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;; string.gwm --- Basic string handling routines
;; Author: Anders Holst (
;; Copyright (C) 1994 Anders Holst
;; Last change: 19/11
;; This file is copyrighted under the same terms as the rest of GWM
;; (see the X Inc license for details). There is no warranty that it
;; works.
;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------
;; Until this is implemented as primitives, we have to do it the clumsy way
(setq ascii-list (list "\000" "\001" "\002" "\003" "\004" "\005" "\006" "\007"
"\010" "\011" "\012" "\013" "\014" "\015" "\016" "\017"
"\020" "\021" "\022" "\023" "\024" "\025" "\026" "\027"
"\030" "\031" "\032" "\033" "\034" "\035" "\036" "\037"
"\040" "\041" "\042" "\043" "\044" "\045" "\046" "\047"
"\050" "\051" "\052" "\053" "\054" "\055" "\056" "\057"
"\060" "\061" "\062" "\063" "\064" "\065" "\066" "\067"
"\070" "\071" "\072" "\073" "\074" "\075" "\076" "\077"
"\100" "\101" "\102" "\103" "\104" "\105" "\106" "\107"
"\110" "\111" "\112" "\113" "\114" "\115" "\116" "\117"
"\120" "\121" "\122" "\123" "\124" "\125" "\126" "\127"
"\130" "\131" "\132" "\133" "\134" "\135" "\136" "\137"
"\140" "\141" "\142" "\143" "\144" "\145" "\146" "\147"
"\150" "\151" "\152" "\153" "\154" "\155" "\156" "\157"
"\160" "\161" "\162" "\163" "\164" "\165" "\166" "\167"
"\170" "\171" "\172" "\173" "\174" "\175" "\176" "\177"
"\200" "\201" "\202" "\203" "\204" "\205" "\206" "\207"
"\210" "\211" "\212" "\213" "\214" "\215" "\216" "\217"
"\220" "\221" "\222" "\223" "\224" "\225" "\226" "\227"
"\230" "\231" "\232" "\233" "\234" "\235" "\236" "\237"
"\240" "\241" "\242" "\243" "\244" "\245" "\246" "\247"
"\250" "\251" "\252" "\253" "\254" "\255" "\256" "\257"
"\260" "\261" "\262" "\263" "\264" "\265" "\266" "\267"
"\270" "\271" "\272" "\273" "\274" "\275" "\276" "\277"
"\300" "\301" "\302" "\303" "\304" "\305" "\306" "\307"
"\310" "\311" "\312" "\313" "\314" "\315" "\316" "\317"
"\320" "\321" "\322" "\323" "\324" "\325" "\326" "\327"
"\330" "\331" "\332" "\333" "\334" "\335" "\336" "\337"
"\340" "\341" "\342" "\343" "\344" "\345" "\346" "\347"
"\350" "\351" "\352" "\353" "\354" "\355" "\356" "\357"
"\360" "\361" "\362" "\363" "\364" "\365" "\366" "\367"
"\370" "\371" "\372" "\373" "\374" "\375" "\376" "\377"
(defun ord (ch)
(member ch ascii-list))
(defun chr (num)
(# num ascii-list))
(defun string-make (len ch)
(if (< len 1)
(eval (+ '(+) (list-make len ch)))))
(defun substring (i j str)
(with (len (length str)
j (if (> j len) len j)
reg (+ "^" (string-make i ".") "\\(" (string-make (- j i) ".") "\\)"))
(match reg str 1)))
(defun nth-char (n str)
(with (reg (+ "^" (string-make n ".") "\\(.\\)"))
(match reg str 1)))
(defun explode (str)
(with (len (length str))
(if (= len 1)
(list (ord str))
(> len 9)
(+ (explode (substring 0 9 str)) (explode (substring 9 len str)))
(with (reg (string-make len "\\(.\\)")
nums (with (i 0) (mapfor ele (list-make len) (: i (+ 1 i)))))
(mapfor ch (eval (+ '(match reg str) nums)) (ord ch))))))
(defun implode (lst)
(eval (+ '(+) (mapfor ind lst (chr ind)))))
;; Try to handle iso-latin...
(defun str-down-ind (ind)
(if (or (and (> ind 64) (< ind 91))
(and (> ind 191) (< ind 223)))
(+ ind 32)
(defun str-up-ind (ind)
(if (or (and (> ind 96) (< ind 123))
(and (> ind 223) (< ind 255)))
(- ind 32)
(defun str-letter-ind (ind)
(or (and (> ind 64) (< ind 91))
(and (> ind 96) (< ind 123))
(and (> ind 191) (< ind 223))
(and (> ind 223) (< ind 255))))
(defun downcase (str)
(implode (mapfor ind (explode str)
(str-down-ind ind))))
(defun upcase (str)
(implode (mapfor ind (explode str)
(str-up-ind ind))))
(defun capitalize (str)
(with (first-done ())
(implode (mapfor ind (explode str)
(if first-done
(str-down-ind ind)
(not (str-letter-ind ind))
(setq first-done t)
(str-up-ind ind)))))))