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;;File: mwm-functions.gwm --
;;Author: (Colas NAHABOO) -- Bull Research FRANCE
;;Author: Frederic CHARTON
;;Author: Glen Whitney
;;Revision: 1.0 -- Sep 12 1989
;;Revision: 1.1 -- Feb 5 1991
;;State: Exp
;;GWM Version: 1.7d
; Description of mwm functions :
; - f.function_name : the function
; - e.function_name : the validity field of the function
; e.function_name determines if an item is enable or not,
; the function evaluation looks like : (if e.fctn (f.fctn))
(df f.beep () (bell))
(: e.beep t)
(df f.circle_down () (circulate-windows-down))
(: e.circle_down t)
(df f.circle_up () (circulate-windows-up))
(: e.circle_up t)
(df f.eval args (eval (# 0 args)))
(: e.eval t)
(df f.focus_key ())
(: e.focus_key t)
(df f.identify ()
(pop-up-win "Version"
(+ "Name: " window-name)
(+ "Icon name: " window-icon-name)
(+ "Resource name: " window-client-name)
(+ "Resource class: " window-client-class)
(+ "Client machine: " window-machine-name)
(+ "Geometry: " (itoa (# 0 window-size))
"x" (itoa (# 1 window-size))
"+" (itoa window-x)
"+" (itoa window-y))
(if window-is-shaped "Shaped" "Rectangular")))
(: e.identify t)
(df f.kill ()
(send-user-event 'depop)
(: e.kill t)
(df f.delete ()
(send-user-event 'depop)
(: e.delete t)
(df f.load (file)
(load file))
(: e.load t)
(df f.lower () (lower-window))
(: e.lower t)
(df f.maximize () (zoom))
(: e.maximize '(and (not (# 'zoom window-property))
(not (= window-status 'icon))))
(df args
(eval (+ '(menu.pop) args))
(: t)
(df f.minimize ()
(if (and (= keyboardFocusPolicy 'explicit) autoKeyFocus)
(: e.minimize '(not (= window-status 'icon)))
(df f.move ()
(if action-by-menu (warp-pointer (/ window-width 2) (/ window-height 2) window))
(with (cursor cross-cursor)
(if (= window-status 'icon)
(: e.move t)
(df f.nop () )
(: e.nop t)
(df f.normalize ()
(if (= window-status 'icon)
(if (and (= keyboardFocusPolicy 'explicit) deiconifyKeyFocus)
(set-focus window-window)
(zoom) ) )
(: e.normalize '(or (= window-status 'icon) (# 'zoom window-property)))
(df f.show_sel ()
(pop-up-win "Cut Buffer"
"Contents of selection buffer:"
(: e.show_sel t)
(defun string-of (thing)
(with (type-is ())
(: type-is (type thing))
(= thing nil) "nil"
(= type-is 'string) (+ "\"" thing "\"")
(= type-is 'atom) (+ "" thing)
(= type-is 'active) (+ "" thing)
(= type-is 'bar) "{BAR}"
(= type-is 'client) "{CLIENT}"
(= type-is 'number) (itoa thing)
(member type-is '(subr fsubr expr fexpr)) "{FUNCTION}"
(= type-is 'list)
(+ "(" (eval (+ (list '+)
(mapfor elt thing (+ (string-of elt) " ")))) ")")
"{Other Obj}")))
(df f.eval_sel ()
(with (dummy ())
(execute-string (+ "(: dummy " cut-buffer ")"))
(pop-up-win "Evaluate"
"GWM value of selection:"
(string-of dummy))))
(: e.eval_sel t)
(df f.post_wmenu (button)
(menu.pop (window-menu) button)
(: e.post_wmenu t)
(df f.quit_mwm () (end))
(: e.quit_mwm '(= window-status 'root))
(df f.raise ()
(with (l (list-of-windows 'stacking-order))
(if (not (= window (# (- (length l) 1) l)))
(if (= window-status 'icon)
(raise-window (# (- (length l) 1) l))
(: e.raise t)
(df f.raise_lower ()
(with (win-unobscured t
might-obscure ())
(for w (list-of-windows 'stacking-order 'mapped)
(if (and might-obscure
(obscured-by window w))
(: win-unobscured ()))
(if (= w window) (: might-obscure t)))
(if win-unobscured
(: e.raise_lower t)
(df f.raise_move ()
(: e.raise_move t)
(df f.refresh () (refresh))
(: e.refresh t)
(df f.refresh_win () (refresh window))
(: e.refresh_win t)
(df f.resize () (send-user-event 'resize-by-menu))
(: e.resize '(= window-status 'window))
(df f.restart () (restart))
(: e.restart '(= window-status 'root))
(df f.set_behavior ())
(: e.set_behavior t)
(df f.title ())
(: e.title t)
(df f.warpto (name)
(with (found-window () winlist (list-of-windows 'window 'mapped))
(for w winlist
(with (wob w)
(if (and (not found-window)
(match name window-name))
(: found-window t)
(warp-pointer (/ window-width 2)
(/ window-height 2) w)))))))
(: e.warpto t)
(df f.exec args (if (= (length args) 1) (! "/bin/sh" "-c" (# 0 args))
(eval (+ '(!) args)))
(: e.exec t)
(df f.exec-cut () (execute-string (+ "(? " cut-buffer ")")) )
(: e.exec-cut t)
(de f.pack_icons ()
(with (theIconList (list-of-windows 'icon 'mapped)
i 0 l (length theIconList)
(: icon-array (list-make (* nb-icons.w nb-icons.h)))
(while (< i l)
(with (thePlace (auto-get-place)
X (# 0 thePlace)
Y (# 1 thePlace)
thePixelPlace (XY-to-xy X Y)
x (# 0 thePixelPlace)
y (# 1 thePixelPlace)
theIcon (# i theIconList)
(set-icon-of-array X Y theIcon)
(move-window theIcon x y)
(## 'X theIcon X)
(## 'Y theIcon Y)
(: i (+ i 1))
(: e.pack_icons iconAutoPlace)
(df () (? "Window: " (window-client-name) "."
(window-client-class) "."
(window-name) "@"
(window-machine-name) "\n")
(: t)
(df f.termcap () (progn (send-key-to-window "eval `resize`" alone)
(send-key-to-window 0xff0d alone)
(: e.termcap '(= window-client-class "XTerm"))