mirror of
synced 2025-02-20 23:27:33 -05:00
Add plain "list issues" command and reorganize
* Add configurable users to list issues from * Add configurable labels to require on issues * Add a CLI subcommand that lists issues according to the criteria and does nothing else * Update existing CLI REPL to list issues according to the new criteria * Clean up and reorganize config code a little * Add some basic types and function signature for listing comments on code change requests
This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
package cmd
import (
var listIssuesCmd = &cobra.Command{
Use: "list-issues",
Short: "Lists github issues meeting the configured criteria",
Long: "Lists github issues meeting the configured criteria",
Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
cfg := getConfig()
fmt.Println("list issues called")
log := zap.L()
author := vc.Author{
Email: cfg.selfEmail,
Handle: cfg.selfHandle,
Token: cfg.githubToken,
repo := vc.Repository{
LocalPath: cfg.localRepoPath,
HostDomain: cfg.repoDomain,
Name: cfg.repoName,
Owner: vc.Author{
Handle: cfg.repoHandle,
p, err := pullpal.NewPullPal(cmd.Context(), log.Named("pullpal"), author, repo)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("error creating new pull pal", err)
fmt.Println("Successfully initialized pull pal")
issueList, err := p.ListIssues(cfg.usersToListenTo, cfg.requiredIssueLabels)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("error listing issues", err)
func init() {
@ -8,11 +8,55 @@ import (
// todo: some of this config definition/usage can be moved to other packages
type config struct {
// bot credentials + github info
selfHandle string
selfEmail string
githubToken string
// remote repo info
repoDomain string
repoHandle string
repoName string
// local paths
localRepoPath string
promptPath string
responsePath string
// program settings
promptToClipboard bool
usersToListenTo []string
requiredIssueLabels []string
func getConfig() config {
return config{
selfHandle: viper.GetString("handle"),
selfEmail: viper.GetString("email"),
githubToken: viper.GetString("github-token"),
repoDomain: viper.GetString("repo-domain"),
repoHandle: viper.GetString("repo-handle"),
repoName: viper.GetString("repo-name"),
localRepoPath: viper.GetString("local-repo-path"),
promptPath: viper.GetString("prompt-path"),
responsePath: viper.GetString("response-path"),
promptToClipboard: viper.GetBool("prompt-to-clipboard"),
usersToListenTo: viper.GetStringSlice("users-to-listen-to"),
requiredIssueLabels: viper.GetStringSlice("required-issue-labels"),
// rootCmd represents the base command when called without any subcommands
var rootCmd = &cobra.Command{
Use: "pull-pal",
@ -26,16 +70,7 @@ It can be used to:
// Uncomment the following line if your bare application
// has an action associated with it:
Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
selfHandle := viper.GetString("handle")
selfEmail := viper.GetString("email")
repoDomain := viper.GetString("repo-domain")
repoHandle := viper.GetString("repo-handle")
repoName := viper.GetString("repo-name")
githubToken := viper.GetString("github-token")
localRepoPath := viper.GetString("local-repo-path")
promptPath := viper.GetString("prompt-path")
promptToClipboard := viper.GetBool("prompt-to-clipboard")
responsePath := viper.GetString("response-path")
cfg := getConfig()
log, err := zap.NewProduction()
@ -47,16 +82,16 @@ It can be used to:
log := zap.L()
author := vc.Author{
Email: selfEmail,
Handle: selfHandle,
Token: githubToken,
Email: cfg.selfEmail,
Handle: cfg.selfHandle,
Token: cfg.githubToken,
repo := vc.Repository{
LocalPath: localRepoPath,
HostDomain: repoDomain,
Name: repoName,
LocalPath: cfg.localRepoPath,
HostDomain: cfg.repoDomain,
Name: cfg.repoName,
Owner: vc.Author{
Handle: repoHandle,
Handle: cfg.repoHandle,
p, err := pullpal.NewPullPal(cmd.Context(), log.Named("pullpal"), author, repo)
@ -77,8 +112,11 @@ It can be used to:
var issue vc.Issue
var changeRequest llm.CodeChangeRequest
if promptToClipboard {
issue, changeRequest, err = p.PickIssueToClipboard(promptPath)
if cfg.promptToClipboard {
issue, changeRequest, err = p.PickIssueToClipboard(vc.ListIssueOptions{
Handles: cfg.usersToListenTo,
Labels: cfg.requiredIssueLabels,
if err != nil {
if !errors.Is(err, pullpal.IssueNotFound) {
fmt.Println("error selecting issue and/or generating prompt", err)
@ -90,7 +128,10 @@ It can be used to:
fmt.Printf("Picked issue and copied prompt to clipboard. Issue #%s\n", issue.ID)
} else {
issue, changeRequest, err = p.PickIssueToFile(promptPath)
issue, changeRequest, err = p.PickIssueToFile(vc.ListIssueOptions{
Handles: cfg.usersToListenTo,
Labels: cfg.requiredIssueLabels,
}, cfg.promptPath)
if err != nil {
if !errors.Is(err, pullpal.IssueNotFound) {
fmt.Println("error selecting issue and/or generating prompt", err)
@ -98,11 +139,11 @@ It can be used to:
fmt.Println("No issues found. Proceeding to parse prompt")
} else {
fmt.Printf("Picked issue and copied prompt to clipboard. Issue #%s. Prompt location %s\n", issue.ID, promptPath)
fmt.Printf("Picked issue and copied prompt to clipboard. Issue #%s. Prompt location %s\n", issue.ID, cfg.promptPath)
fmt.Printf("\nInsert LLM response into response file: %s", responsePath)
fmt.Printf("\nInsert LLM response into response file: %s", cfg.responsePath)
fmt.Println("Press 'enter' when ready to parse response. Enter 'skip' to skip response parsing. Enter 'exit' to exit.")
@ -114,7 +155,7 @@ It can be used to:
prURL, err := p.ProcessResponseFromFile(changeRequest, responsePath)
prURL, err := p.ProcessResponseFromFile(changeRequest, cfg.responsePath)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("error parsing LLM response and/or making version control changes", err)
@ -146,25 +187,35 @@ func init() {
rootCmd.PersistentFlags().StringP("handle", "u", "HANDLE", "handle to use for version control actions")
rootCmd.PersistentFlags().StringP("email", "e", "EMAIL", "email to use for version control actions")
rootCmd.PersistentFlags().StringP("github-token", "t", "GITHUB TOKEN", "token for authenticating Github actions")
rootCmd.PersistentFlags().StringP("repo-domain", "d", "github.com", "domain for version control server")
rootCmd.PersistentFlags().StringP("repo-handle", "o", "REPO-HANDLE", "handle of repository's owner on version control server")
rootCmd.PersistentFlags().StringP("repo-name", "n", "REPO-NAME", "name of repository on version control server")
rootCmd.PersistentFlags().StringP("github-token", "t", "GITHUB TOKEN", "token for authenticating Github actions")
rootCmd.PersistentFlags().StringP("local-repo-path", "l", "/tmp/pullpalrepo/", "path where pull pal will check out a local copy of the repository")
rootCmd.PersistentFlags().BoolP("prompt-to-clipboard", "c", false, "whether to copy LLM prompt to clipboard rather than using a file")
rootCmd.PersistentFlags().StringP("prompt-path", "p", "./path/to/prompt.txt", "path where pull pal will write the llm prompt")
rootCmd.PersistentFlags().StringP("response-path", "r", "./path/to/response.txt", "path where pull pal will read the llm response from")
rootCmd.PersistentFlags().BoolP("prompt-to-clipboard", "c", false, "whether to copy LLM prompt to clipboard rather than using a file")
rootCmd.PersistentFlags().StringSliceP("users-to-listen-to", "a", []string{}, "a list of Github users that Pull Pal will respond to")
rootCmd.PersistentFlags().StringSliceP("required-issue-labels", "i", []string{}, "a list of labels that are required for Pull Pal to select an issue")
viper.BindPFlag("handle", rootCmd.PersistentFlags().Lookup("handle"))
viper.BindPFlag("email", rootCmd.PersistentFlags().Lookup("email"))
viper.BindPFlag("github-token", rootCmd.PersistentFlags().Lookup("github-token"))
viper.BindPFlag("repo-domain", rootCmd.PersistentFlags().Lookup("repo-domain"))
viper.BindPFlag("repo-handle", rootCmd.PersistentFlags().Lookup("repo-handle"))
viper.BindPFlag("repo-name", rootCmd.PersistentFlags().Lookup("repo-name"))
viper.BindPFlag("github-token", rootCmd.PersistentFlags().Lookup("github-token"))
viper.BindPFlag("local-repo-path", rootCmd.PersistentFlags().Lookup("local-repo-path"))
viper.BindPFlag("prompt-to-clipboard", rootCmd.PersistentFlags().Lookup("prompt-to-clipboard"))
viper.BindPFlag("prompt-path", rootCmd.PersistentFlags().Lookup("prompt-path"))
viper.BindPFlag("response-path", rootCmd.PersistentFlags().Lookup("response-path"))
viper.BindPFlag("prompt-to-clipboard", rootCmd.PersistentFlags().Lookup("prompt-to-clipboard"))
viper.BindPFlag("users-to-listen-to", rootCmd.PersistentFlags().Lookup("users-to-listen-to"))
viper.BindPFlag("required-issue-labels", rootCmd.PersistentFlags().Lookup("required-issue-labels"))
func initConfig() {
@ -44,8 +44,8 @@ func NewPullPal(ctx context.Context, log *zap.Logger, self vc.Author, repo vc.Re
var IssueNotFound = errors.New("no issue found")
// PickIssueToFile is the same as PickIssue, but the changeRequest is converted to a string and written to a file.
func (p *PullPal) PickIssueToFile(promptPath string) (issue vc.Issue, changeRequest llm.CodeChangeRequest, err error) {
issue, changeRequest, err = p.PickIssue()
func (p *PullPal) PickIssueToFile(listIssueOptions vc.ListIssueOptions, promptPath string) (issue vc.Issue, changeRequest llm.CodeChangeRequest, err error) {
issue, changeRequest, err = p.PickIssue(listIssueOptions)
if err != nil {
return issue, changeRequest, err
@ -60,8 +60,8 @@ func (p *PullPal) PickIssueToFile(promptPath string) (issue vc.Issue, changeRequ
// PickIssueToClipboard is the same as PickIssue, but the changeRequest is converted to a string and copied to the clipboard.
func (p *PullPal) PickIssueToClipboard(promptPath string) (issue vc.Issue, changeRequest llm.CodeChangeRequest, err error) {
issue, changeRequest, err = p.PickIssue()
func (p *PullPal) PickIssueToClipboard(listIssueOptions vc.ListIssueOptions) (issue vc.Issue, changeRequest llm.CodeChangeRequest, err error) {
issue, changeRequest, err = p.PickIssue(listIssueOptions)
if err != nil {
return issue, changeRequest, err
@ -76,9 +76,9 @@ func (p *PullPal) PickIssueToClipboard(promptPath string) (issue vc.Issue, chang
// PickIssue selects an issue from the version control server and returns the selected issue, as well as the LLM prompt needed to fulfill the request.
func (p *PullPal) PickIssue() (issue vc.Issue, changeRequest llm.CodeChangeRequest, err error) {
func (p *PullPal) PickIssue(listIssueOptions vc.ListIssueOptions) (issue vc.Issue, changeRequest llm.CodeChangeRequest, err error) {
// TODO I should be able to pass in settings for listing issues from here
issues, err := p.vcClient.ListOpenIssues()
issues, err := p.vcClient.ListOpenIssues(listIssueOptions)
if err != nil {
return issue, changeRequest, err
@ -154,3 +154,16 @@ func (p *PullPal) ProcessResponse(codeChangeRequest llm.CodeChangeRequest, llmRe
_, url, err = p.vcClient.OpenCodeChangeRequest(codeChangeRequest, codeChangeResponse)
return url, err
// ListIssues gets a list of all issues meeting the provided criteria.
func (p *PullPal) ListIssues(handles, labels []string) ([]vc.Issue, error) {
issues, err := p.vcClient.ListOpenIssues(vc.ListIssueOptions{
Handles: handles,
Labels: labels,
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return issues, nil
@ -17,6 +17,40 @@ type Issue struct {
Author Author
func (i Issue) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("Issue ID: %s\nAuthor: %s\nSubject: %s\nBody:\n%s\nURL: %s\n", i.ID, i.Author.Handle, i.Subject, i.Body, i.URL)
// ListIssueOptions defines options for listing issues.
type ListIssueOptions struct {
// Labels defines the list of labels an issue must have in order to be listed
// The issue must have *every* label provided.
Labels []string
// Handles defines the list of usernames to list issues from
// The issue can be created by *any* user provided.
Handles []string
// Comment represents a comment on a code change request.
// TODO comments on issue?
type Comment struct {
// ChangeID is the local identifier for the code change request this comment was left on (e.g. Github PR number)
ChangeID string
// Line is the contents of the code on the line where this comment was left
Line string
Body string
Author Author
// ListCommentOptions defines options for listing comments.
type ListCommentOptions struct {
// ChangeID is the local identifier for the code change request to list comments from (e.g. Github PR number)
ChangeID string
// Handles defines the list of usernames to list comments from
// The comment can be created by *any* user provided.
Handles []string
// Author represents a commit, issue, or code change request author on a version control server.
type Author struct {
Email string
@ -45,8 +79,10 @@ func (repo Repository) HTTPS() string {
// VCClient is an interface for version control server's client, e.g. a Github or Gerrit client.
type VCClient interface {
// ListOpenIssues lists unresolved issues on the version control server.
ListOpenIssues() ([]Issue, error)
// ListOpenIssues lists unresolved issues meeting the provided criteria on the version control server.
ListOpenIssues(opts ListIssueOptions) ([]Issue, error)
// ListOpenComments lists unresolved comments meeting the provided criteria on the version control server.
ListOpenComments(opts ListCommentOptions) ([]Comment, error)
// OpenCodeChangeRequest opens a new "code change request" on the version control server (e.g. "pull request" in Github).
OpenCodeChangeRequest(req llm.CodeChangeRequest, res llm.CodeChangeResponse) (id, url string, err error)
// UpdateCodeChangeRequest updates an existing code change request on the version control server.
@ -166,17 +166,27 @@ func randomBranchName() string {
// ListOpenIssues lists unresolved issues in the Github repository.
func (gc *GithubClient) ListOpenIssues() ([]Issue, error) {
func (gc *GithubClient) ListOpenIssues(options ListIssueOptions) ([]Issue, error) {
// List and parse GitHub issues
issues, _, err := gc.client.Issues.ListByRepo(gc.ctx, gc.repo.Owner.Handle, gc.repo.Name, nil)
opt := &github.IssueListByRepoOptions{
Labels: options.Labels,
issues, _, err := gc.client.Issues.ListByRepo(gc.ctx, gc.repo.Owner.Handle, gc.repo.Name, opt)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
toReturn := []Issue{}
for _, issue := range issues {
// TODO make this filtering configurable from outside
if issue.GetUser().GetLogin() != gc.repo.Owner.Handle {
issueUser := issue.GetUser().GetLogin()
allowedUser := false
for _, u := range options.Handles {
if issueUser == u {
allowedUser = true
if !allowedUser {
@ -196,6 +206,11 @@ func (gc *GithubClient) ListOpenIssues() ([]Issue, error) {
return toReturn, nil
// ListOpenComments lists unresolved comments in the Github repository.
func (gc *GithubClient) ListOpenComments(options ListCommentOptions) ([]Comment, error) {
return nil, nil
// GetLocalFile gets the current representation of the file at the provided path from the local git repo.
func (gc *GithubClient) GetLocalFile(path string) (llm.File, error) {
fullPath := filepath.Join(gc.repo.LocalPath, path)
Reference in New Issue
Block a user