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;; custom-install.gwm --- Hack to install custom-menu functionality
;; Author: Anders Holst (
;; Copyright (C) 1996 Anders Holst
;; Last change: 23/3 1996
;; This file is copyrighted under the same terms as the rest of GWM
;; (see the X Inc license for details). There is no warranty that it
;; works.
;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------
;; This file tries to install the "custom-menu" package functionality.
;; It loads the suitable files, it installs loading and saving of the
;; customization file in the appropriate hooks, it tries to insert
;; the "Customize" alternative in the root menu, and it redefines a
;; bunch of functions to fool packages which do not support custom-menu
;; to support it anyway.
;; In the standard profile you should load this file at the beginning of
;; ".profile.gwm".
;; In the vtwm profile, for maximum effect you have to load it from the
;; file "vtwm.gwm", just after the settings of 'screen-opening' and
;; 'screen-closing', but before the definition of user customizable
;; variables (that is, load it around line 449, if there are no changes
;; done to the distributed file).
;; For the mwm profile, the custom-menu package is unfortunately not
;; applicable, since the mwm profile is too different in its philosophy
;; of how things should be done.
(load "edit-plug")
(load "advice")
(load "custom-menu")
custom-hierarchy-by-name t
custom-root-menu-position 1)
;; Make sure that the customization file is loaded in the beginning
;; and saved again at the end of the session.
(defunq ci-add-hook (hook expr)
(if (not (boundp hook))
(set hook expr)
(= (# 0 (eval hook)) 'progn)
(set hook (+ '(progn) (list expr)
(sublist 1 (length (eval hook)) (eval hook))))
(set hook (+ '(progn) (list expr) (list (eval hook))))))
(ci-add-hook screen-opening (custom-apply-preferences custom-global-preferences))
(ci-add-hook screen-closing (custom-save-preferences))
;; Here we try to redefine some suitable functions, to make packages
;; install themselves in the global customization menu.
(setq load-filename ())
(setq custom-already-installed ())
(setq custom-install-list ())
;; Make sure to advice the *original* load
(if (and (boundp 'original-load)
(not (eq original-load load)))
(advice (original-load f)
'custom-install 'around
(with (res ()
load-filename (match "\\([^/]*\\)$" f 1)
custom-already-installed ()
custom-install-list ())
(setq res (original-load f))
(if (not custom-already-installed)
(custom-smart-install load-filename custom-install-list))
(advice (load f)
'custom-install 'around
(with (res ()
load-filename (match "\\([^/]*\\)$" f 1)
custom-already-installed ()
custom-install-list ())
(setq res (load f))
(if (not custom-already-installed)
(custom-smart-install load-filename custom-install-list))
(advice defaults-to
'custom-install 'before
(setq custom-install-list (+ custom-install-list args)))
(advice custom-install-symbols
'custom-install 'before
(setq custom-already-installed t))
(ci-add-hook screen-opening
(if (not custom-already-installed)
(custom-smart-install () custom-install-list)))
(setq custom-smart-install-hooks
'(virtual (virtual-show)
virtual-door (door-mgr-show)
virtual-pan (if show-pan-lists
vtwm-icon-mgr (icon-mgr-show)
fvwm-window (custom-redecorate-some-windows 'fvwm-window)
fvwm-icon (custom-redecorate-some-icons 'fvwm-icon)
vtwm-window (progn (custom-redecorate-some-windows 'vtwm-window)
(custom-redecorate-some-windows ()))
simple-ed-win (progn (setq ())
(custom-redecorate-some-windows 'simple-ed-win))
(setq custom-smart-install-avoid
'(() (root-pop root-behavior vtwm-grabs)
vtwm-icon-mgr (default-icon-mgr icon-mgr-list)
load-virtual t
def-menus (root-pop window-pop icon-pop)
(defun custom-redecorate-some-windows (win-func)
(with (oldwob wob)
(setq wob root-window)
(for wob (list-of-windows 'window)
(if (and (not (= window-client-class 'Gwm))
(= win-func (std-resource-get 'GwmWindow)))
(if (wob-is-valid oldwob)
(setq wob oldwob))))
(defun custom-redecorate-some-icons (win-func)
(with (oldwob wob)
(setq wob root-window)
(for wob (list-of-windows 'icon)
(if (and (not (= window-client-class 'Gwm))
(= win-func (std-resource-get 'GwmIconWindow)))
(if (wob-is-valid oldwob)
(setq wob oldwob))))
(defun custom-smart-install (name args)
(with (basename (if (match "^\\(.[^.]*\\)" name)
(match "^\\(.[^.]*\\)" name 1))
partname (if (match "^\\([^-]*\\)" name)
(match "^\\([^-]*\\)" name 1))
instname basename
len (/ (length args) 2)
res (list-make len)
hook (# (atom basename) custom-smart-install-hooks)
avoid (# (atom basename) custom-smart-install-avoid)
i 0)
(while (< i len)
(## i res (# (* i 2) args))
(setq i (+ i 1)))
(if (= avoid t)
(setq res ())
(while (> i 0)
(setq i (- i 1))
(if (member (# i res) avoid)
(delete-nth i res))))
(if custom-hierarchy-by-name
(if (and basename partname
(not (= basename partname))
(custom-find-name custom-global-menu-descr partname))
(setq instname (list partname basename))))
(if res
(custom-install-symbols instname res))
(if (and res hook)
(custom-install-hook instname hook))))
;; Try to install a call to '(custom-global-menu)' in the root menu.
;; This is easy in the standard profile, but trickier for vtwm.
(if (not custom-root-menu-position)
(and (boundp 'insert-at)
(boundp 'root-pop-items))
(if (not (with (found ())
(for ele root-pop-items
(if (and (= (type ele) 'list)
(member '(custom-global-menu) ele))
(setq found t)))
(insert-at '(item-make "Customize" (custom-global-menu))
root-pop-items (max 1 (min (length root-pop-items)
(if (< custom-root-menu-position 0)
(+ (length root-pop-items)
custom-root-menu-position 1)
(boundp 'construct-menu)
(advice construct-menu
'custom-install2 'around
(if (and (= (type (# 0 args)) 'string)
(match "^[Rr]oot" (# 0 args))
(not (with (found ())
(for ele args
(if (and (= (type ele) 'list)
(member '(custom-global-menu) ele))
(setq found t)))
(setq args (+ (sublist 0 (max 1 (min (length args)
(if (< custom-root-menu-position 0)
(+ (length args)
custom-root-menu-position 1)
custom-root-menu-position) args)))
'(("Customize" (custom-global-menu)))
(sublist (max 1 (min (length args)
(if (< custom-root-menu-position 0)
(+ (length args)
custom-root-menu-position 1)
(length args) args))))
(apply construct-menu args))
(advice (load f)
'custom-install2 'after
(if (boundp 'construct-menu)
(advice construct-menu
'custom-install2 'around
(if (and (= (type (# 0 args)) 'string)
(match "^[Rr]oot" (# 0 args))
(not (with (found ())
(for ele args
(if (and (= (type ele) 'list)
(member '(custom-global-menu) ele))
(setq found t)))
(setq args (+ (sublist 0
(max 1 (min (length args)
(if (< custom-root-menu-position 0)
(+ (length args)
custom-root-menu-position 1)
'(("Customize" (custom-global-menu)))
(sublist (max 1 (min (length args)
(if (< custom-root-menu-position 0)
(+ (length args)
custom-root-menu-position 1)
(length args) args))))
(apply construct-menu args))
(unadvice load 'custom-install2))))
;; Install this package's variables, in the same menu as "custom-menu".
(with (custom-already-installed ())
(custom-install-symbols '("custom-menu")