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; Anders Hoslt virtual screen package loader for the standard profile
; ===================================================================
;;Author: (Colas NAHABOO) -- Bull Research FRANCE
;;Revision: 1.0 -- June 28 1995
;; A wrapper to use Anders very nice virtual screen package in the
;; standard profile
;; see virtual.gwm and virtual-door.gwm for complete options
;; here is an example of use in your .profile.gwm:
;; (setq std-virtual.doors '(
;; ("Home" screen-background)
;; ("Comp" "LightBlue3")
;; ("Mail"
;; (pixmap-make (color-make "seagreen3") "grainy" (color-make "seagreen2"))
;; background (color-make "seagreen3"))
;; ("WWW" lightgrey door-icon (pixmap-load "netscape-small.xpm"))
;; ("Text" "LightYellow3")
;; ("Games" grey)
;; ))
;; (load "std-virtual.gwm")
;; cosmetic changes, can be overriden before load
(if (not (boundp 'frame3d-win)) (load "frame-win"))
(set-window frame3d-win)
(set-window frame3d-win)
(defvar door-borderwidth 1)
(defvar door-mgr-no-outer-border t)
(defvar show-virtual t)
(defvar std-virtual.menupos 5)
(defvar std-virtual.windowmenupos 5)
(defvar std-virtual.iconmenupos 0)
(defvar lightgrey (color-make "LightGrey"))
(defvar door-background lightgrey)
(defvar virtual-background (color-make "grey90"))
(defvar initial-doors ())
(defvar std-virtual.doors '("Home" "Free"))
(defvar virtual-horizontal-step screen-width)
(defvar virtual-vertical-step screen-height)
(defvar door-mgr-xpos (- screen-width 250))
(defvar door-mgr-ypos (- screen-height
(+ 16 (* 16 (/ (+ 1 (length std-virtual.doors)) 2)))))
(defvar virtual-pixsize 181)
(defvar virtual-xpos door-mgr-xpos)
(defvar virtual-ypos (- door-mgr-ypos (+ virtual-pixsize 16)))
;; behaviors
;; a change: button 2 (action) on icon de-iconifies and follows the window
(: icon-behavior
(on (buttonrelease action-button any)
(with (deiconified-win window-window)
(setq window window-window)
(de de-iconify-window-in-current-room ()
(with (win window-window
x 0 y 0
(setq window win)
(setq x (% window-x screen-width))
(setq y (% window-y screen-height))
(if (< x 0) (setq x (+ x screen-width)))
(if (< y 0) (setq y (+ y screen-height)))
(move-window x y)
;; menu entries
;; add entries in the root, window, icon menus
;; root: entry to toggle global map
;; window: nail/un-nail virtual window
;; icon: an entry to de-iconify in this room
(if (not (boundp ' (progn
(setq t)
(insert-at '(multi-item-make
("Virtual Map On" (progn (setq show-virtual t) (virtual-show)))
("Off" (progn (setq show-virtual ()) (virtual-show)))
(insert-at '(multi-item-make
"Virtual" ()
("Pick" (progn
(if (virtual-nailed) () (virtual-nail))
(if virtual-omit-nailed (virtual-update))
("Drop" (progn
(if (virtual-nailed) (virtual-unnail))
(if virtual-omit-nailed (virtual-update))
(insert-at '(item-make "de-icon here" (de-iconify-window-in-current-room))
;; load the packages themselves
(load "load-virtual.gwm")
(load "virtual-action.gwm")
(load "pick.gwm")
;; door manager
;; then create the defaults doors specified in std-virtual.doors
(for doorname std-virtual.doors
(with (context '() name doorname)
(if (= (type doorname) 'list) (progn
(setq color (eval (# 1 doorname)))
(setq name (# 0 doorname))
(if color
(if (= (type color) 'number)
() ;already a color
(= (type color) 'pixmap) ;a tile
(setq context (+ (list
'tile color
) context
(setq color (color-make color)) ;default
(setq context (+
(if (= (type color) 'pixmap) () (list 'background color))
(setq context (+ context (sublist 2 (length doorname) doorname)))
(setq door-context (+ (list (atom name) context) door-context))
(setq screen-opening (+ screen-opening (list
(list 'std-virtual.add-door name
(list 'list ''door-set-background color))))))
(setq screen-opening (+ screen-opening (list
(list 'add-door name)))))
(defun door-set-background (color)
(with (wob root-window)
(if color
(if (= (type color) 'pixmap)
(setq wob-tile color)
(setq wob-background color))
(defun std-virtual.add-door (name action)
(with (position (add-door name))
(virtual-action-add position action)