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iiogama's Personal NixOS/Home-Manager Configuration

How to build existing system with flake

cd <build repo>
sudo nixos-rebuild switch --flake ".#<hostname>"

How to update existing system's packages

sudo nixos-rebuild switch --flake ".#<hostname>" --update-input nixpkgs --commit-lock-file

How to install new system with flake

  1. Boot into live NixOS disk and run the following commands:
sudo su
nix-env -iA nixos.git
git clone <repo url> /mnt/etc/nixos
nixos-install --flake ".#<host>"
  1. Reboot machine, log in, and run the following commands:
sudo rm -r /etc/nixos/configuration.nix
  1. Move build to desired location.

Nix commands to remember

nix flake update
nix run nixpkgs#<package>



  • Create additional host configurations
  • Implement the Impermanence module
  • Implement Agenix or Sopsnix
  • Implement Stylix
  • Implement MicroVM.nix
  • Figure out urlview and yank conflict with tmux plugins