-background background
background (if custom-button-background
(if (= (type custom-button-background) 'number)
(color-make custom-button-background))
label-horizontal-margin 5
label-vertical-margin 3
pix (label-make label)
dim (dimensions pix))
(draw-rectangle pix 2 2 (- (# 2 dim) 4) (- (# 3 dim) 4) 2 1)
(with (foreground outer-background)
(draw-line pix 0 0 0 1)
(draw-line pix 1 0 1 0)
(draw-line pix 0 (- (# 3 dim) 2) 0 (- (# 3 dim) 1))
(draw-line pix 1 (- (# 3 dim) 1) 1 (- (# 3 dim) 1))
(draw-line pix (- (# 2 dim) 1) 0 (- (# 2 dim) 1) 1)
(draw-line pix (- (# 2 dim) 2) 0 (- (# 2 dim) 2) 0)
(draw-line pix (- (# 2 dim) 1) (- (# 3 dim) 2)
(- (# 2 dim) 1) (- (# 3 dim) 1))
(draw-line pix (- (# 2 dim) 2) (- (# 3 dim) 1)
(- (# 2 dim) 2) (- (# 3 dim) 1)))
(draw-line pix 2 2 2 2)
(draw-line pix (- (# 2 dim) 3) 2 (- (# 2 dim) 3) 2)
(draw-line pix 2 (- (# 3 dim) 3) 2 (- (# 3 dim) 3))
(draw-line pix (- (# 2 dim) 3) (- (# 3 dim) 3)
(- (# 2 dim) 3) (- (# 3 dim) 3))
(with (fsm (fsm-make (state-make (on-eval '(button any any) action))))
(plug-make pix))))
(defun custom-top-parent ()
(with (wob wob
par wob-parent)
(while (not (= par window))
(setq wob wob-parent)
(setq par wob-parent))
(defun custom-done ()
(with (menuwob (custom-top-parent)
descr (# 'descr menuwob)
hook (# 'hook menuwob)
change ()
res ())
(for sym descr
(if (and (# 0 sym) (# 2 sym) (# 3 sym) (not (# 4 sym)))
(if (= (type (# 2 sym)) 'string)
(if (setq res (custom-read-from-string (# 2 sym)))
(set (# 0 sym) (# 0 res))
(setq change t)))
(set (# 0 sym) (# 0 (# 2 sym)))
(setq change t)))))
(if change
(with (custom-refresh-menu ())
(eval hook)))
(for sym descr
(if (and (# 0 sym) (# 2 sym) (# 3 sym))
(custom-put-preference (# 0 sym) (# 2 sym))))
(if (window-is-valid window)
(delete-window window))))
(defun custom-cancel ()
(with (menuwob (custom-top-parent)
descr (# 'descr menuwob)
hook (# 'hook menuwob)
change ()
res ())
(for sym descr
(if (and (# 0 sym) (# 3 sym) (# 4 sym))
(if (= (# 3 sym) t)
(unbind (# 0 sym))
(= (type (# 3 sym)) 'string)
(if (setq res (custom-read-from-string (# 3 sym)))
(set (# 0 sym) (# 0 res))
(setq change t)))
(set (# 0 sym) (# 0 (# 3 sym)))
(setq change t)))))
(if change
(with (custom-refresh-menu ())
(eval hook)))
(delete-window window)))
(defun custom-construct-menu (descr)
(with (fsm ()
bordertile ()
bar-max-width 3000
bar-min-width 0
background (if (= (type custom-background) 'number)
(color-make custom-background))
foreground (if (= (type custom-foreground) 'number)
(color-make custom-foreground))
borderpixel background
borderwidth 1
direction vertical
align-column 0
bar-list ()
hook (if (not (# 0 (# 0 descr))) (# 'hook (# 2 (# 0 descr)))))
(with (m 0 sz ())
(for ele descr
(if (# 0 ele)
(with (font (if (= (type custom-symbol-font) 'number)
(font-make custom-symbol-font)))
(setq sz (# 2 (dimensions (+ (# 0 ele)))))
(## 1 ele sz)
(setq m (max m sz)))))
(setq align-column (+ m 2)))
(setq bar-list
(mapfor ele descr
(if (# 0 ele)
(custom-plug-separator 5)
(custom-symbol-plug (# 0 ele))
(custom-plug-separator (- align-column (# 1 ele)))
(custom-value-plug ele)
(custom-plug-separator 10))
(= (type (# 1 ele)) 'list)
(custom-plug-separator 10)
(custom-button-plug (if (= (type (# 0 (# 1 ele))) 'string)
(# 0 (# 1 ele))
(# 0 (# 0 (# 1 ele))))
(list 'custom-menu
(list 'quote (# 1 ele))
'(+ window-x 15)
'(+ window-y 15))))
(= (type (# 1 ele)) 'string)
(custom-plug-separator 10)
(custom-label-plug (# 1 ele))))))
(setq bar-list (+ bar-list
(list (bar-make
(custom-plug-separator 10)
(custom-button-plug "Done" '(custom-done))
(custom-plug-separator 15)
(custom-button-plug "Cancel" '(custom-cancel))
(custom-plug-separator 10)))))
(with (property (+ (list 'descr descr
'hook hook
'immch custom-immediate-change) property)
borderpixel foreground)
(apply menu-make bar-list))))
(defun custom-menu _args_
(with (descr (mapfor _cele_ (# 0 _args_)
(if (not (member (type _cele_) '(string list)))
(list _cele_ ()
(or (with (res (custom-get-preference _cele_))
(if (and res (= (type res) 'string)) res ()))
(if (boundp _cele_) (list (eval _cele_)) ()))
() ())
(list () _cele_)))
xpos (if (= (type (# 1 _args_)) 'number) (# 1 _args_))
ypos (if (= (type (# 2 _args_)) 'number) (# 2 _args_))
mn ())
(if (and (not (# 0 (# 0 descr)))
(= (type (# 1 (# 0 descr))) 'list)
(= (type (# 0 (# 1 (# 0 descr)))) 'string))
(## 0 descr (list ()
(# 0 (# 1 (# 0 descr)))
(sublist 1 (length (# 1 (# 0 descr)))
(# 1 (# 0 descr))))))
(setq mn (custom-construct-menu descr))
(if mn
(with (reenter-on-opening ()
dim (dimensions mn)
x (max 10 (/ (- screen-width (# 2 dim)) 3))
y (max 10 (/ (- screen-height (# 3 dim)) 3)))
(if (and xpos ypos)
(place-menu 'custom mn xpos ypos)
(place-menu 'custom mn x y))))))
(defun custom-refresh-menu ()
(with (menuwob (custom-top-parent)
descr (# 'descr menuwob)
hook (# 'hook menuwob)
immch (# 'immch menuwob)
xpos (+ window-x window-client-x
(with (wob window) wob-borderwidth)
(with (wob menuwob) (- wob-borderwidth))
ypos (+ window-y window-client-y
(with (wob window) wob-borderwidth)
(with (wob menuwob) (- wob-borderwidth))
mn ())
(if (not (= immch custom-immediate-change))
(for sym descr
(if (and (# 0 sym) (# 4 sym))
(## 4 sym ()))))
(setq mn (custom-construct-menu descr))
(if mn
(with (reenter-on-opening ())
(delete-window window)
(place-menu 'custom mn xpos ypos)))))
(defun custom-save-file (file lst)
(with-output-to-file (+ file ":")
(? "(setq tmp '(\n")
(with (i 0)
(while (< i (length lst))
(? (custom-print-to-string (# i lst)) " "
(if (= (type (# (+ i 1) lst)) 'string)
(custom-substitute-in-string "\"" "\\\""
(# (+ i 1) lst))
(# (+ i 1) lst)))
(setq i (+ i 2))))
(? "))\n"))
(! "sh" "-c" (+ "mv " file " " file "~ ; mv " file ": " file " ;"))
(defun custom-read-file (file)
(with (tmp 'magicatom)
(load file))
(if (= tmp 'magicatom)
(defun custom-put-preference (var val)
(if (member var custom-global-preferences)
(## var custom-global-preferences val)
(setq custom-global-preferences
(+ custom-global-preferences
(list var val))))
(setq custom-preferences-changed t))
(defun custom-get-preference (var)
(# var custom-global-preferences))
(defun custom-apply-preferences (prefs)
(with (len (length prefs)
i 0
res ())
(while (< i len)
(if (= (type (# (+ i 1) prefs)) 'string)
(if (setq res (custom-read-from-string (# (+ i 1) prefs)))
(set (# i prefs) (# 0 res)))
(set (# i prefs) (# 0 (# (+ i 1) prefs))))
(setq i (+ i 2)))))
(defun custom-save-preferences ()
(if custom-preferences-changed
(custom-save-file custom-preference-file custom-global-preferences))
(setq custom-preferences-changed ()))
(defun custom-load-preferences ()
(setq custom-global-preferences (custom-read-file custom-preference-file))
(custom-apply-preferences custom-global-preferences)
(setq custom-preferences-changed ()))
(defun custom-insert-symbols (lst syms)
(with (len (length lst)
i (- len 1)
syms (copy syms)
s1 ()
s2 ())
(while (and (> i 0) (= (type (# i lst)) 'list))
(setq i (- i 1)))
(setq s1 (sublist 0 (+ i 1) lst))
(setq s2 (sublist (+ i 1) len lst))
(setq i (- (length syms) 1))
(while (> i -1)
(if (member (# i syms) s1)
(delete-nth i syms))
(setq i (- i 1)))
(+ s1 syms s2)))
(defun custom-insert-hook (head hook)
(if (not (= (type head) 'list))
(list head 'hook hook)
(not (member 'hook head))
(+ head (list 'hook hook))
(with (oh (# 'hook head))
(## 'hook head
(if (not oh)
(and (= (type oh) 'list) (= (# 0 oh) 'progn))
(+ oh (list hook))
(list 'progn oh hook))))))
(defun custom-find-name (lst name)
(with (len (length lst)
i 1)
(while (and (< i len)
(not (and (= (type (# i lst)) 'list)
(or (and (= (type (# 0 (# i lst))) 'string)
(= (# 0 (# i lst)) name))
(and (= (type (# 0 (# i lst))) 'list)
(= (type (# 0 (# 0 (# i lst)))) 'string)
(= (# 0 (# 0 (# i lst))) name))))))
(setq i (+ i 1)))
(if (< i len)
(defun custom-install-symbols (name syms)
(if (not name)
(setq custom-global-menu-descr
(custom-insert-symbols custom-global-menu-descr syms))
(with (name (if (not (= (type name) 'list)) (list name) name)
len (length name)
i 0
lst1 ()
pos1 ()
lst custom-global-menu-descr
pos ())
(while (< i len)
(setq pos (custom-find-name lst (# i name)))
(if (not pos)
(if pos1
(## pos1 lst1 (setq lst (+ lst (list (list (# i name))))))
(setq lst (setq custom-global-menu-descr
(+ custom-global-menu-descr
(list (list (# i name)))))))
(setq pos (- (length lst) 1))))
(setq pos1 pos)
(setq lst1 lst)
(setq lst (# pos1 lst1))
(setq i (+ i 1)))
(## pos1 lst1 (custom-insert-symbols lst syms)))))
(defun custom-install-hook (name hook)
(if (not name)
(## 0 custom-global-menu-descr
(custom-insert-hook (# 0 custom-global-menu-descr) hook))
(with (name (if (not (= (type name) 'list)) (list name) name)
len (length name)
i 0
lst1 ()
pos1 ()
lst custom-global-menu-descr
pos ())
(while (< i len)
(setq pos (custom-find-name lst (# i name)))
(if (not pos)
(if pos1
(## pos1 lst1 (setq lst (+ lst (list (list (# i name))))))
(setq lst (setq custom-global-menu-descr
(+ custom-global-menu-descr
(list (list (# i name)))))))
(setq pos (- (length lst) 1))))
(setq pos1 pos)
(setq lst1 lst)
(setq lst (# pos1 lst1))
(setq i (+ i 1)))
(## 0 lst (custom-insert-hook (# 0 lst) hook)))))
(defun custom-global-menu ()
(custom-menu custom-global-menu-descr))
;; Now, let this package install itself
(custom-install-symbols "custom-menu"
(custom-install-hook "custom-menu" '(custom-refresh-menu))