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;; vtwm.gwm --- VTWM profile for GWM
;; Author: Anders Holst (
;; Copyright (C) 1995 Anders Holst
;; Version: vtwm-1.0
;; Last change: 31/7 1996
;; This file is copyrighted under the same terms as the rest of GWM
;; (see the X Inc license for details). There is no warranty that it
;; works.
;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------
;; This file is the main file of the VTWM profile for gwm.
;; This profile is highly inspired by, and in large parts stolen
;; directly from, the TWM profile by Arup Mukherjee
;; ( Thus much of the credit go to him.
;; However, bug reports (and complaints) go to me:
;; All normal user customization of the profile (colors, original
;; positions and sizes, behaviors, menus, etc.) can be done in
;; "vtwmrc.gwm".
(load "trace-func")
(stack-print-level 5)
(setq display-name-radix (match "\\([^:]*:[0-9][0-9]*\\)" display-name 1))
(defname 'x-screen-name screen. '(+ display-name-radix "." (itoa screen)))
(if (= gwm-quiet 0)
(for screen (list-of-screens)
(? x-screen-name " " screen-width " x " screen-height " x "
screen-depth "\n"))
(print "reading")
(: original-load load)
(defun load (file) (? ".")(original-load file))
(load "std-func")
;; General appearance
;; ------------------
(: move-grid-style 3)
(: move-meter 0)
(: resize-grid-style 4)
(: resize-meter 0)
(: property ())
(: borderwidth 2)
(: border-on-shaped 1)
;; Some nice names for use later in the profile
;; --------------------------------------
(set-color black Black)
(set-color white White)
(set-color grey Grey)
(set-color darkgrey DarkSlateGrey)
(: name-font (font-make "9x15"))
(: small-font (font-make "6x10"))
(: any-button (button any any))
(: any-key (key any any))
(: select-button 1)
(: action-button 2)
(: menu-button 3)
(for screen (list-of-screens)
(: invert-color (bitwise-xor black white))
;; Load and define several useful functions
(load "utils")
(load "deltabutton")
; default placement make title bar in screen
(defun onscreen-placement (flag)
(if flag
(with (x window-x
y window-y)
bottom (+ window-y window-height))
(if (> (+ x window-width) screen-width)
(setq x (- screen-width window-width)))
(if (< x 0)
(setq x 0))
(if (> (+ y window-height) screen-height)
(setq y (- screen-height window-height)))
(if (< y 0)
(setq y 0))
(if (not (and (= x window-x) (= y window-y)))
(move-window x y))))
(setq place-x-offset 23)
(setq place-y-offset 19)
(setq place-x-wrap 1031)
(setq place-y-wrap 871)
(setq place-last-x 0)
(setq place-last-y 100)
(defun random-placement (flag)
(if flag
(if (not (or window-was-on-screen
;; window-starts-iconic
;; window-is-transient-for
(not (= window-status 'window))))
(with (left (+ place-last-x place-x-offset)
right (+ left window-width)
top (+ place-last-y place-y-offset)
bottom (+ top window-height))
(if (> right 1024)
(setq place-last-x (with (neg (- left place-x-wrap))
(+ neg (* (/ (- place-x-offset neg 1)
(setq place-last-x left))
(if (> bottom 864)
(setq place-last-y (with (neg (- top place-y-wrap))
(+ neg (* (/ (- place-y-offset neg 1)
(setq place-last-y top))
(move-window place-last-x place-last-y)))))
(defun vtwm-user-placement (flag)
(if flag
(if (not (or window-was-on-screen
;; window-starts-iconic
;; window-is-transient-for
(not (= window-status 'window))))
(with (pos (current-mouse-position)
cursor (cursor-make 130))
(move-window (# 0 pos) (# 1 pos))
(setq pos (current-mouse-position))
(if (> (# 2 pos) 0)
(warp-pointer 10 10)
(defun vtwm-placement (flag)
(if flag
(if (or window-was-on-screen
;; window-starts-iconic
;; window-is-transient-for
(= window-client-class 'Gwm)
(not (= window-status 'window))
;; (virtual-nailed)
(or (not (or window-program-set-position
(and (= window-x 0)
(= window-y 0)))
(if place-randomly
(random-placement flag)
(vtwm-user-placement flag))
(virtual-placement flag)
(with (left window-x
right (+ left window-width)
top window-y
bottom (+ top window-height))
(if (not (and (< left screen-width)
(> right -1)
(< top screen-height)
(> bottom -1)))
(if place-randomly
(random-placement flag)
(vtwm-user-placement flag)))))))
(load "placements")
;; Wrappers for some primitive functions
(if (not (boundp 'raise-window-orig))
(: raise-window-orig raise-window)
(defun raise-window arg
(if (and arg (# 0 arg))
(raise-window-orig (# 0 arg))
(if (not autofocus)
(if arg
(set-focus (# 0 arg))
(if (not (boundp 'lower-window-orig))
(: lower-window-orig lower-window)
(defun lower-window arg
(if (and arg (# 0 arg))
(lower-window-orig (# 0 arg))
(if (not (boundp 'move-window-orig))
(: move-window-orig move-window)
(defun move-window args
(if (and raise-on-move (< (length args) 2))
(if (= (length args) 1)
(raise-window-orig (# 0 args))
(if args
(eval (+ (list 'move-window-orig) args))
(if (window-is-mapped)
(if (not (boundp 'resize-window-orig))
(: resize-window-orig resize-window)
(defun resize-window args
(if (and raise-on-resize (< (length args) 2))
(if (= (length args) 1)
(raise-window-orig (# 0 args))
(if args
(eval (+ (list 'resize-window-orig) args))
(if (window-is-mapped)
;; This one is done in vtwm-icon-mgr.gwm instead
;;(if (not (boundp 'iconify-window-orig))
;; (progn
;; (: iconify-window-orig iconify-window)
;; (defun iconify-window ()
;; (if raise-on-iconify
;; (raise-window-orig))
;; (iconify-window-orig)
;; (virtual-update))
;; Some more useful functions
(defun windows-overlap (w1 w2)
(with (window w1
w1l window-x
w1t window-y
w1r (+ window-width w1l)
w1b (+ window-height w1t)
window w2
w2l window-x
w2t window-y
w2r (+ window-width w2l)
w2b (+ window-height w2t))
(and (< w2l w1r)
(< w2t w1b)
(> w2b w1t)
(> w2r w1l))))
(defun window-obscured ()
(with (unobscured t
might-obscure ())
(for w (list-of-windows 'stacking-order 'mapped)
(if (and might-obscure
(not (= (# 'float w) 'up)) ; ignore floating windows
(windows-overlap window w))
(: unobscured ()))
(if (= w window) (: might-obscure t)))
(not unobscured)))
(defun raiselower-window ()
(if (window-obscured)
(defun raise-lower-move-window ()
(if (not autofocus)
(if (deltabutton)
(defun pop-to-window ()
(if (and (wob-is-valid window)
(not (= window root-window)))
(with (wob window-window)
(defun focus-window ()
(if (= window root-window)
(setq autofocus t)
(set-focus ()))
(setq autofocus ())
(set-focus window))))
(defun sleep-now ()
(set-screen-saver 1 0 1 1)
(with (ct (+ 2000 (elapsed-time)))
(while (> ct (elapsed-time))))
(set-screen-saver 300 0 1 1))
(defun deiconify-all ()
(for wob (list-of-windows)
(defun redecorate-all ()
(with (show-icon-mgr ()
iconify-unmanaged-by-icon ()
show-virtual ())
(wob root-window)
(for wob (list-of-windows 'window)
(if (not (= window-client-class 'Gwm))
(defun virtual-coord-string (x y)
(+ "+" (itoa (virtual-x x))
"+" (itoa (virtual-y y))))
(defun place-window (flag)
(with (func (if (= window-status 'icon)
(or (# 0 (matches-cond icon-placement-list))
(std-resource-get 'GwmIconPlacement)
(= window-status 'window)
(or (# 0 (matches-cond placement-list))
(std-resource-get 'GwmPlacement)
(eval (list func flag))))
;; Openings and Closings
(: opening
(place-window t)
(: closing
(place-window ())
(: screen-opening
(: setup-done t)
(if show-pan-lists
(: screen-closing
(for wob (list-of-windows 'window)
(map-window)))) ; Dont lose unmapped windows on restart
;; Load "custom-install" here if you want to use customization menus
;; (load "custom-install")
;; User Profile
;; ---------------------------
;; Adjust these in your own profile
(for screen (list-of-screens)
screen-tile () ; Pixmap for screen background tiling
root-cursor () ; Form of root cursor
autoraise () ; Raise windows when entered
autocolormap t ; Change colormap to that of the entered window
autofocus t ; Set focus to entered window
default-placement 'vtwm-placement
default-icon-placement ()
placement-list ()
icon-placement-list ()
place-randomly t ; Place windows pseudo randomly, and not by user
raise-on-move () ; Raise windows when they are moved
raise-on-resize () ; Raise windows when they are resized
raise-on-iconify () ; Raise windows (or icons) when iconifying
to-be-done-after-setup '(progn) ; good for user setup
(for screen (list-of-screens)
(: setup-done ())
(load "vtwm-window")
(load "vtwm-zoom")
(load "vtwm-icon-mgr")
(load "vtwm-menu")
(load "virtual")
(load "virtual-door")
(load "virtual-pan")
(load "pick")
;; Here comes the user settings:
(if (= 0 gwm-quiet) (? "["))
(for screen (list-of-screens)
(load "vtwmrc"))
(if (= 0 gwm-quiet) (? "]"))
;; Some reasonable defaults if the user failed to give these:
(defaults-to root-pop
"Root Options"
'("Refresh" (refresh))
'("Exec cut"
(execute-string (+ "(? " cut-buffer ")")))
'("Restart" (restart))
'("Quit" (end)))
(defaults-to root-behavior
(on (buttonpress 3 any) (vtwm-pop-menu root-pop)))
(defaults-to vtwm-grabs ())
;; Add "virtual" behavior (scrolling on arrows)
(: standard-behavior (state-make standard-behavior (virtual-behavior)))
(: root-behavior (state-make root-behavior (virtual-behavior)))
(: vtwm-grabs (+ (virtual-grabs) vtwm-grabs))
;; Let root behavior and grabs have effect
(: root-fsm (fsm-make root-behavior))
(: grabs (: root-grabs (: window-grabs (: icon-grabs vtwm-grabs))))
(de describe-screen ()
(with (fsm root-fsm
cursor root-cursor
menu root-pop
tile screen-tile
grabs root-grabs
opening '(progn
(eval screen-opening)
(eval to-be-done-after-setup)
(if (= 0 gwm-quiet)
(? "Screen #" screen " ready.\n")))
closing '(eval screen-closing))
(window-make () () () () ())))
(de describe-window ()
(or (std-resource-get 'GwmWindow)
(or (std-resource-get 'GwmIconWindow)
;; That's all, folks
;; -----------------
(if (= 0 gwm-quiet)
(setq load original-load)
(print "done\n")