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;; fvwm-window.gwm --- FVWM style windows.
;; Author: Anders Holst (
;; Copyright (C) 1996 Anders Holst
;; Last change: 14/8 1996
;; This file is copyrighted under the same terms as the rest of GWM
;; (see the X Inc license for details). There is no warranty that it
;; works.
;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------
;; This file defines a FVWM style window that should work together with
;; (at least) the standard profile and the VTWM profile in GWM.
;; It may not be a complete FVWM window, but I think it is quite close.
;; This window style cooperates with (but does not require) the virtual
;; screen package. If you use a specific color for "nailed" ("sticky")
;; windows, you should call 'fvwm-nail-window', 'fvwm-unnail-window' and
;; 'fvwm-toggle-nail-window' instead of the corresponding functions in
;; the virtual package.
;; In general, since it is possible to specify any strange conditions on
;; what colors a window should have, the function `fvwm-update-color'
;; could be called for a window whenever these conditions have changed
;; for it.
;; NOTE: This window style consumes bitmaps. There is a huge number of
;; bitmaps involved for each window, and since each window can have its
;; own proportions and colors, bitmaps are not shared between windows.
;; You probably want to change the variables under "USER CUSTOMIZABLE
;; VARIABLES", so copy them to your own profile and set them there.
;; ---------------------------
;; Adjust these in your own profile
(with (wob wob)
(for screen (list-of-screens)
fvwm-color "tan" ; Main color of window
fvwm-active-color "palevioletred" ; Color when in focus, as above if ()
fvwm-title-color "black" ; Color of title text
fvwm-active-title-color () ; Color of text when in focus
fvwm-title-font (font-make "6x13bold") ; Font of title text
fvwm-title-width () ; Title width. If (), set from font.
fvwm-frame-width 6 ; Frame width.
fvwm-corner-size () ; Resize corner size. If (), set automatic.
fvwm-has-frame t ; Window has border or resize handles
fvwm-has-resize t ; Window has resize handles
fvwm-has-title t ; Window has title bar
fvwm-wide-shadow () ; Slightly wider shadows around title bar
fvwm-inner-border -1 ; Use of inner border
fvwm-outer-border () ; Use of outer border
fvwm-left-plugs '((horizontal-rectangle (fvwm-pop-menu window-pop) press))
fvwm-right-plugs '((up-triangle (zoom-window))
(down-triangle (iconify-window) release))
; Left and right plugs in the titlebar, a list of pairs
; or triplets: ( <button-graphic> <action> [<action-type>] )
; The optional third element <action-type> can be `press' or
; `release', if the action should be all done on the button press
; (good for menus) or executed on the button release (good for
; eg. iconification and deletion of the window).
; Possible graphics are: small-square, medium-square,
; large-square, horizontal-rectangle, vertical-rectangle,
; medium-circle, medium-diamond, down-triangle, and up-triangle.
; Check how these are defined if you like to do your own.
fvwm-border-action '(move-window)
fvwm-corner-action '(fvwm-resize-window)
fvwm-side-action '(fvwm-resize-window)
fvwm-title-action '(raise-lower-move-window)
; Actions to execute when pressing the border, the resize corner,
; the resize side, or the title bar.
; These actions, and the <action> components for the left and right
; plugs above, can actually also be lists of pairs or triplets:
; ( <button-spec> <action> [<action-type>] ), where <button-spec>
; is a mouse button number or a list with a mouse button number
; followed by any number of modifiers.
fvwm-color-styles '(((virtual-nailed) "palegreen")
(XTerm "grey")
(Emacs "lightblue"))
; List of (<win-spec> <color> <active-color> <title-color>
; <active-title-color>) specifications, to get different colors
; on different windows. <win-spec> can be an atom (matching the
; client class), a string (regexp matching title), or an
; arbitrary expression (giving nil or non-nil).
fvwm-window-styles '(((matches-list '(XClock XLoad XBiff Gwm))
resize () title () color "tan" active-color ()
frame-width 5 inner-border ()))
; List of (<win-spec> <prop1> <val1> ...) specifications, to
; get individual appearances on windows. The possible <prop_i>
; for which individual values can be specified are:
; color, active-color, title-color, active-title-color,
; title-font, title-width, frame-width, corner-size, frame,
; resize, title, wide-shadow, inner-border, outer-border,
; left-plugs, right-plugs, border-action, corner-action,
; side-action, title-action.
; A window can match several of the <win-spec> in the list (unlike
; `fvwm-color-styles' where only the first hit applies).
fvwm-virtual-colors t ; Affect colors in virtual map.
;; End of user customizable things. Here starts the real code.
(setq fvwm-resize-cursors t)
(declare-screen-dependent fvwm-frame-cursor)
(with (wob wob)
(for screen (list-of-screens)
(setq cursor-NW (cursor-make 134))
(setq cursor-NE (cursor-make 136))
(setq cursor-SW (cursor-make 12))
(setq cursor-SE (cursor-make 14))
(setq cursor-N (cursor-make 138))
(setq cursor-S (cursor-make 16))
(setq cursor-W (cursor-make 70))
(setq cursor-E (cursor-make 96))
(setq fvwm-frame-cursor (cursor-make 68)))))
;; First some prerequisites from other places.
(if (not (boundp 'deltabutton))
(load "deltabutton"))
(if (or (not (boundp 'raise-lower-move-window))
(not (boundp 'window-obscured))
(not (boundp 'windows-overlap)))
(defun windows-overlap (w1 w2)
(with (window w1
w1l window-x
w1t window-y
w1r (+ window-width w1l)
w1b (+ window-height w1t)
window w2
w2l window-x
w2t window-y
w2r (+ window-width w2l)
w2b (+ window-height w2t))
(and (< w2l w1r)
(< w2t w1b)
(> w2b w1t)
(> w2r w1l))))
(defun window-obscured ()
(with (unobscured t
might-obscure ())
(for w (list-of-windows 'stacking-order 'mapped)
(if (and might-obscure
(not (= (# 'float w) 'up)) ; ignore floating windows
(windows-overlap window w))
(setq unobscured ()))
(if (= w window) (setq might-obscure t)))
(not unobscured)))
(defun raiselower-window ()
(if (window-obscured)
(defun raise-lower-move-window ()
(if (deltabutton)
(if (not (boundp 'zoom-window))
(if (not (boundp 'virtual-nailed))
(defun virtual-nailed () ())
(defun virtual-x (x) x)
(defun virtual-y (y) y)
(if (not (boundp 'pop-to-window))
(setq pop-to-window raise-window))
(load "vtwm-zoom")
(setq zoom-window-method-list '((XTerm zoom-window-vert)
(XVroot zoom-window-prop)
(t zoom-window-full)))
;; Specific menus are not written yet. Find some good alternative.
(setq fvwm-pop-menu (or (eval (boundp 'std-pop-menu))
(eval (boundp 'vtwm-pop-menu))
;; Redefinition to make colors in the virtual map follow the windows
(defun virt-get-color ()
(with (res (if (= window root-window)
(with (ele (# 0 virtual-fancy-colors))
(if (and ele
(or (not (# 0 ele))
(= (type (# 0 ele)) 'number)))
(and fvwm-virtual-colors
(# 'virt-col window))
(list () (# 'virt-col window))
(matches-cond virtual-fancy-colors)))
(if (not res)
(list virtual-foreground
(if virtual-show-filled
(not (# 0 res))
(list virtual-foreground
(# 1 res))
;; =======
(defun darken-color (col)
(with (rgb (color-components col))
(color-make-rgb (/ (* (# 0 rgb) 2) 3)
(/ (* (# 1 rgb) 2) 3)
(/ (* (# 2 rgb) 2) 3))))
(defun lighten-color (col)
(with (rgb (color-components col)
wht (color-components white))
(color-make-rgb (/ (+ (# 0 wht) (# 0 rgb)) 2)
(/ (+ (# 1 wht) (# 1 rgb)) 2)
(/ (+ (# 2 wht) (# 2 rgb)) 2))))
(defun make-color-scheme (bg fg)
(with (bg (if (= (type bg) 'number) bg (color-make bg))
fg (if (= (type fg) 'number) fg (color-make fg))
dark (darken-color bg)
light (lighten-color bg))
(list light bg dark fg)))
; =========
(defun fvwm-vbar-tile (size active spec)
(with (cols (if active active-color-scheme color-scheme)
foreground (# 1 cols)
tile ()
theTile (pixmap-make size 1))
(with (foreground (# 0 cols))
(draw-line theTile 0 0 (if (eq spec 'right) 0 1) 0))
(with (foreground (# 2 cols))
(draw-line theTile (- size 1) 0 (- size (if (eq spec 'left) 1 2)) 0))
(defun fvwm-hbar-tile (size active spec)
(with (cols (if active active-color-scheme color-scheme)
foreground (# 1 cols)
tile ()
theTile (pixmap-make 1 size))
(with (foreground (# 0 cols))
(draw-line theTile 0 0 0 (if (eq spec 'title) 0 1)))
(with (foreground (# 2 cols))
(draw-line theTile 0 (- size 1) 0 (- size (if spec 1 2))))
(defun fvwm-tl-pixmap (w h active seam spec)
(with (cols (if active active-color-scheme color-scheme)
foreground (# 1 cols)
tile ()
theTile (pixmap-make w h))
(with (foreground (# 0 cols))
(draw-line theTile 0 0 (- w 1) 0)
(draw-line theTile 0 1 (- w 1) 1)
(draw-line theTile 0 0 0 (- h 1))
(draw-line theTile 1 0 1 (- h 1))
(if seam (draw-line theTile (- w 1) 0 (- w 1) (- h 2)))
(with (foreground (# 2 cols))
(if spec
(draw-line theTile (- h 1) (- h 1) (- w 1) (- h 1))
(draw-line theTile (- h 2) (- h 2) (- w 2) (- h 2))
(draw-line theTile (- h 2) (- h 1) (- w 1) (- h 1))))
(if seam (draw-line theTile (- w 2) 1 (- w 2) (- h 1)))
(defun fvwm-tr-pixmap (w h active seam spec)
(with (cols (if active active-color-scheme color-scheme)
foreground (# 1 cols)
tile ()
theTile (pixmap-make w h))
(with (foreground (# 0 cols))
(draw-line theTile 0 0 (- w 1) 0)
(draw-line theTile 0 1 (- w 2) 1)
(if seam (draw-line theTile 1 0 1 (- h 2)))
(if (not spec)
(draw-line theTile (+ (- w h) 1) (- h 1) (+ (- w h) 1) (- h 1)))
(with (foreground (# 2 cols))
(if seam (draw-line theTile 0 1 0 (- h 1)))
(draw-line theTile (- w 1) 1 (- w 1) (- h 1))
(draw-line theTile (- w 2) 2 (- w 2) (- h 1))
(if (not spec)
(draw-line theTile 0 (- h 1) (- w h) (- h 1))
(if (> w h)
(draw-line theTile 0 (- h 1) (- w h 1) (- h 1))))
(if (not spec)
(draw-line theTile (if seam 2 0) (- h 2) (+ (- w h) 1) (- h 2)))
(defun fvwm-bl-pixmap (w h active seam)
(with (cols (if active active-color-scheme color-scheme)
foreground (# 1 cols)
tile ()
theTile (pixmap-make w h))
(with (foreground (# 0 cols))
(draw-line theTile 0 0 0 (- h 1))
(draw-line theTile 1 0 1 (- h 2))
(draw-line theTile h 0 (- w 1) 0)
(draw-line theTile (- h 1) 1 (- w 1) 1)
(if seam (draw-line theTile (- w 1) 0 (- w 1) (- h 2)))
(with (foreground (# 2 cols))
(draw-line theTile 1 (- h 1) (- w 1) (- h 1))
(draw-line theTile 2 (- h 2) (- w (if seam 2 1)) (- h 2))
(draw-line theTile (- h 2) 0 (- h 1) 0)
(draw-line theTile (- h 2) 1 (- h 2) 1)
(if seam (draw-line theTile (- w 2) 1 (- w 2) (- h 1)))
(defun fvwm-br-pixmap (w h active seam)
(with (cols (if active active-color-scheme color-scheme)
foreground (# 1 cols)
tile ()
theTile (pixmap-make w h))
(with (foreground (# 0 cols))
(draw-line theTile 0 0 (+ (- w h) 1) 0)
(draw-line theTile 0 1 (+ (- w h) 1) 1)
(if seam (draw-line theTile 1 0 1 (- h 2)))
(with (foreground (# 2 cols))
(draw-line theTile 0 (- h 1) (- w 1) (- h 1))
(draw-line theTile (if seam 2 0) (- h 2) (- w 1) (- h 2))
(draw-line theTile (- w 1) 0 (- w 1) (- h 1))
(draw-line theTile (- w 2) 0 (- w 2) (- h 2))
(if seam (draw-line theTile 0 1 0 (- h 1)))
(defun fvwm-bv-pixmap (w h active)
(with (cols (if active active-color-scheme color-scheme)
foreground (# 1 cols)
tile ()
theTile (pixmap-make w h))
(with (foreground (# 0 cols))
(draw-line theTile 0 1 (- w 1) 1)
(draw-line theTile 0 0 0 (- h 1))
(draw-line theTile 1 1 1 (- h 1))
(with (foreground (# 2 cols))
(draw-line theTile 1 0 (- w 1) 0)
(draw-line theTile (- w 1) 0 (- w 1) (- h 1))
(draw-line theTile (- w 2) 2 (- w 2) (- h 1))
(defun fvwm-tv-pixmap (w h active spec)
(with (cols (if active active-color-scheme color-scheme)
foreground (# 1 cols)
tile ()
theTile (pixmap-make w h))
(with (foreground (# 0 cols))
(draw-line theTile 0 0 0 (- h 1))
(if (not (eq spec 'right))
(draw-line theTile 1 0 1 (- h 1)))
(draw-line theTile 0 (- h 1) (- w 2) (- h 1))
(with (foreground (# 2 cols))
(if (not (eq spec 'left))
(draw-line theTile (- w 2) 0 (- w 2) (- h 2)))
(draw-line theTile (- w 1) 0 (- w 1) (- h 1))
(draw-line theTile 1 (- h 2) (- w 1) (- h 2))
; Frame Behavior
; ===============
(setq fvwm-frame-behavior
(on (user-event 'focus-in)
(wob-tile (# 'activepixmap wob-property)) )
(on (user-event 'focus-out)
(wob-tile (# 'pixmap wob-property)) )
(on (user-event 're-color)
(with (redo-expr (# 'redo-expr wob-property)
ntile (with (active ()) (eval redo-expr))
atile (with (active t) (eval redo-expr)))
(if (eq (wob-tile) (# 'activepixmap wob-property))
(wob-tile atile)
(wob-tile ntile))
(## 'pixmap wob ntile)
(## 'activepixmap wob atile))))
; Title Behavior
; ===============
(setq fvwm-title-behavior
(on (user-event 'focus-in)
(wob-tile (# 'activepixmap wob-property)) )
(on (user-event 'focus-out)
(wob-tile (# 'pixmap wob-property)) )
(on (user-event 'press)
(wob-tile (# 'pressedpixmap wob-property)) )
(on (user-event 'release)
(wob-tile (# 'activepixmap wob-property)) )
(on (user-event 'pre-color)
(with (redo-expr (# 'redo-expr wob-property)
ntile (with (active () pressed ()) (eval redo-expr))
atile (with (active t pressed ()) (eval redo-expr))
ptile (with (active t pressed t) (eval redo-expr)))
(## 'new-npm wob ntile)
(## 'new-apm wob atile)
(## 'new-ppm wob ptile)))
(on (user-event 're-color)
(with (redo-expr (# 'redo-expr wob-property)
ntile (# 'new-npm wob)
atile (# 'new-apm wob)
ptile (# 'new-ppm wob))
(if (eq (wob-tile) (# 'activepixmap wob-property))
(wob-tile atile)
(eq (wob-tile) (# 'pressedpixmap wob-property))
(wob-tile ptile)
(wob-tile ntile))
(## 'pixmap wob ntile)
(## 'activepixmap wob atile)
(## 'pressedpixmap wob ptile))))
(setq fvwm-title-plug-behavior
(on (user-event 'focus-in)
(wob-tile (# 'activepixmap wob-property)))
(on (user-event 'focus-out)
(wob-tile (# 'pixmap wob-property)))
(on (user-event 're-color)
(with (label-vertical-margin 0
label-horizontal-margin 0
font (# 'font wob-property)
name (eval (# 'name-expr wob-property))
background (# 1 active-color-scheme)
foreground (# 3 active-color-scheme)
atile (label-make name)
background (# 1 color-scheme)
foreground (# 3 color-scheme)
ntile (label-make name))
(wob-tile (if (eq (wob-tile) (# 'activepixmap wob-property))
atile ntile))
(## 'pixmap wob ntile)
(## 'activepixmap wob atile)
(## 'bg wob (# 1 color-scheme))
(## 'abg wob (# 1 active-color-scheme))
(## 'fg wob (# 3 color-scheme))
(## 'afg wob (# 3 active-color-scheme))))
(on (user-event 'name-change)
(with (label-vertical-margin 0
label-horizontal-margin 0
font (# 'font wob-property)
name (eval (# 'name-expr wob-property))
background (# 'abg wob-property)
foreground (# 'afg wob-property)
atile (label-make name)
background (# 'bg wob-property)
foreground (# 'fg wob-property)
ntile (label-make name))
(wob-tile (if (eq (wob-tile) (# 'activepixmap wob-property))
atile ntile))
(## 'pixmap wob ntile)
(## 'activepixmap wob atile))))
; =========
(defunq fvwm-border-plug (pix-expr)
(with (borderwidth 0
fsm (fsm-make (state-make fvwm-frame-behavior
(fvwm-button-behavior fvwm-border-action ())))
tile ()
pixmap (with (active ()) (eval pix-expr))
activepixmap (with (active t) (eval pix-expr))
property (list 'pixmap pixmap 'activepixmap activepixmap
'redo-expr pix-expr))
(plug-make pixmap)))
(defunq fvwm-resize-plug (cur pix-expr)
(with (borderwidth 0
cursor (if fvwm-resize-cursors (eval cur) fvwm-frame-cursor)
fsm (fsm-make (state-make fvwm-frame-behavior
(fvwm-button-behavior fvwm-corner-action ())))
tile ()
pixmap (with (active ()) (eval pix-expr))
activepixmap (with (active t) (eval pix-expr))
property (list 'pixmap pixmap 'activepixmap activepixmap
'redo-expr pix-expr))
(plug-make pixmap)))
(defun fvwm-border-plug-tl (small)
(if small
(fvwm-border-plug (fvwm-tl-pixmap frame-width (- frame-width 1)
active () t))
(fvwm-border-plug (fvwm-tl-pixmap frame-width frame-width
active () ()))))
(defun fvwm-border-plug-tr (small)
(if small
(fvwm-border-plug (fvwm-tr-pixmap frame-width (- frame-width 1)
active () t))
(fvwm-border-plug (fvwm-tr-pixmap frame-width frame-width
active () ()))))
(defun fvwm-border-plug-bl ()
(fvwm-border-plug (fvwm-bl-pixmap frame-width frame-width
active ())))
(defun fvwm-border-plug-br ()
(fvwm-border-plug (fvwm-br-pixmap frame-width frame-width
active ())))
(defun fvwm-resize-vplug-tl ()
(fvwm-resize-plug cursor-NW
(fvwm-tv-pixmap frame-width
(- corner-size frame-width)
active ())))
(defun fvwm-resize-vplug-tr ()
(fvwm-resize-plug cursor-NE
(fvwm-tv-pixmap frame-width
(- corner-size frame-width)
active ())))
(defun fvwm-resize-vplug-tl2 (wide)
(with (fsm (fsm-make (state-make fvwm-frame-behavior
(fvwm-button-behavior fvwm-side-action ())))
borderwidth 0
bar-min-width 0
bar-max-width 1000
cursor (if fvwm-resize-cursors cursor-W fvwm-frame-cursor)
redo-expr (if wide
'(fvwm-vbar-tile frame-width active ())
'(fvwm-vbar-tile (- frame-width 1) active 'left))
tile (with (active ()) (eval redo-expr))
atile (with (active t) (eval redo-expr))
property (list 'pixmap tile 'activepixmap atile
'redo-expr redo-expr))
(if wide
(fvwm-resize-plug cursor-NE
(fvwm-tv-pixmap frame-width
(- corner-size frame-width)
active ()))
(fvwm-resize-plug cursor-NW
(fvwm-tv-pixmap (- frame-width 1)
(- corner-size frame-width -1)
active 'left))))))
(defun fvwm-resize-vplug-tr2 (wide)
(with (fsm (fsm-make (state-make fvwm-frame-behavior
(fvwm-button-behavior fvwm-side-action ())))
borderwidth 0
bar-min-width 0
bar-max-width 1000
cursor (if fvwm-resize-cursors cursor-E fvwm-frame-cursor)
redo-expr (if wide
'(fvwm-vbar-tile frame-width active ())
'(fvwm-vbar-tile (- frame-width 1) active 'right))
tile (with (active ()) (eval redo-expr))
atile (with (active t) (eval redo-expr))
property (list 'pixmap tile 'activepixmap atile
'redo-expr redo-expr))
(if wide
(fvwm-resize-plug cursor-NE
(fvwm-tv-pixmap frame-width
(- corner-size frame-width)
active ()))
(fvwm-resize-plug cursor-NE
(fvwm-tv-pixmap (- frame-width 1)
(- corner-size frame-width -1)
active 'right))))))
(defun fvwm-resize-vplug-tl-small (wide)
(if (> corner-size
(+ title-width frame-width (if wide 2 0)))
(if wide
(fvwm-resize-plug cursor-NW
(fvwm-tv-pixmap frame-width
(- corner-size frame-width title-width 2)
active ()))
(fvwm-resize-plug cursor-NW
(fvwm-tv-pixmap frame-width
(- corner-size frame-width title-width)
active ())))))
(defun fvwm-resize-vplug-tr-small (wide)
(if (> corner-size
(+ title-width frame-width (if wide 2 0)))
(if wide
(fvwm-resize-plug cursor-NE
(fvwm-tv-pixmap frame-width
(- corner-size frame-width title-width 2)
active ()))
(fvwm-resize-plug cursor-NE
(fvwm-tv-pixmap frame-width
(- corner-size frame-width title-width)
active ())))))
(defun fvwm-resize-vplug-bl ()
(fvwm-resize-plug cursor-SW
(fvwm-bv-pixmap frame-width
(- corner-size frame-width)
(defun fvwm-resize-vplug-br ()
(fvwm-resize-plug cursor-SE
(fvwm-bv-pixmap frame-width
(- corner-size frame-width)
(defun fvwm-resize-hplug-bl ()
(fvwm-resize-plug cursor-SW
(fvwm-bl-pixmap corner-size frame-width active t)))
(defun fvwm-resize-hplug-br ()
(fvwm-resize-plug cursor-SE
(fvwm-br-pixmap corner-size frame-width active t)))
(defun fvwm-resize-hplug-tl ()
(fvwm-resize-plug cursor-NW
(fvwm-tl-pixmap corner-size frame-width active t ())))
(defun fvwm-resize-hplug-tr ()
(fvwm-resize-plug cursor-NE
(fvwm-tr-pixmap corner-size frame-width active t ())))
(defun fvwm-resize-hplug-tl2 ()
(fvwm-resize-plug cursor-NW
(fvwm-tl-pixmap corner-size (- frame-width 1) active t t)))
(defun fvwm-resize-hplug-tr2 ()
(fvwm-resize-plug cursor-NE
(fvwm-tr-pixmap corner-size (- frame-width 1) active t t)))
; ========
(defun fvwm-border-vertical-bar (dir)
(with (
fsm (fsm-make (state-make fvwm-frame-behavior
(fvwm-button-behavior fvwm-border-action ())))
borderwidth 0
bar-min-width 0
bar-max-width 1000
cursor fvwm-frame-cursor
redo-expr (if (= dir 'left)
'(fvwm-vbar-tile (- frame-width 1) active 'left)
(= dir 'right)
'(fvwm-vbar-tile (- frame-width 1) active 'right)
'(fvwm-vbar-tile frame-width active ()))
tile (with (active ()) (eval redo-expr))
atile (with (active t) (eval redo-expr))
property (list 'pixmap tile 'activepixmap atile
'redo-expr redo-expr)
(defun fvwm-border-top-bar (small)
(with (
fsm (fsm-make (state-make fvwm-frame-behavior
(fvwm-button-behavior fvwm-border-action ())))
borderwidth 0
bar-min-width 0
bar-max-width 1000
cursor fvwm-frame-cursor
redo-expr (if small
'(fvwm-hbar-tile (- frame-width 1) active t)
'(fvwm-hbar-tile frame-width active ()))
tile (with (active ()) (eval redo-expr))
atile (with (active t) (eval redo-expr))
property (list 'pixmap tile 'activepixmap atile
'redo-expr redo-expr)
(bar-make (fvwm-border-plug-tl small) () (fvwm-border-plug-tr small))
(defun fvwm-border-bottom-bar ()
(with (
fsm (fsm-make (state-make fvwm-frame-behavior
(fvwm-button-behavior fvwm-border-action ())))
borderwidth 0
bar-min-width 0
bar-max-width 1000
cursor fvwm-frame-cursor
redo-expr '(fvwm-hbar-tile frame-width active ())
tile (with (active ()) (eval redo-expr))
atile (with (active t) (eval redo-expr))
property (list 'pixmap tile 'activepixmap atile
'redo-expr redo-expr)
(bar-make (fvwm-border-plug-bl) () (fvwm-border-plug-br))
(defun fvwm-resize-left-bar (title wide)
(with (
fsm (fsm-make (state-make fvwm-frame-behavior
(fvwm-button-behavior fvwm-side-action ())))
borderwidth 0
bar-min-width 0
bar-max-width 1000
cursor (if fvwm-resize-cursors cursor-W fvwm-frame-cursor)
redo-expr '(fvwm-vbar-tile frame-width active ())
tile (with (active ()) (eval redo-expr))
atile (with (active t) (eval redo-expr))
property (list 'pixmap tile 'activepixmap atile
'redo-expr redo-expr)
(bar-make (if title
(fvwm-resize-vplug-tl-small wide)
(fvwm-resize-vplug-bl) )))
(defun fvwm-resize-right-bar (title wide)
(with (
fsm (fsm-make (state-make fvwm-frame-behavior
(fvwm-button-behavior fvwm-side-action ())))
borderwidth 0
bar-min-width 0
bar-max-width 1000
cursor (if fvwm-resize-cursors cursor-E fvwm-frame-cursor)
redo-expr '(fvwm-vbar-tile frame-width active ())
tile (with (active ()) (eval redo-expr))
atile (with (active t) (eval redo-expr))
property (list 'pixmap tile 'activepixmap atile
'redo-expr redo-expr)
(bar-make (if title
(fvwm-resize-vplug-tr-small wide)
(defun fvwm-resize-bottom-bar ()
(with (
fsm (fsm-make (state-make fvwm-frame-behavior
(fvwm-button-behavior fvwm-side-action ())))
borderwidth 0
bar-min-width 0
bar-max-width 1000
cursor (if fvwm-resize-cursors cursor-S fvwm-frame-cursor)
plug-separator 0
redo-expr '(fvwm-hbar-tile frame-width active ())
tile (with (active ()) (eval redo-expr))
atile (with (active t) (eval redo-expr))
property (list 'pixmap tile 'activepixmap atile
'redo-expr redo-expr)
(bar-make (fvwm-resize-hplug-bl)
(defun fvwm-resize-top-bar (small)
(with (
fsm (fsm-make (state-make fvwm-frame-behavior
(fvwm-button-behavior fvwm-side-action ())))
borderwidth 0
bar-min-width 0
bar-max-width 1000
cursor (if fvwm-resize-cursors cursor-N fvwm-frame-cursor)
plug-separator 0
redo-expr (if small
'(fvwm-hbar-tile (- frame-width 1) active t)
'(fvwm-hbar-tile frame-width active ()))
tile (with (active ()) (eval redo-expr))
atile (with (active t) (eval redo-expr))
property (list 'pixmap tile 'activepixmap atile
'redo-expr redo-expr)
(if small
(bar-make (fvwm-resize-hplug-tl2)
(bar-make (fvwm-resize-hplug-tl)
(defun fvwm-left-bar ()
(if has-frame
(if has-resize
(fvwm-resize-left-bar has-title wide-shadow)
(fvwm-border-vertical-bar ()))))
(defun fvwm-right-bar ()
(if has-frame
(if has-resize
(fvwm-resize-right-bar has-title wide-shadow)
(fvwm-border-vertical-bar ()))))
(defun fvwm-bottom-bar ()
(if has-frame
(if has-resize
(defun fvwm-top-bar ()
(if has-frame
(if has-resize
(fvwm-resize-top-bar (and (not wide-shadow) has-title))
(fvwm-border-top-bar (and (not wide-shadow) has-title)))))
; =============
(defun fvwm-title-plug (name-expr)
(with (borderwidth 0
label-vertical-margin 0
label-horizontal-margin 0
font title-font
name (eval name-expr)
background (# 1 active-color-scheme)
foreground (# 3 active-color-scheme)
atile (label-make name)
background (# 1 color-scheme)
foreground (# 3 color-scheme)
ntile (label-make name)
fsm (fsm-make fvwm-title-plug-behavior)
property (list 'pixmap ntile
'activepixmap atile
'font title-font
'name-expr name-expr
'bg (# 1 color-scheme)
'abg (# 1 active-color-scheme)
'fg (# 3 color-scheme)
'afg (# 3 active-color-scheme)))
(plug-make ntile)))
(defun fvwm-title-seam-pixmap (col wd)
(with (tile ()
foreground col)
(pixmap-make 1 wd)))
(defun fvwm-inner-titlebar ()
(with (
fsm (fsm-make (state-make fvwm-title-behavior
(fvwm-button-behavior fvwm-title-action 'press)))
lseam (fvwm-title-seam-pixmap (# 0 color-scheme) title-width)
rseam (fvwm-title-seam-pixmap (# 2 color-scheme) title-width)
alseam (fvwm-title-seam-pixmap (# 0 active-color-scheme) title-width)
arseam (fvwm-title-seam-pixmap (# 2 active-color-scheme) title-width)
lredo '(fvwm-title-seam-pixmap
(# (if pressed 2 0)
(if active active-color-scheme color-scheme)) title-width)
rredo '(fvwm-title-seam-pixmap
(# (if pressed 0 2)
(if active active-color-scheme color-scheme)) title-width)
redo-expr '(if pressed
(with (active-color-scheme
(list (# 2 active-color-scheme)
(# 1 active-color-scheme)
(# 0 active-color-scheme)))
(fvwm-hbar-tile title-width active 'title))
(fvwm-hbar-tile title-width active 'title))
tile (with (active () pressed ()) (eval redo-expr))
atile (with (active t pressed ()) (eval redo-expr))
ptile (with (active t pressed t) (eval redo-expr))
property (list 'pixmap tile
'activepixmap atile
'pressedpixmap ptile
'redo-expr redo-expr)
bar-min-width title-width
bar-max-width bar-min-width
(with (property (list 'pixmap lseam 'activepixmap alseam
'pressedpixmap arseam 'redo-expr lredo))
(plug-make lseam))
(fvwm-title-plug 'window-name)
(with (property (list 'pixmap rseam 'activepixmap arseam
'pressedpixmap alseam 'redo-expr rredo))
(plug-make rseam))
(defun small-square (pixmap size light dark)
(with (x1 (/ (+ size 2) 3)
x2 (- size x1 1))
(with (foreground light)
(draw-line pixmap x1 x1 x1 x2)
(draw-line pixmap x1 x1 x2 x1))
(with (foreground dark)
(draw-line pixmap x1 x2 x2 x2)
(draw-line pixmap x2 x1 x2 x2))
(defun medium-square (pixmap size light dark)
(with (x1 (/ (+ size 4) 4)
x2 (- size x1 1))
(with (foreground light)
(draw-line pixmap x1 x1 x1 x2)
(draw-line pixmap x1 x1 x2 x1))
(with (foreground dark)
(draw-line pixmap x1 x2 x2 x2)
(draw-line pixmap x2 x1 x2 x2))
(defun large-square (pixmap size light dark)
(with (x1 (/ (+ size 6) 6)
x2 (- size x1 1))
(with (foreground light)
(draw-line pixmap x1 x1 x1 x2)
(draw-line pixmap x1 x1 x2 x1))
(with (foreground dark)
(draw-line pixmap x1 x2 x2 x2)
(draw-line pixmap x2 x1 x2 x2))
(defun horizontal-rectangle (pixmap size light dark)
(with (x1 (/ (+ size 6) 6)
x2 (- size x1 1)
y1 (/ (+ size 2) 3)
y2 (- size y1 1))
(with (foreground light)
(draw-line pixmap x1 y1 x1 y2)
(draw-line pixmap x1 y1 x2 y1))
(with (foreground dark)
(draw-line pixmap x1 y2 x2 y2)
(draw-line pixmap x2 y1 x2 y2))
(defun vertical-rectangle (pixmap size light dark)
(with (y1 (/ (+ size 6) 6)
y2 (- size y1 1)
x1 (/ (+ size 2) 3)
x2 (- size x1 1))
(with (foreground light)
(draw-line pixmap x1 y1 x1 y2)
(draw-line pixmap x1 y1 x2 y1))
(with (foreground dark)
(draw-line pixmap x1 y2 x2 y2)
(draw-line pixmap x2 y1 x2 y2))
(defun medium-circle (pixmap size light dark)
(with (x1 (/ (+ size 6) 5)
x2 (- size x1 1)
o1 (/ (* (+ size 2) 3) 8)
o2 (- size o1 1))
(with (foreground light)
(draw-line pixmap o1 x1 o2 x1)
(draw-line pixmap o1 x1 x1 o1)
(draw-line pixmap x1 o1 x1 o2))
(with (foreground dark)
(draw-line pixmap x2 o1 x2 o2)
(draw-line pixmap x2 o2 o2 x2)
(draw-line pixmap o1 x2 o2 x2))
(defun medium-diamond (pixmap size light dark)
(with (x1 (/ (+ size 6) 6)
x2 (- size x1 (% size 2))
h (/ size 2))
(with (foreground dark)
(draw-line pixmap h x1 x2 h)
(draw-line pixmap x2 h h x2))
(with (foreground light)
(draw-line pixmap h x1 x1 h)
(draw-line pixmap x1 h h x2))
(defun down-triangle (pixmap size light dark)
(with (x1 (/ (+ size 4) 4)
x2 (- size x1 (% size 2) -1)
h (/ size 2))
(with (foreground light)
(draw-line pixmap x1 x1 x2 x1)
(draw-line pixmap x1 x1 h x2))
(with (foreground dark)
(draw-line pixmap x2 x1 h x2))
(defun up-triangle (pixmap size light dark)
(with (x1 (/ (- size 4) 4)
x2 (- size x1 (% size 2) 2)
h (/ (- size 2) 2))
(with (foreground dark)
(draw-line pixmap x1 x2 x2 x2)
(draw-line pixmap x2 x2 h x1))
(with (foreground light)
(draw-line pixmap x1 x2 h x1))
(defun fvwm-button-pixmap (size active pressed draw-func)
(with (cols (if active active-color-scheme color-scheme)
foreground (# 1 cols)
tile ()
last (- size 1)
pixmap (pixmap-make size size))
(with (foreground (# (if pressed 2 0) cols))
(draw-line pixmap 0 0 last 0)
(draw-line pixmap 0 1 0 last))
(with (foreground (# (if pressed 0 2) cols))
(draw-line pixmap last 0 last last)
(draw-line pixmap 1 last last last))
(eval (list draw-func pixmap size (# 0 cols) (# 2 cols)))
(defun fvwm-interpret-event (event relp)
(with (ecode (if (= (type event) 'list)
(# 0 event)
(= event t)
emod (if (= (type event) 'list)
(eval (+ '(together) (sublist 1 (length event) event)))
(if (= (type ecode) 'string)
((if relp keyrelease keypress) (key-make ecode) emod)
(= (type ecode) 'number)
((if relp buttonrelease buttonpress) ecode emod)
(setq fvwm-button-event-code ())
(defun fvwm-button-action-arc (evdesc action atype relp)
(on-eval (fvwm-interpret-event evdesc relp)
(if (not relp)
(list 'progn
'(if (and (boundp 'autofocus) (not autofocus))
(set-focus window))
'(send-user-event 'press wob)
(if (not (= atype 'release))
'(setq fvwm-button-event-code (current-event-code)))
(if (= atype 'press)
'(send-user-event 'release wob)))
(list 'progn
'(send-user-event 'release wob)
'(setq fvwm-button-rev (list (current-event-code) (current-event-modifier)))
(if (= atype 'release)
(list 'if '(= fvwm-button-event-code (current-event-code))
(defun fvwm-button-behavior (action atype)
(if (not action)
(state-make ())
(= (type action) 'fsm-state)
(and action (= (type action) 'list) (= (type (# 0 action)) 'list))
(eval (+ '(state-make)
(mapfor ele action
(fvwm-button-action-arc (# 0 ele) (# 1 ele) (# 2 ele) ()))
(mapfor ele action
(fvwm-button-action-arc (# 0 ele) (# 1 ele) (# 2 ele) t))))
(fvwm-button-action-arc t action atype ())
(fvwm-button-action-arc t action atype t))))
(defun fvwm-button-plug (draw action atype)
(with (redo-expr (list 'fvwm-button-pixmap 'title-width 'active 'pressed draw)
ntile (with (active () pressed ()) (eval redo-expr))
atile (with (active t pressed ()) (eval redo-expr))
ptile (with (active t pressed t) (eval redo-expr))
property (list 'pixmap ntile
'activepixmap atile
'pressedpixmap ptile
'redo-expr redo-expr)
fsm (fsm-make (state-make fvwm-title-behavior
(fvwm-button-behavior action atype))))
(plug-make ntile)))
(defun fvwm-title-row (border resize shadow)
(with (fsm (fsm-make fvwm-frame-behavior)
plug-separator 0
lseam-expr '(fvwm-title-seam-pixmap
(# 0 (if active active-color-scheme color-scheme))
(+ title-width 2))
rseam-expr '(fvwm-title-seam-pixmap
(# 2 (if active active-color-scheme color-scheme))
(+ title-width 2))
seams (or shadow (not border))
lseam (if seams (with (active ()) (eval lseam-expr)))
alseam (if seams (with (active t) (eval lseam-expr)))
rseam (if seams (with (active ()) (eval rseam-expr)))
arseam (if seams (with (active t) (eval rseam-expr)))
lseam-prop (list 'pixmap lseam 'activepixmap alseam
'redo-expr lseam-expr)
rseam-prop (list 'pixmap rseam 'activepixmap arseam
'redo-expr rseam-expr)
redo-expr '(fvwm-hbar-tile (+ title-width 2) active ())
tile (with (active ()) (eval redo-expr))
atile (with (active t) (eval redo-expr))
property (list 'pixmap tile 'activepixmap atile
'redo-expr redo-expr)
bar-min-width (if (and (not wide-shadow) border)
(+ title-width 1)
(+ title-width 2))
bar-max-width bar-min-width
params1 (+
(if seams (with (property lseam-prop)
(list (plug-make lseam))))
(mapfor descr fvwm-left-plugs
(fvwm-button-plug (# 0 descr) (# 1 descr) (# 2 descr)))
(list (bar-make () (fvwm-inner-titlebar) ()))
(mapfor descr fvwm-right-plugs
(fvwm-button-plug (# 0 descr) (# 1 descr) (# 2 descr)))
(if seams (with (property rseam-prop)
(list (plug-make rseam)))))
params2 (+
(if border
(if resize
(list (fvwm-resize-vplug-tl2 shadow))
(list (fvwm-border-vertical-bar (if (not shadow) 'left)))))
(list (bar-make (eval (+ '(bar-make) params1))))
(if border
(if resize
(list (fvwm-resize-vplug-tr2 shadow))
(list (fvwm-border-vertical-bar (if (not shadow) 'right)))))
(eval (+ '(bar-make) params2))))
(defun fvwm-titlebar ()
(if has-title
(with (menu ()
fsm ()
plug-separator 0
cursor fvwm-frame-cursor
borderwidth 0
bar-min-width 0
bar-max-width 1000)
(if has-frame
(bar-make (bar-make (fvwm-top-bar)
(fvwm-title-row has-frame has-resize wide-shadow)))
(fvwm-title-row has-frame has-resize wide-shadow)))
(if has-frame (fvwm-top-bar))))
; ============================
(setq fvwm-window-behavior
(on focus-out
(on focus-in
(if (eval (boundp 'autocolormap))
(on leave-window-not-from-grab
(if (or (not (boundp 'autofocus)) autofocus)
(set-focus ()))
(if (and (eval (boundp 'autofocus)) (eval (boundp 'autocolormap)))
(set-colormap-focus ()))))
(on enter-window
(if (or (not (boundp 'autofocus)) autofocus)
(on name-change
(send-user-event 'name-change)
(if (window-icon?)
(send-user-event 'name-change window-icon)
(if (boundp 'update-placements)
(with (wob window-icon)
(if (boundp 'icon-mgr-update)
(on (property-change "WM_ICON_NAME")
(if (window-icon?)
(send-user-event 'name-change window-icon)
(if (boundp 'update-placements)
(with (wob window-icon)
(if (boundp 'icon-mgr-update)
(on window-icon-pixmap-change
(if (window-icon?)
(send-user-event 'icon-pixmap-change window-icon)))
(defun maintain-focus-in ()
(send-user-event 'focus-in window)
(## 'virt-col window (# 'virt-col2 window))
(## 'virt-act window t)
(if (boundp 'icon-mgr-focusin)
(if (eval (boundp 'autoraise))
(if (and fvwm-virtual-colors
(boundp 'virtual-update)
(not (= (# 'virt-col1 window) (# 'virt-col2 window))))
; (if (eval (boundp 'autocolormap))
; (set-colormap-focus))
(defun maintain-focus-out ()
(send-user-event 'focus-out window)
(## 'virt-col window (# 'virt-col1 window))
(## 'virt-act window ())
(if (boundp 'icon-mgr-focusout)
(if (and fvwm-virtual-colors
(boundp 'virtual-update)
(not (= (# 'virt-col1 window) (# 'virt-col2 window))))
; (if (eval (boundp 'autocolormap))
; (set-colormap-focus ()))
(defunq fvwm-get-style (plist prop def)
(with (plist (eval plist)
prop (eval prop))
(if (member prop plist)
(# prop plist)
(eval def))))
(defun fvwm-get-colors (styles props)
(with (col (or (fvwm-get-style props 'color ())
(# 0 styles) fvwm-color)
acol (or (fvwm-get-style props 'active-color
(or (# 1 styles) fvwm-active-color))
tcol (or (fvwm-get-style props 'title-color ())
(# 2 styles) fvwm-title-color "black")
atcol (or (fvwm-get-style props 'active-title-color
(or (# 3 styles) fvwm-active-title-color))
(list col acol tcol atcol)))
(defun fvwm-resize-window ()
(with (resize-style 1
mwm-resize-style-corner-size (or (# 'resize-corner-size window) 1)
mwm-resize-style-catch-corners 1)
(defun fvwm-update-color ()
(with (props (matches-cond-all fvwm-window-styles)
cols (fvwm-get-colors (matches-cond fvwm-color-styles) props)
corner-size (# 'resize-corner-size window)
frame-width (# 'frame-width window)
title-width (# 'title-width window)
is-active (# 'virt-act window)
color-scheme (make-color-scheme (# 0 cols) (# 2 cols))
active-color-scheme (make-color-scheme (# 1 cols) (# 3 cols)))
(send-user-event 'pre-color window)
(send-user-event 're-color window)
(if (window-icon?)
(send-user-event 'update-color window-icon))
(## 'virt-col window (# 0 (if is-active active-color-scheme color-scheme)))
(## 'virt-col1 window (# 0 color-scheme))
(## 'virt-col2 window (# 0 active-color-scheme))
(if (and fvwm-virtual-colors (boundp 'virtual-update))
(defun fvwm-nail-window ()
(defun fvwm-unnail-window ()
(defun fvwm-toggle-nail-window ()
(defun fvwm-window ()
(with (fsm (fsm-make (state-make fvwm-window-behavior standard-behavior))
cursor fvwm-frame-cursor
props (matches-cond-all fvwm-window-styles)
cols (fvwm-get-colors (matches-cond fvwm-color-styles) props)
has-frame (fvwm-get-style props 'frame fvwm-has-frame)
has-resize (fvwm-get-style props 'resize fvwm-has-resize)
has-title (fvwm-get-style props 'title fvwm-has-title)
wide-shadow (fvwm-get-style props 'wide-shadow fvwm-wide-shadow)
title-font (fvwm-get-style props 'title-font fvwm-title-font)
fonthgt (with (font title-font
label-vertical-margin 0
label-horizontal-margin 0)
(# 3 (dimensions " ")))
title-width (or (fvwm-get-style props 'title-width fvwm-title-width)
(+ 4 fonthgt))
frame-width (fvwm-get-style props 'frame-width fvwm-frame-width)
corner-size (max (or (fvwm-get-style props 'corner-size
(+ title-width frame-width (if wide-shadow 2 0)))
(+ frame-width 2))
fvwm-left-plugs (fvwm-get-style props 'left-plugs fvwm-left-plugs)
fvwm-right-plugs (fvwm-get-style props 'right-plugs fvwm-right-plugs)
fvwm-border-action (fvwm-get-style props 'border-action fvwm-border-action)
fvwm-side-action (fvwm-get-style props 'side-action fvwm-side-action)
fvwm-corner-action (fvwm-get-style props 'corner-action fvwm-corner-action)
fvwm-title-action (fvwm-get-style props 'title-action fvwm-title-action)
inner-border (fvwm-get-style props 'inner-border fvwm-inner-border)
outer-border (fvwm-get-style props 'outer-border fvwm-outer-border)
color-scheme (make-color-scheme (# 0 cols) (# 2 cols))
active-color-scheme (make-color-scheme (# 1 cols) (# 3 cols))
inner-borderwidth (if inner-border
(if (= (type inner-border) 'number)
inner-border 1) 0)
borderwidth (if outer-border
(if (= (type outer-border) 'number)
outer-border 1) 0)
borderpixel black
property (list 'resize-corner-size (if has-resize corner-size 1)
'frame-width frame-width
'title-width title-width
'virt-col (# 0 color-scheme)
'virt-col1 (# 0 color-scheme)
'virt-col2 (# 0 active-color-scheme)
'virt-act ()))
(window-make (fvwm-titlebar) (fvwm-left-bar)
(fvwm-right-bar) (fvwm-bottom-bar) ())))